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Analytical methods used for determining dissolved Fe(II) often yield inaccurate results in the presence of high Fe(III) concentrations. Accurate analysis of Fe(II) in solution when it is less than 1% of the total dissolved Fe concentration (FeT) is sometimes required in both geochemical and environmental studies. For example, such analysis is imperative for obtaining the ratio Fe(II)/Fe(III) in rocks, soils and sediments, for determining the kinetic constants of Fe(II) oxidation in chemical or biochemical systems operating at low pH, and is also important in environmental engineering projects, e.g. for proper control of the regeneration step (oxidation of Fe(II) into Fe(III)) applied in ferric-based gas desulphurization processes. In this work a method capable of yielding accurate Fe(II) concentrations at Fe(II) to FeT ratios as low as 0.05% is presented. The method is based on a pretreatment procedure designed to separate Fe(II) species from Fe(III) species in solution without changing the original Fe(II) concentration. Once separated, a modified phenanthroline method is used to determine the Fe(II) concentration, in the virtual absence of Fe(III) species. The pretreatment procedure consists of pH elevation to pH 4.2–4.65 using NaHCO3 under N2(g) environment, followed by filtration of the solid ferric oxides formed, and subsequent acidification of the Fe(II)-containing filtrate. Accuracy of Fe(II) analyses obtained for samples (Fe(II)/FeT ratios between 2% and 0.05%) to which the described pretreatment was applied was >95%. Elevating pH to above 4.65 during pretreatment was shown to result in a higher error in Fe(II) determination, likely resulting from adsorption of Fe(II) species and their removal from solution with the ferric oxide precipitate.  相似文献   
While there are extensive macro‐ and microfossil records of a range of plants and animals from the Quaternary, earthworms and their close relatives amongst annelids are not preserved as fossils and therefore the knowledge of their past distributions is limited. This lack of fossils means that clitellate worms (Annelida) are currently underused in palaeoecological research, even though they can provide valuable information about terrestrial and aquatic environmental conditions. Their DNA might be preserved in sediments, which offers an alternative method for detection. Here we analyse lacustrine sediments from lakes in the Polar Urals, Arctic Russia, covering the period 24 000–1300 cal. a BP, and NE Norway, covering 10 700–3300 cal. a BP, using a universal mammal 16S rDNA marker. While mammals were recorded using the marker (reindeer was detected twice in the Polar Urals core at 23 000 and 14 000 cal. a BP, and four times in the Norwegian core at 11 000 cal. a BP and between 3600–3300 cal. a BP), worm extracellular DNA ‘bycatch’ was rather high. In this paper we present the first reported worm detection from ancient DNA. Our results demonstrate that both aquatic and terrestrial clitellates can be identified in late‐Quaternary lacustrine sediments, and the ecological information retrievable from this group warrants further research with a more targeted approach.  相似文献   
We explored the submarine portions of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden Fault zone (EPGFZ) and the Septentrional–Oriente Fault zone (SOFZ) along the Northern Caribbean plate boundary using high‐resolution multibeam echo‐sounding and shallow seismic reflection. The bathymetric data shed light on poorly documented or previously unknown submarine fault zones running over 200 km between Haiti and Jamaica (EPGFZ) and 300 km between the Dominican Republic and Cuba (SOFZ). The primary plate‐boundary structures are a series of strike‐slip fault segments associated with pressure ridges, restraining bends, step overs and dogleg offsets indicating very active tectonics. Several distinct segments 50–100 km long cut across pre‐existing structures inherited from former tectonic regimes or bypass recent morphologies formed under the current strike‐slip regime. Along the most recent trace of the SOFZ, we measured a strike‐slip offset of 16.5 km, which indicates steady activity for the past ~1.8 Ma if its current GPS‐derived motion of 9.8 ± 2 mm a?1 has remained stable during the entire Quaternary.  相似文献   
30年来,层序地层学概念的发展和应用引起了把不整合面作为地层单元的边界面的浓厚兴趣。仅有很少的研究把焦点集中在对成岩作用和沉积过程以及对沉积不整合的形成时间的理解方面。然而,这些过程仅仅表现了在不整合面形成期间环境变化的沉积记录。  相似文献   
Satellite gravimetry is a powerful and reliable tool for regional tectono-geodynamic zonation. The studied region contains intricate geodynamical features (high seismological indicators, active rift systems and collision processes), richest structural arrangement (existence of mosaic blocks of oceanic and continental Earth’s crust of various age), and a number of high-amplitude gravity anomalies and complex magnetic pattern. The most hydrocarbon reserves of the world and other important economic deposits occur in this region. Comprehensive analysis of satellite gravity data with application of different approaches was used to develop a sequence of maps specifying crucial properties of the region deep structure. Careful examination of numerous geological sources and their combined examination with satellite gravity (main), magnetic, GPS, seismic, seismological and some other geophysical data enabled to develop a new tectonic map of the Arabian–African region. Integrated analysis of series of gravity map transformations and certain geological indicators allowed to reveal significant geodynamic features of the region.  相似文献   
Recent acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)-measurements in the Scheldt estuary near Antwerp, Belgium, revealed anomalous, i.e. anti-clockwise circulations in a left bend during the major part of the flood period; these circulations were established shortly after the turn of the tide. During ebb, anti-clockwise circulations persisted, as predicted by classical theory. These data were analysed with a 3D and a 1DV-model. The 3D simulations reveal that the anomalous circulations are found when salinity is included in the computations—without salinity “normal” circulations were found. From analytical and 1DV simulations, it is concluded that a longitudinal salinity gradient ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ may induce a near-bed maximum in flow velocity reversing the direction of the secondary currents. The 1DV-model was then used to assess the contribution of various processes one by one. It was found that because of a reduction in vertical mixing, the vertical velocity profile is not at equilibrium during the first phase of accelerating tide, further enhancing the effects of ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ . A small vertical salinity gradient ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial z}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial z}$ appeared to have a very large effect as the crosscurrents of the secondary circulations induced by ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ became an order of larger magnitude. However, at the site under consideration, the effects of transverse salinity gradients, generated by differential advection in the river bend, were dominant: adverse directions of the secondary circulations were found even when the vertical velocity profile became more regular with a more or less logarithmic shape, i.e. when the effects of ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial x}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial x}$ and ${\partial S} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\partial S} {\partial z}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\partial z}$ did not play a dominant role anymore. It is argued that data on the secondary velocity structure, which can be measured easily owing to today’s developments in ADCP equipment, may serve as an indicator for the accuracy at which the salinity field is computed with 3D numerical models. Moreover, the large effect of the salinity structure on the velocity field must have a large impact on the morphological development of estuaries, which should therefore be accounted for in morphological modelling studies.  相似文献   
We present a Holocene record of floristic diversity and environmental change for the central Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, based on ancient DNA extracted from the sediments of a small lake (sedaDNA). The record covers the period c. 10 700 to 3300 cal. a BP and is complemented by pollen data. Measures of species richness, sample evenness and beta diversity were calculated based on sedaDNA sampling intervals and 1000‐year time windows. We identified 101 vascular plant and 17 bryophyte taxa, a high proportion (86%) of which are still growing within the region today. The high species richness (>60 taxa) observed in the Early Holocene, including representatives from all important plant functional groups, shows that modern shrub‐tundra communities, and much of their species complement, were in place as early as c. 10 700 cal. a BP. We infer that postglacial colonization of the area occurred prior to the full Holocene, during the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition, Younger Dryas stadial or earlier. Abundant DNA of the extra‐limital aquatic plant Callitriche hermaphroditica suggests it expanded its range northward between c. 10 200 and 9600 cal. a BP, when summers were warmer than present. High values of Pinus DNA occur throughout the record, but we cannot say with certainty if they represent prior local presence; however, pollen influx values >500 grains cm?2 a?1 between c. 8000 and 7300 cal. a BP strongly suggest the presence of pine woodland during this period. As the site lies beyond the modern tree limit of pine, it is likely that this expansion also reflects a response to warmer Early Holocene summers.  相似文献   
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