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79Se is a potentially mobile long-lived fission product, which may make a dominant contribution to the long-term radiation exposure resulting from deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Its mobility is affected by sorption on minerals. Selenium sorption processes have been studied mainly by considering interaction with a single mineral surface. In the case of multi-component systems (e.g. soils), it is difficult to predict the radioelement behaviour only from the mineral constituents. This study contributes to the understanding of multi-component controls of Se concentrations towards predicting Se behaviour in soils after migration from a disposal site. This goal was approached by measuring selenite sorption on mono and multi-phase systems physically separated by dialysis membranes. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, very few studies have used dialysis membranes to study the sorption competition of selenite between several mineral phases. Other workers have used this method to study the sorption of pesticides on montmorillonite in the presence of dissolved organic matter. Indeed, this method allows measurement of individual Kd in a system composed of several mineral phases. Dialysis membranes allowed (i) determination of the competition of two mineral phases for selenite sorption (ii) and determination of the role of humic acids (HAs) on selenite sorption in oxidising conditions. Experimental results at pH 7.0 show an average Se(IV) sorption distribution coefficient (Kd) of approximately 125 and 9410 L kg−1 for bentonite and goethite, respectively. The average Kd for goethite decreases to 613 L kg−1 or 3215 L kg−1 in the presence of bentonite or HA, respectively. For bentonite, the average Kd decreases slightly in the presence of goethite (60 L kg−1) and remains unchanged in the presence of HA. The experimental data were successfully modelled with a surface complexation model using the PHREEQC geochemical code. The drastic decrease in Se(IV) sorption on goethite in a multi-phase system is attributed to competition with dissolved silica released by bentonite. As with Si the HA compete with Se for sorption sites on goethite.  相似文献   
In southern Hodna, an arid region of Algeria, the extension of irrigated agriculture and overexploitation of groundwaters have led to a rupture with traditional land use by pastoralism. Due to the arid conditions, groundwaters are the only water resources for man and irrigation. This study focuses on nitrate contamination of groundwaters and its increase since the last 40 years, on the basis of two archives and recent analyses. The chemical facies of waters is sulphate-chloride, the risk of salinity is moderate to large. The sodicity risk, as estimated by the SAR, is low due to the large salinity and the sandy soil texture. Nitrate contamination of deep groundwater is a clear evidence when recent data are compared to the historical data. From 1996 to 2008, the proportion of samples with NO 3 ? concentrations larger than 50 mg/L increases from 24 to 61 %, the proportion of samples with NO 3 ? concentrations larger than 100 mg/L increases from 12 to 27 %. The study points at a general contamination of aquifers from anthropic origin: phreatic water was already contaminated when pastoralism was dominant (1967); as population increased and irrigation agriculture developed with large use of N-fertilizers and organic amendments, contamination extended spatially and vertically to deep aquifer. To remediate this contamination, fertilizers should be fractionated and limited to plant requirements on the basis of soil and plant analyses. Excess of irrigation should be avoided. Soil surface should be continuously covered to prevent nitrate leaching. Secondly, more efficient irrigation techniques, such as localized irrigation, should be implemented, with adaptation of crop systems and fertilizer inputs to arid conditions. Farmers should then be trained; simultaneously, local agronomic references that are presently lacking should be acquired.  相似文献   
Resumé Cet article présente des données bathymétriques et magnétiques de la région axiale de la dorsale sud-ouest indienne au voisinage de la zone de fracture majeure Atlantis II. Elles proviennent pricipalement de la campagne MD34 (Marion-Dufresne, 1983).L'axe de la dorsale est défini par la vallée et l'anomalie magnétique qui lui est associée. Le rilief le long de l'axe varie localement très rapidement; A l'ouest de la zone de fracture Atlantis II, le plancher axial présente deux bombements séparés par une dépression importante (4600 m). Cette étude met en évidence la corrélation entre ces hauts bathymétriques, la forme de la vallée et la l'amplitude de l'anomalie magnétique axiale: lorsque la profondeur du plancher axial diminue, la vallée se creuse et son encaissement augmente. On observe ainsi sur les hauts bathymétriques une section d'axe très encaissée, associée à une anomalie magnétique d'amplitude plus importance.L'identification de l'anomalie 5 (10 Ma) sur chaque flanc de la dorsale sud-ouest indienne permet la reconstitution de cette isochrone qui montre clairement une évolution de la géométrie de l'axe: à l'époque de l'anomalie 5, l'axe était composé de segments perpendiculaires à la direction d'expansion, décalés par des failles transformantes, alors qu'il apparait actuellement continu et formé sur les hauts topographiques de courts segments perpendiculaires à la direction d'expansion (et dans les dépressions par des sections d'axe très obliques).La carte bathymétrique met en évidence des lignes de crêtes grossièrement Nord-Sud (007°) dont la direction diffère de la direction d'expansion (357°) déduite des reconstructions, et parallèle à la zone de fracture majeure Atlantis II. Sur les dorsales lentes, les zones de fractures mineures, n'indiqueraient donc pas la véritable direction d'expansion.
The axial region of the Southwest Indian Ridge between 53° E and 59° E: Evolution during the last 10 Ma
An interpretation of bathymetric and magnetic data obtained aboard the R/V Marion Dufresne provides us with new information concerning the evolution of the Southwest Indian Ridge, in the region of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone (57° E), since 10 Ma. On all profiles, the ridge axis and the axial magnetic anomaly have been clearly recognized. Bathymetric data illustrate the rapid variation of depth along the axis. On the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, the along axis profile is characterized by a succession of two highs, and an important depression between them.Our data show a strong relationship between the regional axial depth, the steep-sidedness of the axial valley and the signature of the central magnetic anomaly. In particular, where the axis is deepest (4500 m), there is a wide, shallow axial valley which is oblique to the spreading direction, and a non-typical central magnetic anomaly signature. In contrast, where the regional axial depth is shallow (3500 m), the axial valley is deep, narrow, perpendicular to the spreading direction, and the central magnetic anomaly is high in amplitude. The ridge axis on the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone appears to consist of short segments located on the axial highs, which are linked by oblique zones. On the eastern side, the ridge axis is continuous, and appears to be oblique to the spreading direction.Clearly lineated magnetic anomalies 3A (5 Ma) and 5 (10 Ma) have been identified and mapped. These magnetic data allow a reconstruction which shows an evolution of the axial geometry since 10 Ma. On the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, the axis at anomaly 5 time consisted of segments perpendicular to the spreading direction which were offset by transform faults. On the eastern side, the isochron A5 appears to be parallel to the present-day ridge axis. From this plate reconstruction, a spreading direction of 357° was deduced, and appears to be parallel to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone.On each flank of the Suuthwest Indian Ridge, our bathymetric data show elongated ridges, aligned in a north-south direction, which correlate with the axial topographic highs. This direction is not precisely parallel to the spreading direction deduced from plate reconstruction. The differences in these directions suggest that transverse relief on show spreading ridge flanks (which could be interpreted as indicating the location of minor fracture zones) may not be indicative of the seafloor spreading direction.
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