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Distribution of the Neogene calc-alkaline magmatism of the Carpathian arc is directly related in space and time to the kinematics of the two major terranes of the Intracarpathian area (Alcapa, Tisia-Getia) along the south-eastern border of the European plate. In the West Carpathians and adjacent areas, the volcanic activity occurred between 20–11 Ma, with large volumes of both acidic and intermediate rocks, generally distributed randomly, sometimes transversally to the orogenic belt and as rare small occurrences along the Flysch belt. In the East Carpathians, the volcanic rocks are distributed along the northern margin of the Zemplin block, the north–easternmost part of the Alcapa and eastward along the front of the Getic block, at the contact with European plate. Between Tokaj-Slanské-Vihorlat up to northern Cãlimani Mountains, the magmatism occurred between 14–9 Ma, and along the Cãlimani-Harghita chain between 9–0.2 Ma. The calc-alkaline magmatic rocks of the Apuseni Mountains are located in the interior of the Tisia block and occurred between 14–9 Ma. The generation of the calc-alkaline magmatism is considered here as the result of complex interplay between plate roll-back and lithospheric detachment tectonic processes and the break-off of the subducted plate, mostly in a post-collisional setting. (1) The magmatites of the Western Carpathians and the Pannonian basin were generated in direct relation to subduction roll-back processes, over the downgoing slab, during the period of lateral extrusion and back-arc extension. In this area, characterized by maximum crustal shortening, we can infer further delamination processes to explain the generation of magmas. (2) The magmatic rocks from the northern sector of the East Carpathians (Tokaj-Slanské-Vihorlat up to the Northern Cãlimani Mountains), resulted after subduction roll-back processes and an almost simultaneous break-off of the descending plate all along the arc segment during main clockwise rotation of the Intracarpathian terranes. (3) In the eastern sector of the East Carpathians (Cãlimani up to Harghita Mountains), the magmatic rocks were generated through partial melting of the subducted slab followed by gradual break-off of the subducted plate along strike (north to south). (4) The Apuseni Mts. magmatic activity resulted in transtensional tectonic regime by decompressional melting of lithospheric mantle, during the translation and rotation of Tisia-Getia block.  相似文献   
An Early Permian volcanic assemblage is well exposed in the central-western part of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). The rocks are represented by rhyolites, basalts and subordinate andesites suggesting a bimodal volcanic activity that is intimately associated with a post-orogenic (Variscan) syn-sedimentary intra-basinal continental molasse sequences. The mafic and mafic-intermediate rocks belong to sub-alkaline tholeiitic series were separated in three groups (I–III) showing a high Th and Pb abundances, depletion in Nb, Ta and Sr, and slightly enriched in LREE patterns (LaN/YbN = 1.4–4.4). Isotopically, the rocks of Group I have the initial ratios 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709351–0.707112, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512490–0.512588 and high positive ?Nd270 values from 3.9 to 5.80; the rocks of Group II present for the initial ratios values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709434–0.710092, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512231–0.512210 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −1.17 to −1.56; the rocks of Group III display for the initial ratios the values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.710751–0.709448, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512347–0.512411 and for ?Nd270 the positive values from 1.64 to 2.35. The rocks resembling continental tholeiites, suggest a mantle origin and were further affected by fractionation and crustal contamination. In addition, the REE geochemistry (1 > SmN/YbN < 2.5; 0.9 > LaN/SmN < 2.5) suggests that these rocks were generated by high percentage partial melting of a metasomatized mantle in the garnet peridotite facies. The felsic rocks are enriched in Cs, Rb Th and U and depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Eu, and Ti. The REE fractionation patterns show a strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.23–0.40). The felsic rocks show the initial ratios the values: 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.704096–0.707805, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512012–0.512021 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −5.27 to −5.44. They suggest to be generated within the lower crust during the emplacement of mantle-derived magmas that provided necessary heat to crustal partial melting.  相似文献   
Calc-alkaline magmatism in the south-west Ukraine occurred between 13.8 and 9.1 Ma and formed an integral part of the Neogene subduction-related post-collisional Carpathian volcanic arc. Eruptions occurred contemporaneously in two parallel arcs (here termed Outer Arc and Inner Arc) in the Ukrainian part of the Carpathians. Outer Arc rocks, mainly andesites, are characterized by LILE enrichment (e.g. K and Pb), Nb depletion, low compatible trace element abundances, high 87Sr/86Sr, high δ18O and low 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios (0.7085–0.7095, 7.01–8.53, 0.51230–0.51245, respectively). Inner Arc rocks are mostly dacites and rhyolites with some basaltic and andesitic lavas. They also show low compatible element abundances but have lower 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.7060–0.7085, 6.15–6.64, 0.5125–0.5126, respectively) than Outer Arc rocks. Both high-Nb and low-Nb lithologies are present in the Inner Arc. Based on the LILE enrichment (especially Pb), a higher fluid flux is suggested for the Outer Arc magmas compared with those of the Inner Arc.

Combined trace element and Sr–Nd–O isotopic modelling suggests that the factors which controlled the generation and evolution of magmas were complex. Compositional differences between the Inner and Outer Arcs were produced by introduction of variable proportions of slab-derived sediments and fluids into a heterogeneous mantle wedge, and by different extents of upper crustal contamination. Degrees of magmatic fractionation also differed between the two arcs. The most primitive magmas belong to the Inner Arc. Isotopic modelling shows that they can be produced by adding 3–8% subducted terrigenous flysch sediments to the local mantle wedge source. Up to 5% upper crustal contamination has been modelled for fractionated products of the Inner Arc. The geochemical features of Outer Arc rocks suggest that they were generated from mantle wedge melts similar to the Inner Arc primitive magmas, but were strongly affected by both source enrichment and upper crustal contamination. Assimilation of 10–20% bulk upper crust is required in the AFC modelling, assuming an Inner Arc parental magma. We suggest that magmagenesis is closely related to the complex geotectonic evolution of the Carpathian area. Several tectonic and kinematic factors are significant: (1) hydration of the asthenosphere during subduction and plate rollback directly related to collisional processes; (2) thermal disturbance caused by ascent of hot asthenospheric mantle during the back-arc opening of the Pannonian Basin; (3) clockwise translational movements of the Intracarpathian terranes, which facilitated eruption of the magmas.  相似文献   

The main terrains involved in the Cretaceous–Tertiary tectonism in the South Carpathians segment of the European Alpine orogen are the Getic–Supragetic and Danubian continental crust fragments separated by the Severin oceanic crust-floored basin. During the Early–Middle Cretaceous times the Danubian microplate acted initially as a foreland unit strongly involved in the South Carpathians nappe stacking. Multistage folding/thrusting events, uplift/erosion and extensional stages and the development of associated sedimentary basins characterize the South Carpathians during Cretaceous to Tertiary convergence and collision events. The main Cretaceous tectogenetic events responsible for contraction and crustal thickening processes in the South Carpathians are Mid-Cretaceous (“Austrian phase”) and Latest Cretaceous (“Laramide” or “Getic phase”) in age. The architecture of the South Carpathians suggests polyphase tectonic evolution and mountain building and includes from top to bottom: the Getic–Supragetic basement/cover nappes, the Severin and Arjana cover nappes, and Danubian basement/cover nappes, all tectonically overriding the Moesian Platform. The Severin nappe complex (including Obarsia and Severin nappes) with Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ophiolites and turbidites is squeezed between the Danubian and Getic–Supragetic basement nappes as a result of successive thrusting of dismembered units during the inferred Mid- to Late Cretaceous subduction/collision followed by tectonic inversion processes.

Early Cretaceous thick-skinned tectonics was replaced by thin-skinned tectonics in Late Cretaceous. Thus, the former Middle Cretaceous “Austrian” nappe stack and its Albian–Lower Senonian cover got incorporated in the intra-Senonian “Laramide/Getic” stacking of the Getic–Supragetic/Severin/Arjana nappes onto the Danubian nappe duplex. The two contraction events are separated by an extensional tectonic phase in the upper plate recorded by the intrusion of the “Banatitic” magmas (84–73 Ma). The overthrusting of the entire South Carpathian Cretaceous nappe stack onto the fold/thrust foredeep units and to the Moesian Platform took place in the Late Miocene (intra-Sarmatian) times and was followed by extensional events and sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   

The southern part of the southeastern Carpathians represents the site of the most recent volcanic eruptions of the entire Carpathian-Pannonian region. The products of these eruptions range from 42 to 10?Ka radiocarbon ages in the South Harghita Mountains (high K calc-alkaline rocks with adakite-like features), and at 1.2–0.6?Ma?K–Ar ages in the Per?ani Mountains (alkali basalts). They were emplaced in a post-collisional regime. Ciomadul volcano is located at the southernmost part of the NW–SE oriented C?limani-Gurghiu-Harghita range crossing the inner part of the southeastern Carpathians and in the rough proximity of the Vrancea seismic zone (at ca. 60?km toward NW). Its magma generation is attributed to geodynamic events closely related to the seismogenic area. A number of particular geophysical and geochemical features located in the study region, including (1) the abrupt attenuation of the seismic waves originating from the Vrancea intermediate-depth foci, (2) the most intense heat-flow anomaly in Romania, (3) the most prominent 3He/4He anomaly measured in natural “postvolcanic” gas emanations, are all in favor of the hypothesis of a still existing hot local magma chamber. Data acquired during recent seismic monitoring of the Vrancea zone and its neighborhoods suggest an enhancement of the local seismicity beneath the southern edge of the South Harghita Mts., both at crustal and subcrustal levels. At the same time, recent tomography images obtained using local earthquake data correlate well with the presence of a vertically extended low-velocity zone coming from the upper mantle to the assumed magmatic chambers located in the crust. The present data, supporting the presence of an active crustal magma chamber beneath Ciomadul, allow us to consider that future volcanic activity at this volcano cannot be discarded.  相似文献   
M. Vaida  A. Seghedi  J. Verniers   《Tectonophysics》2005,410(1-4):379-387
Identification of palaeocontinental affinities is important to place Moesia in the global context of palaeogeographical reconstructions. In the absence of palaeomagnetic data and relevant macrofauna, palynological data and especially chitinozoans represent an important tool, recently used to unravel palaeogeographical affinities. Chitinozoans from three main boreholes (Călăraşi 2881, Zăvoaia 2581 and Ţăndărei 1052) located in East Moesia have been studied. They indicate a predominant palaeogeographical affinity with northern Gondwana.  相似文献   
Neogene to Quaternary volcanic/magmatic activity in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (CPR) occurred between 21 and 0.1 Ma with a distinct migration in time from west to east. It shows a diverse compositional variation in response to a complex interplay of subduction with rollback, back-arc extension, collision, slab break-off, delamination, strike-slip tectonics and microplate rotations, as well as in response to further evolution of magmas in the crustal environment by processes of differentiation, crustal contamination, anatexis and magma mixing. Since most of the primary volcanic forms have been affected by erosion, especially in areas of post-volcanic uplift, based on the level of erosion we distinguish: (1) areas eroded to the basement level, where paleovolcanic reconstruction is not possible; (2) deeply eroded volcanic forms with secondary morphology and possible paleovolcanic reconstruction; (3) eroded volcanic forms with remnants of original morphology preserved; and (4) the least eroded volcanic forms with original morphology quite well preserved. The large variety of volcanic forms present in the area can be grouped in a) monogenetic volcanoes and b) polygenetic volcanoes and their subsurface/intrusive counterparts that belong to various rock series found in the CPR such as calc-alkaline magmatic rock-types (felsic, intermediate and mafic varieties) and alkalic types including K-alkalic, shoshonitic, ultrapotassic and Na-alkalic. The following volcanic/subvolcanic forms have been identified: (i) domes, shield volcanoes, effusive cones, pyroclastic cones, stratovolcanoes and calderas with associated intrusive bodies for intermediate and basic calclkaline volcanism; (ii) domes, calderas and ignimbrite/ash-flow fields for felsic calc-alkaline volcanism and (iii) dome flows, shield volcanoes, maars, tuffcone/tuff-rings, scoria-cones with or without related lava flow/field and their erosional or subsurface forms (necks/ plugs, dykes, shallow intrusions, diatreme, lava lake) for various types of K- and Na-alkalic and ultra-potassic magmatism. Finally, we provide a summary of the eruptive history and distribution of volcanic forms in the CPR using several sub-region schemes.  相似文献   
Mafic alkalic volcanism was widespread in the Carpathian–Pannonian region (CPR) between 11 and 0.2 Ma. It followed the Miocene continental collision of the Alcapa and Tisia blocks with the European plate, as subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism was waning. Several groups of mafic alkalic rocks from different regions within the CPR have been distinguished on the basis of ages and/or trace-element compositions. Their trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope systematics are consistent with derivation from complex mantle-source regions, which included both depleted asthenosphere and metasomatized lithosphere. The mixing of DMM-HIMU-EMII mantle components within asthenosphere-derived magmas indicates variable contamination of the shallow asthenosphere and/or thermal boundary layer of the lithosphere by a HIMU-like component prior to and following the introduction of subduction components.Various mantle sources have been identified: Lower lithospheric mantle modified by several ancient asthenospheric enrichments (source A); Young asthenospheric plumes with OIB-like trace element signatures that are either isotopically enriched (source B) or variably depleted (source C); Old upper asthenosphere heterogeneously contaminated by DM-HIMU-EMII-EMI components and slightly influenced by Miocene subduction-related enrichment (source D); Old upper asthenosphere heterogeneously contaminated by DM-HIMU-EMII components and significantly influenced by Miocene subduction-related enrichment (source E). Melt generation was initiated either by: (i) finger-like young asthenospheric plumes rising to and heating up the base of the lithosphere (below the Alcapa block), or (ii) decompressional melting of old asthenosphere upwelling to replace any lower lithosphere or heating and melting former subducted slabs (the Tisia block).  相似文献   
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