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Ultramafic rocks around the city of Muğla in SW Turkey are represented by mantle peridotites depleted to various degrees, ranging from cpx-rich harzburgites to depleted harzburgite and dunite. Cpx-rich harzburgites are thought to be the residua left after extraction of MORB-type basalt, from which high-Al chromitite [49.2 < Cr# = 100 × Cr/(Cr + Al) < 53.5] crystallised with a higher proportion of 187Os/188Os (average of 0.1361). However, depleted harzburgites are assumed to be the residua left after extraction of hydrous boninitic melt produced by second stage partial melting of already depleted mantle due to a subducting slab, from which high-Cr chromitites (64.2 < Cr# < 85.9) with lower and heterogeneous 187Os/188Os ratio (average of 0.1324) were crystallised as a result of melt–rock interaction in a supra-subduction environment. Dunites around the chromite deposits are considered to be the product of melt–peridotite interaction. Most of the chromitites contain high-Cr chromite and display enrichment in IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) over PPGE (Rh, Pt, Pd), with PGE concentrations between 61 and 1,305 ppb. Consistently, laurite-erlichmanite series minerals with various Os concentrations are found to be the most abundant PGM inclusions in chromite. Os–Ir–Ru alloy, irarsite, and kashinite, as well as Pt–Fe alloy and Pt-oxide, which are not common in ophiolitic chromitites, were also detected as magmatic PGM inclusions. Pentlandite, millerite, and, rarely heazlewoodite form the magmatic inclusions of base-metal sulphide. The presence of olivine and clinopyroxene, as well as hydrous silicate inclusions such as amphibole and phlogopite, in high-Cr chromitite supports the idea that high-Cr chromitites were formed in a supra-subduction environment.  相似文献   
?znik Lake is a tectonically originated basin mainly controlled by the E–W trending middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) system. Pleistocene sediments occurring in front of the faults are well exposed both in the northern and in the southern shorelines of the basin. In this study, two endemic brackish water bivalve species, Didacna subpyramidata Pravoslavkev 1939 and Didacna nov. sp. were found in the oldest terrace of the northern Pleistocene sequence. Having characterized morphology, these species serve as stratigraphic indicators in the regional Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Ponto-Caspian region, and thus are well correlated to the assemblages of the early Khazarian subhorizon (Middle Pleistocene). Hence, these data demonstrate that the early Khazarian brackish water sea covered the study area. Additionally, a model for the formation of the basin is proposed: the ?znik lake basin was a gulf of the former Marmara Sea in the early Khazarian, connecting the Marmara to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The subsequent regional prograding uplifts, main dextral strike-slip fault and many normal faults of the NAF Zone cut off the marine connections to the basin, leading to its present location and topographic level.  相似文献   
This paper presents several types of new information including U–Pb radiometric dating of ophiolitic rocks and an intrusive granite, micropalaeontological dating of siliceous and calcareous sedimentary rocks, together with sedimentological, petrographic and structural data. The new information is synthesised with existing results from the study area and adjacent regions (Central Pontides and Lesser Caucasus) to produce a new tectonic model for the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic development of this key Tethyan suture zone.

The Tethyan suture zone in NE Turkey (Ankara–Erzincan–Kars suture zone) exemplifies stages in the subduction, suturing and post-collisional deformation of a Mesozoic ocean basin that existed between the Eurasian (Pontide) and Gondwanan (Tauride) continents. Ophiolitic rocks, both as intact and as dismembered sequences, together with an intrusive granite (tonalite), formed during the Early Jurassic in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) setting within the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean. Basalts also occur as blocks and dismembered thrust sheets within Cretaceous accretionary melange. During the Early Jurassic, these basalts erupted in both a SSZ-type setting and in an intra-plate (seamount-type) setting. The volcanic-sedimentary melange accreted in an open-ocean setting in response to Cretaceous northward subduction beneath a backstop made up of Early Jurassic forearc ophiolitic crust. The Early Jurassic SSZ basalts in the melange were later detached from the overriding Early Jurassic ophiolitic crust.

Sedimentary melange (debris-flow deposits) locally includes ophiolitic extrusive rocks of boninitic composition that were metamorphosed under high-pressure low-temperature conditions. Slices of mainly Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks within the suture zone are interpreted as a deformed forearc basin that bordered the Eurasian active margin. The basin received a copious supply of sediments derived from Late Cretaceous arc volcanism together with input of ophiolitic detritus from accreted oceanic crust.

Accretionary melange was emplaced southwards onto the leading edge of the Tauride continent (Munzur Massif) during latest Cretaceous time. Accretionary melange was also emplaced northwards over the collapsed southern edge of the Eurasian continental margin (continental backstop) during the latest Cretaceous. Sedimentation persisted into the Early Eocene in more northerly areas of the Eurasian margin.

Collision of the Tauride and Eurasian continents took place progressively during latest Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene. The Jurassic SSZ ophiolites and the Cretaceous accretionary melange finally docked with the Eurasian margin. Coarse clastic sediments were shed from the uplifted Eurasian margin and infilled a narrow peripheral basin. Gravity flows accumulated in thrust-top piggyback basins above accretionary melange and dismembered ophiolites and also in a post-collisional peripheral basin above Eurasian crust. Thickening of the accretionary wedge triggered large-scale out-of-sequence thrusting and re-thrusting of continental margin and ophiolitic units. Collision culminated in detachment and northward thrusting on a regional scale.

Collisional deformation of the suture zone ended prior to the Mid-Eocene (~45?Ma) when the Eurasian margin was transgressed by non-marine and/or shallow-marine sediments. The foreland became volcanically active and subsided strongly during Mid-Eocene, possibly related to post-collisional slab rollback and/or delamination. The present structure and morphology of the suture zone was strongly influenced by several phases of mostly S-directed suture zone tightening (Late Eocene; pre-Pliocene), possible slab break-off and right-lateral strike-slip along the North Anatolian Transform Fault.

In the wider regional context, a double subduction zone model is preferred, in which northward subduction was active during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, both within the Tethyan ocean and bordering the Eurasian continental margin.  相似文献   
Climate change in Turkey for the last half century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change and its urban-induced bias in selected Turkish cities is studied with a quality controlled temperature and precipitation data of Turkish stations in the period of 1950–2004. These stations are classified into two groups according to their populations; S1, including rural and suburban stations and S2, including large urban stations. Moving average signals, 365-day, and their digital low pass filtered versions are produced to eliminate the short term fluctuations and examine the possible trends or anomalies in climate data. Furthermore, ‘relative difference’ signals are introduced and applied to temperature and precipitation series to observe the actual local changes in the climate data independent from large-scale effects. Mann–Kendall test statistics are calculated for maximum, minimum, mean temperature and precipitation series and plotted on maps to determine any spatial trend patterns. Signal analysis show a cool period extending from early 1960s till 1993, generally with the lowest temperature values on 1992–1993 owing to the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. A last decade significant warming trend is observed in both of the series, S1 and S2, leading to 2000–2002 temperatures to be recorded as maximums in record history. The variability of urban precipitation series is generally larger than the rural ones, suggesting that urban stations can experience more frequent and severe droughts and floods. Though not significant, an increase in the urban precipitation compared to the rural one is also found. Spatial analysis resulted in significant warming in southern and southeastern parts of the country. Particularly, minimum temperature series show significant warming in almost all of the regions indicating the effect of urbanization. Significant decreases of precipitation amounts in the western parts of Turkey, such as Aegean and Trachea regions, are found. On the other hand, some Turkish northern stations show increases in precipitation of which some are significant.  相似文献   
We present new values of the structural coefficients η j , and related quantities, for realistic models of distorted stars in close binary systems. Our procedure involves numerical integration of Radau’s equation for detailed structural data and we verified our technique by referring to the 8-digit results of Brooker & Olle (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 115:101, 1955) for purely mathematical models. We provide tables of representative values of η j , and related quantities, for j=2,3,…,7 for a selection of Zero Age Stellar Main Sequence (ZAMS) stellar models taken from the EZWeb compilation of the Dept. of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison. We include also some preliminary comparisons of our findings with the results of Claret and Gimenez (Astron. Astrophys. 519:A57 2010) for some observed stars.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) has increasingly become an important method in hydrogeophysics because it allows for estimations of essential hydraulic properties such as porosity and hydraulic conductivity. A resistivity model is required for magnetic resonance sounding modelling and inversion. Therefore, joint interpretation or inversion is favourable to reduce the ambiguities that arise in separate magnetic resonance sounding and vertical electrical sounding (VES) inversions. A new method is suggested for the joint inversion of magnetic resonance sounding and vertical electrical sounding data. A one‐dimensional blocky model with varying layer thicknesses is used for the subsurface discretization. Instead of conventional derivative‐based inversion schemes that are strongly dependent on initial models, a global multi‐objective optimization scheme (a genetic algorithm [GA] in this case) is preferred to examine a set of possible solutions in a predefined search space. Multi‐objective joint optimization avoids the domination of one objective over the other without applying a weighting scheme. The outcome is a group of non‐dominated optimal solutions referred to as the Pareto‐optimal set. Tests conducted using synthetic data show that the multi‐objective joint optimization approximates the joint model parameters within the experimental error level and illustrates the range of trade‐off solutions, which is useful for understanding the consistency and conflicts between two models and objectives. Overall, the Levenberg‐Marquardt inversion of field data measured during a survey on a North Sea island presents similar solutions. However, the multi‐objective genetic algorithm method presents an efficient method for exploring the search space by producing a set of non‐dominated solutions. Borehole data were used to provide a verification of the inversion outcomes and indicate that the suggested genetic algorithm method is complementary for derivative‐based inversions.  相似文献   
Accurate mapping of water surface boundaries in rivers is an important step for monitoring water stages, estimating discharge, flood extent, and geomorphic response to changing hydrologic conditions, and assessing riverine habitat. Nonetheless, it is a challenging task in spatially and spectrally heterogeneous river environments, commonly characterized by high spatiotemporal variations in morphology, bed material, and bank cover. In this study, we investigate the influence of channel morphology and bank characteristics on the delineation of water surface boundaries in rivers using high spatial resolution passive remote sensing and a template‐matching (object‐based) algorithm, and compare its efficacy with that of Support Vector Machine (SVM) (pixel‐based) algorithm. We perform a detailed quantitative evaluation of boundary‐delineation accuracy using spatially explicit error maps in tandem with the spatial maps of geomorphic and bank classes. Results show that template matching is more successful than SVM in delineating water surface boundaries in river sections with spatially challenging geomorphic landforms (e.g. sediment bar structures, partially submerged sediment deposits) and shallow water conditions. However, overall delineation accuracy by SVM is higher than that of template matching (without iterative hierarchical learning). Vegetation and water indices, especially when combined with texture information, improve the accuracy of template matching, for example, in river sections with overhanging trees and shadows – the two most problematic conditions in water surface boundary delineation. By identifying the influence of channel morphology and bank characteristics on water surface boundary mapping, this study helps determine river sections with higher uncertainty in delineation. In turn, the most suitable methods and data sets can be selectively utilized to improve geomorphic/hydraulic characterization. The methodology developed here can also be applied to similar studies on other geomorphic landforms including floodplains, wetlands, lakes, and coastlines. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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