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范璞  张柏生 《沉积学报》1996,14(3):182-182
黄第藩、秦匡宗、王铁冠、赵锡暇和许云秋等教授著的《煤成油的形成和成烃机理》一书,已于19 95年6月山石油工业出版社出版问1日_该就不仅是作者长期从事煤成油研究的高水平成果的系统总结,而且汇集了国内外在这一新的学术领域中的研究精华,因此,它是一部论述煤成油地球化学的最为系统、最新的科学专著。  相似文献   
盐湖相低熟油脂肪酸的组成与分布特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
对泌阳凹陷碱性盐湖相、舞阳凹陷盐湖相、襄城凹陷膏盐湖相、南阳凹陷淡水湖相低熟油脂肪酸组成和分布特征进行了分析与研究。结果表明这些不同盐湖相的低熟原油的脂肪酸为丰度不同的饱和正构酸、不饱和正构酸、少量异构酸、类异戊二烯酸及脂肪酸乙酯系列化合物。脂肪酸的组成和分布反映了原始有机质的来源。  相似文献   
生物地球化学作为地学的一门分支学科,是研究生物及其产物在自然界物质循环中的作用,研究无机质与有机质关系、能量输入与生物能量储存关系、能量释放和地球上主要矿物循环的科学。早在1548年Giordano Bruno提出循环发展的思想后,三十年代苏联学者维尔拉斯基提出了生物地球化学的概念。由于受到科学技术的限制,发展相当缓慢。直到近年来,由于生物学和地球化学研究领域的发展而迅速崛起,并在生物成矿论、元素循环和环境等方面取得了重大进展,才受到了人们的重视。  相似文献   
Based on the studies of geological history during the Paleozoic time. depoaitional esvironment, the evolution of organisms, the content of organic substances and the distribution of oil-generatlng strata, various indicators concerning oil generation are discussed and. compared in terms of Organic substance composition, the alkane and isopronoid in saturated hydrocarbon, characteristic functional group of the aromatic hydrocarbon and its structure, element composition and free radical concentration in asphaltene as well as carbon isotopes. The following conclusions can be drawn: (1) During the Later Paleozoic, the mud stone of the two oil-generating depressions of the Ponhsi Group on the western part of the basin was the most important reservoir and the black mud stone and limestone were secondary in importance. (2) Both the Ordovicoan Machiakou limestone and the shale of grapholithic facies are main oil (gas) generating strata in the western part of the basin. The Changhsia Group of the middle Cambrian system may also be oil-generatlng but is of little consequence. (3) Oil and gas formation in the Upper and. Lower Paleozoic groups represent two. different evolutionary stages. In the Upper Paleozoic group the petroleum formed is a kind of light oil, and large quantities of natural gas had been formed from the coal-bearing Taiyuan and Shansi Groups as a result of metamorphism. In response to the action of temperature and. presses over the prolonged geological period, oil sad gas formation in the lower Paleozoie group corresponds to a more advanced evolutionary stage, during which the generation of natural gas is the dominant process in comparation with oil condensation. Therefore the lower Paleozoic group is believed to be more promising for gas prospecting.  相似文献   
不同沉积环境湖相低熟原油的芳烃分布特征   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
研究表明,不同沉积环境湖相的低熟原油芳烃生物标志物分布具有较大的差异。淡水湖相低熟原油芳烃以萘和菲系列化合物为主要组份、膏岩盐湖相低熟原油芳烃以脱羟基维生素E和三芳甾烷为主要组份、盐岩湖相低熟原油芳烃则以三芳甾烷为主要组份、其它生物标志化合物组份的相对丰度均较低。本次研究的低熟原油芳烃中普遍检测出明显的苯并藿烷系列化合物、盐湖相低熟原油芳烃中还检测出藿烷酮化合物,表明该地区古环境中细菌、微生物发育  相似文献   
近代盐湖沉积物中的生物标志化合物   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
    生物标志化合物是在沉积有机质地质演化过程中可保留其原碳骨架的生物分子,具记录沉积环境和沉积有机质热演化历史的功能。用有机地球化学方法(气相色谱、气相色谱/质谱、热解色谱和同位素质谱)对采自我国西部盐湖的近代沉积物进行了大量研究,而且对盐湖沉积环境地球化学特征、有机质组成与早期成岩作用的关系和各种生物标志化合物指标进行了更加深入细致的探索。研究结果表明干酪根碳同位素组成(δ13C PDB)和盐湖类型有关系,例如,硫酸盐型湖的干酪根δ13C 值较重,而碳酸盐型盐湖的δ13C值则较轻。姥鲛烷/植烷比(Pr/Ph)、总三环萜烷/总萜烷(%)、孕甾烷/甾烷比(%)、伽玛蜡烷/αβ—藿烷和三芴系列化合物组成三角图等生物标志化合物指标可以用来判识沉积环境的盐度。通常,在盐湖或咸水沉积环境中,除额吉卓尔盐湖样品因采自边缘,Pr/Ph比值较大而外,其余各盐湖样品的Pr/Ph比值一般≤1.0,而其余各比值均明显大于在淡水湖中的比值;三芴系列化合物三角图中,各盐湖样品均集中分布在硫芴含量高的区域。与我国各典型沉积环境中的原油及古代岩样的分析结果作了对比,发现同样表现出上述规律,故认为是良好的识别标志。正构烷烃分布、甾烷相对含量及某些特殊生物标志化合物的含量如三环二萜烷可以用来划分可溶有机质类型。察汉卓和查干诺尔盐湖可溶有机质中,正烷烃以低碳数占优势,显示其组成主要来源于低等水生生物;额吉卓尔盐湖则以高碳数为主,显然与边缘相陆生高等植物的输入有关;而小柴旦盐湖正烷烃高低碳数分布均衡,说明高等植物与低等水生生物同时输入。C27~C29正常甾烷及三环二萜烷的组成与分布也显示了相似特征。
    另外,还发现了多种非常规生物标志化合物,报导了其 m/z 217、m/z 231、m/z 245、m/z 259离子色谱特征。这些特征离子大多由三芳甾烷产生。三芳甾烷是由生物分子(甾体)在地质条件下演化而成的。盐湖沉积物中大量该类化合物的发现意味着含盐沉积环境及其继后的早期成岩作用在甾体的这种芳化过程中起着积极作用。  相似文献   
洱海是我国云贵高原上的一个内陆断陷型淡水外泄湖,南北长42.6km,东西最宽为8.2km,面积约250km~2,最大水深20.7m。弥苴河为该潮的主要水源,西洱河为唯一出口。洱海属温暖气候,湖水为中等营养类型。它是一个研究现代沉积物有机地球化学较理想的湖泊。近代沉积物是地质历史发展的最新一页。它虽然不是地质历史的重演,但通过对它的研究,仍可追溯地质发展过程中曾经发生过的某些自然现象。对湖泊沉积物有机地球化学的研究,可以加深人们对原始有机质特征以及在早期生物化学作用下演化趋势的认识。  相似文献   
研究沉积岩中分散元素在地史上的演化,对于认识沉积岩的形成条件、恢复岩相古地理以及指导寻找沉积矿产具有重要的理论和实际意义。目前,该项研究课题已引起沉积岩地球化学工作者的重视,并成为主要的研究内容之一。作者基于上述目的,研究了中生代各时期沉积岩中钒、钴、镍、铜、铅、锶、钡、铬等微量元素的分布。文中所用岩样,全系选自钻井中的岩心。微量元素系光谱定量分析。  相似文献   
Distributional characteristics of trace elements (V,Co,Ni, Cu,Pb,Cr,Sr,Ra) have been examined in sedimentary rocks of various ages in Turfan, an intermountainous basin in Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. Two major cycles are generally recognizable with respect to the variation in trace element contents during the geologic history from the Mesozoic through the Cenozoic, Within the first cycle, the concentrations of many trace elements except Sr and Ba were relatively high in the Early and Middle Jurassic (J1 and J2^1-J2^2 ), which were characterized by moist climate and a large amount of organic matter. But an opposite trend was observed as the climate became drier and organic matter depleted in Late Jurassic Period (J3). Within the second cycle, Sr and Ba decreased as opposed to the increase in many other trace elements in the Early Cretaceous while the reverse was true for the Tertiary. The distribution pattern of thrace elements is thought to be the result of the interaction among a variety of factors, such as the mode of migration of the elements,palaeoclimatology, palaeogeography, conditions of the water-medium, and ete.  相似文献   
The present paper deals with the biomarker characteristics of crude oils and source rocks from different environments(fresh,fresh-brackish and salt waters)of nonmarine depositional basins of different ages in China.Their characters are summarized as follows:1)Souce rocks and crude oils derived from fresh-water lacustrine facies have an odd/even predominance of n-alkanes and high pristine/phytane ratios.Oils from the fresh-water lacustrine facies differ from typical marine oils in the relative contents of total steranes and terpanes,the concentrations of hopanes and organic sul-phur compounds and the values of methylphenanthrene indices and C,H,S stable isotopes.2)The source rocks and crude oils derived from saline lacustrine facies possess an even/odd predominance of n-alkanes and high phytane/pristine ratios.There are also some differences between saline lacustrine oils and freshwater lacustrine oils in the concentrations of steranes,tricyclic terpanes and organic sulphur compounds,as well as in the values of methylphenanthrene indices and C,H,S stable isotopes.3)Oils derived from fresh-brackish water lake facies differ from oils from fresh-water lacustrine or samline lacustrine environments in respect of some biomarkers.According to the various distributions of these biomarkers,a number of geochemical parameters can be applied synthetically to differentiating and identifying the nature of original depositional environments of crude oils and source rocks and that of organisms-primary source materials present in those environments.  相似文献   
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