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Based on magnetic data from the IMS Alaska meridian chain of observatories, the total current of the westward auroral electrojet flowing across the meridian is estimated by using two independent methods. The first one is a simple integration of the north-south component of magnetic perturbations along the meridian, providing the quantity F in units of nT·km. The other is to use the forward method, providing the total current I in units of A. It is shown that F and I have nearly identical time variations. Thus, by normalizing the two quantities and taking the numerical value of F in units of nT·km, it is possible to estimate the total electrojet current flowing across a magnetic meridian, with an accuracy of 90%, by using the latitudinal profile of the H component, namely I (A) = 2.0 F (nT·km).  相似文献   
The relationship between substorm ionospheric currents and the corresponding ground magnetic perturbations is examined, by using the height-integrated ionospheric current density deduced from the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar and the simultaneous magnetic variations along the Alaska meridian chain of stations. Although time variations of the H component near the radar site on the Earth's surface are in good agreement with those of the east-west ionospheric current, there is a substantial disagreement between the current deduced from the D perturbations and the observed north-south current in the evening sector. It is shown that the disagreement can be removed by introducing a new finding by Yasuhara et al. (1975) that the upward field-aligned current on the poleward side of the auroral oval in the evening sector is more intense than its counterpart fieldaligned current and that it contributes greatly to the ground D perturbations.  相似文献   
It is suggested that the pattern of three-dimensional substorm current circuit varies significantly even during the lifetime of a single substorm. This gives rise to quite complex time variations of the magnetic field at low latitude stations even for relatively isolated substorms. To verify this, three-dimensional current models with time dependent spatial variations are used to simulate one type of complex low-latitude “substorm signature”. It is shown that the utmost care should be exercised in determining different substorm phases on the basis of such a signature. The results indicate also that, in certain longitudes in the evening sector, one should expect distinct differences in characteristics between positive bays observed on the ground and at the synchronous distance.  相似文献   
The magnetic fields produced by a three-dimensional current system, consisting of a flow into the morning part of the auroral oval along tail-like field lines, along the auroral oval and out from the evening part of the oval along tail-like field lines, are computed. It is demonstrated that the major parts of the well-known ‘positive bay’ in low latitudes on the Earth's surface, the positive H variation at the synchronous distance and the positive Bs variation along the magnetotail during magnetospheric substorms can be caused by the proposed current system.  相似文献   
Magnetic storms     
This talk provides a brief summary of the first conference devoted entirely to magnetic storms. The conference was held in Pasadena, California, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 12-16 February 1996. Topics covered the relevant time-varying phenomena at the sun/corona, propagation of these structures through interplanetary space, the response of the magnetosphere from its interaction with these interplanetary structures, the formation of the storm- time ring-current (in particular the oxygen content of the ring-current), and storm ionospheric effects and ground based effects. A complementary summary is provided by Gonzalez et al. in EOS, 1996. The full set of review articles will be published in an AGU monograph and many of the contributed articles will appear in a special section of the Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics.  相似文献   
The location of field-aligned currents in the evening sector with respect to the auroral electrojets is examined. The tri-axial TRIAD satellite data and the simultaneous ground magnetometer data from along the Alaska meridian are analysed. It is shown that an intense upward fieldaligned current flows out from the region of the westward electrojet where discrete auroras are located. The downward flowing current exists in the region further equatorward, namely in the region of the eastward electrojet. However, the downward current is present even when there is no eastward electrojet. The boundary between the upward and the downward currents coincides, in most cases, with the boundary between the westward and the eastward auroral electrojets. Thus, the Harang discontinuity, a narrow area separating the positive and negative H bays, is the region where there is no field-aligned current.  相似文献   
We propose a model three-dimensional current system for the magnetospheric substorm, which can account for the new findings of the field-aligned and ionospheric currents obtained during the last few years by using new techniques. They include (1) the ionospheric currents at the auroral latitude deduced from the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar data, (2) the field-aligned currents inferred from the vector magnetic field observations by the TRIAD satellite and (3) the global distribution of auroras with respect to the auroral electrojets appearing in DMSP satellite photographs. The model current system is also tested by a computer model calculation of the ionospheric current pattern. It is shown that the auroral electrojets have a strong asymmetry with respect to the midnight meridian. The westward electrojet flows along the discrete aurora in the evening sector, as well as along the diffuse aurora in the morning sector. The eastward electrojet flows equatorward of the westward electrojet in the evening sector. It has a northward component and joins the westward electrojet by turning westward across the Harang discontinuity. Thus, the latitudinal width of the westward electrojet in the morning sector is much larger than that in the evening sector. The field-aligned currents, consisting of two pairs of upward and inward currents (one is located in the morning sector and the other in the evening sector), are closed neither simply by the east-west ionospheric currents nor by the north-south currents, but by a complicated combination of the north-south and east-west paths in the ionosphere. The magnetospheric extension of the current system is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
On the basis of records from meridian chains of magnetometers and the KRM inversion method, we have deduced a number of ionospheric quantities, including the distribution of the electric potential, field-aligned currents, the ionospheric currents and its equatorial counterpart and the relationship between the AE index and the cross-polar cap potential. In this paper, we examine the results thus obtained in the light of compatible data which are deduced from satellite observations. It is shown that both results agree fairly well, proving the validity of the polar ionospheric parameters deduced from both the ground-based and satellite-based data. Several important implications of the results are pointed out.  相似文献   
It is shown that the power ε generated by the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo is transmitted to the convective motion of magnetospheric plasma. This convective motion generates what we may call the “Pedersen counterpart currents” in the magnetosphere and drives a large part of the “region 1 and 2” field-aligned currents which are closed by the Pedersen currents in the ionosphere. These results are based on a self-consistent set of the ionospheric current and potential distribution patterns obtained from a study of the International Magnetosphere Study Alaska meridian chain data.  相似文献   
For the first time, a substorm event with double onsets is shown observationally under northward IMF condition in this study. Magnetic field data from ground stations and from geosynchronous satellite, and aurora data from IMAGE satellite are examined to study the substorm activity. The results show that the intensity and the spatial extent of the event are as large as those of typical substorms. Another interesting finding is that two expansion onsets seem to occur during the event. A possible mechanism for the two onsets was proposed. The energy source for the event was also discussed.  相似文献   
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