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Shorebirds feed primarily on tidal flats, and their distribution over these flats is influenced by their prey and abiotic factors. These factors act by influencing the distribution and abundance of the prey, or the shorebirds ability to exploit it. The aims of this study were to investigate the low tide foraging distribution of shorebirds at four sites within the Robbins Passage wetlands, and the environmental and invertebrate factors that may influence their distribution. The greatest densities and number of shorebirds were found at Shipwreck Point and East Inlet. The shorebirds within-site distribution was also non-random, with the shorebirds present in greatest densities at the water's edge and low intertidal stratum, although this varied among species. Generally, on a small spatial scale, invertebrate diversity was positively correlated, and seagrass leaf mass was negatively correlated, with shorebird feeding density. On a large spatial scale, invertebrate biomass and seagrass root mass were positively correlated with shorebird feeding density. Invertebrate biomass and seagrass root mass explained 71% of the variance in total shorebird feeding density on the tidal flats. The variation in shorebird feeding density and diversity was therefore partly explained by invertebrate diversity and biomass, as well as the environmental factors seagrass roots and leaf mass and tidal flat area, although the strength of these relationships was influenced by the two different spatial scales of the study. The strength of the relationships between shorebird feeding density and the invertebrate and environmental variables was stronger on a large spatial scale. The presence of seagrass may have influenced shorebird-feeding density by affecting the invertebrate abundance and composition or the shorebirds ability to detect and capture their prey. The area of the tidal flat had opposing effects on the shorebird species. These results can be used to assist in the development of management plans for the Robbins Passage wetlands and the conservation of important shorebird areas.  相似文献   
The SE Pacific stock of Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) showed evidence of an abrupt reduction in recruitment after 2000. This drop exceeded expectations from changes in the spawning stock biomass (SSB), indicating a change in the stock-recruitment relationship (S-R). We evaluated whether variability in recruitment could be explained by concurrent changes in three environmental indices: sea-surface temperature anomaly (SSTA); southern oscillation index (SOI); and latitudinal position of the west wind drift bifurcation (WWDL). Continuous and discrete effects of these indices were tested as covariates in linear log-log and non-linear Ricker's S-R models. Discrete effects represented regime shifts detected in SSTA (1998), SOI (1998) and WWDL (1995). While SSTA was the only continuous variable found to be significant, the discrete 1998 regime shift supported the most informative model. The best Ricker's model considered a discrete intercept change in the same year: 1998. Although a spurious correlation between SSTA and S-R changes is possible, SSTA may be reflecting major physical or biological changes relevant to M. magellanicus juveniles in the SE Pacific.  相似文献   
西藏羊八井热田地热流体成因及演化的惰性气体制约   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
赵平  Mack  KENNEDY 《岩石学报》2001,17(3):497-503
地热流体中惰性气体的相对丰度和同位素组成,不仅可以揭露热田的热源性质,而且还能够揭示深,浅层地热流体的内在联系和演化过程等。在西藏羊八井热田的地热气体中,已检测出大量的^4He组分,3He/^4He值是大气的0.087-0.259倍,表明深部地壳物质的局部熔融为热田提供能量,浅层地热流体的3He/4He 值自西北向东南呈降低趋势,与热储温度的变化相一致,反映出侧向运移时补充了更多的壳源氦,热田北区深层地热流体具有稍高的3He/4He值,是浅层地热流体的母源,气体中氪和氙的相对丰度具有大气降水成因的特征,结合现有的实际资料,建立了热田地热流体的概念模型。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地南缘盆山结合部中新生界沉积巨厚,新生代变形强烈,是研究新盆山耦合的理想场所,也是我国砂岩型铀矿找矿的远景区段。本文在综合前人资料和野外观测分析基础上,根据新生代构造活动特征,将准噶尔盆地南缘划分为博格达山前和西部断褶带两个构造分区,博格达山前以强烈的逆冲推覆为特征,发育多条活动的逆冲推覆断裂; 乌鲁木齐以西至乌苏南的西部断褶带则发育三-四排的褶皱-逆冲断裂构造带。对采自博格达山前逆冲推覆断裂带内的方解石和断层泥,利用电子自旋共振测年手段,推测博格达山前的富康-吉木萨尔断裂带和北三台断裂带分别在0.7~1Ma和0.25Ma期间,经历了一期重要的逆冲推覆作用。结合盆地南缘砂岩型铀矿的展布规律及其成矿条件的分析,探讨了新生代构造运动对砂岩型铀矿成矿的控制作用,认为西部断褶带的第一排构造带具有较好的成矿前景,而博格达山前由于新生代构造活动强烈而相对成矿不利,为此提出了准噶尔盆地南缘砂岩型铀矿成矿“构造优先权”的构造控矿模式,进而指出了区域找矿的优选区段。  相似文献   
Oil pollution is a significant conservation concern. We examined data from six institutions along the coast of South America: Emergency Relief Team of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Fundación Mundo Marino, Centro de Recupera??o de Animais Marinhos, Natura Patagonia, Associa??o R3 Animal, and Mar del Plata Aquarium and data from resightings in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Falkland/Malvinas Islands. From 2000 to 2010, 2183 oiled Magellanic penguins were rehabilitated as part of the routine activities of these institutions or during emergency responses to eight oil spills in which they were involved; all rehabilitated penguins were flipper banded and released. Since their release, 41 penguins were resighted until 31 December 2011. The results demonstrate that, when combined with other prevention strategies, the rehabilitation of Magellanic penguins is a strategy that contributes to the mitigation of adverse effects of oil spills and chronic pollution to the species.  相似文献   
We measured tissue phosphorus content of high and low intertidal Hormosira banksii to test the hypothesis that tissue phosphorus content would be greater in individuals from the low intertidal because of greater total uptake associated with longer immersion in seawater. Moreover, we predicted that tissue phosphorus would be greater at sites where the seawater contained higher phosphate concentrations. There was a positive, linear relationship between local seawater phosphate concentrations and tissue phosphorus content of H. banksii from high and low intertidal zones at six different sites in winter. However, there were no comparable relationships in summer, even though the range of seawater phosphate concentration was similar in both seasons. The phosphorus contents of low intertidal H. banksii were significantly greater than high intertidal H. banksii in winter, but not in summer. Reasons for these differences may be related to greater access to seawater phosphate in low intertidal algae (than those in the high intertidal) in winter, followed by greater utilisation of the internal phosphorus between winter and summer, due to faster growth rates in the low intertidal.  相似文献   
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