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Leads and polynyas have a great impact on the energy budget of the polar ocean and atmosphere. Since atmospheric general circulation models are not able to resolve the spatial scales of these inhomogeneities, it is necessary to include the effect of fractional sub-grid scale sea-ice inhomogeneities on climate by a suitable parametrization. In order to do this we have divided each model grid-cell into an ice-covered and an ice-free part. Nevertheless, a numerical model requires effective transports representative for the whole grid-box. A simple procedure would be to use grid averages of the surface parameters for the calculation of the surface fluxes. However, as the surface fluxes are non-linearly dependent on the surface properties, the fluxes over ice and open water should be calculated separately according to the individual surface-layer structure of each surface type. Then these local fluxes should be averaged to obtain representative fluxes. Sensitivity experiments with the Hamburg atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM3 clearly show that a subgrid scale distribution of sea ice is a dominant factor controlling the exchange processes between ocean and atmosphere in the Arctic. The heat and water vapour transports are strongly enhanced leading to a significant warming and moistening of the polar troposphere. This affects the atmospheric circulation in high- and mid-latitudes; e.g. the stationary lows are modified and the transient cyclonic activity over the subpolar oceans is reduced. A pronounced impact of sub-grid scale sea-ice distribution on the model climate can only be obtained when the non-linear behaviour of the surface exchange processes is considered by a proper, physically based, averaging of the surface fluxes. A simple linear averaging of surface parameters is not sufficient. Received: 13 September 1994 / Accepted: 25 July 1995  相似文献   
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are heterogeneous biopolymers produced by Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial cells. Adsorption of EPS to minerals can alter the substrata physico-chemistry and influence initial bacterial adhesion processes via conditioning film formation, but the effects of solution chemistry on uptake of EPS remain poorly understood. In this study, the adsorption to goethite (α-FeOOH) of EPS isolated from the early stationary growth-phase culture of Bacillus subtilis was investigated as a function of pH and ionic strength (I) in NaCl background electrolyte using batch studies coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography. Proteins, particularly those of higher molar mass, and phosphorylated macromolecules were adsorbed preferentially. Increasing solution I (1-100 mM NaCl) or pH (3.0-9.0) resulted in a decrease in the mass of EPS adsorbed. Batch studies and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectra are consistent with ligand exchange of EPS phosphate groups for surface hydroxyls at Fe metal centers. The data indicate that both electrostatic and chemical bonding interactions contribute to selective fractionation of the EPS solution. Proteins and phosphate groups in phosphodiester bridges of nucleic acids likely play an important role in conditioning film formation at Fe oxide surfaces.  相似文献   
Thermal water samples and related young and fossil mineralization from a geothermal system at the northern margin of the Upper Rhine Graben have been investigated by combining hydrochemistry with stable and Sr isotope geochemistry. Actively discharging thermal springs and mineralization are present in a structural zone that extends over at least 60 km along strike, with two of the main centers of hydrothermal activity being Wiesbaden and Bad Nauheim. This setting provides the rare opportunity to link the chemistry and isotopic signatures of modern thermal waters directly with fossil mineralization dating back to at least 500–800 ka. The fossil thermal spring mineralization can be classified into two major types: barite-(pyrite) fracture filling associated with laterally-extensive silicification; and barite, goethite and silica impregnation mineralization in Tertiary sediments. Additionally, carbonatic sinters occur around active springs. Strontium isotope and trace element data suggest that mixing of a hot (>100 °C), deep-sourced thermal water with cooler groundwater from shallow aquifers is responsible for present-day thermal spring discharge and fossil mineralization. The correlation between both Sr and S isotope ratios and the elevation of the barite mineralization relative to the present-day water table in Wiesbaden is explained by mixing of deep-sourced thermal water having high 87Sr/86Sr and low δ34S with shallow groundwater of lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher δ34S. The Sr isotope data demonstrate that the hot thermal waters originate from an aquifer in the Variscan crystalline basement at depths of 3–5 km. The S isotope data show that impregnation-type mineralization is strongly influenced by mixing with SO4 that has high δ34S values. The fracture style mineralization formed by cooling of the thermal waters, whereas impregnation-type mineralization precipitated by mixing with SO4-rich groundwater percolating through the sediments.  相似文献   
We consider a spatial stochastic model for the simulation of tropical cyclone tracks, which has recently been introduced. Cyclone tracks are represented as labeled polygonal lines, which are described by the movement directions, translational speeds, and wind speeds of the cyclones in regular 6-h intervals. In the present paper, we compare return levels for wind speeds of historically observed cyclone tracks with those generated by the simulator, where a mismatch is shown for most of the considered coastal regions. To adjust this discrepancy, we develop a stochastic algorithm for acceptance and rejection of simulated cyclone tracks with landfall. It is based on the fact that the locations, translational speeds, and wind speeds of cyclones at landfall constitute three-dimensional Poisson point processes, which are a basic model type in stochastic geometry. Due to that, a well-known thinning property of Poisson processes can be applied. This means that to each simulated cyclone, an acceptance probability is assigned, which is higher for cyclones with suitable landfall characteristics and lower for implausible ones. More intuitively, the algorithm comprises the simulation of a more comprehensive cyclone event set than needed and the random selection of those tracks that best match historical observations at landfall. A particular advantage of our algorithm is its applicability to multiple landfalls, i.e., to cyclones that successively make landfall at two geographically distinct coastlines, which is the most relevant case in applications. It turns out that the extended simulator provides a much better accordance between landfall characteristics of historical and simulated cyclone tracks.  相似文献   
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