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海洋生物固氮作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张润  陈敏 《台湾海峡》2010,29(3):428-433
近年来,海洋生物固氮作用研究已成为海洋氮循环研究热点之一,因为它补充了海洋中的结合态氮,影响着海洋氮储库的收支平衡,进而调控海洋的初级生产力,并因此与海洋颗粒有机碳的迁出以及海洋对大气CO2的吸收密切相关.海洋生物固氮作用的研究主要是在近30a开展起来的,现有观点认为全球海洋生物固氮速率为100~200 Tg/a.15↑N2示踪法和乙炔还原法是最重要的生物固氮速率实测方法,而硝酸盐异常指数法、15↑N同位素收支平衡法、卫星遥测法等则是重要的间接估测方法.束毛藻曾被认为是全球海洋最重要的固氮生物,但近年来也发现了固氮生物在微微(pi-co)级和微(nano)级的分布,表明以往基于束毛藻的固氮速率可能是被低估的.海洋生物固氮作用营养盐限制的研究主要集中在铁和磷这2个元素的作用,但目前尚无定论.在中国边缘海生物固氮作用的研究还很匮乏,少数研究表明除黑潮区外,由束毛藻所支持的固氮速率并不高.就海洋固氮作用研究的未来发展,指出今后必须在更大时空尺度上开展海洋生物固氮作用研究,以弥补现有实测数据的不足,并获取固氮微生物种类组成的准确信息,在确定海洋生物固氮作用控制因素的同时,追踪新固定氮的流向,进而为海洋氮循环提供准确信息.  相似文献   
70年来中国化学海洋学研究的主要进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
我国的海洋化学工作者通过70年来,特别是近30年来的化学海洋学研究,实现了我国与世界先进水平进入同步发展的快车道,其显著的特点是:(1)化学海洋学研究从元素地球化学分布系统转向了以揭示深层次海洋生物地球化学过程为核心的研究;(2)化学海洋学研究实现了多领域、多视点的综合交叉研究;(3)更加关注了人为影响与自然变化共同作用下的海洋生态环境变化研究,对近海和海岸带而言,更加注重从海陆统筹一体化角度探析化学物质的分布迁移特征。本文从生源要素的海洋生物地球化学过程、微/痕量元素与同位素的海洋化学研究、生物过程作用下的化学海洋学过程等角度,重点总结归纳和分析了30年来我国海洋化学研究的重要进展和发展状况,以期对化学海洋学的进一步研究提供借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   
对湘鄂西地区鹤峰区块及周缘下寒武统牛蹄塘组及下志留统龙马溪组页岩进行了露头点及野外线路地质调查、样品测试与邻井实钻资料分析。研究认为:鹤峰区块牛蹄塘组及龙马溪组黑色页岩厚度大(分别为60~120,20~60m),有机碳质量分数高(0.5%~7.0%),干酪根类型好(以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型为主),热演化程度适中,脆性矿物质量分数高(大于50%),页岩含气量高,具有形成页岩气藏的潜力;综合考虑目的层位、地表出露地层及产状、构造形态、断裂发育情况、页岩有效厚度及埋藏深度、地形地貌等因素,优选出鹤峰区块任家台向斜槽部、容美向斜槽部、任家台向斜西北翼、中营背斜北东部两翼及走马背斜西北翼5个有利勘查区带;页岩气资源量预测表明该区页岩气勘探前景良好。  相似文献   
刘洋  李兰海  杨金明  陈曦  张润 《遥感学报》2018,22(5):802-809
积雪深度是大量气候、水文、农业及生态模型的重要输入变量。选用欧空局Sentinel-1主动微波数据,利用合成孔径雷达SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)差分干涉测量技术的二轨法,根据积雪相位与雪深之间的转换关系,反演新疆天山中段的巴音布鲁克盆地典型区的积雪雪深分布,提出了基于InSAR二轨差分的雪深估计方法,反演得到2016年12月18日的空间分辨率为13.89 m的雪深分布。研究表明:(1)对Sentinel-1数据进行正确的预处理以后,可以应用SAR差分干涉测量技术的二轨法反演区域雪深分布。但由于像对相干性和积雪状态的差异,积雪深度超过10 cm,可以获取较准确的雪深反演结果,R=0.65,反演误差的均方根误差RMSE=4.52 cm,平均相对误差为22.42%,反演雪深结果均比实测结果略偏低;而当雪深小于10 cm时,雪深反演值较实测值存在较大的误差,相对误差均高于34.52%,且反演雪深值均比实测值偏高。(2)雪深反演精度受高程及实际雪深的差异影响显著,另外雪深反演精度也受限于干涉像对相干性。结果表明,对于获取区域积雪雪深,InSAR技术较光学及被动微波遥感具有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
The coupling of upper ocean-benthic carbon dynamics in the ice-free western Arctic Ocean(the Chukchi Sea and the Canada Basin) was evaluated during the late July–early September 2003 using natural stable(13C) and radioactive(238U-234Th) isotope tracers. POC export flux estimated from 234Th/238 U disequilibria and dissolved CO2 concentration([CO2(aq)]) pointed out that the strengthened biological pump in the Chukchi Shelf have significantly lowered [CO2(aq)] and altered the magnitude of isotopic(12C/13C) fractionation during carbon fixation in the surface ocean. Further, d13 C signatures of surface sediments(d13Csed) are positively correlated to those of weighted d13 CPOC in upper ocean(d13Csed =13.64+1.56×d13CPOC, r2=0.73, p0.01), suggesting that the POC isotopic signals from upper ocean have been recorded in the sediments, partly due to the rapid export of particles as evidenced by low residence times of the highly particle-reactive 234 Th from the upper water column. It is suggested that there probably exists an upper ocean-benthic coupling of carbon dynamics, which likely assures the sedimentary d13 C record an indicator of paleo-CO2 in the western Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   
2015年夏季开展了大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物碳(POC)、氮含量(PN)及其同位素组成的研究,结果表明,δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的变化范围分别为-25.7‰~-17.4‰和-6.3‰~10.4‰,平均值分别为-20.2‰和8.2‰。大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物含量及其碳氮同位素组成的空间变化反映了不同有机质来源的影响:喜洲岛附近海域表现出高POC、PN、δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的特征,指征着浮游植物水华的主导贡献;东北部范和港附近海域具有高POC、PN、低δ13CPOC和高δ15NPN的特征,反映了河流/河口水生有机物的影响;湾顶白寿湾附近海域的δ13CPOC和δ15NPN出现低值,体现了陆源有机质和人类污水排放的影响。借助δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的三端元混合模型,定量出海洋自生有机质、陆源有机质、河流/河口水生有机质等3个来源的贡献平均分别为70%、13%和17%,其中海洋自生有机质是夏季大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物的最主要来源。从这3种来源颗粒有机物含量的空间变化看,海洋自生有机质含量由湾内向湾外减少,与初级生产力的空间变化相对应;河流/河口水生有机质含量在大亚湾东北部出现高值;陆源有机质含量在表、底层出现不同态势,表层陆源有机物含量在湾中部海域最低,而底层则呈现出自湾内向湾口增加的趋势,主要受控于离岸距离和珠江冲淡水、粤东沿岸上升流输送的影响。  相似文献   
为厘定滇黔北坳陷寒武系碳酸盐岩古海洋环境,揭示成岩流体与岩溶作用的潜在联系,并预测有利储层发育层段,基于镇雄羊场碳酸盐岩剖面实测及系统取样基础上,采用微量元素、碳氧锶同位素及铸体薄片等分析手段,地球化学与岩石学方法相结合,探讨碳酸盐岩古海洋环境及地质意义。研究结果表明:滇黔北坳陷寒武系清虚洞组-娄山关组整体为海相环境,古海洋温度处于12.82℃~32.84℃之间,主体为温暖或炎热的亚热带气候。海平面具有主体震荡下降的趋势,存在8期海平面变化旋回,发育对应的岩相组合,其同位素演化曲线可作为地层划分依据。微量元素、同位素地球化学及岩石学特征证实娄山关组岩溶作用相对发育,成岩流体混入强氧化性低温大气水,有利储层纵向上主要分布在海平面下降旋回的高部位。  相似文献   
A combination of δ~(18)O and salinity data was employed to explore the freshwater balance in the Canada Basin in summer 2008.The Arctic river water and Pacific river water were quantitatively distinguished by using different saline end-members.The fractions of total river water,including the Arctic and Pacific river water,were high in the upper 50 m and decreased with depth as well as increasing latitude.In contrast,the fraction of Pacific river water increased gradually with depth but decreased toward north.The inventory of total river water in the Canada Basin was higher than other arctic seas,indicating that Canada Basin was a main storage region for river water in the Arctic Ocean.The fraction of Arctic river water was higher than Pacific river water in the upper 50 m while the opposite was true below 50 m.As a result,the inventories of Pacific river water were higher than those of Arctic river water,demonstrating that the Pacific inflow through the Bering Strait is the main source of freshwater in the Canada Basin.Both the river water and sea-ice melted water in the permanent ice zone were more abundant than those in the region with sea-ice just melted.The fractions of total river water,Arctic river water,Pacific river water increased northward to the north of 82°N,indicating an additional source of river water in the permanent ice zone of the northern Canada Basin.A possible reason for the extra river water in the permanent ice zone is the lateral advection of shelf waters by the Trans-Polar Drift.The penetration depth of sea-ice melted waters was less than 30 m in the southern Canada Basin,while it extended to 125 m in the northern Canada Basin.The inventory of seaice melted water suggested that sea-ice melted waters were also accumulated in the permanent ice zone,attributing to the trap of earlier melted waters in the permanent ice zone via the Beaufort Gyre.  相似文献   
In the present study, we report N_2 fixation rate(~(15)N isotope tracer assay) and the diazotroph community structure(using the molecular method) in the western tropical North Pacific Ocean(WTNP)(13°–20°N, 120°–160°E). Our independent evidence on the basis of both in situ N_2 fixation activity and diazotroph community structure showed the dominance of unicellular N_2 fixation over majority of the WTNP surface waters during the sampling periods.Moreover, a shift in the diazotrophic composition from unicellular cyanobacteria group B-dominated to Trichodesmium spp.-dominated toward the western boundary current(Kuroshio) was also observed in 2013. We hypothesize that nutrient availability may have played a major role in regulating the biogeography of N_2 fixation.In surface waters, volumetric N_2 fixation rate(calculated by nitrogen) ranged between 0.6 and 2.6 nmol/(L·d) and averaged(1.2±0.5) nmol/(L·d), with 10 μm size fraction contributed predominantly(88%±6%) to the total rate between 135°E and 160°E. Depth-integrated N_2 fixation rate over the upper 200 m ranged between 150 μmol/(m~2·d)and 480 μmol/(m~2·d)(average(225±105) μmol/(m~2·d). N_2 fixation can account for 6.2%±3.7% of the depthintegrated primary production, suggesting that N_2 fixation is a significant N source sustaining new and export production in the WTNP. The role of N_2 fixation in biogeochemical cycling in this climate change-vulnerable region calls for further investigations.  相似文献   
水泥基胶结性材料是注浆工程中最常见的注浆材料,这类材料存在明显的析水效应,获得析水厚度的量化公式有助于提高浆液扩散半径的计算精度。通过试验观察叶腊石粉掺量(0%~35%)、聚乙烯醇掺量(0%~8%)与粉煤灰掺量(0%~90%)3种掺合料在水泥基浆液中的析水过程,获得三者的析水率、结石率、最终析水时间与析水厚度变化情况,认定浆液的析水厚度变化存在一定规律的析水时变特性,并引入皮尔生长曲线模型与幂函数模型,对其进行量化。结果表明:3种掺合料都可以降低析水率,其中,叶腊石粉对水泥基注浆材料析水率的影响程度最大,其次为粉煤灰,最后为聚乙烯醇;3种掺合料都可以增加结石率;叶腊石粉可以有效缩短浆液的最终析水时间,聚乙烯醇在1.5%~8.0%掺量内可以缩短浆液的最终析水时间,粉煤灰在10%~60%掺量内可以缩短浆液的最终析水时间;3种掺合料掺量的变化曲线都呈现半“C”形;采用数学模型对析水厚度数据进行拟合分析,由拟合优度R2评判可知,幂函数模型优于皮尔生长曲线模型,析水厚度变化规律比较符合幂函数模型。研究成果可为改良注浆材料和完善非稳定浆液运移扩散理论提供重要的基础数据。   相似文献   
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