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Habitat-forming organisms are frequently used as biomonitors in marine environments due to a widespread ability to accumulate toxic contaminants. Few studies, however, have considered the consequences of these accumulated contaminants on the abundant and diverse fauna associated with these habitats. In this review, we summarize research which has investigated the contamination of biogenic habitats (including seagrasses, macroalgae, ascidians, sponges and bivalve reefs) and the impact of this contamination on the habitat use, feeding behaviour and survival of associated epifauna. In many cases, ecological impacts upon epifauna are not simply predicted by levels of contamination in their habitat, but are determined by the foraging, feeding and reproductive behaviours of the inhabiting organisms. Thus, a thorough understanding of these ecological processes is essential in order to understand the effects of contaminants upon epifaunal communities. The scope of biomonitoring studies which assess the contamination of biogenic habitats should be expanded to include an assessment of potential effects upon associated epifauna. When combined with manipulative field experiments such an approach would greatly assist in our understanding of indirect effects of contaminants in these important benthic habitats.  相似文献   
Chac.  AG 刘予伟 《地下水》1994,16(1):27-30
本文用离散影响函数核(discrete kernel)方法分析了在承压含水层非稳定流的井径经验井损问题。并得出如下结论:井的容量可以减小井损量,且井容量对抽水初期是有影响的;增大井径可以克服井的无效性;大井径经验井损的比降深与抽水量呈非线性关系;在大井径中的无量纲时间降深曲线(其井损分量遵循Jacob方程)不是唯一的,它与抽水量有关。  相似文献   
由德国著名盐史学家、国际盐史学会司库彼得·皮亚赛奇博士著 ,舒尔茨·吉尔希诺出版社于 1 987年出版的《1 5 5 0~ 1 6 5 0年间的德国盐业》 ,日前已由化学矿产地质研究院王连第翻译 (专业校译 :徐宝政 )成中文 ,即将出版。该书被编为该出版社历史科学文献第 1 0 4卷 9号丛书。该书论述的是欧洲英国资产阶级革命 ( 1 6 4 0 )前夜 (或是欧洲中世纪末期 )德国盐业变化改进的过程。全书分为发明、革新和发展三部分 ,论述德国盐业在历史的进程中的发展情况。分别论述了德国的滴漏架 (后称枝条架 )技术、熬盐技术 (包括预热锅技术 )、输卤技术…  相似文献   
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