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The mineral industry is leading towards a technology driven optimization process. Drilling and blasting are such unit operations in a mine, which can alter the balance sheet of the mine if not planned properly. The development, improvement and utilization of innovative technologies in terms of blast monitoring instruments and explosives technology are important for cost effectiveness and safety of mineral industries.

The ever-growing demand for minerals has compelled the industry to adopt large opencast projects using heavy equipment. This has necessitated use of a few hundred tonnes of explosives in each blast. The bulk delivered fourth generation explosives have solved the problem of explosive loading to a large extent as it provides improved safety in manufacturing, transportation and handling. Bulk delivered emulsion is non-explosive until gasification is complete and a large quantity of explosive can be transported and loaded into blast holes efficiently and with safety. The priming of bulk delivered explosives in Indian mines uses the conventional PETN/TNT-based boosters. The conventional booster possesses safety problems in terms of handling and use, so Indian Explosives Ltd has developed an emulsion-based booster (Powergel Boost).

This paper explores the potential of an emulsion-based booster used as a primer to initiate bulk delivered emulsion explosives used in mines. An attempt has been made at a comparative study between the conventional booster and the emulsion-based booster in terms of the initiation process developed and their capability of developing and maintaining a stable detonation process in the column explosives. The study has been conducted using a continuous velocity of detonation (VOD) measuring instrument, the VODMate two channel system manufactured by Instantel Inc. of Canada. During this study three blasts were monitored. In each blast two holes were selected for study, the first hole was initiated using a conventional booster while the other one used an emulsion-based booster. The findings of the study advocates that the emulsion-based booster is capable of the efficient priming of bulk delivered column explosive with a stable detonation process in the column.  相似文献   
Şenik  Berfin  Uzun  Osman 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):1587-1602
Natural Hazards - Open green spaces contribute to urban/rural life in terms of ecological, recreational, spatial, economic, etc., functions as well as prevention of natural disasters, mitigation of...  相似文献   
Saçu  Şehriban  Erdik  Tarkan  Şen  Olgay 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(6):881-888
China Ocean Engineering - Turkey has announced its plan to construct a new waterway, Canal Istanbul, parallel to the Bosphorus. In this study, the influence of Canal Istanbul on salinity...  相似文献   
Two main schools of thought in global tectonics are recognized during the first half of the XXth century on the basis of their proponents' attitude towards the principle of uniformitarianism and their belief in an inherent order and regularity vs. disorder and irregularity in tectonics. One group, here called the Wegener-Argand school, had a unifomitarian approach to global tectonics and believed in an inherently irregular Nature, in which probability rather than determinism was believed to be a realistic approach. The other, here called the Kober-Stille school, was largely non-uniformitarian (neocatastrophist) and believed in an orderly, regular Nature. These two schools correspond to Argand's mobilists and fixists respectively. In this paper I show that Eduard Suess was a convinced uniformitarian as far as his views on global tectonics are concerned and denied any inherent regularity in tectonic phenomena, temporal or spatial. In his interpretations of the causes and nature of orogeny, nature of geosynclines, and causes and nature of stabilisation, Suess appears to be the predecessor of the Wegener-Argandians, i. e. of the mobilists and not of the Kober-Stilleans as hitherto assumed. Although he remained a fixist and contractionist to the end Suess seems to have paved the way for the mobilists much as he did for the nappists during the last quarter of the XIXth century.
Zusammenfassung Während der ersten Hälfte des XX. Jahrhunderts kann man zwei globaltektonische Denkungsweisen oder Großschulen unterscheiden, die gekennzeichnet sind durch ihre Stellungnahme zum aktualistischen Prinzip in der Tektonik und ob sie an eine ordentliche und regelmäßige Natur glaubten oder nicht. Die erste, hier die Wegener-Argand-Schule genannt, hatte die Gültigkeit des aktualistischen Prinzips in der Tektonik anerkannt und die Natur, im Grunde genommen, als unordentlich und unregelmäßig betrachtet. Die Anhänger dieser Denkweise glaubten, daß probablistische Lösungen tektonischer Probleme realistischer seien als deterministische. Die andere Großschule, hier die Kober-Stille-Schule genannt, war im Grunde genommen anti-aktualistisch (Neo-Katastrophistisch) und glaubte, daß die Natur ordentlich und regelmäßig sei. Diese zwei Schulen entsprechen Argands' Einteilung in Mobilisten und Fixisten. In diesem Artikel zeige ich, daß E. Suess ein überzeugter Aktualist in bezug auf seine tektonischen Ansichten war, und daß er jede Regelmäßigkeit, zeitlicher oder räumlicher Art, der tektonischen Ereignisse ablehnte. In seinen Interpretationen der Ursachen und der Art der Orogenese, der Art der Geosynklinalen und der Ursache und der Art der Erstarrung, erscheint Suess als ein Vorgänger der Wegener-Argand-Schule, d. h. der Mobilisten, deren Gedankengänge er viel näher stand als dem der Kober-Stille-Schule. Obwohl Suess selbst bis zuletzt ein Fixist und Kontraktionist blieb, bereitete er eigentlich den Weg für die Mobilisten, wie er es früher auch für die Nappisten getan hatte.

Résumé Durant la première moitié du XXe siêcle, on peut distinguer deux principales écoles de pensée en tectonique globale, selon l'attitude de ses adhérents envers le principe de l'actualisme et selon leur croyance ou non à un ordre et une régularité intrinsèques en tectonique. Le premier groupe, ici appelé l'école de Wegener-Argand, suivit une voie actualiste et crût la Nature essentiellement irrégulière, de telle sorte qu'un traitement probabiliste fût considéré plus réaliste qu'un traitement déterministe. L'autre, appelé ici l'école de Kober-Stille, était essentiellement non-actualiste (néo-catastrophiste) et crût à une Nature ordonnée, régulière. Ces deux écoles correspondent aux mobilistes et aux fixistes d'Argand. Dans cet article, je montre que E. Suess, fût un actualiste convaincu, du moins en ce qui concerne ses opinions sur la tectonique globale, et qu'il rejetta toute notion de régularité dans les phénomènes tectoniques, autant spatiaux que temporaux. Dans ses interprétations des causes et de la nature de l'orogenèse, de la nature des géosynclinaux, et des causes et de la nature de la «stabilisation», Suess est un des précurseurs des «Wegener-Argandiens», c'est à dire des mobilistes. Bien qui'il fût demeuré, jusqu'à la fin de sa vie, fixiste et un avocat de la contraction, il semble que Suess ait préparé la voie aux mobilistes, de la mème façon qu'il l'avait fait pour les nappistes pendant le derier quart du XIXe siècle.

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The Çöpler epithermal Au deposit and related subeconomic porphyry Cu–Au deposit is hosted by the middle Eocene Çöpler–Kabata? magmatic complex in central eastern Anatolia. The intrusive rocks of the complex were emplaced into Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic metamorphosed sedimentary basement rocks near the northeastern margin of the Tauride-Anatolide Block. Igneous biotite from two samples of the magmatic complex yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 43.75?±?0.26 Ma and 44.19?±?0.23, whereas igneous hornblende from a third sample yielded a plateau age of 44.13?±?0.38. These ages closely overlap with 40Ar/39Ar ages of hydrothermal sericite (44.44?±?0.28 Ma) and biotite (43.84?±?0.26 Ma), and Re–Os ages from two molybdenite samples (44.6?±?0.2 and 43.9?±?0.2 Ma) suggesting a short-lived (<1 my) magmatic and hydrothermal history at Çöpler. No suitable minerals were found that could be used to date the epithermal system, but it is inferred to be close in age to the precursor porphyry system. The Çöpler–Kabata? intrusive rocks show I-type calc-alkaline affinities. Their normalized trace element patterns show enrichments in large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements and relative depletions in middle and heavy rare earth elements, resembling magmas generated in convergent margins. However, given its distance from the coeval Eocene Maden–Helete volcanic arc, the complex is interpreted to be formed in a back-arc setting, in response to Paleocene slab roll-back and upper-plate extension. The tectonomagmatic environment of porphyry-epithermal mineralization at Çöpler is comparable to some other isolated back-arc porphyry systems such as Bajo de la Alumbrera (Argentina) or Bingham Canyon (USA).  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous ükapili Granitoid including mafic microgranular enclaves intruded into metapelitic and metabasic rocks, and overlain unconformably by Neogene ignimbrites in the Ni de area of Turkey. It is mostly granite and minor granodiorite in composition, whereas its enclaves are dominantly gabbro with a few diorites in composition. The ükapili Granitoid is composed mainly of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite and minor amphibole while its enclaves contain mostly plagioclase, amphibole, minor pyroxene and biotite. The ükapili Granitoid has calcalkaline and peraluminous (A/CNK= 1.0-1.3) geochemical characteristics. It is characterized by high LILE/HFSE and LREE/HREE ratios ((La/Lu) N = 3-33), and has negative Ba, Ta, Nb and Eu anomalies, resembling those of collision granitoids. The ükapili Granitoid has relatively high 87Sr/86Sr (i) ratios (0.711189-0.716061) and low εNd (t) values (-5.13 to -7.13), confirming crustal melting. In contrast, the enclaves are tholeiitic and metaluminous, and slightly enriched in LILEs (K, Rb) and Th, and have negative Ta, Nb and Ti anomalies; propose that they were derived from a subduction-modified mantle source. Based on mineral and whole rock chemistry data, the ükapili granitoid is H-(hybrid) type, post-collision granitoid developed by mixing/mingling processes between crustal melts and mantle-derived mafic magmas.  相似文献   
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