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The Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) Talme Yafe Formation is a huge prismshaped accumulation (more than 3000 m thick, about 20 km wide, and at least 150 km long) of calcareous detritus at the northwest continental margin of the Arabian Craton (Israel). Its sources of clastic material are biochemical carbonates and skeletal fragments derived from rudistid reefs deposited on the wide epicontinental platform located east of the accumulation site. Transport of the material from the shelf platform over the edge onto the slope was probably done by storms and by tidal and seasonal currents. Downslope movement was by nepheloid layers and by gravity-induced currents (turbidity currents?) whereas contour currents are considered the main dispersing and shaping agent active on the slope proper. No clear-cut evidence indicating turbidites was perceived; however, they would be expected to be found west of the study area, on the abyssal plain where they are usually ponded.  相似文献   
In the Upper Cretaceous sequence of the Negev (southern Israel) the organic matter in phosphorites and cherts differs from that associated with oil shales in its higher content of humic substances and lower kerogen content, and in its more intensive microbial alteration. The n-alkane distribution pattern of the oil shales, phosphorites and cherts indicates that marine biota, probably algae, are the main organic precursors of their organic matter. In some of the oil shales, however, some contribution of terrestrial organic matter is also evident. Similar high phytane/pristane ratios indicate that the organic matter in the oil shales as well as in the phosphorites and cherts accumulated under reducing conditions. The main differences in the organic matter composition are attributed to early diagenetic processes rather than to different biotic precursors or to late modifications due to temperature-induced maturation. The depositional model suggested for the sequence involves upwelling conditions at the boundary between the deep Tethys and the shallow shelf, which induced high organic productivity deep into the inner shelf. Bottom water circulation enabled intensive microbial alteration of the organic matter, followed by a winnowing process leading to phosphorite formation. Since humification is considered an oxygen-consuming reaction, these processes favoured the formation of oxygen-enriched humic substances and the oxidation of humic substances already present. These humic substances are relatively resistant to further alteration and their conversion into kerogen is thus retarded. Subsequently, syndepositional tectonic activity resulted in the introduction of less saline water, restriction of bottom-water circulation and the establishment of a density stratification in the water body. Consequently, aeration of the bottom layer and the sediments was inhibited, microbial alteration was reduced and later winnowing processes were prevented. Such conditions favoured the formation of kerogen directly, rather than through humic substances, and also favoured the preservation of most of the organic matter in the form of oil shale deposits instead of phosphorites.  相似文献   
The stability of sublittoral, fine-grained sediments in a subarctic estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The erodibility of natural estuarine sediments was measured in sit along a longitudinal transect of Manitounuk Sound, Hudson Bay, using the benthic flume Sea Carousel. Sedimentation processes along the transect varied from continuous, rapid, post-glacial sedimentation in the inner Sound, to glacial outcrops and seabed reworking of the outer Sound. The grain size and physical bulk properties reflect changes in depositional environment and correlate with sediment erosion threshold stress (τc), erosion rate (E), erosion type and still-water mass settling rate. There was a steady increase in τc (0·8–2·0 Pa) with distance down the Sound in parallel with the decreasing sedimentation rate (0·003–0·001 m yr?1) and increasing sediment bulk density (1650–2010 kg m?3). The near-surface friction coefficient varied up to 68° in proportion to the clay content of post-glacial material. Glacial sediments were characterized by variable results and generally higher friction coefficients. Seabed erosion in Sea Carousel began with surface creep of loose aggregates, pellets and organic debris. This was followed by Type I bed erosion at rates that varied between 0·0002 and 0·0032 kg m?2 s?1 (mean 0·0015). Type I peak erosion rate was inversely related to applied bed shear stress (τo). Type II erosion succeeded Type I, often after a broad transitional period. Simulations of suspended sediment concentration in Sea Carousel were made using four commonly used erosion (E) algorithms. The best results were obtained using Krone's dimensionless ratio relationship: E=Moc-1). Simulations were highly sensitive to the definition of erosion threshold with sediment depth [τc(z)]. Small errors in definition of τc(z) caused large errors in the prediction of suspended sediment concentration which far exceeded differences between the methods tested.  相似文献   
The log-probability plots of some shallow to deep Atlantic sediments are analysed and compared with simulated mixtures of log-normal populations. The plots consist characteristically of two smoothly connected segments which display different slopes. The point of maximum curvature (PMC) between the two segments is shown to reflect the granulometric parameters (mean and sorting) and quantitative proportions of two mixed overlapping populations. This understanding is contrary to the concept which relies heavily on the break points of cumulative plots as indicating truncation of grain size distributions and therefore reflecting hydrodynamic processes. The particular behaviour of the cumulative plots from the Atlantic indicates fining of the two component populations with depth and distance from the shore, accompanied by an increasing dominance of the finer population. This behaviour is compatible with sorting processes which operate in sediments transported through individual grain movements, rather than through mass transportation or turbidity currents.  相似文献   
Simulations of the erosion, transport and deposition of fine-grained sediment, such as that of Greenberg & Amos and the Hydraulics Research Station, have illustrated a general lack of reliable field data. Consequently, some standard equations and constants used in modelling the sedimentation character of fine-grained cohesive sediment were evaluated based on data from two field studies and a flume experiment with undisturbed sediment from the Bay of Fundy. Initial results showed that the resistance to erosion of intertidal fine-grained sediment is controlled largely by the degree of subaerial exposure and the consequent dehydration and compaction. The sediment shear strength was high (4 kPa), but generally decreased seawards across the intertidal zone. The resistance of intertidal mud to erosion can be 80 times greater than sub-tidal counterparts. The rate of sediment erosion varied as a complex function of the applied bottom shear stress. At stresses immediately above the critical, the erosion rate decreased asymptotically with time. At higher excess stresses, the erosion rate was linear with respect to time. Thus sediment erosion cannot be represented by a single coefficient. The Krone method of computing sedimentation rates of suspended material was shown, by comparisons with direct measurement, to overpredict by 29%. All variables used in his method were measured in the evaluation with the exception of the critical deposition stress (τd). The closest comparisons were obtained when τd was assigned a value of 0.1 N m?2 following Creutzberg & Postma. The in situ still-water particle settling rate (Vo) was constant with respect to time (2.1 × 10?3 m s?1). However, the settling tube measures of settling rate, compared to in situ results, underpredicted particle settling by an order of magnitude (2.7 × 10?4 m s?1). The reason for this discrepancy is not apparent from our results.  相似文献   
Evaporitic‐lagoonal marl and dolomite laminar fill sediments are preserved in relict dry caves of the Dead Sea Fault Escarpment (Israel) which has been tectonically active since the Late Neogene. The hosting caves are located within Turonian massive carbonate bedrock and at higher altitudes than previously documented fill sediments of the Dead Sea depression. Based on the relative altitudes of the cave sediments, the ‘reversed stratigraphy’ of the Dead Sea depression fill sediments, possible partial correlation of the cave sediments with other fill sedimentary units of the depression, and sedimentary, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, it is concluded that: (i) the cave sediments are among the oldest of the depression fill; and (ii) the deposition of the cave sediments took place in hypersaline dolomite‐precipitating water bodies of Late Neogene age, during the initial morphotectonic stages of the depression formation. Variable and relatively low Sr/Ca and δ34S ratios of the cave sediments (assuming precipitation from sea water) suggest variable fresh water input into the depositional brine. The present altitudes of the cave sediments reflect Late Neogene levels of water bodies in the depression, modified by vertical post‐Late Neogene tectonic movements within the still active fault escarpment. According to these altitudes, a 50 to 250 m uplift of the western margins of the depression since the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene is inferred.  相似文献   
The nutrient status of the various water mass structures within a large sampling grid around Elephant Island are reported and the nutrient concentrations relative to jata from the physical and biological components of the Antarctic Marine Living Resources Programme are discussed. Concentrations of silicic acid, nitrate and phosphate (Si/N/P) were measured in the upper water column during January-March of three successive years. Samples were taken from eleven depths at 17 stations in 1991, and at four depths at 144 stations in 1992 and 182 stations in 1993. There was considerable variability in the concentrations of all three nutrients within the study area, but silicic acid showed the greatest variance among the water masses present in the sampling grid. The ratios (Si/N/P) of the nutrient deficits (difference in winter and summer values) in the upper 100 m differed considerably in Drake Passage waters as compared to Bransfield Strait waters, with both nitrate and silicic acid showing the greatest variance. Nutrient deficits did not increase from January to February, indicating that rates of replenishment of nutrients to the euphotic zone by physical processes and/or biological regeneration were approximately equal to the rate of uptake and assimilation by phytoplankton during that time period. The seasonal deficits, however, were substantial. Estimates of daily rates of primary production based on these nutrient deficits were comparable to the rates as measured by radiocarbon for Drake Passage waters, but much smaller for Bransfield Strait waters.  相似文献   
The planform patterns of meandering submarine channels and subaerial fluvial bends show many similarities that have given rise to strong analogies concerning the fluid dynamics of these channel types. Existing models of helical motion in open‐channel bends depict flow that is characterized by surface flow towards the outer bank, and basal flow towards the inner bank. This paper investigates and compares, through an analytical model and physical experiment, flows within fluvial meanders, and submarine channel bends that contain density‐driven gravity currents. The results indicate that the sense of helical motion can be reversed in submarine bends that contain density currents when compared with fluvial bends, and that the orientation of the helical flow is dependent on the vertical distribution of downstream velocity. Specifically, the sense of helical motion is reversed in bends when the maximum downstream velocity is near the bed, resulting in near‐bed flow towards the outer bank. These findings suggest that the dynamics of sediment transport and deposition in curved channels with such velocity profiles will be fundamentally different to those currently assumed from sinuous open‐channels.  相似文献   
Flow hindrance by salt‐marsh vegetation is manifested in the structure of the tidal current; it has a significant impact on sediment transport and it has been related to increased sediment accretion. The flow characteristics in three different vegetation types (Spartina maritima, Sp. anglica and Salicornia sp./Suaeda maritima) were measured on three salt‐marshes in Portugal and England. These in situ measurements differ from laboratory flume experiments with ‘clean’ vegetation by the complexity of natural canopies. Skimming flow develops above the Spartina canopy when the vegetation is fully submerged. In this situation, a low turbulence zone with nearly constant velocity in the denser canopy is separated from the skimming flow above by an interface characterized by high Reynolds stresses. In the low turbulence zone, a positive relationship exists between turbulence intensity and shoot density, which is due to wake turbulence generated locally in the canopy. The rate of particle settling should be increased in that zone. The lower limit of skimming flow is best predicted by the height within the canopy that includes 85% of the biomass. For emergent Spartina canopies and the short Salicornia/Suaeda marsh, the maximal velocity‐gradient is shifted upwards compared to a standard boundary layer over bare sediment and the turbulence is attenuated near the bed, but to a lesser extent than for fully submerged Spartina canopies. A turbulence reduction near the bed was observed in all measured profiles; that should enhance sediment deposition and protects the bed against subsequent erosion.  相似文献   
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