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本文分别对单台、双台、联合基础与地基土相互作用体系在扰力作用下的振动特性进行了研究。在计算中考虑了外围土体的影响。通过算例,得到了单台、双台、联合基础的一些振动规律。  相似文献   
Improving the understanding of cropland change and its driving factors is a current focus for policy decision-makers in China. The datasets of cropland and cropland changes from the 1970s to the 2000s were used to explore whether climate change has produced spatio-temporal changes to cropland in northern China since the 1970s. Two representative indicators of heat and water resources, which are important determinants of crop growth and productivity, were considered to track climate change, including active accumulated temperatures ≥10 °C (AAT10) and the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). Our results showed that rapid cropland change has occurred in northern China since the 1970s, and the area of cropland reclamation (10.23 million ha) was much greater than that of abandoned cropland (2.94 million ha). In the 2000s, the area of cropland with AAT10 higher than 3,000 °C·d increased, while the area of cropland with an SPEI greater than 0.25 decreased compared to the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. It appears that climate warming has provided thermal conditions that have aided rapid cropland reclamation in northern China since the 1970s, and drier climatic conditions did not become a limiting factor for cropland reclamation, especially from the 1990s to the 2000s. Approximately 70 % of cropland reclamation areas were located in warmer but drier regions from the 1990s to the 2000s, and approximately 40 % of cropland abandonment occurred in warmer and wetter conditions that were suitable for agriculture during the periods from the 1970s to the 1980s and the 1990s to the 2000s. Our results suggest that climate change can be considered a driving factor of cropland change in the past several decades in northern China, in addition to socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   
2003-2017年北京市地表热力景观时空分异特征及演变规律   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用2003-2017年MODIS地表温度数据,分别从数量、形状和结构角度揭示北京市不同季相和昼夜间地表热力景观时空分异特征,并进一步通过热力等级变化图谱及质心迁移轨迹揭示城市热力景观空间演变规律,探究热力景观等级转换生态过程。结论如下:① 城市地表热力景观季节和昼夜空间特征差异显著;② 中温区在城市热环境中占主导地位。白天中温区是最不稳定的热力景观等级;夜间次低温区和次高温区不稳定性增加;③ 地表热力景观等级变化以稳定型占主,反复变化型和前期变化型次之。地表热力景观等级通常呈现逐级递增或递减规律,山区呈现逐级降温趋势,北部城郊—山地交错地带表现出次低温和中温的反复转向,南部地区有一定的升温趋势;④ 2003-2017年高温区面积增大且质心向城市中心集中,低温区质心向城市外围扩散。生态涵养发展区对北京市地表热力景观质心迁移贡献率最高。热力景观时空分异特征及演变规律可为有效缓解城市热岛效应提供管理决策支持。  相似文献   
Supported by MSS images in the mid and late 1970s, TM images in the early 1990s and TM/ETM images in 2004, grassland degradation in the “Three-River Headwaters” region (TRH region) was interpreted through analysis on RS images in two time series, then the spatial and temporal characteristics of grassland degradation in the TRH region were ana-lyzed since the 1970s. The results showed that grassland degradation in the TRH region was a continuous change process which had large affected area and long time scale, and rapidly strengthen phenomenon did not exist in the 1990s as a whole. Grassland degradation pattern in the TRH region took shape initially in the mid and late 1970s. Since the 1970s, this deg-radation process has taken place continuously, obviously characterizing different rules in different regions. In humid and semi-humid meadow region, grassland firstly fragmentized, then vegetation coverage decreased continuously, and finally “black-soil-patch” degraded grassland was formed. But in semi-arid and arid steppe region, the vegetation coverage de-creased continuously, and finally desertification was formed. Because grassland degradation had obviously regional differences in the TRH region, it could be regionalized into 7 zones, and each zone had different characteristics in type, grade, scale and time process of grass-land degradation.  相似文献   
Geothermalanomalyisaphenomenonthatundergroundtemperatureandgeothermalgradientincreasesmuchmoreintheareathanitssurroundings(Xia,1979).Abruptgeothermalanomalymeansthatundergroundtemperatureonsomespotsaswellastheaffectedtemperatureofsurroundingareaabr…  相似文献   
国内城市地理数据开发和应用水平差异很大,且不少城市面临诸多困难和挑战。本文使用问卷调查和案例分析的方法评估城市地理数据的开发和应用水平,为城市地理数据资源开发和持续利用提供战略建议。同时分析了地理空间数据的基本特征,强调了地理数据的重要性,提出反映地理空间数据生产与应用水平的关键指标,如专业人才与组织、数据投资与预算、数据生产与供应、数据标准与质量、空间数据基础设施、数据法令与政策、数据应用与效益、数据共享程度、成功应用数目等,建议依据这些基本要素构建评估指标体系。最后提出了城市地理空间数据生产与应用调查的组织、方法和程序,并建议政府主管部门或行业协会尽快展开有关工作。  相似文献   
依据扁铲侧胀试验的结果,对桩侧土水平抗力系数的比例系数进行了估算,并估算出单桩水平承载力设计值;根据单桩水平载荷试验的成果,计算出试验桩的水平临界荷载平均值,并得到桩侧土水平抗力系数的比例系数;在此基础上,对两者进行了对比分析,其单桩水平承载力非常接近,但比例系数存在差异。认为不宜将试桩的结果直接应用于工程桩的水平承载力计算,应根据工程桩的实际情况,考虑承台、桩群、土相互作用产生的群桩效应。  相似文献   
马瑾指出,应把研究我国地震的思路从以断层为中心转变为以活动块体为中心.张培震等把我国大陆及邻区的活动地块划分为两级:Ⅰ级为活动地块区,有青藏等6个;Ⅱ级为活动地块,有拉萨等20余个.我们试图从块体中心论的思想出发,以Ⅱ级活动地块为框架,分析我国大陆近期成组强震发生的构造和震源机制特征.为保持工作的连续和有可比性,我们仍延续李钦祖等采用的选取资料的方法.由于哈佛大学提供的CMT(矩张量)解1976年仅有少量结果,从1977年起才比较完整,所以,我们从1977年起开始研究.1977~2003年我国的强震(西部M≥7,东部M≥6)大致可划分为9个组.  相似文献   
采用了黄河源地区1977、1990及2003年MSS、TM的3个时相遥感影像,通过人机交互的解译与GIS的空间分析,提取了玛多县3个时期的土地利用/覆被信息。分析了玛多县各地类的数量变化和空间变化特征。另外对景观生态空间分布格局,利用FRAGSTATS软件对玛多县景观级别的动态特征进行了分析。结果表明:玛多县的土地利用/覆被类型以草地为主,占全区总面积77.93%;退化现象十分严重,主要是草地覆盖度的降低以及草地沙化;景观破碎化程度在前期呈下降趋势,而后期呈上升趋势,景观斑块形态越来越偏离规则而变得复杂、多样。  相似文献   
高层建筑地震反应最优多重TLD控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以坑层建筑地震反应进行了最优多重TLD(MTLD)s控制研究。文中阐述了TLD系统的工作原理笔MTLDs系统的参数;建立了多层结构-TMLDs系统耦联体系的运动方程;分析了MTLDs系统的参数对在谐波作用下多层结构动力反应的影响以及各参数之间的关系。  相似文献   
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