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Mineralogical and geochemical studies were undertaken in the volcanic area of Biancavilla (Catania, Italy) with the aim of explaining the nature of the high As and F contents of the area’s rocks. As and F contents in soils and groundwater were also investigated. The metasomatised benmoreite lavas show fluorine and arsenic concentrations up to about 3,000 and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. Mineralogical analyses show that fluorine occurs mostly in fluoro-edenite and apatite-(CaF) crystals, both abundantly present in the altered rocks, while As is exclusively attributed to the apatite-(CaF) crystals. Specifically, arsenic was observed only at the borders of these apatite crystals. Leaching tests and sequential extraction procedures were carried out to evaluate the potential remobilisation of As and F by the mineral phases and the eventual risks induced by their spreading. The results of the leaching tests suggest that As is almost totally associated with the ‘easily reducible’ fraction and that it is released by the preferential dissolution of the arsenic enriched rims of apatite-(CaF) crystals. In soils, As concentration is relatively low (about 15 mg/kg, on average), while F ranges from 236 to 683 mg/kg. The underground waters supplying the town of Biancavilla show As and F contents lower than the allowed limits for drinking water, (As:10 μg/L, F:1–1.5 mg/L). The limited distribution of these rocks and the relatively limited mobilisation by the minerals both contribute to maintain low As and F values, in soils and groundwaters, despite the high values in metasomatised lava samples.  相似文献   
Salvi  S.  Quattrocchi  F.  Brunori  C. A.  Doumaz  F.  Angelone  M.  Billi  A.  Buongiorno  F.  Funiciello  R.  Guerra  M.  Mele  G.  Pizzino  L.  Salvini  F. 《Natural Hazards》1999,20(2-3):255-278
A priority task for correct environmental planningis to evaluate Natural Hazards, especially inhighly populated areas. In particular, thoroughinvestigations based on different Earth Sciencetechniques must be addressed for the Seismic HazardAssessment (SHA) in tectonically active areas. Notonly the management but also the multidisciplinaryanalysis of all the SHA-related data sets is bestperformed using a Geographic Information System. In this paper we show how a research-oriented GIS isbuilt and used in a practical case. The GeochemicalGeographic Information System (G2IS) wasdeveloped and applied to the Gargano promontory(southern Italy) in the framework of an EC researchproject, the Geochemical Seismic Zonation (GSZ)Project. This multidisciplinary – multiscalingpowerful tool is described in its structure, updatingprocedures and manipulation techniques. Preliminaryresults are presented on the detection of geochemically active fault zones and theircorrelation with remote sensing data and otherevidences of seismogenic structures.  相似文献   
Arsenic occurrence in groundwater near the Cimino-Vico volcanoes (central Italy) was analysed considering the hydrostratigraphy and structural setting and the shallow and deep flows interacting within the Quaternary volcanics. Groundwater is the local source of drinking water. As documented in the past, arsenic in the groundwater has become a problem, and the European maximum allowable contaminant level was recently lowered to 10 μg/L. Chemical analyses of groundwater were conducted, sampled over an area of about 900 km2, from 65 wells and springs representative of the volcanic aquifer and thermal waters. Considering the type of aquifer, the nature of the aquifer formation and its substratum, the hydrochemical data highlight that the arsenic content of the groundwater is mainly connected with the hydrothermal processes in the volcanic area. Thermal waters (54–60°C) fed from deep-rising fluids show higher arsenic concentrations (176–371 μg/L). Cold waters sampled from the volcanic aquifer are characterized by a wide variability in their arsenic concentration (1.6–195 μg/L), and about 62% exceed the limit of 10 μg/L. Where the shallow volcanic aquifer is open to deep-rising thermal fluids, relatively high arsenic concentrations (20–100 μg/L) are found. This occurs close to areas of the more recent volcano-tectonic structures.  相似文献   
Total Hg concentrations have been measured for five box-core sediments collected seawards of the Augusta industrial area (SE Sicily). In more coastal sediments, upcore increasing Hg concentrations, exceeding the Hg background concentration estimated for the Strait of Sicily, indicate Hg contamination over time due to the industrial area development. Strong correlation between total organic C (TOC) and Hg concentrations was found only for core BX2, that displays organic C to total N (C/N) ratios indicative of autochthonous organic matter. For other sediments, high Hg enrichment factors with respect to TOC indicate, in addition to Hg trapping by TOC, other factors as responsible for Hg accumulation. In the presence of some contribution of detrital organic matter, Hg is mainly adsorbed onto the mineral component of the bottom sediments probably because TOC is saturated by Hg excess. Contaminant impact affected also the open sea environment. Main drivers of Hg flux towards the offshore were dredged materials, which repeatedly discharged sediment, resulting in substantial increases in TOC contents and high C/N ratios. Consistent with the geochemistry of recent turbidites, these anomalous sedimentary inputs induced sediment redox environment modifications, constrained by Mn peaks, which affected Hg distribution.  相似文献   
After the earthquakes of September 26, 1997, that hit the Umbria-Marcheboundary (Apennine, Central Italy), with a maximum 6.0 Mw, aprogram of geochemical surveying together with a collection ofhydrogeological changes episodes was extended throughout theepicentre-area, taking the yearly period of the seismic sequence as a whole.After a first areal screening, the Bagni di Triponzo thermal spring wasselected for a discrete temporal monitoring (weekly and monthly basis),being the unique thermal spring throughout the epicentre area. This sitedeserves peculiar interest in deepening the knowledge about deep fluidscirculation changing during seismicity.Laboratory and on-field analyses included major, minor and trace elementsas well as dissolved gases (He, Ar, CH4, CO2, H2S,222Rn, NH4, As, Li, Fe, B, etc...) and selected isotopic ratios(C, H, O, He, Sr, Cl), meaningful from tectonic point of view.The chemistry and isotopic chemistry of the spring were fully outlined anddiscussed, pointing out the main process involving the thermal aquifer: thewater-rock interaction inside the Evaporite Triassic Basement (ETB),possibly involving also the Paleozoic Crystalline Basement. On theother hand, sudden and apparent geochemical and hydrogeologicalvariations during the seismic sequence ruled out an evolution in thewater-rock interaction processes. They occurred both at depth, i.e.,induced by fluid remobilization within the crust explained by the Coseismic Strain Model and by the Fault Valve Activity Model, and in the shallow part of the reservoir (i.e., meteoric watercontamination). A statistical multivariable analysis (Factor Analysis) wasaccomplished to better constrain the correlation between the paroxysmalphases of the seismic sequence and the observed trends and spike-likeanomalies. The groundwater variations was inferred to occur mainly insidethe ETB, from depth (1–2 km) up to surface, particularly in associationof the Sellano earthquake (14/10/1997) and of the seismic re-activationof the sequence at the end of March 1998 (Gualdo Tadino-Rigali andVerchiano areas). The lack of deeper input from below the ETB (slightsignature of PCB), as the lack of He mantle signature, during the seismicperiod as a whole, accounted for seismogenic fault segments rooted onlyin the crust. The results also provide useful information about theearthquake-related response mechanisms occurring at this site, thatrepresent the basic task for planning and managing the impendinghydro-geochemical network aimed at defining the relationships betweenseismic cycle, fluids and reliable earthquake forerunners.  相似文献   
Concentrations of rare earth elements (REE), Y, Th and Sc were recently determined in marine sediments collected using a box corer along two onshore-offshore transects located in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). The REE + Y were enriched in offshore fine-grained sediments where clay minerals are abundant, whereas the REE + Y contents were lower in onshore coarse-grained sediments with high carbonate fractions. Considering this distribution trend, the onshore sediments in front of the southwestern Sicilian coast represent an anomaly with high REE + Y concentrations (mean value 163.4 μg g−1) associated to high Th concentrations (mean value 7.9 μg g−1). Plot of shale-normalized REE + Y data of these coastal sediments showed Middle REE enrichments relative to Light REE and Heavy REE, manifested by a convexity around Sm-Gd-Eu elements. These anomalies in the fractionation patterns of the coastal sediments were attributed to phosphogypsum-contaminated effluents from an industrial plant, located in the southern Sicilian coast.  相似文献   
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