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Hans Walden 《Ocean Dynamics》1954,7(3-4):139-140
Summary These remarks trie to explain the behaviour of local wind effect on the coast under the additional influence of swell approximately running parallel to the wind's direction. Owing to the high speed of long swell waves the wind's tangential shearing strain on the water masses may become less effective than it would do if no coincidence with swell waves would occur.
La houle et l'effet local du vent
Résumé Cet essai cherche à expliquer le comportement de l'effet local du vent sous l'influence additionnelle d'une houle qui suit approximativement la direction du vent. Par suite de la grande vitesse de propagation d'une longue houle, l'effet de cisaillement tangentiel que le vent exerce sur l'eau diminuera dans le cas où l'effet local du vent coincide avec le phénomène additionnel de la houle.
It is often very useful to be able to smooth velocity fields estimated from exploration seismic data. For example seismic migration is most successful when accurate but also smooth migration velocity fields are used. Smoothing in one, two and three dimensions is examined using North Sea velocity data. A number of ways for carrying out this smoothing are examined, and the technique of locally weighted regression (LOESS) emerges as most satisfactory. In this method each smoothed value is formed using a local regression on a neighbourhood of points downweighted according to their distance from the point of interest. In addition the method incorporates ‘blending’ which saves computations by using function and derivative information, and ‘weighting and robustness’ which allows the smooth to be biased towards reliable points, or away from unreliable ones. A number of other important factors are also considered: namely, the effect of changing the scales of axes, or of thinning the velocity field, prior to smoothing, as well as the problem of smoothing on to irregular subsurfaces.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden Ergebnisse von simultanen Seegangsmessungen an sieben Pl?tzen mit verschiedener Wassertiefe im Küstengebiet der Deutschen Bucht behandelt. An Hand einiger Gegenüberstellungen wird dargelegt, in welcher Weise die Windsee mit abnehmender Wassertiefe niedriger und kürzer wird.
Simultaneous measurements of waves by means of non-stabilized recording accelerometers at various places in the German Bight with different water depths
Summary Treated are the results of simultaneous measurements of waves at seven places in the coastal area of the German Bight with different water depths. A comparison demonstrates the way in which the wind sea is getting lower and shorter with decreasing water depth.

Mesures simultanées de l'agitation de la mer avec accéléromètres enregistreurs non stabilisés en points de profondeurs différentes de la Baie Allemande
Résumé On a traité les résultats obtenus de mesures simultanées de l'agitation de la mer en sept endroits de profondeurs différentes dans les eaux c?tières de la Baie Allemande. En utilisant quelques comparaisons on expose de quelle manière la mer due au vent diminue de hauteur et de longueur en même temps que la profondeur.
Hans Walden 《Ocean Dynamics》1954,7(5-6):183-197
Zusammenfassung Es werden die zum Teil recht verwickelten Bedingungen besprochen, denen eine am festen BeobachtungsortA auftretende DÜnung genÜgt, wenn das wellenerzeugende Windfeld sich dem PunktA wohl nähert, an ihm dann aber in einiger Entfernung vorbeizieht. Es werden getrennt behandelt: 1. wandernde Windfelder, welche seit langer Zeit eine ausgereifte Windsee besitzen, 2. wandernde Windfelder, deren Ausbildung erst kÜrzere Zeit zurÜckliegt.An geeigneter Stelle wird ein Diagramm gegeben, welches die Bestimmung der angular spreading factors (W. J. Pierson jun., G. Neumann und R. W. James [1953]) wesentlich erleichtert.Abschließend wird die Frage erörtert, ob ein Punkt am Rande des Windfeldes den gesamten Windfeld-Leerand ausreichend repräsentieren kann.
On swell generated by a fetch passing at some distance from the observation point
Summary The paper treats the rather complex conditions that may lead to the occurrence of swell at a fixed observation pointA when the wave generating fetch though approaching pointA passes it at some distance. Two contingencies are separately discussed: 1) moving fetches associated for a long time past with a fully developed wind sea, 2) moving fetches whose generation took place only quite recently.The paper includes a diagram which largely facilitates the determination of the angular spreading factor (W. J. Pierson jun., G. Neumann, and R. W. James [1953]).In the end, the question is discussed whether one point on the border of the fetch may be regarded as being sufficiently representative of the entire lee-side of the fetch.

Sur une houle soulevée par un »fetch« qui passe le point d'observation à quelque distance
Résumé Ce travail traite les conditions assez complexes qui peuvent conduire à l'apparition de houles à un point fixe d'observationA si le »fetch« qui a soulevé les vagues en question s'approche de ce point mais finit par le passer à quelque distance. On discute deux éventualités: 1) des »fetches« progressifs dont les vagues de vent on depuis longtemps terminé leur developpement, 2) des »fetches« progressifs qui n'ont accompli leur formation que depuis peu.On a introduit dans le travail un diagramme qui rend beaucoup plus facile la détermination des facteurs d'extension angulaire (»angular spreading factors«) (W. J. Pierson, jun., G. Neumann et R. W. James [1953]).Enfin, on discute la question si un seul point sur le bord du »fetch« peut suffisamment représenter les conditions dominant sur tout le bord sous le vent.
As demand for water continues to escalate in the western Unites States, so does the need for accurate monitoring of the snowpack in mountainous areas. In this study, we describe a simple methodology for generating gridded‐estimates of snow water equivalency (SWE) using both surface observations of SWE and remotely sensed estimates of snow‐covered area (SCA). Multiple regression was used to quantify the relationship between physiographic variables (elevation, slope, aspect, clear‐sky solar radiation, etc.) and SWE as measured at a number of sites in a mountainous basin in south‐central Idaho (Big Wood River Basin). The elevation of the snowline, obtained from the SCA estimates, was used to constrain the predicted SWE values. The results from the analysis are encouraging and compare well to those found in previous studies, which often utilized more sophisticated spatial interpolation techniques. Cross‐validation results indicate that the spatial interpolation method produces accurate SWE estimates [mean R2 = 0·82, mean mean absolute error (MAE) = 4·34 cm, mean root mean squared error (RMSE) = 5·29 cm]. The basin examined in this study is typical of many mid‐elevation mountainous basins throughout the western United States, in terms of the distribution of topographic variables, as well as the number and characteristics of sites at which the necessary ground data are available. Thus, there is high potential for this methodology to be successfully applied to other mountainous basins. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Analysis of soil samples from above and below trimlines representing the upper limit of glacial erosion at the Last Glacial Maximum demonstrates that soils with prolonged weathering histories above such trimlines yield significantly different mineral magnetic signatures from soils below trimlines. The nature of the contrast is conditioned by lithology. Basalt soils above the trimline yield significantly higher values of concentration‐dependent magnetic parameters (χ, χarm, IRM3T, soft IRM and hard IRM) than those below the trimline, due probably to transformation of non‐magnetic iron‐bearing minerals into magnetic forms. Conversely, for sandstone soils most magnetic parameters yield significantly lower values for above‐trimline samples, probably reflecting loss of ferrimagnetic minerals by dissolution and oxidation to aniferrimagnetic forms. These significant contrasts represent a new approach to validating high‐level weathering limits as periglacial trimlines cut at the Last Glacial Maximum. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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