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The redox cycle of iron and manganese is a major geochemica process at the boundary layers of lake sediments.Lake Aha,which lies in the suburbs of Guiyang City,Guizhou Province,China,is a medium-sized artificial reservoir with seasonally anoxic hypolimnion,Long-term sedimentary accumulation of iron and manganese resulted in their enrichment in the upper sediments,In the anoxic season,Fe^2 and Mn^2 ,formed by diological oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments.However,the concentration of oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments,However,the concentration of Fe^2 increased later and decreased earlier than that of Mn^2 .Generally,sulfate reduction occurred at 6 cm below the sediment-water interface.Whereas,in the anoxic season.the reduction reached upper sediments,inhibiting the release of Fe^2 ,The Fe concentration of anoxic water is quickly decreased from high to low as a result of reduction of the suplhur system.  相似文献   
现代侵蚀作用核素示踪研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用放射性核素示踪环境地球化学过程是国际地球科学的前缘课题。介绍了利用宇宙线成因的短寿命散落核素7Be示踪土壤季节性侵蚀及其与湖泊沉积耦合关系的最新研究进展;证实了利用核爆炸散落核素137Cs示踪累计性土壤侵蚀和沉积计年的可靠性;阐述了226Ra和228Ra在土壤中比活度的形态变化分异具有很好的侵蚀-堆积示踪价值;揭示了在不同生物化学条件下,210Pb的行为特征和影响因素,并将210Pbex示踪碳酸盐岩区域土壤侵蚀速率结果与湖泊沉积速率相耦合,证明了利用210Pb示踪土壤侵蚀的可行性。  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物—水界面铁—锰循环研究新进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
通过云贵高原深水湖泊沉积物-水界面铁-锰循环研究,揭示了湖泊铁-锰循环不仅受氧化还原边界层化学界面的控制,而且受沉积物-水地质界面的制约;有机质生物氧化和硫酸盐还原构成界面铁-锰循环的重要机制并产生亚扩散层屏蔽效应;铁-锰循环伴随有微量金属元素地球化学形态的改变,从而影响其迁移行为;气候剧烈变化所中断的铁-锰循环,形成铁-锰富集层的古环境记录。  相似文献   
水库现代沉积过程沉积磷的早期成岩作用模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在沉积磷形态分析、孔隙水化学、核素计年以及吸附解吸实验等的基础上,运用一维“反应-平流-扩散”模型,研究了红枫湖现代沉积过程中磷的沉积改造。结果表明:红枫湖现代沉积过程中,有机态磷的矿化分解和铁结合态磷的络合/溶解,是控制沉积物磷迁移转化动力学的主要机制。沉积物-水界面附近有机磷的快速降解,可能克服沉积界面上铁氧化物对溶解磷的吸附缓冲,而形成向水体的磷酸盐迁移通量;自生磷灰石的沉积改造相对不明显,沉积磷向稳定形态含磷矿物(钙氟磷灰石)的转化过程同样不能影响红枫湖现代沉积过程中磷转化的质量平衡。  相似文献   
程海沉积物无机碳、氧同位素相关性及其环境意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
程海是位于云南省西北部的一个较为特殊的湖泊,其矿化度已接近盐湖下限。湖泊沉积物无机碳、氧同位素组成敏感地记录了流域内环境变化的信息,其相关性有效地揭示了湖泊的封闭条件。组成的变化受到温度高低、降水大小、光合作用强弱、碳酸盐体系溶解平衡及水文条件等因素的控制。通过对该湖沉积物无机碳酸盐碳、氧同位素组成的研究,追溯了该流域内自采样深度以来的数十年内的环境变化情况,研究表明:程海流域气候变化有呈现出11-12a的小周期变化的趋势,但是在孔柱底部的信号噪声较大;沉积物碳酸盐δ^13Cδ^18O的良好相关性指示了程海近几十年内的水文封闭条件;并将碳、氧同位素这一环境敏感指标推广到了高矿化度的“准”咸湖的环境中。  相似文献   
Little work has been done on the influence of seiments on the basic chemical composition of overlying water mass.This paper deals with the vertical profile of the basic constituents such as Ca^ ,K^ ,Na^ ,and HCO3^-,as well as of pH in the overlying water mass and sediment porewater of Lake Lugu-a semi-closed,deep lake in Yunnan Province.The reand sediment porewater of Lake Lugu- a semi-closed,deep lake in Yunnan Province.The results revealed that those basic constituents may diffuse and transport from bottom sediments to overlying water mass through porewater.In the paper are also quantitatively evaluated the diffusive fluxes and the extent of their influence on overlying water mass,indicating that the lake sediment-water interface diffusion plays an important role in controlling the basic chemical composition of water in the whole lake.  相似文献   
资源利用与环境改变、资源再生与环境净化互为因果。因资源开发所触发的环境灾害已成为环境地质学与地球化学的研究热点。贵州阿哈湖汇水区煤炭资源的不合理开采导致铁、锰在沉积物中蓄积并产生湖水季节性二次污染。文中以此为例 ,并依据地球化学过程是认识污染机理的关键、地球化学原理是污染控制技术的科学基础 ,讨论环境物质释放、运移、转化和界面作用与环境质量变异的关系。  相似文献   
云南程海现代沉积物环境记录研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈敬安  万国江 《矿物学报》2000,20(2):112-116
本文通过对程海沉积物C、H、N等元素含量及其比值的综合分析,辨识了程海沉积物有机质H/C及C/N值的环境指示意义,发现它们增可作为程海水位波动及区域气候干湿变迁的替代性指标。研究结果表明:程海的水位和区域气候干湿主为化明显以历了两个不同的阶段,但整体上程海水位一直呈下降趋势,反映区域气候整体上向干旱化方向发展。  相似文献   
With rapidly industrial and agricultural development,more and more fertilizers,chemicals and heavy ions will be discharged into lakes and rivers,which would cause lake eutrophication and quality deterioration in drinking water sources.Therefore,denitrification is essential for controlling the amounts of nitrogen,During the transformation process from nitrate to the end products-nitrogen and several intermediated[e.g.nitrite(NO2^-),nitrous oxide(N2O) and nitric oxide(NO)]may be accumulated,which have more toxic influences on the environment.in This study,the denitrification effect of Paracoccus Denitrificans was examined on the changes between oxic and anoxic conditions at varying pH.At pH=7.5,denitrification proceeded well after 3 switches from oxic to anoxic conditions and vice versa,Production of N2 was constant and the amounts of NO2-,N2O and NO were extremely low.How ever,at pH=6.8,denitrification activity was inhitied and there large amounts of the intermaediates.The denitrifying bacteria decreased violently in dry weight and were washed out.  相似文献   
Distribution of the rare-earth elements (REE) in dacite has been studied so as to get a better understanding of the migration behavior of REE during alteration. Both unaltered and altered samples were collected in an unpolluted area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southwest China. The REE concentrations were analyzed by ICP-MS. It is concluded that the REE were enriched during dacite alteration in varying degrees. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of altered samples approximately maintain the characteristics of unaltered samples. However, if we normalize the REE concentrations of altered samples with unaltered dacite, fractionation of REE will appear. The LREE are more enriched than HREE in all altered samples with the LREE possibly precipitated as carbonate minerals. Both positive and negative Eu anomalies exist. Enrichment, immobility and depletion are noticed for the element Lu. Heavy mineral alteration, difference in stability constant between carbonate LREE and HREE complexes, downward migration of weathering fluid and microenvironment change may be responsible for the fractionation of REE in the altered dacite.  相似文献   
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