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一、地理位置祁連山是我國的名山,它位於西北的甘肅青海間,南北寬約400公里,东西長達1200公里。东起甘肅的秦安清水,西止青海甘肅的当金山一帶;北由甘肅景泰金塔的北山,南到青海的貴德,共和一帶;这是它大概的界限。在这个區域,大都是山嶺高峻的  相似文献   
马祖望  严济南 《地质论评》1951,16(1):116-116
作者于一九五○年底来沪宁铁路線栖霞山,鑽探该区谢家荣先生在1948年夏所发现铅矿,迄岁末工作仍在进行中,从野外观察及研究槽探与鑽探结果,对若干地质问题与前人意见略有出入,兹简述如下,希地质界同仁指正。 (1)在侏罗纪地层与黄龙船山及栖霞灰岩接触带,养化铅,锰矿,重晶石及高  相似文献   
一横斷山胍之意羲及其領域1.横斷山胍之意羲及西人引用之別名2.廣羲的横斷山胍區舆狹義的横斷山胍區二從貫山川及其屏蔽作用1.伊洛瓦底江舆怒江之分水嶺2.怒江舆澜滄江之分水嶺3.澜滄江與金沙江之分水嶺4.三江峽谷之地形特色三自然景色舆氣候象徵1.横的觀察2.縱的觀察3.乾谷與雨带之界劃四奇景異趣雜拾1.高山雪線舆不封山之時期  相似文献   
白云鄂博鉄矿是一种化学成分复杂和类型特殊的鉄矿床,目前在世界范圍內还没見到相类似的例于。該矿床的規模很大,但是富矿石的儲量在总儲量里所佔的比重不大,並含有多种有害、有益元素。因此,必須对矿床各部分各类型的矿石的物質成分,組織結構、技术加工、选矿、冶煉性質等技术經济指标,进行系統地全面地試驗研究工作。以使所勘探出的儲量就能够列入国家总儲量的平衡表内,滿足国家建設的需要。自云鄂博勘探队在苏联專家的直接指导和各有关單位的大力支援下,解决了这一复杂問題,及时而正确地作出矿山的經济評阶。  相似文献   
严济南 《矿床地质》1983,2(3):24-32
白银厂黄铁矿型矿区,共有五个矿床,已相继开采四个。其中有以铜为主的含铜黄铁矿型矿床,如折腰山、火焰山、铜厂沟;有以铜-铅-锌为主的多金属黄铁矿型矿床,如小铁山。这两种类型矿床均赋存在白银厂细碧-角斑岩内,且矿体相距很近,构造、岩相相似。说明在同一构造单元、同一火山岩系内可以生成两种不同类型的矿床。该区矿床位于北祁连加里东地槽东部火山岩系内,对其成因一直有争议。有人认为矿床  相似文献   
林济南 《广东地质》1997,12(4):51-56
中山港大桥桥位地层由第四系覆盖层和基岩组成。前者自上而下分:耕植层,淤泥,淤泥持粘土,粗砂,砾石和卵石等。其中淤泥 和淤泥质粘土层较厚;后者为花岗片麻岩类和红色岩类。根据桥基的工程地质条件,分别对桥基的区域稳定性与地震、岩土主要力学指标,基础类型及持力支进行了评价。  相似文献   
祁連山主脉,横跨甘肅青海兩省之間,东西綿亘达1200公里;其西來自阿尔金山,山之北部即河西走廊,山之南为柴达木盆地及西宁盆地;中間山势突起,巍峨冲霄;无論冬夏,皆皚光戴雪,白峰起伏,千里毗連。連同河西走廊之北山,共有七条山脉,皆呈北西西之走向。山峰高度,除北山外,海拔一般都在5000公尺以上,南山主峯,高达6000公尺,修士山高峯达7000公尺。可是祁連山現在虽是高不可攀的雪山高峯,但是它在下石炭紀以前,确是一个深不可測  相似文献   
严济南 《矿床地质》1983,2(1):24-32
The Baiyinchang mining area, an important industrial base of base metals in China, consists of five pyrite type deposits of different sizes, four of which have already been worked. These five deposits might be grouped into two types: Cu-bearing (predominatingly Cu) pyrite type deposits, such as Zheyaoshan, Huoyanshan and Tongchanggou, and polymetallic pyrite deposits containing principally Cu, Pb and Zn, such as Xiaotieshan and Sigejuan. These two types of deposits occur close to each other in the same formation-Baiyinchang spilite-keratophyre sequence and have similar structures and petrofacies, suggesting the possibility of forming two different types of deposits in the same tectonic unit and volcanic rock series. The deposit lies in the eastern part of the volcanic complex within the Qilian eugeosyncline, its genesis remains a problem of much controversy. Ln recent years, the author has made an integrated study and analysis of the data accumulated over the past thirty years and also performed some field investigation to check up these references. The results acquired have led him to postulate the hypothesis that the deposit was formed by the concentration of volcanic hydrothermal fluids in depression and the activity of subvolcano-magmatic fluids. The formation of the massive pyrite in the main ore body of Zheyaoshan is believed to be the result of the lateral effusion from the Qingshanbao vent of the third subcycle appearing presently as silicic rock formation, i.e., the result of the accumulation in the second subcycle crater depression of the ore material effused from the pyrrhotite ore chimney. This might be borne out by the existence of abundant massive copper-bearing pynhotite ore with well-developed textures of corrosion and replacement in the chimney as well as by the ring-like distribution of the metallic minerals around the chimney caused by the spread of the fluids from this center. Geological mapping and analyses of the data of drill core and petrofacies support the claim that the ore body is located at the crater depression. Minerals in massive pyrite ore body are coarse in the west and fine in the east, suggesting also the migration of ore fluids from east to west into the center of depression. The massive ore body cutting obliquely the strata, the relatively weak alteration of country rocks and the remarkable variation in copper content of the ore body all seem to have resulted from the ascending movement of the copper-bearing ore fluids brought by subvolcanic activity along the ore chimney and its fracture zone formed during the crustal reversion. The Xiaotieshan polymetallic pyrite deposit is of subvolcano-magmatic fluids type. Its ore-forming processes were strictly controlled by late subvolcanic activity which, in turn, was governed by fracturing. The ore body overlies the hanging wall of quartz albitophyre and shows close relationships with subvolcanic rocks in dimension and grade while the texture and structure of ore and the mineral constituents vary in accordance with the diverse country rocks. The examination of the structure of volcanos, fractures, variation in petrofacies, regularity of subvolcanic activity, the extent of wall rock alteration and characteristics of mineralization, therefore, makes up the prerequisite for the search of such concealed ore deposits. The Jinfangou ore belt expends along a EW striking fracture zone characterized by complex lithological characters and petrofacies as well as by frequent subvolcanic activities. Mineralization and ore bodies are exclusively confined to the fracture zone. The repeated crustal reversion during: the late stage of the development of rock formation resulted in the folding and faulting of the strata, thus facilitating the differentiation and migration of the magma. The intrusion of the subvolcanic magma not only brought sufficient ore-bearing fluids for mineralization, but supplied heat for their migration. This is due to the fact that heat: accelerated the circulation of the ore fluids, which dissolved ore elements dispersed in the volcanic rock and unceasingly infiltrated into and replaced the country rocks as well. As a result ore fluids concentrated to form ore deposits at places with favorable structure and country rock conditions.  相似文献   
山东莱新蒙区之地质构造   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
前人调查本区地质者甚多,不乏参考资料。一九四九年秋,吾人因调查矿产亦临斯境。爰以构造与矿产有关,原先就构造方面申述意见。兹为便於明瞭,首  相似文献   
在古生代的北相岩系中,太原系与本溪系间的关係,根据以往野外工作者的意见,都只说,或者最多说是一个不连续或假整合,这说明了本溪系沈积之后,太原系沈积以前,中间只有—个造陆运动,而没有造山运动。侥倖的很,当我们一九四九年  相似文献   
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