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Based on the high abundance of fine‐grained material and its dark appearance, NWA 11024 was recognized as a CM chondrite, which is also confirmed by oxygen isotope measurements. But contrary to known CM chondrites, the typical phases indicating aqueous alteration (e.g., phyllosilicates, carbonates) are missing. Using multiple analytical techniques, this study reveals the differences and similarities to known CM chondrites and will discuss the possibility that NWA 11024 is the first type 3 CM chondrite. During the investigation, two texturally apparent tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths were identified within two thin sections. However, the former phyllosilicates were recrystallized to Fe‐rich olivine during a heating event without changing the textural appearance. A peak temperature of 400–600 °C is estimated, which is not high enough to destroy or recrystallize calcite grains. Thus, calcites were never constituents of the mineral paragenesis. Another remarkable feature of NWA 11024 is the occurrence of unknown clot‐like inclusions (UCLIs) within fine‐grained rims, which are unique in this clarity. Their density and S concentration are significantly higher than of the surrounding fine‐grained rim and UCLIs can be seen as primary objects that were not formed by secondary alteration processes inside the rims. Similarities to chondritic and cometary interplanetary dust particles suggest an ice‐rich first‐generation planetesimal for their origin. In the earliest evolution, NWA 11024 experienced the lowest degree of aqueous alteration of all known CM chondrites and subsequently, a heating event dehydrated the sample. We suggest to classify the meteorite NWA 11024 as the first type 3 CM chondrite similar to the classification of CV3 chondrites (like Allende) that could also have lost their matrix phyllosilicates by thermal dehydration.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between clouds and the surface radiative fluxes over the Arctic Ocean are explored by conducting a series of modelling experiments using a one-dimensional thermodynamic sea ice model. The sensitivity of radiative flux to perturbations in cloud fraction and cloud optical depth are determined. These experiments illustrate the substantial effect that clouds have on the state of the sea ice and on the surface radiative fluxes. The effect of clouds on the net flux of radiation at the surface is very complex over the Arctic Ocean particularly due to the presence of the underlying sea ice. Owing to changes in surface albedo and temperature associated with changing cloud properties, there is a strong non-linearity between cloud properties and surface radiative fluxes. The model results are evaluated in three different contexts: 1) the sensitivity of the arctic surface radiation balance to uncertainties in cloud properties; 2) the impact of interannual variability in cloud characteristics on surface radiation fluxes and sea ice surface characteristics; and 3) the impact of climate change and the resulting changes in cloud properties on the surface radiation fluxes and sea ice characteristics.With 11 Figures  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aufnahmen im Kristallin südostwärts und südlich der EsphinhaÇo-Zone, ausgedehnt bis an die Südgrenze des Staates Minas Gerais, ergaben eine neue stratigraphische und tektonische Gliederung. Große Gebiete, die bisher als tiefstes Archaikum galten, erhielten ihre metamorphe Überprägung erst in der assyntischen Phase. Auch die vormetamorphe sedimentäre Substanz ist weithin algonkischen, wahrscheinlich neo-algonkischen Alters. Im Inneren besitzen diese Sedimente nur schwache epizonale Metamorphose und erlauben weitgehende stratigraphische Gliederung (Formationen Tiradentes, Carandaí, Barroso, Prados). Sie sind Überwiegend klastisch. Küstenwärts folgen die sedimentär-lithologisch gleichen, aber stärker (mesozonal) metamorphe Andrelandia-Serie und die katazonalen Juiz de Fora- bzw. Paraíba-Serien (Metamorphose charnockitisch bzw. mikroklingranitisch). Die Küstenzone stellt daher eine kristalline Zentralzone dar, von der aus die Bewegungen binnenwärts gerichtet sind. An der Westgrenze des Arbeitsgebietes erfolgt eine Virgation der Faltenzüge in Araxaiden und Paraibiden. Das ordovizische Alter der Füllung des Beckens des Rio SÃo Francisco (Bambuí) ist zu bezweifeln. Die EsphinhaÇo-Zone ist algomisch konsolidiert, die alt-algonkische Minas-Serie auf diese Zone beschränkt. Sie bildet, zusammen mit dem Bambuí-Becken, das Vorland der assyntischen Faltenzüge. Eine Aufgliederung des Archaikums ist begonnen; im bisher untersuchten Gebiet sind die archäischen Strukturen co-axial den jüngeren.  相似文献   
This excursion guide results form a field trip to the Glarus nappe complex organized by the Swiss Tectonic Studies Group in 2006. The aim of the excursion was to discuss old and recent concepts related to the evolution of the Glarus thrust. The major aspects were (i) the interplay between deformation, fluid flow and geochemical alteration, (ii) episodic versus continuous deformation and fluid flow, and (iii) the link between large-scale structures, microstructures, and geochemical aspects. Despite 150 years of research in the Glarus nappe complex and the new results discussed during the excursion, there exist controversies that still are unsolved.  相似文献   
In order to properly utilize remotely sensed precipitation estimates in hydrometeorological applications, knowledge of the accuracy of the estimates are needed. However, relatively few ground validation networks operate with the necessary spatial density and time-resolution required for validation of high-resolution precipitation products (HRPP) generated at fine space and time scales (e.g., hourly accumulations produced on a 0.25° spatial scale). In this article, we examine over-land validation statistics for an operationally designed, meteorological satellite-based global rainfall analysis that blends intermittent passive microwave-derived rainfall estimates aboard a variety of low Earth-orbiting satellite platforms with sub-hourly time sampling capabilities of visible and infrared imagers aboard operational geostationary platforms. The validation dataset is comprised of raingauge data collected from the dense, nearly homogeneous, 1-min reporting Automated Weather Station (network of the Korean Meteorological Administration during the June to August 2000 summer monsoon season. The space-time RMS error, mean bias, and correlation matrices were computed using various time windows for the gauge averaging, centered about the satellite observation time. For ±10 min time window, a correlation of 0.6 was achieved at 0.1° spatial scale by averaging more than 3 days; coarsening the spatial scale to 1.8° produced the same correlation by averaging over 1 h. Finer than approximately 24-h and 1° time and space scales, respectively, a rapid decay of the error statistics was obtained by trading-off either spatial or time resolution. Beyond a daily time scale, the blended estimates were nearly unbiased and with an RMS error of no worse than 1 mm day?1.  相似文献   
The thermal structure of subduction zones exerts a major influence on deep-seated mechanical and chemical processes controlling arc magmatism, seismicity, and global element cycles. Accretionary complexes exposed inland may comprise tectonic blocks with contrasting pressureetemperature(Pe T)histories, making it possible to investigate the dynamics and thermal evolution of former subduction interfaces. With this aim, we present new Lue Hf geochronological results for mafic rocks of the Halilbag?Complex(Anatolia) that evolved along different thermal gradients. Samples include a lawsoniteeepidote blueschist, a lawsoniteeepidote eclogite, and an epidote eclogite(all with counter-clockwise Pe T paths),a prograde lawsonite blueschist with a "hairpin"-type Pe T path, and a garnet amphibolite from the overlying sub-ophiolitic metamorphic sole. Equilibrium phase diagrams suggest that the garnet amphibolite formed at w0.6 -0.7 GPa and 800 -850℃, whereas the prograde lawsonite blueschist records burial from 2.1 GPa and 420℃ to 2.6 GPa and 520℃. Well-defined Lue Hf isochrons were obtained for the epidote eclogite(92.38 ± 0.22 Ma) and the lawsoniteeepidote blueschist(90.19 ± 0.54 Ma),suggesting rapid garnet growth. The lawsoniteeepidote eclogite(87.30 ± 0.39 Ma) and the prograde lawsonite blueschist(ca. 86 Ma) are younger, whereas the garnet amphibolite(104.5 ± 3.5 Ma) is older.Our data reveal a consistent trend of progressively decreasing geothermal gradient from granulite-facies conditions at ~104 Ma to the epidote-eclogite facies around 92 Ma, and the lawsonite blueschist-facies between 90 Ma and 86 Ma. Three Lue Hf garnet dates(between 92 Ma and 87 Ma) weighted toward the growth of post-peak rims(as indicated by Lu distribution in garnet) suggest that the HP/LT rocks were exhumed continuously and not episodically. We infer that HP/LT metamorphic rocks within the Halilbag?Complex were subjected to continuous return flow, with "warm" rocks being exhumed during the tectonic burial of "cold" ones. Our results, combined with regional geological constraints, allow us to speculate that subduction started at a transform fault near a mid-oceanic spreading centre. Following its formation, this ancient subduction interface evolved thermally over more than 15 Myr, most likely as a result of heat dissipation rather than crustal underplating.  相似文献   
CM chondrites are complex impact (mostly regolith) breccias, in which lithic clasts show various degrees of aqueous alteration. Here, we investigated the degree of alteration of individual clasts within 19 different CM chondrites and CM‐like clasts in three achondrites by chemical analysis of the tochilinite‐cronstedtite‐intergrowths (TCIs; formerly named “poorly characterized phases”). To identify TCIs in various chondritic lithologies, we used backscattered electron (BSE) overview images of polished thin sections, after which appropriate samples underwent electron microprobe measurements. Thus, 75 lithic clasts were classified. In general, the excellent work and specific criteria of Rubin et al. (2007) were used and considered to classify CM breccias in a similar way as ordinary chondrite breccias (e.g., CM2.2‐2.7). In BSE images, TCIs in strongly altered fragments in CM chondrites (CM2.0‐CM2.2) appear dark grayish and show a low contrast to the surrounding material (typically clastic matrix), and can be distinguished from TCIs in moderately (CM2.4‐CM2.6) or less altered fragments (CM2.7‐CM2.9); the latter are bright and have high contrast to the surroundings. We found that an accurate subclassification can be obtained by considering only the “FeO”/SiO2 ratio of the TCI chemistry. One could also consider the TCIs’ S/SiO2 ratio and the metal abundance, but these were not used for classification due to several disadvantages. Most of the CM chondrites are finds that have suffered terrestrial weathering in hot and cold deserts. Thus, the observed abundance of metal is susceptible to weathering and may not be a reliable indicator of subtype classification. This study proposes an extended classification scheme based on Rubin’s scale from subtypes CM2.0‐CM2.9 that takes the brecciation into account and includes the minimum to maximum degree of alteration of individual clasts. The range of aqueous alteration in CM chondrites and small spatial scale of mixing of clasts with different alteration histories will be important for interpreting returned samples from the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 missions in the future.  相似文献   
One of the uncertainties in the field of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is caused by the parameterization of geochemical models. The application of geochemical models contributes significantly to calculate the fate of the CO2 after its injection. The choice of the thermodynamic database used, the selection of the secondary mineral assemblage as well as the option to calculate pressure dependent equilibrium constants influence the CO2 trapping potential and trapping mechanism. Scenario analyses were conducted applying a geochemical batch equilibrium model for a virtual CO2 injection into a saline Keuper aquifer. The amount of CO2 which could be trapped in the formation water and in the form of carbonates was calculated using the model code PHREEQC. Thereby, four thermodynamic datasets were used to calculate the thermodynamic equilibria. Furthermore, the equilibrium constants were re-calculated with the code SUPCRT92, which also applied a pressure correction to the equilibrium constants. Varying the thermodynamic database caused a range of 61% in the amount of trapped CO2 calculated. Simultaneously, the assemblage of secondary minerals was varied, and the potential secondary minerals dawsonite and K-mica were included in several scenarios. The selection of the secondary mineral assemblage caused a range of 74% in the calculated amount of trapped CO2. Correcting the equilibrium constants with respect to a pressure of 125 bars had an influence of 11% on the amount of trapped CO2. This illustrates the need for incorporating sensitivity analyses into reaction pathway modeling.  相似文献   
Capture and geological sequestration of CO2 from large industrial sources is considered a measure for reducing anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and thus mitigating climate change. One of the main storage options proposed are deep saline formations, as they provide the largest potential storage capacities among the geologic options. A thorough assessment of this type of storage site therefore is required. The CO2-MoPa project aims at contributing to the dimensioning of CO2 storage projects and to evaluating monitoring methods for CO2 injection by an integrated approach. For this, virtual, but realistic test sites are designed geometrically and fully parameterized. Numerical process models are developed and then used to simulate the effects of a CO2 injection into the virtual test sites. Because the parameterization of the virtual sites is known completely, investigation as well as monitoring methods can be closely examined and evaluated by comparing the virtual monitoring result with the simulation. To this end, the monitoring or investigation method is also simulated, and the (virtual) measurements are recorded and evaluated like real data. Application to a synthetic site typical for the north German basin showed that pressure response has to be evaluated taking into account the layered structure of the storage system. Microgravimetric measurements are found to be promising for detecting the CO2 phase distribution. A combination of seismic and geoelectric measurements can be used to constrain the CO2 phase distribution for the anticline system used in the synthetic site.  相似文献   
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