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The noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe and also K and Ba were measured in the Apollo 11 igneous rocks 10017 and 10071, and in an ilmenite and two feldspar concentrates separated from rock 10071. Whole rock K/Ar ages of rocks 10017 and 10071 are (2350 ± 60) × 106 yr and (2880 ± 60) × 106 yr, respectively. The two feldspar concentrates of rock 10071 have distinctly higher ages: (3260 ± 60) × 106 yr and (3350 ± 70) × 106 yr. These ages are still 10 per cent lower than the Rb/Sr age obtained by Papanastassiouet al. (1970) and some Ar40 diffusion loss must have occurred even in the relatively coarse-grained feldspar.The relative abundance patterns of spallation Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe are in agreement with the ratios predicted from meteoritic production rates. However, diffusion loss of spallation He3 is evident in the whole rock samples, and even more in the feldspar concentrates. The ilmenite shows little or no diffusion loss. The isotopic composition of spallation Kr and Xe is similar to the one observed in meteorites. Small, systematic differences in the spallation Kr spectra of rocks 10017 and 10071 are due to variations in the irradiation hardness (shielding). The Kr spallation spectra in the mineral concentrates are different from the whole rock spectra and also show individual variations, reflecting the differences in target element composition. The relative abundance of cosmic ray produced Xe131 differs by nearly 50 per cent in the two rocks. The other Xe isotopes show no variations of similar magnitude. The origin of the Xe131 yield variability is discussed.Kr81 was measured in all the samples investigated. The Kr81/Kr exposure ages of rocks 10017 and 10071 are (480 ± 25) × 106 yr and (350 ± 15) × 106 yr, respectively. Exposure ages derived from spallation Ne21, Ar38, Kr83 and Xe126 are essentially in agreement with the Kr81/Kr ages. The age of rock 10071 might be somewhat low because of a possible recent exposure of our sample to solar flare particles.  相似文献   
Seventeen trace elements (Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs, Ge, In, Ir, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U and Zn) were measured by neutron activation analysis in 8 C1 samples (1 Alais, 3 Ivuna, 4 Orgueil) and in 3 C2 samples (one each of Mighei, Murchison, Murray). The results show far less scatter than earlier literature data. The standard deviation of a single measurement from the mean of 8 C1 samples lies between 2 and 14 per cent, except for the following 4 elements: Au ±18 per cent, Ag ±22 per cent, Rb ±19 per cent and Br ±33 per cent. The first two probably reflect contamination and sample heterogeneity, the last two, analytical error. Apparently C1 chondrites have a far more uniform composition than some authors have claimed.The new data suggest significant revisions in cosmic abundance for the following elements (old values in parentheses): Zn 1250 (1500), Cd 1.51 (2.12), Ir 0.72 (0.43) atoms/106 Si atoms. The Br value is also lower, 6.8 vs 20.6, but may be affected by analytical error.Relative to C1 chondrites, the C2 chondrites Mighei, Murchison and Murray are depleted in volatile elements by a factor of 0.508 ± 0.038, much more constant than indicated by oldor data. Ordinary chondrites also show a more uniform depletion relative to the new C1 data. The mean depletion factor of Sb, F, Cu, Ga, Ge, Sn, S, Se, Te and Ag is 0.227 ± 0.027 in H-chondrites. This constancy further strengthens the case for the two-component model of chondrite formation.  相似文献   
Discrete fracture network representations of discontinuities in rock masses have been shown to be useful in capturing heterogeneity in rock mass properties. Providing computational efficiency in the resulting simulations and analyses is attained, these fracture representations can be combined with structural modelling and sampling algorithms. Multiple fracture network realisations can be generated and the resulting rock mass properties interrogated. Statistical analyses based on fracture connectivity, block size distribution and slope stability can be performed and provide results defined in terms of confidence intervals. For sedimentary geology consisting of dense bedding, equivalent medium continuum methods have traditionally been used in preference to discrete fracture representations due to the large numbers of structures involved and resulting computational complexity. In this paper, it is shown that stochastic representation of these layers can be employed. An analytical solution to accommodate bedding given an assumed block size distribution has been derived. Using this formulation, polyhedral modelling has been used to investigate the influence of bedding on block formation and block size distributions using field data. It is shown that the analysis is both computationally efficient and can capture truncation of size distribution by such layers without numerical methods.  相似文献   
Luna 20 soil is remarkably similar to Apollo 16 soil, in its content of 17 mainly volatile or siderophile elements: Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs, Ge, In, Ir, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U, and Zn. Like other highland soils, it seems to contain an ancient meteoritic component of fractionated, volatile-poor composition. The bulk soil has a high TlCs ratio (9.4 × 10?2), similar to that in Apollo 16 soils (5.4 × 10?2), but higher than that in samples from other sites (1.1 × 10?2). It is severely contaminated with Ag, Cd, Re, and Sb, judging from a comparison with a 1.7 mg soil breccia sample from the coarse fraction of the soil.  相似文献   
Penang Island represents the northwestern extension of the western magmatic belt of Peninsular Malaysia. Thirty-one samples of highly evolved biotite-and biotite-muscovite granites were used in an integrated study to unravel the complex magmatic, tectonic and cooling histories of these rocks. Highly distorted Rb–Sr whole-rock age patterns are evident. These are attributed to the partial post-magmatic Sr homogenization within the granite batholith which led to the rotation of isochrons towards younger ages and higher (87/86)Sr intercepts. The recognition of this mechanism allowed the establishment of a new Rb–Sr interpretation model. The intrusion ages of the granites can be extrapolated based on the evolutionary trend of the initial (87/86)Sr. Including the data of Bignell and Snelling, three episodes of granite emplacement at 307±8 Ma, 251±7 Ma and 211±2 Ma are suggested for Penang and the NW Main Range. The late-Triassic intrusive induced a hydrothermal conductive convection system which affected all the granites. It is considered to be responsible for the Rb–Sr whole-rock age distortion, the Rb–Sr and K–Ar biotite age resetting and the textural and mineralogical changes in the granites. The duration of the hydrothermal convections, deduced from the Rb–Sr whole rock ages, is about 6 Ma and 20 Ma in the northern and southern parts of Penang respectively. Fast regional cooling to 350±50°C within a time span of 1–3 Ma is recognized for the late-Triassic Feringgi intrusive from the mica ages, followed by a generally slow cooling rate of about 1°C/Ma. Fission track ages, in addition, indicate blockwise uplift along the N-S and NW-SE tending faults, thus resulting in the exposure of deeper crustal levels in southern and eastern Penang. A change in the tensional regime since Oligocene/Miocene, accompanied by a southwest tilting of the island, is indicated by the fission track apatite ages. Variable sometimes younger K–Ar, respectively Rb–Sr biotite ages mainly depend on the degree of hydrothermal overprint at different crustal levels. An increase of the reaction surface by grain size reduction influences Rb–Sr and K–Ar mica ages in similar ways, as has been demonstrated by experimental data.  相似文献   
A short sediment core from Lago Grande di Avigliana (Piedmont, Italy), the second most eutrophied lake in Italy, was analysed for pollen and diatoms to reconstruct land-use changes and to estimate baseline conditions for total phosphorus (TP) in the water column. Varve counts on sediment thin-sections and 210Pb, 226Ra, and 137Cs dating provided a reliable chronology for the past ~200 years. The main pollen-inferred land-use changes showed a sharp decrease of hemp retting around AD 1900, as well as a gradual change to less intensive agriculture and increasing abundance of exotic plants since AD ~1970. Diatom-inferred TP reconstructions indicated stable TP concentrations until AD ~1950, revealing baseline mesotrophic conditions (TP <25 μg l−1). After AD ~1950, TP values increased distinctly and continuously, culminating in the late 1960s with concentrations of 150 μg l−1. Subsequently, diatoms implied a linear decrease of TP, with an inferred value of 40 μg l−1 in the surface sediment sample. Comparison with instrumental TP measurements from the water column since AD 1980 showed a rapid recovery and allowed a direct validation of the diatom TP inference. However, although the TP concentration has decreased considerably, baseline conditions have not yet been reached. When compared to the limnological effects of sewage discharges on inferred-TP concentration, our results indicated that agricultural land use played a minor role in the lake’s eutrophication.  相似文献   
Breccia fragments have been analyzed from the 2–4 mm sieve fraction of three Apollo 16 soils collected in the vicinity of North Ray Crater (63503,17 at Station 13; 67603,1 and 67703,14 at Station 11). Ar39-Ar40 ages, Ar37-Ar38 exposure ages, abundances of major and certain trace elements, and petrographie data relevant to thermal history have been obtained for up to 48 individual fragments.Among the samples. 30 gave Ar39-Ar40 release patterns that allowed the assignment of a high- or intermediate-temperature plateau age and the recognition of three age groups. Group I (10 fragments) are 4.12-4.21 AE, Group 2 (13 fragments) are 3.89-4.02 AE, and Group 3 (6 fragments) are <2.5 AE in age. Only one fragment (3.60 AE) falls outside this grouping and possibly represents Theophilus ejecta. The probability that the gap between 4.12 and 4.02 AE is a statistical fluctuation is only ~2%. The exposure ages cluster strongly around 50 × 106y. the age of North Ray Crater.The oldest, Group 1 fragments are all anorthositic metamorphosed breccias of light-matrix type. The younger. Group 2 fragments are noritic anorthosite and anorthositic norite breccias with textures indicative of greater annealing (melted matrix), one totally melted sample being of KREEP-basalt texture. The very young. Group 3 fragments are chiefly of glass or devitrified glass. There is a marked distinction between Groups 1 and 2 in compositional as well as textural properties. The Group 2 breccias are generally enriched in Mg, K and REE relative to the aluminous Group I breccias (eg. K ≤ 400 ppm in Group 1 and mostly ≥ 600 ppm in Group 2). This difference is attributed to the introduction of KREEP and mafic ANT components during the formation of the Group 2 breccias.The results are interpreted as reflecting two magnitudes of cratering. The older craters (>4.1 AE) were of medium size (diameters up to a few hundred kilometers), large enough to reset the ages but not capable of excavating deeper than predominantly feldspathic (anorthositic) layers of the crust. The younger craters (~3.9-4.0 AE) were, in contrast, those ascribed to major basin-forming events and were therefore capable of excavating a deeper and wider spectrum of crustal lithologies. The latter resulted in admixture of KREEP and mafic ANT components with the feldspathic ANT, cover layer. KREEP was thus only excavated in abundance during the basin-forming events, from a sub-crustal layer formed initially at ~4.4 AE but incorporated in the breccias at ~4 AE.The KREEP-contaminated. Group 2 breccias have—except two fragments—ages between 3.95 and 4.02 AE. This group includes a crystallized melt (3.97 ± 0.04 AE), close in composition and texture to 14310 (3.87 ± 0.04 AE) which is generally attributed to the Imbrian basin-forming event (~3.88 AE). The pre-Imbrian. Group 2 breccias of Apollo 16 can best be attributed to the Nectaris basin-forming event, which according to the clustered ages probably occurred at ~3.98 AE. Our results support a multi-impact lunar cataclysm with the formation of Nectaris (3.98 AE). Humorum. South Serenitatis, Crisium and Imbrium (3.88 AE) within a 0.1 AE time interval.  相似文献   
The 16 trace elements (Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs, Ge, In, Ir, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Te, Tl and Zn) were measured by radiochemical neutron activation analysis in six samples of 14321, 184: microbreccia-2 (15), microbreccia-3 (14A, 16A and 19A), basaltic clast (1A), and light matrix material (9A). The 14321 microbreccias typically contain a siderophile-rich ancient meteoritic component, poor in volatiles, which is characterized by low IrAu and ReAu ratios (0.25-0.38 and 0.34-0.50, respectively, normalized to Cl). This component also occurs in Apollo 12 KREEP glasses, norite fractions of Apollo 14 1–2 mm soils, Apennine Front breccias, and Cayley Formation material, and may represent ejecta from the Imbrian basin.The basaltic clast 14321, 184-1A closely resembles 14053 in trace element content, and both are 5–10 times higher than mare basalts in volatile trace elements (Br, Cd, Tl). The light matrix material contains 9.2 ± 0.5 per cent of microbreccias, judging from its siderophile content.  相似文献   
Three types of meteoritic material are found on the Moon: micrometeorites, ancien planetesimal debris from the ‘early intense bombardment’, and debris of recent, crater-forming projectiles. Their amounts and compositions have been determined from trace element studies. The micrometeorite component is uniformly distributed over the entire lunar surface, but is seen most clearly in mare soils. It has a primitive, C1-chondrite-like composition, and comprises 1-1.5% of mature soils. Apparently it represents cometary debris. The mean annual influx rate is 2.4 × 10?9 g cm?2 yr?1. It shows no detectable time variation or dependence on selenographic position. The ancient component is seen in highland breccias and soils more than 3.9 AE old. It has a fractionated composition, with volatiles depleted relative to siderophiles. The abundance pattern does not match that of any known meteorite class. At least two varieties exist (LN and DN, with Ir/Au, Re/Au 0.25-0.5 and > 0.5 the C1 value). Both seem to represent the debris of planetesimals that produced the mare basins and highland craters during the first 700 Myr of the Moon's history. It appears that the LN and DN objects impacted at less then 10 km s?1, had diameters less than 100 km, contained more than 15% Fe, and were not internally differentiated. Both were depleted in volatiles; the LN objects also in refractories (Ir, Re). This makes it unlikely that the LN bodies served as important building blocks of the Moon. The crater-forming component has remained elusive. Only a possible hint of this component has been seen, in ejecta from Dune Crater and Apollo 12 KREEP glasses of Copernican (?) origin.  相似文献   
In connection with the enlargement and updating of the Werdhölzli sewage treatment plant, research was undertaken on the chemistry of that part of the River Limmat lying between Lake Zürich and Wettingen from 1974 to 1978. The extensive amount of data involved was subjected to statistical analysis and the results are being interpreted. In general, the chemical condition of the water of the Limmat river upstream from the Werdhölzli sewage plant can be described as good. In order to attain the desired water quality criteria downstream of the waste-water outfall of the plant, pollution in therms of ammonium nitrogen and organic substances must be reduced. The performing of a chemical pre-precipitation process has brought about a sizable reduction in the phosphorus concentration of the Limmat river downstream of the plant; the values are now below the required water quality limits.  相似文献   
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