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The distribution of phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition coupled with environmental factors and metazooplankton was studied relatively intensively and over a period of four consecutive years in five ponds featuring a gradient of increasing salinity from near to that of sea water to a nine-fold concentration from 2000 to 2003. The results indicate that the physical characteristics of the water (temperature and salinity) were quite similar over the years. Nutrients, which were concentrated in pond A1, decreased with increases in salt concentration. The composition of the phytoplankton community showed strong seasonality. Diatoms dominated in the first ponds A1, A16 and C2-1, followed by dinoflagellates. Chlorophyceae dominated the phytoplankton community in the hypersaline ponds M2 and TS. Cyanobacteriae were relatively abundant in ponds M2 and TS. The highest phytoplankton density and biomass were found in the ponds with the highest salinity due to the proliferation of Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta: Volvocales). The inter-annual study of phytoplankton succession in the Sfax solar salterns showed slight differences among the years of study due to the stability of the environmental conditions. Phytoplankton communities were permanently primitive, stage 1 – structured as they failed to build complexity because of salt stress which operates for longer and above any other variables. This reduced frequency of disturbance to the existing course of regulation, allowed the community to “mature” from its “primitive” state, rather than experience frequent structural setbacks.  相似文献   
An earthquake catalogue covering the period1716–2000, comprising 2430 events, has beencompiled for the region lying between3°W-9°E and 31°N-38°N. It results fromraw data of IGN, ISC, USGS and Algeriansources, enabling an input consisting oforigin time H, geographical coordinates(longitude and latitude) and at least one of thefollowing parameters: surface wavemagnitude Ms, body wave magnitude Mb,epicentral intensities Io. Empiricalrelations permit transformations of Mb andMs into Io. The output consists in H,, , Ms, Mb, Io, and focal depth h whichis fixed to 10 km. The number ofevents falls to 1458 characterised by Ms 3.3 and Mb 3.6, or Io III. The fixed depth is suggested by thebest documented Algerian macroseismic mapsthat also lead to an empirical intensityattenuation law. A first application ofthis catalogue allows the drawing up of anupdated Seismicity and a MaximalCalculated Intensities (MCI) Maps ofAlgeria. The MCI map is obtained by usingthe empirical attenuation law: theintensities inferred by the whole eventsconstituting the catalogue are computed atnodes of a 5×5-km grid covering the area ofstudy. The corresponding maximum value isassigned to each node. The MCI map producedthat way gives precise spatial informationin comparison with Maximum ObservedIntensities (MOI) maps obtained in previousmacroseismic studies. This document may beuseful in mapping the seismic hazard inNorthern Algeria, without attachingprobabilities to ground-motionparameters.  相似文献   
We studied the seasonal distribution of the ciliate community coupled with environmental factors along the coast at three stations sampled (from March 2006 to February 2007) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea). A total of 56 species belonging to 11 orders, were identified. Harbor of Gabes station was more diversified (45 species) than both Tabia (26 species) and Karboub (31 species) stations. The ciliate assemblage was numerically dominated by Spirotrichea in Tabia (82% of the total abundance), in the Harbor of Gabes (86% of the total abundance), whereas, in Karboub, Spirotrichea represented only 40% of the total abundance. The unexpected lower quantitative importance of Spirotrichea in Karboub station was apparently the result of the high salt concentration found in water samples throughout the study, probably originating from the saline area surrounding Karboub station, known as Sabkha. The distribution of species in the nearshore of the Gulf of Gabes seemed most likely influenced by the combined effects of temperature, salinity and hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   
North Africa is one of the most earthquake-prone areas of the Mediterranean. Many devastating earthquakes, some of them tsunami-triggering, inflicted heavy loss of life and considerable economic damage to the region. In order to mitigate the destructive impact of the earthquakes, the regional seismic hazard in North Africa is assessed using the neo-deterministic, multi-scenario methodology (NDSHA) based on the computation of synthetic seismograms, using the modal summation technique, at a regular grid of 0.2?×?0.2°. This is the first study aimed at producing NDSHA maps of North Africa including five countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. The key input data for the NDSHA algorithm are earthquake sources, seismotectonic zonation, and structural models. In the preparation of the input data, it has been really important to go beyond the national borders and to adopt a coherent strategy all over the area. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the teams involved, it has been possible to properly merge the earthquake catalogues available for each country to define with homogeneous criteria the seismogenic zones, the characteristic focal mechanism associated with each of them, and the structural models used to model wave propagation from the sources to the sites. As a result, reliable seismic hazard maps are produced in terms of maximum displacement (D max), maximum velocity (V max), and design ground acceleration.  相似文献   
Teboursouk region, Northwestern Tunisia, is characterized by the diversity of its natural resources (petroleum, groundwater and minerals). It constitutes a particular site widely studied, especially from a tectonic stand point as it exhibits a complex architecture dominated by multi-scale synclinals and Triassic extrusions. It has typical karst landform that constitutes important water resources devoted for human consumption and agriculture activities, besides to the exploitation of the Mio-Plio-Quaternary aquifer (MPQ). Thus, hydrogeological investigations play a significant role in the assessment of groundwater mineralization and the evaluation of the used water quality for different purposes. Hence, the current study based on a combined geochemical–statistical investigation of 50 groundwater samples from the multilayered aquifer system in the study area give crucial information about the principal factors and processes influencing groundwater chemistry. The chemical analysis of the water samples showed that Teboursouk groundwater is dominantly of Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 water type with little contribution of Ca–Mg–HCO3, Na–K–Cl–SO4 and Na–K–HCO3. The total dissolved solids (TDS) values range from 0.37 to 3.58 g/l. The highest values are located near the Triassic outcrops. Furthermore, the hydrogeochemistry of the studied system was linked with various processes such as carbonates weathering, evaporites dissolution of Triassic outcrops and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination). Additionally, the main processes controlling Teboursouk water system were examined by means of multivariate statistical analysis (PCA and HCA) applied in this study based on 10 physicochemical parameters (TDS, pH, SO4, HCO3, pCO2, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl and NO3). Two principal components were extracted from PCA accounting 61% of total variance and revealing that the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the region were acquired through carbonates and evaporite dissolution besides to nitrate contamination. Similarly, according to Cluster analysis using Ward’s method and squared Euclidean distance, groundwater from the studied basin belongs to five different groups suggesting that the geochemical evolution of Teboursouk groundwater is controlled by dissolution of carbonates minerals, chemical weathering of Triassic evaporite outcrops, cation exchange and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination).  相似文献   
The composition and distribution of the main planktonic halophilic micro-organisms (heterotrophic and autotrophic picoplankton, nanoplankton, phytoplankton, ciliates) and metazooplankton were investigated in six ponds of increasing salinity in the solar salt works of Sfax, Tunisia, from January to December 2003. Marked changes in the composition and biomass of the communities were found along the salinity gradient, especially at salinities of 150 and 350. Autotrophic picoplankton, nanoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates and ciliates characterized the less salted ponds. Planktonic biomass was the highest at intermediate salinity as a consequence of a bloom of Ochromonas. Species richness of phytoplankton, ciliates and zooplankton greatly decrease above a salinity of 150 and typical halophiles (Dunaliella salina, cyanobacteria, Fabrea salina and Artemia salina) were found between 150 and 350 salinity. In this environment, F. salina appeared more adapted than the brine shrimp to survive during phytoplankton blooms. The halophilic plankton was however almost entirely composed of heterotrophic prokaryotes in the crystallizers. We thus observed a progressive disappearance of the autotrophic planktonic communities along the salinity gradient. Multivariate analysis of the communities provides evidence that ponds represent discrete aquatic ecosystems within this salt works.  相似文献   
We investigated the phytoplankton dynamics (determined by CHEMTAX analysis of HPLC pigment data) and its relationships with nutrients and water column structure, during two oceanographic cruises in May–June and September 2006 in the Gulf of Gabes (south-eastern Mediterranean). The May–June cruise coincided with the beginning of the summer stratification, while a strong stratification occurred in September with a more than 30 m deepening of the thermocline, and a reduction of the euphotic depth. This strong stratification resulted in a shift in nitrogen sources from nitrates to ammonium as well as phosphate depletion (0.2 μM) and a decrease in silicate concentrations (<2 μM). With the exception of chlorophyll a, pigment concentrations were higher in September than in May–June samplings. The pico- and nanophytoplankton were the major contributors to phytoplankton total biomass, accounting for 90% and 87% of total chlorophyll a in May–June and September, respectively. Picoplankton persisted throughout the entire survey, occupying different depth layers. Chlorophytes were present at substantial amounts (average 23% of total chlorophyll a) during May–June; however, they declined in September (average 5%). Diatoms were overall poorly represented in this study (2% of total chlorophyll a), due probably to silicate shortage. Apparently, the nutrient availability, but also the water column stability seemed to be among the major factors determining phytoplankton dynamics. Indeed, cyanobacteria were prominent in surface samples during the period of strong stratification, whereas the relative contribution of chlorophytes decreased, probably due to low phosphate availability.  相似文献   
Arabian Journal of Geosciences - The present work is concerned with the valorization of clay minerals of the Aleg formation (Coniacian-middle Campanian) in the clinker manufacturing. The studied...  相似文献   
The distribution of protein and carbohydrate concentrations of the particulate matter (size fraction: 0.45–160 μm) was studied, from 22 January 2003 to 02 December 2003, in three ponds of increasing salinity in the Sfax solar saltern (Tunisia). The coupling of N/P: DIN (DIN = NO2 + NO3 + NH4+) to DIP (DIP = PO43−) with P/C: protein/carbohydrates ratios along salinity gradient allowed the discrimination of three types of ecosystems. Pond A1 (mean salinity: 45.0 ± 5.4) having marine characteristics showed enhanced P/C ratios during a diatom bloom. N/P and P/C ratios were closely coupled throughout the sampling period, suggesting that the nutritional status is important in determining the seasonal change in the phytoplankton community in pond A1. In pond A16 (mean salinity: 78.7 ± 8.8), despite the high nitrate load, P/C ratios were overall lower than in pond A1. This may be explained by the fact that dinoflagellates, which were the most abundant phytoplankton in pond A16 might be strict heterotrophs and/or mixotrophs, and so they may have not contributed strongly to anabolic processes. Also, N/P and P/C ratios were uncoupled, suggesting that cells in pond A16 were stressed due to the increased salinity caused by water evaporation, and so cells synthesized reserve products such as carbohydrates. In pond M2 (mean salinity: 189.0 ± 13.8), P/C levels were higher than those recorded in either pond A1 or A16. N/P and P/C were more coupled than in pond A16. Species in the hypersaline pond seemed paradoxally less stressed than in pond A16, suggesting that salt-tolerant extremophile species overcome hypersaline constraints and react metabolically by synthesizing carbohydrates and proteins.  相似文献   
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