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固沙林庇护区内降尘特征的初步观测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张华  何红  李锋瑞 《干旱区地理》2005,28(2):156-160
采用野外定位实测法,连续两年对科尔沁沙地24龄人工固沙杨树(Populussimonii)林庇护区内4~6月份及强沙尘暴事件中的降尘特征进行了观测研究。结果表明:(1)林地庇护区内4、5月份的降尘量较多,分别为273和437kg/hm2,6月份的降尘量较少,为171kg/hm2。(2)林地中央的滞尘效应在风蚀季节和强沙尘暴天气过程中十分显著。(3)林地庇护区内的降尘中粒径<0.02mm颗粒含量占60.7%,降尘中的全C、全N和速效P含量分别高达1.676%、0.163%和210.66mg/kg,这对风沙土表层土壤的细化和养分的积累具有重要的生态学意义。  相似文献   
Measurements of fog and rain water chemistry at the summit of Mt. Fuji, the highest peak in Japan, as well as at Tarobo, the ESE slope of Mt. Fuji in September 2002. The pH of fog and rain water sampled at Mt. Fuji varied over a range of 4.0–6.8. Acidic fogs (pH < 5.0) were observed at the summit when the air mass came from the industrial regions on the Asian continent. The ratio of [SO42−]/[NO3] in the fog water was lower at Tarobo than at the summit. High concentrations of Na+ and Cl were determined in the rain water sampled at the summit, possibly because of the long-range transport of sea-salt particles raised by a typhoon through the middle troposphere. The vertical transport of sea-salt particles would influence the cloud microphysical properties in the middle troposphere. Significant loss of Mg2+ was seen in the rain water at the summit. The concentrations of peroxides in the fog and rain water were relatively large (10–105 μM). The potential capacity for SO2 oxidation seems to be strong from summer to early autumn at Mt. Fuji. The fog water peroxide concentrations displayed diurnal variability. The peroxide concentrations in the nighttime were significantly higher than those in the daytime.  相似文献   
Nobuhiko  Nakano  Yasuhito  Osanai  Masaaki  Owada  Yasutaka  Hayasaka  Tran Ngoc  Nam 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):126-143
The Kontum Massif in central Vietnam is composed of various metamorphic complexes including a high-temperature southern part (Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes) and a low- to medium-temperature northern part (Kham Duc complex). The Kham Duc complex exhibits Barrovian-type medium-pressure metamorphism evidenced by kyanite- and/or staurolite-bearing metapelites. The garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss, which is the focus of the present study, preserves several mineral parageneses formed during a prograde and retrograde metamorphic history: staurolite + quartz in gedrite, garnet + gedrite + kyanite in the matrix, and spinel + cordierite symplectite between gedrite and sillimanite. The calculated semiquantitative petrogenetic grid reveals peak pressure conditions of 620–650°C at 1.1–1.2 GPa and peak temperature conditions of 730–750°C at 0.7–0.8 GPa. The monazite U–Th–Pb electron microprobe ages of the garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss and associated gneisses yield 246 ± 3 Ma for the Kham Duc complex, which is similar to the age of the high- to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the adjacent Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes of the southern Kontum Massif. The present results indicate that both the Barrovian-type and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism occurred simultaneously in the Kontum Massif during an event strongly related to Permo–Triassic microcontinental collision tectonics in Asia.  相似文献   
通过对0mm、50mm、100mm和150mm灌水量处理下的4种植物生长状况观测,50mm处理的地上和地下生物量都明显高于其它三个处理;灌溉对植物生长的影响主要是通过提高土壤含水量来实现的;五星蒿与鸡眼草一样,在适宜的土壤温度时,其生长速率大小与土壤湿度的关系较密切,虫实和猪毛菜的快速生长期都在前期,后期的灌水对他们生物量的形成没有什么作用。  相似文献   
Abstract Miyanohara tonalite occurs in the middle part of the Higo metamorphic belt in the central Kyushu, Southwest Japan. This tonalite intrudes into early Permian Ryuhozan metamorphic rocks in the south and is intruded by Cretaceous Shiraishino granodiorite in the north. The Miyanohara tonalite yielded three mineral ages: (i) 110–100 Ma for Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr internal isochrons and for K–Ar hornblende; (ii) 183 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron; and (iii) 211 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron. The ages of 110–100 Ma may indicate cooling age due to the thermal effect of the Shiraishino granodiorite intrusion. The ages of 183 Ma and 211 Ma are consistent with timing of intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite based on geologic constraints. The hornblende in the sample which gave 183 Ma shows discontinuous zoning under microscope, whereas the one which gave 211 Ma does not show zonal structure. These mineralogical features suggest that the 183 Ma sample has suffered severely from later tectonothermal effect compared with the 211 Ma sample. Therefore, the age of 211 Ma is regarded as near crystallization age for the Miyanohara tonalite. The magmatic process, geochronology and initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the Miyanohara tonalite are similar to those of early Jurassic granites from the Outer Plutonic Zone of the Hida belt that constitutes a marginal part of east Asia before the opening of the Japan Sea. Intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite is considered to have taken place in the active continental margin during the late Triassic.  相似文献   
The ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism of the Napier Complex is characterized by the presence of dry mineral assemblages, the stability of which requires anhydrous conditions. Typically, the presence of the index mineral orthopyroxene in more than one lithology indicates that H2O activities were substantially low. In this study, we investigate a suite of UHT rocks comprising quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, and magnetite-quartz gneiss from Tonagh Island. High Al contents in orthopyroxene from sapphirine granulite, the presence of an equilibrium sapphirine-quartz assemblage, mesoperthite in quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, and an inverted pigeonite-augite assemblage in magnetite-quartz gneiss indicate that the peak temperature conditions were higher than 1,000 °C. Petrology, mineral phase equilibria, and pressure-temperature computations presented in this study indicate that the Tonagh Island granulites experienced maximum P-T conditions of up to 9 kbar and 1,100 °C, which are comparable with previous P-T estimates for Tonagh and East Tonagh Islands. The textures and mineral reactions preserved by these UHT rocks are consistent with an isobaric cooling (IBC) history probably following an counterclockwise P-T path. We document the occurrence of very high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions in the UHT rocks from Tonagh Island and characterize their nature, composition, and density from systematic petrographic and microthermometric studies. Our study shows the common presence of carbonic fluid inclusions entrapped within sapphirine, quartz, garnet and orthopyroxene. Analysed fluid inclusions in sapphirine, and some in garnet and quartz, were trapped during mineral growth at UHT conditions as 'primary' inclusions. The melting temperatures of fluids in most cases lie in the range of -56.3 to -57.2 °C, close to the triple point for pure CO2 (-56.6 °C). The only exceptions are fluid inclusions in magnetite-quartz gneiss, which show slight depression in their melting temperatures (-56.7 to -57.8 °C) suggesting traces of additional fluid species such as N2 in the dominantly CO2-rich fluid. Homogenization of pure CO2 inclusions in the quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, and garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss occurs into the liquid phase at temperatures in the range of -34.9 to +4.2 °C. This translates into very high CO2 densities in the range of 0.95-1.07 g/cm3. In the garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, the composition and density of inclusions in the different minerals show systematic variation, with highest homogenization temperatures (lowest density) yielded by inclusions in garnet, as against inclusions with lowest homogenization (high density) in quartz. This could be a reflection of continued recrystallization of quartz with entrapment of late fluids along the IBC path. Very high-density CO2 inclusions in sapphirine associated with quartz in the Tonagh Island rocks provide potential evidence for the involvement of CO2-rich fluids during extreme crustal temperatures associated with UHT metamorphism. The estimated CO2 isochores for sapphirine granulite intersect the counterclockwise P-T trajectory of Tonagh Island rocks at around 6-9 kbar at 1,100 °C, which corresponds to the peak metamorphic conditions of this terrane derived from mineral phase equilibria, and the stability field of sapphirine + quartz. Therefore, we infer that CO2 was the dominant fluid species present during the peak metamorphism in Tonagh Island, and interpret that the fluid inclusions preserve traces of the synmetamorphic fluid from the UHT event. The stability of anhydrous minerals, such as orthopyroxene, in the study area might have been achieved by the lowering of H2O activity through the influx of CO2 at peak metamorphic conditions (>1,100 °C). Our microthermometric data support a counterclockwise P-T path for the Napier Complex.  相似文献   
Beryllium-7 Deposition and Its Relation to Sulfate Deposition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deposition of 7Be, a cosmogenic radionuclide, was observed at the Meteorological Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan from 1986 to 1993 and compared with those of several chemical species observed in Tsukuba over the same period. We found a correlation between the monthly depositions of 7 Be and SO 4 2 -, a major acidic species. The correlation was especially strong for late spring and fall, when both species had high depositional fluxes. This correlation was also observed in precipitation samples collected daily in 1992 at the same site. The cause of this correlation is discussed in connection with the fact that the stratospheric aerosol is composed largely of SO 4 2 -. 7 Be is produced in the upper atmosphere, and detection of 7Be, especially in spring and fall in Japan, can be regarded as detection of stratospheric aerosol. However, we conclude that the bulk of the SO 4 2 - observed did not have a stratospheric or an upper tropospheric origin. The correlation, therefore, may present a new question regarding acidic deposition: Why does the deposition of stratospheric aerosol in Japan coincide with that of nss-SO 4 2 - originally from anthropogenic sources on the Earth's surface?  相似文献   
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