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The frequency of nuisance algal blooms has been increasing during the last two decades in the shallow, headwater East Pond (Smithfield, Maine, USA). Meanwhile, the hydrologically linked North Pond has not experienced an increase in algal blooms, despite similar morphometry and higher external nutrient loads. Possible explanations for this difference include stronger trophic cascade effects from planktivorous white perch (Morone americana) in East Pond as well as differences in phosphorus (P) release from the sediments of these two lakes. We conducted a paleolimnological investigation of these two lakes to assess whether sedimentary evidence supported trophic cascade effects based on cladoceran ephippia size, diatom fossils, and fossil pigments or biogeochemical controls based on potential sedimentary P release as the primary driver of these increased algal blooms in East Pond. At the time of white perch introduction (~1930–1950), ephippia size increases in East Pond, although no changes are observed in either diatom abundance or trends in the algal pigments. Instead, algal pigments increase in recent decades (~1980 to present) along with an increase in diatom taxa with higher TP optima These results suggest that predation by white perch is not resulting in top-down effects on algal abundance in East Pond, as predicted by the trophic cascade hypothesis. While the P content of sediments from both lakes is relatively equal, the releasable P in the top 10 cm of sediment in East Pond constitutes a greater percentage of the P extracted. Also, North Pond sediments exhibit a greater capacity to permanently bury P via the mechanisms of sorption to Al(OH)3(s) and a slower mineralization of organic P compounds. The results of this investigation suggest that the ultimate driver of the recent algal blooms in East Pond is internal P release from the sediments instead of trophic cascade effects.  相似文献   
Historical phosphorus (P) dynamics were studied using sediment cores from three oligotrophic, acidic lakes in Maine, USA. Long-term oligotrophy of these lakes is consistent with high sediment aluminum (as Al(OH)3) concentrations, as Al inhibits internal P loading, even under reducing conditions. The role of microbially-mediated reactions in controlling redox conditions was evaluated by estimating microbial biomass and relative abundance of specific functional groups. Sediments were fractionated using a sequential chemical extraction technique and all lakes met criteria for P retention based on threshold sediment concentrations of Al, Fe, and P fractions as determined by (Kopáček et al. (2005) Limnol Oceanogr 52: 1147–1155). Sediment NaOH-extractable molybdate-reactive P (rP) and non-reactive P (nrP) represent P associated with non-reducible phases, and organic matter-related P, respectively. Total P (TP) does not decrease with sediment depth, as is typical of eutrophic lake sediments; however, nrP/TP decreases and rP/TP increases for all three lakes, indicating nrP mineralization without any significant upward diffusion and release into the hypolimnion; i.e. diagenesis of P is conservative within the sediment. Two diagenetic models were developed based on nrP and rP concentrations as a function of sediment age. The first model assumes a first-order decay of nrP, the rate coefficient being a function of time, and represents irreversible nrP mineralization, where the produced PO4 is permanently sequestered by the sediment. The second model assumes a first-order reversible transformation between nrP and rP, representing biotic mineralization of organic P followed by incorporation of inorganic P into microbial biomass. Both models reflect preservation of TP with no loss to overlying water. The rate coefficients give us insight into qualities of the sediment that have affected mineralization and sequestration of phosphorus throughout the 210Pb-dateable history of each lake. Similar models could be constructed for other lakes to help reconstruct their trophic histories. Paleolimnological reconstruction of the sediment P record in oligotrophic lakes shows mineralization of nrP to rP, but unlike the case in eutrophic lake sediments, sediment TP is preserved in these sediments.  相似文献   
Karen A. Merritt  Aria Amirbahman   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):54-66
Considerable recent research has focused on methylmercury (MeHg) cycling within estuarine and coastal marine environments. Because MeHg represents a potent neurotoxin that may magnify in marine foodwebs, it is important to understand the mechanisms and environmental variables that drive or constrain methylation dynamics in these environments. This critical review article explores the mechanisms hypothesized to influence aqueous phase and sediment solid phase MeHg concentrations and depth-specific inorganic Hg (II) (Hgi) methylation rates (MMR) within estuarine and coastal marine environments, and discusses issues of terminology or methodology that complicate mechanism-oriented interpretation of field and laboratory data. Mechanisms discussed in this review article include: 1) the metabolic activity of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the microbial group thought to dominate mercury methylation in these environments; 2) the role that Hgi concentration and/or speciation play in defining depth-specific Hgi methylation rates; and 3) the depth-dependent balance between MeHg production and consumption within the sedimentary environment. As discussed in this critical review article, the hypothesis of SRB community control on the Hgi methylation rate in estuarine and coastal marine environments is broadly supported by the literature. Although Hgi speciation, as a function of porewater inorganic sulfide and/or dissolved organic matter concentration and/or pH, may also play a role in observed variations in MMR, the nature and function of the controlling ligand(s) has not yet been adequately defined. Furthermore, although it is generally recognized that the processes responsible for MeHg production and consumption overlap spatially and/or kinetically in the sedimentary environment, and likely dictate the extent to which MeHg accumulates in the aqueous and/or sediment solid phase, this conceptual interpretation requires refinement, and would benefit greatly from the application of kinetic modeling.  相似文献   
The fate of arsenic in groundwater depends largely on its interaction with mineral surfaces. We investigated the kinetics of As(III) oxidation by aquifer materials collected from the USGS research site at Cape Cod, MA, USA, by conducting laboratory experiments. Five different solid samples with similar specific surface areas (0.6-0.9 m2 g−1) and reductively extractable iron contents (18-26 μmol m−2), but with varying total manganese contents (0.5-3.5 μmol m−2) were used. Both dissolved and adsorbed As(III) and As(V) concentrations were measured with time up to 250 h. The As(III) removal rate from solution increased with increasing solid manganese content, suggesting that manganese oxide is responsible for the oxidation of As(III). Under all conditions, dissolved As(V) concentrations were very low. A quantitative model was developed to simulate the extent and kinetics of arsenic transformation by aquifer materials. The model included: (1) reversible rate-limited adsorption of As(III) onto both oxidative and non-oxidative (adsorptive) sites, (2) irreversible rate-limited oxidation of As(III), and (3) equilibrium adsorption of As(V) onto adsorptive sites. Rate constants for these processes, as well as the total oxidative site densities were used as the fitting parameters. The total adsorptive site densities were estimated based on the measured specific surface area of each material. The best fit was provided by considering one fast and one slow site for each adsorptive and oxidative site. The fitting parameters were obtained using the kinetic data for the most reactive aquifer material at different initial As(III) concentrations. Using the same parameters to simulate As(III) and As(V) surface reactions, the model predictions were compared to observations for aquifer materials with different manganese contents. The model simulated the experimental data very well for all materials at all initial As(III) concentrations. The As(V) production rate was related to the concentrations of the free oxidative surface sites and dissolved As(III), as with apparent second-order rate constants of and for the fast and the slow oxidative sites, respectively. The As(III) removal rate decreased approximately by half for a pH increase from 4 to 7. The pH dependence was explained using the acid-base behavior of the surface oxidative sites by considering a surface pKa = 6.2 (I = 0). In the presence of excess surface adsorptive and oxidative sites, phosphate diminished the rate of As(III) removal and As(V) production only slightly due to its interaction with the oxidative sites. The observed As(III) oxidation rate here is consistent with previous observations of As(III) oxidation over short transport distances during field-scale transport experiments. The model developed here may be incorporated into groundwater transport models to predict arsenic speciation and transport in chemically heterogeneous systems.  相似文献   
We report the first measurements of radio frequency spectrum occupancy performed at sites aimed to host the future radio astronomy observatory in Indonesia. The survey is intended to obtain the radio frequency interference (RFI) environment in a spectral range from low frequency 10 MHz up to 8 GHz. The measurements permit the identification of the spectral occupancy over those selected sites in reference to the allocated radio spectrum in Indonesia. The sites are in close proximity to Australia, the future host of Square Kilometre Array (SKA) at low frequency. Therefore, the survey was deliberately made to approximately adhere the SKA protocol for RFI measurements, but with lower sensitivity. The RFI environment at Bosscha Observatory in Lembang was also measured for comparison. Within the sensitivity limit of the measurement equipment, it is found that a location called Fatumonas in the surrounding of Mount Timau in West Timor has very low level of RFI, with a total spectrum occupancy in this measured frequency range being about 1 %, mostly found at low frequency below 20 MHz. More detailed measurements as well as a strategy for a radio quiet zone must be implemented in the near future.  相似文献   
A two‐and‐half dimensional model‐based inversion algorithm for the reconstruction of geometry and conductivity of unknown regions using marine controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) data is presented. In the model‐based inversion, the inversion domain is described by the so‐called regional conductivity model and both geometry and material parameters associated with this model are reconstructed in the inversion process. This method has the advantage of using a priori information such as the background conductivity distribution, structural information extracted from seismic and/or gravity measurements, and/or inversion results a priori derived from a pixel‐based inversion method. By incorporating this a priori information, the number of unknown parameters to be retrieved becomes significantly reduced. The inversion method is the regularized Gauss‐Newton minimization scheme. The robustness of the inversion is enhanced by adopting nonlinear constraints and applying a quadratic line search algorithm to the optimization process. We also introduce the adjoint formulation to calculate the Jacobian matrix with respect to the geometrical parameters. The model‐based inversion method is validated by using several numerical examples including the inversion of the Troll field data. These results show that the model‐based inversion method can quantitatively reconstruct the shapes and conductivities of reservoirs.  相似文献   
Research concerning the fate and biogeochemical cycling of mercury (Hg) within coastal ecosystems has suggested that microbially mediated diagenetic processes control Hg mobilization and that ligands with strong affinity for Hg, such as dissolved inorganic sulfide (S(-II)) and dissolved organic matter (DOM), control Hg partitioning between the dissolved and particulate phases. We have studied total Hg cycling in the sediments of the Penobscot River estuary using a combination of equilibrium porewater samplers and kinetic modeling. The Penobscot estuary has been subject to Hg contamination from multiple industries including a recently closed chlor-alkali production facility. The Hg concentration within the estuary surface sediments ranges from 1.25 to 27.5 nmol Hg g−1 sediment and displays an association with sediment organic matter and a concentration maximum within 3 cm of the sediment-water interface (SWI). Porewater profiles for the Penobscot estuary are divisible into three kinetically discrete intervals with respect to Hg dynamics. Beginning at depth in the sediment and moving upward toward the SWI we have defined: (1) a zone of net Hg solubilization at depth, with a zero-order net Hg production rate , (2) a zone of net Hg consumption within the zone dominated by FeS(s) precipitation with , and (3) a zone of net diffusive transfer within the vicinity of the SWI. Zone 1 is characterized by dissolved S(-II) concentrations ranging from 400 to 500 μM. Equilibrium modeling in this zone suggests that inorganic S(-II) plays the dominant role in both mobilization of sediment-bound Hg and complexation of dissolved Hg. In zone 2, FeS(s) precipitation occurs concomitant with Hg consumption. Net transfer within zone 3 is consistent with the potential for ligand-mediated Hg efflux across the SWI. S(-II)-mediated Hg mobilization at depth in Penobscot estuary sediments suggests a broadening of the depth interval over which biogeochemical Hg cycling must be examined. Our results also show that, while estuary sediments act as a net sink for particulate Hg inputs, they may also function for a considerable time interval as a source of dissolved Hg.  相似文献   
Cross-well electrical measurement as known in the oil industry is a method for determining the electrical conductivity distribution between boreholes from the electrostatic field measurements in the boreholes. We discuss the reconstruction of the conductivity distribution of a three-dimensional domain. The measured secondary electric potential field is represented in terms of an integral equation for the vector electric field. This integral equation is taken as the starting point to develop a non-linear inversion method, the so-called contrast source inversion (CSI) method. The CSI method considers the inverse scattering problem as an inverse source problem in which the unknown contrast source (the product of the total electric field and the conductivity contrast) in the object domain is reconstructed by minimizing the object and data error using a conjugate-gradient step, after which the conductivity contrast is updated by minimizing only the error in the object. This method has been tested on a number of numerical examples using the synthetic 'measured' data with and without noise. Numerical tests indicate that the inversion method yields a reasonably good reconstruction result, and is fairly insensitive to added random noise.  相似文献   
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