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In understanding the nucleosynthesis of the elements in stars, one of the most important quantities is the reaction rate and it must be evaluated in terms of the stellar temperature T, and its determination involves the knowledge of the excitation function σ(E) of the specific nuclear reaction leading to the final nucleus. In this paper, the effect of thermonuclear reaction rates to the pre-main sequence evolution of low mass stars having masses 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1M are studied by using our modified Stellar Evolutionary Program.  相似文献   
This study aims to determine the relationships between local meteorological conditions,proglacial river discharge and biogeochemical processes operating in a periglacial basin located in the Polar Ural mountain range, Russia. Fieldwork was conducted in the catchment of Obruchev Glacier(13 km2) during the summer peak flow period in 2008. River discharge was dominated by snowmelt and changed from 3300 l s-1 to less than 1000 l s-1. The mean daily air temperatures of stations situated in the mountain tundra and near Obruchev Glacier from July 11 th to August 1st 2008 were 14.4°C and 10.3°C, respectively. The glacial river had low total dissolved solids varying from 4.5 to 9 mg l-1 and coefficients of correlation between Na+ and Cl-, K+ and Cl-, as well as NH4+ and Cl- were 0.94, 0.90 and 0.84, respectively. Rainfall events affected the snowmelt initiation and provided an essential part of the discharge during the intense snowmelt period, which occurred from July 11 th to July 18 th 2008. Data showed that Na+ and K+ in the surface water derived from snowmelt rather than chemical weathering of silicates. Also, it was obtained that NO3- derived from the melting snowpack, whereas ammonification occurring under the snowpacks was the primary source for NH4+.  相似文献   
The aluminium (Al) cycle in glacierised basins has not received a great deal of attention in studies of biogeochemical cycles. As Al may be toxic for biota, it is important to investigate the processes leading to its release into the environment. It has not yet been ascertained whether filterable Al (passing through a pore size of 0.45 μm) is incorporated into biogeochemical cycles in glacierised basins. Our study aims to determine the relationship between the processes bringing filterable Al and glacier‐derived filterable nutrients (particularly Fe and Si) into glacierised basins. We investigated the Werenskiöldbreen basin (44.1 km2, 60% glacierised) situated in SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard. In 2011, we collected meltwater from a subglacial portal at the glacier front and at a downstream hydrometric station throughout the ablation season. The Al concentration, unchanged between the subglacial system and proglacial zone, reveals that aluminosilicate weathering is a dominant source of filterable Al under subglacial conditions. By examining the Al:Fe ratio compared with pH and the sulphate mass fraction index, we found that the proton source for subglacial aluminosilicate weathering is mainly associated with sulphide oxidation and, to a lesser degree, with hydrolysis and carbonation. In subglacial outflows and in the glacial river, Al and Fe are primarily in the forms of Al(OH)4 and Fe(OH)3. The annual filterable Al yield (2.7 mmol m‐2) was of a magnitude similar to that of nutrients such as filterable Fe (3.0 mmol m‐2) and lower than that of dissolved Si (18.5 mmol m‐2). Our results show that filterable Al concentrations in meltwater are significantly correlated to filterable and dissolved glacier‐derived nutrients (Fe and Si, respectively) concentrations in glaciers worldwide. We conclude that a potential bioavailable Al pool derived from glacierised basins may be incorporated in biogeochemical cycles, as it is strongly related to the concentrations and yields of glacier‐derived nutrients.  相似文献   
Simultaneous observations of several chlorine source gases, as well asHCl and ClO, have been performed in the Arctic stratosphere on 1 and 9February 1994, using balloon-borne instrumentation as a contribution toSESAME (Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid latitude Experiment).The observed mixing ratios of HCl and N2O show a clearanticorrelation. No severe loss of HCl was observed inside the vortex duringour measurement. These measurements showed that during this period at 20 kmand above, HCl was either in excess, or at least as abundant, asClONO2 and comprised between 50 and 70% of theavailable chlorine, Cly. On 1 February, measurements were madeinside the polar vortex. The air mass sampled on this day showed a clearsignature of diabatic descent, and also enhanced levels of ClO with amaximum of 230 pptv at 22.5 km. A 10 day backward trajectory analysis showedthat these air masses had passed a large region of low temperatures a fewhours prior to the measurement. Temperatures along the back trajectory atthe 475 K and 550 K levels (20.1 and 23.7 km respectively) were cold enoughfor heterogeneous chlorine activation to occur, in agreement with theobserved elevated ClO mixing ratios.  相似文献   
Arctic regions experience metal pollution, despite their remote location, and the distribution and migration of those metals determine their potential impact on the local environment. Here, a High-Arctic catchment (Revelva, Svalbard) located remotely from human-induced pollution sources is studied with respect to the distribution and migration of chosen trace elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V and Zn) in surface waters. The metal concentrations fluctuated in 2010–2012 between 0.01 and 354 μg L?1, the highest mean-weighted concentration noted for Sr (42.5 μg L?1). The concentrations in the river water were likely influenced by both natural and human-activity-related processes. These factors can produce substances of the same chemical composition (e.g. carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and metals may be emitted both by a volcanic eruption and by industrial sources). Therefore, chemometric techniques were used in the current paper to distinguish the multiple sources of pollution in the Revelva catchment. The authors were seeking to determine whether there is indeed evidence for contamination, sufficient to cause environmental damage in polar region. As a result, it was shown that the long-range transport could play an important role in shaping the metal concentration profile of this Arctic tundra environment, capturing both the influence of volcanic eruptions within the region and the human activity in a range of distances from the study site.  相似文献   
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