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湘西罗依溪剖面包含有被国际地层委员会寒武系分会表决通过的、确定全球寒武系第三统第七阶底界的球接子三叶虫Lejopygelaevigata的首现点位,是全球寒武系第三统第七阶GSSP的候选剖面。野外按0.25—0.5m的样品间距,对该点位附近的碳酸盐岩采取了264件碳、氧同位素样品,分析结果表明全球寒武系第三统Drumian阶上部δ13C值呈恒幅波状演化、波动范围较小,δ18O波动强烈、幅度较大;而第七阶下部δ13C值跳跃强烈、幅度较大,总体表现为高值,δ18O值波动减弱、趋向低值;全球寒武系第三统第七阶底部的候选GSSP正好处于δ13C值由恒幅波动向剧烈跳跃的转折处。第七阶早期δ13C值、δ18O值及海平面三者之间存在较好的耦合关系,表现为海平面上升到最高位置、δ13C值较高、δ18O值较低,造成耦合的原因可能为全球气候变暖,大量淡水流向海洋、海域扩大,初始生产率提高,较多12C为生物所摄取,导致海水中13C的浓度相对升高,沉积的碳酸盐岩具有较高的δ13C值。同时,由于最大海泛期洋流活动频繁,对江南斜坡带沉积作用有一定影响,致使碳酸盐岩沉积物的碳、氧同位素组成变化较大。  相似文献   
桂北兴安奥陶纪至志留纪初笔石序列的再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桂北兴安发育有一套奥陶系至志留系底部的含笔石浅变质的碎屑岩地层,自下而上可分成3个岩石地层单元,即升坪组(下部),黄隘组(中部)和田岭口组(上部)。这些地层的笔石自下而上可分为奥陶系Corymbograp-tus cf.balticus层,Expansograptus hirundo带,Exigraptus clavus-Undulograptus austrodentatus带,Didymogra-ptus artus带,Dicellograptus sextans带,Leptograptus flaccidus trentonensis层,Dicellograptus elegans层,Dicel-lograptus ornatus带,Appendispinograptus venustus层及志留系底部的Neodiplograptus modestus层。  相似文献   
This work deals with the evolution of carbon isotope composition in the Luoyixi (罗依溪) Section, a candidate of the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP), defining the base of the as-yet-undefined seventh stage of Cambrian System at the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid Lejopyge laevigata. This level is favored in a vote of International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS) as the biohorizon for defining the base of a global stage. Two hundred and sixty-four samples for carbon and oxygen isotope analysis have been collected from the carbonate successions at an interval of 0.25 to 0.5 m in this section. Results of the carbon isotope data exhibit a remarkable disciplinarian trend. The pattern of the carbon isotope evolution is gently undulant with a relatively long period during the underlying Drumian Stage, and then the values of δ13C fluctuate sharply with a short period in provisional seventh stage. The onset of sharp fluctuation in the δ13C values begins at the proposed GSSP level, defining the base of the global seventh stage, where δ13C values change from a gentle trend to a sharp trend. Distinct covariant-relationships among δ13C, δ13O, and sea level fluctuations suggest that a warming change in paleoclimate took place during the early global seventh stage, which led to a positive shift in δ13C values.  相似文献   
在山东莱芜-新泰地区盘车沟剖面固山组底界上下首次发现了副蝴蝶虫(Parablackwelderia).研究表明Parablackwelderia是独立的属,而非Blackwelderia的晚出异名.长期以来,作为我国华北寒武纪崮山组和崮山阶(期)的标准地区,山东的崮山组被认为与崮山阶完全相当,这个认识在莱芜-新泰地区需...  相似文献   
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