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Palaeoecological studies carried out in the Chilean Lake District and Chilotan Archipelago (41°–43°S) record full-glacial and late-glacial pollen assemblages beginning just after 21000 and beetle assemblages after 18000, both sets extending until 10000 14C yr BP. Pollen records indicate that Subantarctic Parkland, the vegetation of the early millennia of record, changed after about 14000 yr BP to become open woodland and later North Patagonian Evergreen Forest. Assemblages of plants and beetles, responding more or less in unison to a strong rise in temperature (≥ 6°C), behaved in accord at around 14000 until 13000–12500 yr BP, the beetle fauna displaying a marked increase in obligate forest types. During full-glacial conditions (17400–16100 and 15300 and 14400 yr BP) and in the late-glacial interval (after about 13000 yr BP), however, climate evidently coerced populations dissimilarly, the pollen sequence showing an increase in plant taxa indicative of colder climate, whereas the beetle fauna underwent little or no variation. Contrasting climate modes implied by plants and beetles may be attributed to differential responses to apparent low-order temperature changes (≤ 2–3°C).  相似文献   
A new tephra has been identified within a long core (EC 3) sequence recovered from Les Echets, near Lyon, France. This visible tephra was discovered as part of a high resolution multiproxy re-investigation of the Les Echets sequence. Independent chronological information suggests that the tephra is c . 2 000–45 000 years old, and geochemical analysis indicates that it is of basanitic composition. The latter suggests a possible origin in the Eifel; however, as yet, no other volcanic events or deposits can be correlated to the Les Echets tephra. New sedimentological and chronological data are presented indicating that the tephra falls within an interval that most likely correlates with Dansgaard–Oeschger events 12-9. Thus, this tephra could potentially be an important middle MIS 3 marker horizon in central Europe if it can be traced in other palaeorecords.  相似文献   

This paper presents four different approaches for integrating conventional and AI-based forecasting models to provide a hybridized solution to the continuous river level and flood prediction problem. Individual forecasting models were developed on a stand alone basis using historical time series data from the River Ouse in northern England. These include a hybrid neural network, a simple rule-based fuzzy logic model, an ARMA model and naive predictions (which use the current value as the forecast). The individual models were then integrated via four different approaches: calculation of an average, a Bayesian approach, and two fuzzy logic models, the first based purely on current and past river flow conditions and the second, a fuzzification of the crisp Bayesian method. Model performance was assessed using global statistics and a more specific flood related evaluation measure. The addition of fuzzy logic to the crisp Bayesian model yielded overall results that were superior to the other individual and integrated approaches.  相似文献   
Integrating a GIS has been a common way to combine the functionality of two or more systems for some time. A three-dimensional model of integration is described which shows the range of linkages that can be achieved. Extremely flexible and dynamic linkages between systems can now be created through the recent advances of client/server and object-oriented technology. An expert system shell is coupled with a GIS to create a generic spatial rule-based toolbox called SES (spatial expert shell). An expert system developer using this toolbox can transparently access spatial data and relationships from a GIS by linking application objects to spatial classes. These spatial classes include methods that format and send requests to the GIS server. Thus the linkage is determined at run-time allowing a flexible interwoven interaction between the expert system and the GIS.  相似文献   
222 Rn and 226Ra distributions beneath the sea ice of the Barents Sea revealed that ice cover has varied effects on air-sea gas exchange. Twice, once in late summer and once in late winter, seawater samples from the top meter below drill holes had 222Rn activities that were not lower than their 226,Ra activities, indicating the existence of secular equilibrium and a negligible net exchange of 222Rn and other gases with the atmosphere. However, seawater in the upper 20-85 m usually exhibited at least some 222Rn depletion; 222Rn-to-226Ra activity ratios tended to have 'ice-free' values (0.3-0.9) in the summer and values between 0.9 and 1.0 in the winter. Integrated 222Rn depletions and piston velocities in both seasons typically fell in the lower 25% of the ranges for ice-free seawater, suggesting that a moderate but far from total reduction in gas exchange is normally caused by ice cover and/or meltwater. The results demonstrate that sea-ice interference with the oceanic uptake of atmospheric gases such as CO, is not well understood and needs further investigation.  相似文献   
Wohlfarth, B., Alexanderson, H., Ampel, L., Bennike, O., Engels, S., Johnsen, T., Lundqvist, J. & Reimer, P. 2010: Pilgrimstad revisited – a multi‐proxy reconstruction of Early/Middle Weichselian climate and environment at a key site in central Sweden. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00192.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The site Pilgrimstad in central Sweden has often been cited as a key locality for discussions of ice‐free/ice‐covered intervals during the Early and Middle Weichselian. Multi‐proxy investigations of a recently excavated section at Pilgrimstad now provide a revised picture of the climatic and environmental development between ~80 and 36 ka ago. The combination of sedimentology, geochemistry, OSL and 14C dating, and macrofossil, siliceous microfossil and chironomid analyses shows: (i) a lower succession of glaciofluvial/fluvial, lacustrine and glaciolacustrine sediments; (ii) an upper lacustrine sediment sequence; and (iii) Last Glacial Maximum till cover. Microfossils in the upper lacustrine sediments are initially characteristic for oligo‐ to mesotrophic lakes, and macrofossils indicate arctic/sub‐arctic environments and mean July temperatures >8 °C. These conditions were, however, followed by a return to a low‐nutrient lake and a cold and dry climate. The sequence contains several hiatuses, as shown by the often sharp contacts between individual units, which suggests that ice‐free intervals alternated with possible ice advances during certain parts of the Early and Middle Weichselian.  相似文献   
Book Review     

The instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) of a watershed is the result of one instantaneous unit of rainfall excess distributed uniformly over the watershed. Although the geomorphological characteristics of the basin remain relatively constant, the variable characteristics of storms cause variations in the shape of the resulting hydrographs. It is, therefore, inadequate to use one typical IUH to represent the hydrological response generated from any specific storm. In this study, a variable IUH was derived that directly reflects the time-varying rainfall intensity during storms. The rainfall intensity used to generate the variable IUH at time t is the mean rainfall intensity occurring from the time t—T c to t in which T c is the watershed time of concentration. Hydrological records from three watersheds in Taiwan were used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model. The results show that better simulations can be obtained by using the proposed model than by using the conventional unit hydrograph method, especially for concentrated rainstorm cases.  相似文献   
Shane, Linda C. K. 1987 03 01: Late-glacial vegetational and climatic history of the Allegheny Plateau and the Till Plains of Ohio and Indiana, U.S.A. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 1–20. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Pollen evidence from the Allegheny Plateau and the Till Plains south of the Great Lakes shows marked post-glacial vegetation gradients. C. 15,500–11,000 B.P .: On the Plateau, spruce forest was rapidly established, persisted for 2,000 years, then began a gradual change to deciduous-conifer forest. On the Till Plains, open spruce forest tundra closed slowly over 1,000 years, declined rapidly c . 13,500 B.P., and a deciduous open woodland developed. C. 11,000–10,300 B.P .: On the Till Plains, a brief cooling is recorded by increases in the abundance of spruce and fir, contemporaneous with the European Younger Dryas. No clear change is seen on the Plateau. 10,300–4,000 B.P .: Warming and/or drying occurred in both areas, as hemlock and jack/red pine trees immigrated, followed by white pine. Conifers disappeared from the Till Plains by 9,800 B.P., but pine and hemlock trees may have persisted on the Plateau. After 10,000 B.P. mixed deciduous forest was established across the entire region. Between 8,000 and 4,000 B.P., further warming/drying is indicated on the Till Plains with development of open oak forest and lake shallowing, and on the Plateau by a minor increase in herbs, lake shallowing, and reduction in pine.  相似文献   
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