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It is well known that a C-field, generated by a certain source equation leads to interesting changes in the cosmological solutions of Einstein's equations. It is argued that different types of topological objects may have been created by the vacuum phase transitions in the early universe. In the cosmological arena, the defects have been put forward as a possible mechanism for structure formation. A global monopole is a heavy object formed in the phase transition of a system composed of a self coupling scalar field triplet φa whose original global 0(3) symmetry is spontaneously broken to U(1). In this article, we find a special solution for the space-time of a global monopole in presence of C-field. It is shown that the nature of the solution remains the same as in general relativity case i.e. monopole exerts no gravitational force on the matter surrounding it but space around it has a deficit solid angle. Pacs Nos: 98.80cq, 04.20jb, 04.50  相似文献   
Repeated explosions in the nuclei of galaxies are now accepted as observationally established phenomena. Each explosion leads to the ejection of gas from the central region of a galaxy with velocities depending on the strength of the explosive event. In the process the nucleus temporarily becomes gas-deficient. It is suggested that the mass los is replenished by the accretion of the mass which is shed by those evolved stars in the galactic bulge that possess relatively low rotational velocities. The gas to be accreted is assumed to be magnetized. In the present model, the accretion rate has been assumed to be a function of both radial distance and time. The cross-radial equation of motion has been solved to derive the expression for the rotational velocity which is found to bealmost linear with the radial distance from the centre. The radial equation has been solved to calculate the time-scale over which the nucleus accumulates sufficient mass to undergo instability and suffer explosion. The calculated time-scale range from few multiples of 107 to a few multiples of 108 yr. This range agrees very well with that as has been suggested on the basis of observation in the case of our own Galaxy.  相似文献   
Summary Leaf phenology describes the seasonal cycle of leaf functioning and is essential for understanding the interactions between the biosphere, the climate and the atmosphere. In this study, we characterized the spatial patterns in phenological variations in eight contrasting forest types in an Indian region using coarse resolution NOAA AVHRR satellite data. The onset, offset and growing season length for different forest types has been estimated using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Further, the relationship between NDVI and climatic parameters has been assessed to determine which climatic variable (temperature or precipitation) best explain variation in NDVI. In addition, we also assessed how quickly and over what time periods does NDVI respond to different precipitation events. Our results suggested strong spatial variability in NDVI metrics for different forest types. Among the eight forest types, tropical dry deciduous forests showed lowest values for summed NDVI (SNDVI), averaged NDVI (ANDVI) and integrated NDVI (I-NDVI), while the tropical wet evergreen forests of Arunachal Pradesh had highest values. Within the different evergreen forest types, SNDVI, ANDVI and INDVI were highest for tropical wet evergreen forests, followed by tropical evergreen forests, tropical semi-evergreen forests and were least for tropical dry evergreen forests. Differences in the amplitude of NDVI were quite distinct for evergreen forests compared to deciduous ones and mixed deciduous forests. Although, all the evergreen forests studied had a similar growing season length of 270 days, the onset and offset dates were quite different. Response of vegetative greenness to climatic variability appeared to vary with vegetation characteristics and forest types. Linear correlations between mean monthly NDVI and temperature were found to yield negative relationships in contrast to precipitation, which showed a significant positive response to vegetation greenness. The correlations improved much for different forest types when the log of cumulative rainfall was correlated against mean monthly NDVI. Of the eight forest types, the NDVI for six forest types was positively correlated with the logarithm of cumulative rainfall that was summed for 3–4 months. Overall, this study identifies precipitation as a major control for vegetation greenness in tropical forests, more so than temperature.  相似文献   
The diagenetic history of the Black River Limestone Group is discussed with special reference to solution (leaching), cementation, neomorphism, authigenesis, pressure solution, compaction and dedolomitization.Formation of recrystallization textures (microspar and pseudospar) was controlled by original sediment grain size and occurred during both early and late stages of diagenesis.Dolomite, celestite and pyrite were the chief developments of late diagenetic minerals in the Black River carbonates. Pressure-solution (stylolitization) phenomena occurred at a very late diagenetic stage. Compaction played a minor role in the diagenesis of the rocks.Dedolomitization is a surface phenomenon related to weathering.  相似文献   
Three apparently disparate themes (groundwater, farmers and politics) interweave in this account of how groundwater-related policies in India have very little to do with the scarcity, depletion or quality of groundwater, and more to do with rural politics manifested, among other things, in terms of the presence or absence of farmer lobbies. Examples from two states of India, the water-abundant state of West Bengal and water-scarce state of Gujarat, were investigated using readily available data, analysis of the literature, interviews and fieldwork. In the case of West Bengal, although there is no pressing groundwater crisis, the government of West Bengal (GOWB) was able to successfully implement strict groundwater regulations along with a drastic increase in electricity tariff. More importantly, GOWB was able to implement these without any form of visible farmer protest, though these measures negatively affected farmer incomes. On the other hand, in Gujarat, where there is a real and grave groundwater crisis, the government of Gujarat has neither been able to implement strict groundwater regulations, nor has it been able to increase electricity tariff substantially. Thus, through the lens of ‘political ecology’ the contrasting case of these two Indian states is explained.
Aditi Mukherji (PhD Student)Email: Phone: +44-1223-477186
A limited area model has been applied to study the impact of satellite-derived relative humidity data on the predic-tion of onset vortex of monsoon 1979.The results show that inclusion of satellite-derived relative humidity data im-proved the prediction of track of the cyclonic circulation and the rainfall rates in the region of the vortex.  相似文献   
Indian agriculture is trapped in a complex nexus of groundwater depletion and energy subsidies. This nexus is the product of past public policy choices that initially offered opportunities to India’s small-holder-based irrigation economy but has now generated in its wake myriad economic, social, and environmental distortions. Conventional ‘getting-the-price-right’ solutions to reduce these distortions have consistently been undermined by the invidious political economy that the nexus has created. The historical evolution of the nexus is outlined, the nature and scale of the distortions it has created are explored, and alternative approaches which Indian policy makers can use to limit, if not eliminate, the damaging impacts of the distortions, are analysed.  相似文献   
The Banded Gneissic Complex of central Rajasthan, the only gneissic basement in India considered to underlie an early Precambrian sedimentary suite unconformably, comprises composite gneisses formed by extensive migmatization of metasedimentary rocks of diverse composition. The migmatites and the metasedimentaries maintain a structural continuity in a plan of superposed deformations, with the migmatite front involved in the early folding but transgressing the stratigraphic boundaries. Structures in the metasedimentary palaeosomes within the gneisses match in their entirety those in the migmatite host and the metasedimentary bands outside. On a smaller scale of microsections, migmatites show para tectonic crystallization with reference to the first deformation. The Banded Gneissic Complex thus loses its unique position in the Indian Precambrians as older than the earliest decipherable sedimentary series, but is older than the Aravalli rocks of the type area, the partially migmatized metasedimentaries belonging to an earlier series.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article was to examine field research after disasters by focusing on fieldwork challenges in post-disaster research settings. We describe and evaluate post-disaster fieldwork based on three separate research projects: A study of land use change adaptation strategies following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami; a study of long-term housing recovery following the 2001 Gujarat Earthquake in India; and a study of the role of social capital in shelter recovery following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The main findings of this study deal with some of the unique set of challenges that accompanies fieldwork in post-disaster settings. Our findings indicate six aspects that researchers might consider prior to undertaking fieldwork in a disaster setting: the critical role of language, logistics of transport and living accommodation, methodological matters, the researcher’s position in the field (i.e., gender, ethnicity), fieldwork blues and ethical concerns. Potential solutions to these challenges include understanding the target community prior to embarking on fieldwork, having flexibility in the field to deal with unexpected issues and problems, planning ahead for institutional review board approvals, forming research collaborations and having strategies in place to manage stress in the field.  相似文献   
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