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本文对图象的统计特性及其适用模型作了分析。讨论了以前常用的平稳图象模型的缺陷,对实际图象的统计特性作了分析,认为它是非平稳的,不满足各态历经性,同时在空间上是高度相关的;讨论了相应的随机参数统计模型和描述性统计模型。指出作用于整幅图象的“全局”图象复原算法比每次只独立计算单个象元的“点”图象复原算法更为优越。  相似文献   
Chemical forms of Ba are determined in samples of suspension and sediment from the Zhujiang Estuary. Their interfacial geochemical processes are discussed. Total suspended Ba content is between 2. 4 and 40. 4 μg/L, and mostly exists in the crystalline form (43. 5%), secondly in the Fe-Mn oxidative form (23.1%). Percentages of organic, carbonate and exchangeable forms are 14. 8%, 11. l%and 7.4%, respectively. Total content of Ba in the sediment is between 158. 6 and 48. 0 ug/g. Percentages of crystalline form, Fe-Mn oxidative form and carbonate form are 78. 4% ,13. 5%and 8. 2%, respectively. Organic and exchangeable forms are not detected. The study on the mechanism of interfacial movement suggests that the salinity range of 10 is the turning point for the varied distribution of Ba. The subsidence of crystalline form affects the decrease of Ba content in suspension. The decrease mostly takes place in the salinity range lower than 10, which corresponds to the high value of Ba content in the sediment. The  相似文献   
通过对东京湾两年度不同季节海水分光反射率与叶绿素浓度进行统计分析,结果表明,叶绿素浓度C与两谱段分光反射率之比Rw(λj)/Rw(λj)具有幂函关系C=A[Rw(λj)/Rw(λj)B。两者的对数显示出较好的线性关系,即logC=logA+Blog[Rw(λj)/Rw(λj)]。负相关系数达0.99。相关方程之一为C=3.329[Rw(520)/Rw(550)]-1.384(1987年6月初).在梅雨季节之后,相关方程为C=12.68[Rw(520)/Rw(550)]-2.010(1988年8月)。这表明了海湾或混浊的沿岸水质,在叶绿素浓度算法中,统计参数A和B的确立,要基于不同季节不同水质的现场观测资料。  相似文献   
青岛港风暴潮经验统计预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用青岛港多年实测资料,分析了该港风暴潮概况。而后通过多元回归技术,求取了该港极值增减水的预报公式。经非独立和独立检验,结果令人满意。  相似文献   
根据1992年6月-1994年6月国内外发表资料,评述海洋藻类活性物质研究的生物技术及最新成果。认为,海洋生物活性物质研究的重心正转向与海洋生物技术有关的研究。运用生物技术筛选、提取并生产藻类活性物质已经成为这一领域的主流。综合文献表明,藻类活性物质的生物技术正走向成熟,大量的活性物质被发现,光生物反应器将成为主要的下游生产技术,通过藻类基因工程生产药物已初现端倪。  相似文献   
鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)在微冻保鲜过程中的质量变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文研究鲫鱼 ( Carassius auratus)在微冻 ( - 3℃ )保鲜过程中的质量变化规律。以感官评价、细菌总数、T- VBN值、p H值、ATPase活性、K值等作为质量指标。实验结果表明 ,微冻可以明显抑制细菌总数的增长 ,维持较低的 T- VBN和 K值。但是 ,微冻条件下鲫鱼的 ATPase活性下降速度较快  相似文献   
油页岩综合利用对周围环境的影响——以抚顺矿区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界能源日益减少的局面为油页岩的开发应用带来广阔的前景,但油页岩工业所带来的环境影响亦不容忽视。以抚顺油页岩为例,从油页岩综合利用和油页岩工业对环境的影响等方面系统讨论了在我国发展油页岩工业时,如何本着节约能源、保护环境、实现可持续发展的观念,利用现有先进技术,科学发展油页岩工业,降低生产过程中的固、液、气污染物对环境的危害。  相似文献   
Based on energy balance equation and mass transfer equation, a general model to estimate actual evaporation from non-saturated surfaces was derived. Making use of two concepts, “relative evaporation” and “relative drying power”, a relationship was established to account for the departure from saturated conditions. Using this model, the actual evaporation (evapotranspiration) can be calculated without the need of potential evaporation estimation. Furthermore, the model requires only a few meteorological parameters that are readily and routinely obtainable at standard weather stations. Based on nearly 30 years data of 432 meteorological stations and 512 hydrological stations in China, in combined with GIS, nine typical river basins were selected. Using the data of the selected river basins, the model was tested. The results show that the actual evaporation rate can be estimated with an error of less than 10% in most areas of China, except few years in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   
福建省干旱概况及夏旱期间人工增雨条件分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对福建省干旱的成因和干旱的环流形势进行了探讨,着重分析了夏旱期间人工增雨作业的天气形势、云状、回波特征及云顶温度等条件,结果表明福建省干旱的形成与大型环流形势、地形、地貌及土壤植被条件有关;平均而言,闽东南沿海干旱多于内陆地区;西太平洋副热带高压是夏季致旱的主要天气系统;夏季,西风槽前型、台风外围影响型、副热带辐合带型是进行人工增雨作业的有利天气形势,Sc、Cb、Cu云都有一定的人工增雨作业条件,其中降水时长1~5 h,过程雨量1.0~5.0 mm的云是旱季作业比较适合的作业云.这些结果为开展人工增雨作业提供理论依据,达到解除或缓解干旱的目的.  相似文献   
Adapt系统可以利用脉冲标定波形得到系统的传递函数,它将复杂的传递函数计算过程简化了,用户可以将传递函数的测定作为一种日常工作来做。  相似文献   
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