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The current error of 0.0025 on the lunar homogeneity parameterI/MR 2 is dominated by the uncertainties in theC 20 andC 22 gravity harmonics. This error level is equivalent to a 4.20 gm cm–3 density uncertainty for a lunar interior model having a core 300 km in radius. Covariance analyses are performed using Doppler data from the relay satellite of the proposed Lunar Polar Orbiter mission to determine an optimum reduction strategy which obtains an order of magnitude improvement in the gravity estimates. Error studies show the long-arc reduction method obtains results which are an order of magnitude more accurate than the short-arc technique. The nominal 4000 km circular orbit of the relay satellite is very sensitive to the unmodeled effects of gravity harmonics of degree 5 through 9. Results from this orbital geometry indicate that it may not be possible to achieve the desired order of magnitude accuracy improvement. A modified orbit having the identical orbital conditions as the nominal one, but with a larger semi-major axis of 7000 km is studied. Results show the desired order of magnitude improvement can be achieved when a complete fourth degree and order model and some fifth and sixth degree terms are estimated while considering the unmodeled effects of the remaining harmonics through degree and order eight. Studies also show a 50% additional improvement inC 22 can be achieved if differential differenced Doppler is also processed with the direct Doppler. The improved uncertainty inI/MR 2 reduces the core density error from 4.20 gm cm–3 to 0.1 gm cm–3 for the case of a lunar density model having a 300 km core radius.Contribution #2885 of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Exploration and exploitation of coal seams is one of the major resources for the energy sector in any country but at the same time water filled voids/water logged areas in the old workings of these seams are very critical problems for the coal mining industry. In such situations, disasters like inundation, landslides, collapsing of the old seams may occur. In this regard, it is necessary to find out the water saturated/water filled voids and zones in the mining areas. Since no established technique is available to find such zones, an experimental study using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) has been carried out in one of the coal mining areas near Dhanbad, to find out the feasibility of finding the barrier thickness and the water logged area in underground coal mines. The area under study forms part of Jharia coalfield in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand state. The coal bearing rocks of Barakar Formation of Lower Permian age (Gondwana period) occur in the area under a thin cover (10 m to15 m) of soil and or alluvium. Coal bearing Barakar Formations consist mainly of sandstone of varying grain size, intercalation of shale and sandstone, grey and carbonaceous-shale and coal seams. Since the water saturation reduces the resistivity of a formation to a large extent, water filled voids and old coal workings are expected to have significant resistivity contrast with the surrounding host rock. Hence, ERI technique was applied in such an environment as this technique uses high-density data acquisition both laterally and vertically by using multiple number of electrodes. Along with ERI, mise-à-la-masse (also called charged body) technique was also employed at one of the promising sites to find out the connectivity of water logged areas and also detection of these old workings from the surface measurements was analyzed. The interpreted 2D resistivity sections have clearly indicated the water bearing zone(s) along the profile which was well confirmed with the existing water level in the nearby borewells. On the other hand, this technique did not identify the size of the coal pillar and gallery (air filled voids), which might be due to the small size of the voids (i.e. about 2 m × 2 m) below a depth of 15m and more but have indicated altogether as a high resistive zone ranging from 600–1000 Ohm-m.  相似文献   
Inverted metamorphism in the Himalayas is closely associated with the Main Central Thrust (MCT). In the western Himalayas, the Main Central Thrust conventionally separates high grade metamorphic rocks of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence (HHCS) from unmetamorphosed rocks of the Inner sedimentary Belt. In the eastern Himalayas, the Inner sedimentary Belt is absent, and the HHCS and meta-sedimentary Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) apparently form a continuous Barrovian metamorphic sequence, leading to confusion about the precise location of the MCT. In this study, it is demonstrated that migmatitic gneisses of the sillimanite zone in the higher structural levels of the HHCS are multiply deformed, with two phases of penetrative fabric formation (S1HHCS and S2HHCS) followed by third folding event associated with a spaced, NW-SE trending, north-east dipping foliation (S3HHCS). The underlying LHS schists (kyanite zone and lower) are also multiply deformed, with the bedding S0 being isoclinally folded (F1LHS), and subsequently refolded (F2LHS and F3LHS). The contact zone between the HHCS and LHS is characterized by ductile, top-to-the southwest shearing and stabilization of a pervasive foliation that is consistently oriented NW-SE and dips northeast. This foliation is parallel to the S3HHCS foliation in the HHCS, and the S2LHS in the LHS. Early lineations in the HHCS and LHS also show different dispersions across the contact shear zone, implying that pre-thrusting orientations of the two units were distinct. The contact shear zone is therefore interpreted to be a plane of structural discordance, shows a shear sense consistent with thrust movement and is associated with mineral growth during Barrovian metamorphism. It may well be considered to represent the MCT in this region.  相似文献   
We present new insights on the time-averaged surface velocities, convergence and extension rates along arc-normal transects in Kumaon, Garhwal and Kashmir–Himachal regions in the Indian Himalaya from 13 years of high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) time series (1995–2008) derived from GPS data at 14 GPS permanent and 42 campaign stations between $29.5{-}35^{\circ }\hbox {N}$ and $76{-}81^{\circ }\hbox {E}$ . The GPS surface horizontal velocities vary significantly from the Higher to Lesser Himalaya and are of the order of 30 to 48 mm/year NE in ITRF 2005 reference frame, and 17 to 2 mm/year SW in an India fixed reference frame indicating that this region is accommodating less than 2 cm/year of the India–Eurasia plate motion ( ${\sim }4~\hbox {cm/year}$ ). The total arc-normal shortening varies between ${\sim }10{-}14~\hbox {mm/year}$ along the different transects of the northwest Himalayan wedge, between the Indo-Tsangpo suture to the north and the Indo-Gangetic foreland to the south indicating high strain accumulation in the Himalayan wedge. This convergence is being accommodated differentially along the arc-normal transects; ${\sim } 5{-}10~\hbox {mm/year}$ in Lesser Himalaya and 3–4 mm/year in Higher Himalaya south of South Tibetan Detachment. Most of the convergence in the Lesser Himalaya of Garhwal and Kumaon is being accommodated just south of the Main Central Thrust fault trace, indicating high strain accumulation in this region which is also consistent with the high seismic activity in this region. In addition, for the first time an arc-normal extension of ${\sim }6~\hbox {mm/year}$ has also been observed in the Tethyan Himalaya of Kumaon. Inverse modeling of GPS-derived surface deformation rates in Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya using a single dislocation indicate that the Main Himalayan Thrust is locked from the surface to a depth of ${\sim }15{-}20~\hbox {km}$ over a width of 110 km with associated slip rate of ${\sim }16{-}18~\hbox {mm/year}$ . These results indicate that the arc-normal rates in the Northwest Himalaya have a complex deformation pattern involving both convergence and extension, and rigorous seismo-tectonic models in the Himalaya are necessary to account for this pattern. In addition, the results also gave an estimate of co-seismic and post-seismic motion associated with the 1999 Chamoli earthquake, which is modeled to derive the slip and geometry of the rupture plane.  相似文献   
The paper presents some spherically symmetric cosmological Solutions in which the velocity field is shear-free but there is a flux of energy. The solutions are believed to be new and the previous known solutions of this class due to Bergmann and Maiti may be obtained as special cases of our metrics.  相似文献   
We present a brief review of progress in the understanding of general spiral and elliptical galaxies, through merger, star formation and AGN activities. With reference to case studies performed with the GMRT, we highlight the unique aspects of studying galaxies in the radio wavelengths where powerful quasars and bright radio galaxies are traditionally the dominating subjects. Though AGN or quasar activity is extremely energetic, it is extremely short-lived. This justify focussing on transitional galaxies to find relic-evidences of the immediate past AGN-feedback which decide the future course of evolution of a galaxy. Relic radio lobes can be best detected in low frequency observations with the GMRT, LOFAR and in future SKA. The age of these relic radio plasma can be as old as a few hundred Myr. There is a huge gap between this and what is found in optical bands. The very first relic-evidences of a past quasar activity (Hanny’s Voorwerp) was discovered in 2007 by a Galaxy Zoo citizen-scientist, a school teacher, in the optical bands. This relic is around a few tens of thousand years old. More discoveries needed to match these time-scales with star formation time-scales in AGN host galaxies to better understand black hole galaxy co-evolution process via feedback-driven quenching of star formation. It is now well-accepted that discovery and characterization of such faint fuzzy relic features can be more efficiently done by human eye than a machine. Radio interferometry images are more complicated than optical and need the citizen-scientists to be trained. RAD@home, the only Indian citizen-science research project in astronomy, analysing TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS) 150 MHz data and observing from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT), was launched in April 2013. Unique, zero-infrastructure zero-funded design of RAD@home as a collaboratory of 69 trained e-astronomers is briefly described. Some of the new-found objects like episodic radio galaxies, radio-jet and companion galaxy interaction, radio galaxy bent by motion of the intra-filament medium in a Mpc-scale galaxy filament etc. are briefly presented as demonstration of its potential. Citizen-science has not only opened up a new way for astronomy research but also possibly the only promising way to extract maximum science out of the Big Data in the SKA-era. This possibly can convert the Big Data problem into a prospect. Citizen-science can contribute to the knowledge creation in never-seen-before speed and in approach. As it is based on internet, it can provide an equal opportunity of academic-growth to people even in the under-developed regions where we always need to put our optical and radio telescopes. This can liberate the research-activity of city-based research-institutes out of the four brick walls and alleviate various socio-economic and geo-political constraints on growth of citizens educated in undergraduate-level science but located in remote areas.  相似文献   
In this study, a series of RE3+:YVO4 catalysts were successful synthesized by environmentally friendly mild hydrothermal and supercritical hydrothermal techniques. The rare earth-doped YVO4 photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the as-prepared YVO4 crystals are of tetragonal phase. Further, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy result shows the absence of OH– molecules. The photoluminescence spectroscopy curves and UV–Vis spectra suggest that the band gap energy of YVO4 is shifted to lower energy level due to doping of Nd3+ and Er3+ ions. The catalytic activities of the as-prepared RE3+:YVO4 samples were tested for the photodegradation of amaranth aqueous dye solution under sunlight irradiation. Remarkably, the rare earth-doped YVO4 nanocrystal sample showed outstanding photocatalytic degradation activities than undoped YVO4 nanocrystal sample with good reusability. Under full spectrum irradiation, the as-prepared Nd3+-doped YVO4 nanocrystals exhibited about 83% degradation efficiency. The apparent rate constant k for as-prepared Nd3+-doped YVO4 nanocrystals with 50 mg of photocatalyst exhibits highest k value (0.32 min?1), which is 2.9% higher than pure YVO4 nanocrystals (0.11 min?1).  相似文献   
GPS-derived deformation rates in northwestern Himalaya and Ladakh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deformation rates derived from GPS measurements made at two continuously operating stations at Leh (34.1°N, 77.6°E) and Hanle (32.7°N, 78.9°E), and eight campaign sites in the trans-Himalayan Ladakh spanning 11 years (1997–2008), provide a clear picture of the kinematics of this region as well as the convergence rate across northwestern Himalaya. All the Ladakh sites move 32–34 mm/year NE in the ITRF2005 reference frame, and their relative velocities are 13–16 mm/year SW in the Indian reference frame and ~19 mm/year W with reference to the Lhasa IGS station in southeastern Tibet. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant deformation in the 200-km stretch between the continuous sites Leh and Hanle as well as between Leh and Nubra valley sites along the Karakoram fault, whereas the sites in and around the splayed Karakoram fault region indicate surface deformation of 2.5 mm/year. Campaign sites along the Karakoram fault zone indicate a fault parallel surface motion of 1.4–2.5 mm/year in the Tangste and western Panamik segment of the Karakoram fault, which quantifies the best possible GPS-derived dextral slip rate of 3 mm/year along this fault during this 11-year period. Baselines of Ladakh sites show convergence rates of 15–18 mm/year with respect to south India and 12–15 mm/year with respect to Delhi in north India and Almora in the Himalaya ~400 km north-northeast of Delhi. These constitute an arc normal convergence of 12–15 mm/year across the western Himalaya, which is consistent with arc normal convergence all along the Himalayan arc from west to east. Baseline extension rates of 14–16 mm/year between Lhasa and Ladakh sites are consistent with the east–west extension rate of Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
The skill and efficiency of a numerical model mostly varies with the quality of initial values, accuracy on parameterization of physical processes and horizontal and vertical resolution of the model. Commonly used low-resolution reanalyses are hardly able to capture the prominent features associated with organized convective processes in a monsoon depression. The objective is to prepare improved high-resolution analysis by the use of MM5 modelling system developed by the Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR). It requires the objective comparison of high and low-resolution analysis datasets in assessing the specific convective features of a monsoon depression. For this purpose, reanalysis datasets of NCAR/NCEP (National Center for Atmospheric Research/National Centers for Environmental Prediction) at a horizontal resolution of 2.5‡ (latitude/longitude) have been used as first guess in the objective analysis scheme. The additional asynoptic datasets obtained during BOBMEX-99 are utilized within the assimilation process. Cloud Motion Wind (CMW) data of METEOSAT satellite and SSM/I surface wind data are included for the improvement of derived analysis. The multiquadric (MQD) interpolation technique is selected and applied for meteorological objective analysis at a horizontal resolution of 30 km. After a successful inclusion of additional data, the resulting reanalysis is able to produce the structure of convective organization as well as prominent synoptic features associated with monsoon depression. Comparison and error verifications have been done with the help of available upper-air station data. The objective verification reveals the efficiency of the analysis scheme.  相似文献   
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