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The Nabar pluton with the age of Oligo-Miocene located northwest of Isfahan, the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt, is composed of gabbro, gabbro diorite, diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite, and quartz monzonite. These rocks contain plagioclase, quartz, alkali-feldspar, magnesiohornblende, actinolite, tremolite-hornblende, actinolite-hornblende, anthophyllite, biotite, and Na-poor pyroxene. Application of the Al-in-hornblende barometry indicates pressures of 2–2.15 kbar, whereas the clinopyroxene barometry shows a pressure of 5 kbar. The temperature (i.e., 750–800°C) is estimated using the amphibole-clinopyroxene thermometry in a dioritic sample. Magmatic water content was greater than 10% at the time of formation of dioritic rocks in the Nabar pluton. Based on chemistry of mafic minerals and geochemical data, the Nabar plutonic complex comprises medium-K, calc-alkaline, and I-type granitoid. The rocks are characterized by enrichment of lithophile elements (LILEs) and depletion of high-field-strength elements (HFSEs). The Nabar rocks have weak concave-upward rare earth element (REE) patterns, suggesting that amphibole played a significant role in their generation during magma segregation. Low (Al2O3/(FeO + MgO + TiO2) and (Na2O + K2O)/(FeO + MgO + TiO2) ratios, and the patterns of trace and rare earth elements suggest that these rocks formed along a destructive plate margin and were derived from a lower crustal source. The magma probably formed by partial melting of lower crustal protoliths (amphibolites). Lower crust contamination with magma derived from partial melting of the upper mantle has an important role in the formation of this intrusive body, and a fractional crystallization of melts in higher crustal levels generated this spectrum of rock types. Mantle-derived gabbroic magmas emplaced into the lower crust are the most likely heat sources for partial melting.  相似文献   
The movement of chemicals through soil to groundwater is a major cause of degradation of water resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications are associated with this form of pollution. The study of the effects of different factors involved in transport phenomena can provide valuable information to find the best remediation approaches. Numerical models are increasingly being used for predicting or analyzing solute transport processes in soils and groundwater. This article presents the development of a stochastic finite element model for the simulation of contaminant transport through soils with the main focus being on the incorporation of the effects of soil heterogeneity in the model. The governing equations of contaminant transport are presented. The mathematical framework and the numerical implementation of the model are described. The comparison of the results obtained from the developed stochastic model with those obtained from a deterministic method and some experimental results shows that the stochastic model is capable of predicting the transport of solutes in unsaturated soil with higher accuracy than deterministic one. The importance of the consideration of the effects of soil heterogeneity on contaminant fate is highlighted through a sensitivity analysis regarding the variance of saturated hydraulic conductivity as an index of soil heterogeneity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To evaluate the specific validity of the Caspian pipefish Syngnathus caspius, we used a comparative molecular species delimitation method on a COI barcode library of Syngnathus, as well as principles of genealogical concordance. Comparative species delimitation allowed us to delineate putative species without a priori assignment of individuals to nominal species, while genealogical concordance extended our species delimitation results to multiple genes, multiple codistributed species, and comparisons with biogeographic evidence. All species delimitation analyses including two topology‐based, one network‐based, and one distance‐based analysis showed genetically isolated lineages of pipefish in the Black and Caspian Sea, corresponding to S. abaster and S. caspius, respectively. Mean evolutionary divergence between the two lineages (0.029) was within the range separating species of Syngnathus (0.024–0.217). The interclade/intraclade ratio of variation was comparable to the operational criterion of divergence between clades greater or equal to 10 × the level within clades to recognize separate species. Our argument on taxonomic validity of S. caspius is also supported by the principles of genealogical concordance as a conceptual basis for recognition of biological species. As a second objective, using a limited number of S. caspius specimens from two semi‐confined water bodies along the Caspian Sea south coastal zone (i.e., Anzali Wetland in the west and Gorgan Bay in the east), we searched for a possible matrilineal structure. The retrieved phylogeographic pattern was characterized by a shallow genealogy and lineage distributions varied, most probably caused by low to modest contemporary gene flow between populations of S. caspius across the southern Caspian Sea that are linked tightly through history.  相似文献   
With an objective to develop a closed loop wastewater biorefinery, the performance of two free floating aquatic weeds water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes, Mart, Solms) and salvinia (Salvinia molesta, Mitchell) is explored when either is used as the main bioagent for treating sewage in “sheet flow root level” (SHEFROL) bioreactors. Both the macrophytes prove to be easy to propagate and maintain while they are able to help in achieving significant primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment steps of greywater in a single step. Water hyacinth is able to remove suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, soluble phosphorous, zinc, copper, nickel, and manganese to the average extents of 81%, 79%, 43%, 41%, 40%, 36%, 34%, and 29%, respectively. The reduction in COD and BOD levels achieved by salvinia is marginally lesser than by water hyacinth but in terms of the removal of other pollutants, the performance of salvinia is comparable to that of water hyacinth. It is possible to convert the dead or harvested plants to organic fertilizer thus making it a closed-loop system with no waste of its own.  相似文献   
The Eocene dyke swarm with east-west general trend intrudes the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in ~25 km north of the Khur city (Central Iran). Some of the studied dykes can be followed for over 7 km, but the majority of exposures in the area are less than 5 km long. The dykes commonly exhibit a chilled contact with the wall rocks. These dykes are trachybasalt and basalt in composition. The trachybasalt dykes are much more abundant. The basaltic dykes cross cut the trachybasalt dykes in some locations, indicating that trachybasalt dykes are older than the basaltic ones. Primary igneous minerals of the basaltic dykes are olivine (chrysolite), clinopyroxene (diopside, augite), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, magnetite, orthopyroxene (enstatite), spinel and phlogopite, and secondary minerals are zeolite (natrolite and mesolite), chlorite (diabantite), calcite and serpentine. The trachybasalt dykes are composed of clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, mica (biotite and phlogopite), amphibole (magnesio-hastingsite) and magnetite as primary minerals, and chlorite and calcite as secondary ones. Whole rocks geochemical data of the studied dykes indicate their basic and calc-alkaline nature and suggest that these two set of dykes were derived from the same parental magma. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns and the primitive mantle-normalized multi-elemental diagram of the Khur dykes show enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREE), and negative anomalies of high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Ti, Nb and Ta). These rocks show enrichment of the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (e.g. Cs, Ba, Th and U) and depletion of the HREE and Y relative to MREE, Zr and Hf. In the chondrite-normalized REE diagram, the basalts show elevated REE abundances relative to the trachybasalt samples. Geochemical analyses of the studied samples suggest a spinel lherzolite from the mantle as the source rock and confirm the role of subduction in their generation. The chemical characteristics of the Khur dykes resemble those of continental arc rocks, and they were possibly formed by subduction of the Central-East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM) confining oceanic crust and decompression melting of a lithospheric subcontinental mantle spinel lherzolite enriched by subduction.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Recently in agricultural and industrial sectors, researchers have started to classify the climate of a region using empirical methods and clustering. This...  相似文献   
The hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the southern parts of Tehran Province are considered. Twenty-three sampling stations were selected and major anions/cations, electrical conductivity and pH were detected. Sulfate and chloride were found as major anions, while no specific dominant cation was determined. More than half of the samples were found to be unsuitable for drinking purposes, due to high concentrations of anions/cations. Regarding agricultural use, almost all samples were classified as having high-risk levels of salinity, while for alkali hazard considerable risks were observed in most cases. Generally, an increasing trend of salinity is observed from northwest to southeast of the study area. Such increase may be justified by the adjacency of the Iran central desert and salt lake to the southern boundaries of the study area. Extended use of sulfate-containing fertilizers may also play a key role in justifying the high sulfate concentration in comparison to other anions.  相似文献   
The Salt Range/Potwar Plateau (SRPP) is part of the Himalayan foreland and an important petroleum province in north Pakistan. The hydrocarbons are commonly produced from stacked Cambrian to Eocene clastic and carbonate reservoirs which have an average thickness of 1 km. These strata are overlain by at least 5 km of Miocene and younger continental molasse sedimentation in the deepest part of the foreland basin. Surface and subsurface (seismic interpretations and borehole data) geology combined with the timing and the patterns of sedimentation has allowed to interpret the deformation as thin skinned, with a detachment in weak Eocambrian evaporates and the development of ramp-and-flat structures, since about 8 Ma. We have reviewed the structural interpretations with new borehole logs, field geology, and reserve estimates in this paper to precisely define oil-field structures with a view on future exploration. As a result of this work, 12 oil fields are classified as three detachment folds, four fault-propagation folds, four pop-ups, and one triangle zone structure. The latter two are identified as better prospects with the last one as the best with estimated reserves of 51 million barrels of oil (MMBO). Hence, the triangle zones along with other ramp-and-flat structures from the North Potwar Deformed Zone (NPDZ) are recognized to provide potential future prospects. Finally, a 40-km-long structural cross section from NPDZ is used to discuss complex deformation of the triangle zone and duplex structures as future potential prospects. About 55 km of shortening across the NPDZ during Plio-Pleistocene time is calculated, which has important bearing on the geometry of prospects, reserve calculations, and the future exploration.  相似文献   

Tunneling is often unpopular with local residents and environmentalists, and can cause aquifer damage. Tunnel sealing is sometimes used to avoid groundwater leakage into the tunnel, thereby mitigating the damage. Due to the high cost of sealing operations, a detailed hydrogeological investigation should be conducted as part of the tunneling project to determine the impact of sealing, and groundwater modeling is an accurate method that can aid decision-making. Groundwater-level drawdown induced by the construction of the Headrace water-conveyance tunnel in Sri Lanka dried up 456 wells. Due to resulting socio-environmental problems, tunnel sealing was decided as a remedy solution. However, due to the expectation of significant delays and high costs of sealing, and because the water pressure in the tunnel may prevent groundwater seepage into the tunnel during operation, there was another (counter) decision that the tunnel could remain unsealed. This paper describes groundwater modeling carried out using MODFLOW to determine which option—sealed or unsealed tunnel—is more effective in groundwater level recovery. The Horizontal Flow Barrier and River packages of MODFLOW were used to simulate sealed and unsealed tunnels, respectively. The simulation results showed that only through tunnel sealing can the groundwater level be raised to preexisting levels after 18 years throughout the study area. If the tunnel remains unsealed, about 1 million m3/year of water conveyed by the tunnel will seep into the aquifer, reducing the operational capacity of the tunnel as a transport scheme. In conclusion, partial tunnel sealing in high-impact sections is recommended.

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