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Meltwaters collected from boreholes drilled to the base of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland have chemical compositions that can be classified into three main groups. The first group is dilute, whereas the second group is similar to, though generally less concentrated in major ions, than contemporaneous bulk glacial runoff. The third group is more concentrated than any observed bulk runoff, including periods of flow recession. Waters of the first group are believed to represent supraglacial meltwater and ice melted during drilling. Limited solutes may be derived from interactions with debris in the borehole. The spatial pattern of borehole water levels and borehole water column stratification, combined with the chemical composition of the different groups, suggest that the second group represent samples of subglacial waters that exchange with channel water on a diurnal basis, and that the third group represent samples of water draining through a ‘distributed’ subglacial hydraulic system. High NO3 concentrations in the third group suggest that snowmelt may provide a significant proportion of the waters and that the residence time of the waters at the bed in this particular section of the distributed system is of the order of a few months. The high NO3 concentrations also suggest that some snowmelt is routed along different subglacial flowpaths to those used by icemelt. The average SO2−4: (HCO3 + SO2−4) ratio of the third group of meltwaters is 0.3, suggesting that sulphide oxidation and carbonate dissolution (which gives rise to a ratio of 0.5) cannot provide all the HCO3 to solution. Hence, carbonate hydrolysis may be occurring before sulphide oxidation, or there may be subglacial sources of CO2, perhaps arising from microbial oxidation of organic C in bedrock, air bubbles in glacier ice or pockets of air trapped in subglacial cavities. The channel marginal zone is identified as an area that may influence the composition of bulk meltwater during periods of recession flow and low diurnal discharge regimes. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sampling elongate clasts that protrude from a planar face for clast macro‐fabric analysis introduces a bias into reconstructed fabrics because clasts aligned perpendicular to the sampling face are over‐represented relative to those aligned parallel to the face. This study develops a probability‐based mathematical analysis to quantify sample bias for a variety of clast shapes and population fabrics, including isotropic, clustered and girdled fabric styles. Bias is expressed in terms of sample eigenvalues and eigenvectors relative to those of the parent population. Results indicate that sampling always has the effect of artificially drawing fabrics towards perpendicularity to the sampling face relative to the populations from which they are drawn. This rotation generally has the effect of artificially strengthening population fabrics, by up to 30% in the case of very weakly clustered or girdled populations. However, fabric strengthening is by no means universal and sampling alters different parent populations in different, sometimes complex, ways: the analysis in this paper identifies situations where sampling can strengthen or weaken parent fabrics, where it can rotate parent fabrics (by up to 90° in the case of a very weak population fabric), and where it can even change the style of a population fabric. For example, near‐isotropic population fabrics can appear clustered; weakly clustered and weakly girdled population fabrics can appear isotropic; weakly clustered population fabrics can appear weakly girdled; and girdled population fabrics can appear clustered. Overall, this analysis indicates that weakly orientated population fabrics are most susceptible to bias. Thus, a weakly clustered population fabric aligned parallel to a sample face is particularly susceptible to major sample bias in both fabric strength (artificially overestimated) and orientation (artificially rotated perpendicular to the face). Bias can be reduced either by sampling all the clasts from a cube‐shaped block of sediment excavated from the face, or by sampling equal numbers of clasts from the three orthogonal faces of the same sedimentary unit.  相似文献   
Coarse‐grained deep‐water strata of the Cerro Toro Formation in the Cordillera Manuel Señoret, southern Chile, represent the deposits of a major channel belt (4 to 8 km wide by >100 km long) that occupied the foredeep of the Magallanes basin during the Late Cretaceous. Channel belt deposits comprise a ca 400 m thick conglomeratic interval (informally named the ‘Lago Sofia Member’) encased in bathyal fine‐grained units. Facies of the Lago Sofia Member include sandy matrix conglomerate (that show evidence of traction‐dominated deposition and sedimentation from turbulent gravity flows), muddy matrix conglomerate (graded units interpreted as coarse‐grained slurry‐flow deposits) and massive sandstone beds (high‐density turbidity current deposits). Interbedded sandstone and mudstone intervals are present locally, interpreted as inner levée deposits. The channel belt was characterized by a low sinuousity planform architecture, as inferred from outcrop mapping and extensive palaeocurrent measurements. Laterally adjacent to the Lago Sofia Member are interbedded mudstone and sandstone facies derived from gravity flows that spilled over the channel belt margin. A levée interpretation for these fine‐grained units is based on several observations, which include: (i) palaeocurrent measurements that indicate flows diverged (50° to 100°) once they spilled over the confining channel margin; (ii) sandstone beds progressively thin, away from the channel belt margin; (iii) evidence that the eroded channel base was not very well indurated, including a stepped margin and injection of coarse‐grained channel material into surrounding fine‐grained units; and (iv) the presence of sedimentary features common to levées, including slumped units inferring depositional slopes dipping away from the channel margin, lenticular sandstone beds thinning distally from the channel margin, soft sediment deformation and climbing ripples. The tectonic setting and foredeep architecture influenced deposition in the axial channel belt. A significant downstream constriction of the channel belt is reflected by a transition from more tabular units to an internal architecture dominated by lenticular beds associated with a substantially increased degree of scour. Differential propagation of the fold‐thrust belt from the west is speculated to have had a major control on basin, and subsequently channel, width. The confining influence of the basin slopes that paralleled the channel belt, as well as the likelihood that numerous conduits fed into the basin along the length of the active fold‐thrust belt to the west, suggest that proximal–distal relationships observed from large channels in passive margin settings are not necessarily applicable to axial channels in elongate basins.  相似文献   
This paper reports on some individual constructions of ageing and how these relate to the mutual sustainability of lives and communities in the changing rurality of New Zealand in the 1990s. The Arena Society model is used to organise a discussion of the impact of technology on settlement systems, with reference to changes in the provision of banking services and their impact on the elderly. The views of older people living in the village of Tirau in the Waikato are used to ground the analysis in human experience. The concluding discussion focuses on the potential contribution of older rural residents to the ‘multiple agency’ that communities will need for survival in the ‘open society’.  相似文献   
The attractiveness of remotely sensed data to aid in the interpretation of global and local environmental processes has been widely recognized. However, some of the most common and frustrating, yet simple, questions that are asked by potential users of remotely sensed data are what images are available, from whom, and, most importantly, how much do t h q cost? As cost is often critical in deciding whether satellite imagery is to be used in a project, it is important to determine what benefits can be obtainedfrom the use of such data. These questions are examined here in the context of obtaining remotely sensed Landsat and SPOT imagery for monitoring a spectral and spatial dynamic geological feature, namely, an active volcano, Mt Etna, Sicily.  相似文献   
Salt, A. and Rundkvist, M., 2011. Letter to the editor: Sunset on Heimdall's stones. A view from archaeology and archaeoastronomy of the Ravlunda 169 Iron Age cemetery. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 93, 193–196. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468‐0459.2011.00428.x  相似文献   
Current understanding of the Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond Stadial) ice cap in Scotland is dominated by reconstructions derived solely from field evidence. We use an area in the western Scottish Highlands to evaluate three examples of this approach by comparing the proposed glacier reconstructions with new empirical data and the predictions of a high-resolution numerical model. Particular emphasis is placed on accurately determining the maximum surface altitude attained by the ice cap, dominant palaeo-iceflow directions and the style of ice-cap recession. By combining new geomorphological and sedimentological data with model predictions, we present a revised interpretation of the build-up and decay of Loch Lomond Stadial ice in the study area - one that suggests a maximum ice-surface altitude of c. 900 m a.s.l., east and southeastward iceflow and active recession of a dynamic margin. Good agreement between the new field-based interpretation and the predictions of the numerical model validates the latter and by implication extends confidence in its veracity beyond the study area.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A time-dependent model is used to investigate the interaction between climate, extent and fluctuations of Patagonian ice sheet between 45° and 48°S during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and its subsequent deglaciation. The model is applied at 2 km resolution and enables ice thickness, lithospheric response and ice deformation and sliding to interact freely and is perturbed from present day by relative changes in sea level and equilibrium line altitude (ELA). Experiments implemented to identify an LGM configuration compatible with the available empirical record, indicate that a stepped ELA lowering of 750 to 950 m is required over 15000 years to bracket the Fenix I-V suite of moraines at Lago Buenos Aires. However, 900 m of ELA lowering yields an ice sheet which best matches the Fenix V moraine (c. 23000 a BP) and Caldenius' reconstructed LGM limit for the entire modelled area. This optimum LGM experiment yields a highly dynamic, low aspect ice sheet, with a mean ice thickness of c. 1130 m drained by numerous large ice streams to the western, seaward margin and two large, fast-flowing outlet lobes to the east. Forcing this scenario into deglaciation using a re-scaled Vostok ice core record results in an ice sheet that slowly shrinks by 25% to c. 14500 a bp , after which it experiences a rapid collapse, loosing some 85% of its volume in c. 800 years. Its margins stabilize during the Antarctic Cold Reversal after which it shrinks to near present-day limits by 11 000 a bp .  相似文献   
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