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珠江口盆地的成盆机制和构造演化过程探讨是该地区烃源岩研究中不可缺少的环节,也是大家广泛关注的焦点问题.本文以阳江东凹为例,通过整体与局部相结合的分析方法,从整体上确定了研究区走滑断裂的发育特征和展布框架,明确了区域构造运动与走滑断裂的成因联系;并将整体划分成局部,聚焦于阳江东凹古近纪盆地构造演化阶段逐步分解与精细检验,...  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地是在中生代华北克拉通破坏基础上,经由新生代深埋形成的叠合盆地,遭受了多期不同性质构造叠加改造.渤海海域油气资源的勘探逐步走向深层,深部潜山油气藏成为重要的勘探目标.本文以石臼坨东428潜山构造(以下简称428构造)为例,探索渤海湾盆地潜山的形成和构造演化.基于前人对渤海湾盆地内构造和储层特征的研究成果,通过对...  相似文献   
珠江口盆地阳江东凹形成于古近纪裂陷期,广泛发育烃源岩的富存层段——文昌组、恩平组,具有陆相断陷盆地沉积以及构造控制下多幕演化的特征.沉积环境演变以及构造?沉积的耦合作用是陆相断陷盆地的重要研究方向,认识其动态过程可为烃源岩识别和油气评价建立基础.本文从三维地震资料、钻井资料入手,通过地震反射特征和井震联合分析,划分了研...  相似文献   
造的发育特征及其主控因素分析,提出了“变换强度”(transfer degree)的计算公式来定量表征变换构造对主干断裂的调节
其他类型变换构造的定量表征提供了一定的思路。  相似文献   
The Cenozoic continental marginal basins in the northern South China Sea margin can be divided into the Beibu Gulf Basin, the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and the Taixinan Basin from west to east. These basins recorded the Cenozoic evolution of the northern South China Sea margin. To deepen the understanding of the fault activity and the Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the northern South China Sea margin, a case study of the eastern Yangjiang Sag in the ZhuⅢ Depression was carried out on the bases of high-resolution 3D seismic data. The 2D move software was used to restore the structural evolution of representative seismic profiles. The results showed that the structures in the eastern Yangjiang Sag during depositional period of the Wenchang Formation were dominated by the intensive NE-NEE- striking faults. By the depositional period of the Enping Formation, the NWW-striking faults became prevalent while a few NE-NEE-trending faults remainded active. The estimated activity rates showed that from early to late, the strikes of syn-sedimentary main faults changed from NE-NEE to near EW and NWW, while the corresponding depocenter migrated westward and southward. However, the activity intensity of individual main faults varied both temporally and spatially. The distribution and balanced cross sections of the fault system showed that the Mesozoic basement in the eastern Yangjiang Sag underwent multiple deformation and formed NE- and NWW-trending conjugate basement-involved faults. In the Early-Middle Eocene, the NE-striking pre-existing fault was preferentially re-activated under NW-SE- directed stress field, and its fault activity reached its climax during this period. During the Middle-Late Eocene, under the influence of the dextral slipping, the NE-trending faults evolved into NEE-striking and formed the NE-striking dextral faults which are characterized by right-step strike-slip and controlled the sedimentation and fault pattern. In the Oligocene, the NE-trending faults were mostly ceased, and the near-EW- and NWW-trending strike-slip faults were predominant. Therefore, the syn-rift eastern Yangjiang Sag experienced three-phase evolution: the NW-SE- directed extension in the depositional period of the Wen-3 Member, the NE-striking dextral, right-step pull-apart basin in the depositional period of the Wen-2 Member, and the NWW-trending sinistral, left-step pull-apart basin in the depositional period of the Wen-1 Member-Enping Formation. Based on previous results on the northern South China Sea continental margin, it is believed that the Cenozoic basins in the northern South China Sea margin are dextral, right-step pull-apart basins, and the NEE-trending secondary faults triggered by the dextral, right-step strike slipping of the main faults controlled the formation of the sags, in addition, the basins experienced a late stage superimposition related to the NWW-trending slipping. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
地球地表环境3个极端分别为南极、北极和青藏高原,被誉为地表三极。本文提出深地动力系统的三极,分别为Tuzo、Jason和东南亚环形俯冲系统,这三极主体发育于海底之下的深部地幔,因此称为海底三极。地表三极和海底三极统称地圈六极,是全球变化(变暖或变冷)、深时地球、深地动力、地球系统、宜居地球等地球科学前沿研究领域难以回避的研究对象,是地球多圈层相互作用的6个纽带和突破口,也是寻求地球系统动力学机制的关键所在。Tuzo和Jason是现今分别位于大西洋、太平洋之下的大型横波低速异常区(LLSVP),它们控制了大火成岩省、微板块的形成和演化,也控制了集中式火山去气作用,进而引起大气循环变化;它们还不断衍生微板块,并将其向北驱散,这些微板块围绕东亚环形俯冲系统不断聚集,导致大量物质深俯冲,促进深部物质循环,同时,在岛弧地带释放大量温室气体,改变地表系统大气环流;板块聚散伴随海陆格局变迁,同时,也改变着全球海峡通道、高原隆升和垮塌,调节着地表流体系统的运行:包括海洋环流和大气环流。冰盖形成与演化也受其控制。海底三极也是地史时期超大陆聚散的根本控制因素,而地表系统的百万年内的多尺度周期性变化主要受公转偏心率、地轴斜率和岁差控制,气候变化受热带驱动和冰盖驱动双重控制。总之,尽管早期地球以后逐渐具有地球宜居性,但地圈-生物圈相互作用极其复杂,地圈六极研究可作为宜居地球研究的突破口和生长点。  相似文献   
印度西部洋陆过渡区位于上印度扇,处于印度板块、阿拉伯板块和欧亚板块交汇处,周缘发育多种板块边界类型,构造特征复杂.前人对该区域的构造性质及演化的研究较少,其内部一级构造的地壳性质认识存在争议.本文在对地震资料构造解析的基础上,分析了印度扇近海盆地、默里脊系统和拉克西米山脊的断裂样式、断裂组合以及盆地结构特征,揭示印度西缘的洋陆过渡区为发育向海倾斜反射层(SDRs)和下地壳高速体(HVZ)的火山型被动陆缘.其中,印度扇近海盆地的断层多构成地堑、半地堑和地垒组合,地壳性质为减薄陆壳;默里脊系统表现为右行张扭性质,以小默里脊为界,以西为正在低速扩张的洋壳基底,以东为减薄的陆壳;拉克西米山脊地壳性质则为减薄的陆壳.印度西缘的洋陆过渡区的形成与白垩纪以来马达加斯加板块、塞舌尔微板块和印度板块之间的多期裂解事件,以及多个热点导致的岩浆事件有关.此外,运用2DMove软件进行了平衡剖面恢复,揭示了印度扇在新生代以来经历了古-始新世初始伸展断陷期、渐新世-早中新世稳定沉积期、中-晚中新世张扭断陷期和上新世以来的热沉降期4个构造演化阶段.  相似文献   
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