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The U–Pb age determinations of zircon and rutile from the Aar massif reveal a complex evolution of the Central Alpine basement. The oldest components are found in zircons of metasediments, which bear cores of Archean age; the U–Pb age of discordant prismatic zircons of the same rocks ranges between 580 and 680 Ma, an age that is typical for Pan-African metamorphism. The zircons are interpreted as Pan-African detritus with Archean inheritance. The provenance region of the Pan-African zircons is assumed to be a terrane of Gondwana-affinity, i.e. the W. African craton or the Pentevrian microplate. The Caledonian metamorphism left a pervasive structural imprint in amphibolite facies on the rocks of the Aar massif; it is dated at 456±2 and 445 Ma by zircons of a layered migmatitic gneiss and a migmatitic leucosome, respectively, both occurring in the northernmost zones of the massif. Hercynian metamorphism never exceeded greenschist-facies conditions and is recorded by zircon in a garnet-amphibolite and by rutile in a meta-psammite that yield an age of 330 Ma. Both zircon and rutile are considered to be products of retrograde mineral reactions and therefore do not date the peak conditions of Hercynian metamorphism. The Gastern granite at the western end of the Aar massif is a contaminated granite that intruded at 303±4 Ma, contemporaneously with the wide-spread late Hercynian post-collisional I-type magmatism. The study demonstrates the potential of isotope dilution U–Pb dating of single grains and microfractions in deciphering complex evolutionary histories of polymetamorphic terrains.  相似文献   
Apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses require the liberation of intact idiomorphic apatite grains from rock samples. While routinely being carried out by mechanical methods, electrodynamic disaggregation (ED) offers an alternative approach. The high-voltage discharges produced during the ED process create localised temperature peaks (10000 K) along a narrow plasma channel. In apatite, such high temperatures could potentially reduce the length of fission tracks, which start to anneal at temperatures > 60 °C, and could also enhance He diffusion, which becomes significant at 30–40 °C over geological time scales. A comparison of fission-track analyses and (U-Th)/He ages of apatites prepared both by mechanical (jaw crusher, disk mill) and ED processing provides a way of determining whether heating during the latter method has any significant effect. Apatites from three samples of different geological settings (an orthogneiss from Madagascar, the Fish Canyon Tuff, and a muscovite-gneiss from Greece) yielded statistically identical track length distributions compared to samples prepared mechanically. Additionally, (U-Th)/He ages of apatites from a leucogranite from Morocco prepared by both methods were indistinguishable. These first results indicated that during electrodynamic disaggregation apatite crystals were not heated enough to partially anneal the fission tracks or induce significant diffusive loss of He.  相似文献   
One of the basic requirements for a scientific use of rain data from raingauges, ground and space radars is data quality control. Rain data could be used more intensively in many fields of activity (meteorology, hydrology, etc.), if the achievable data quality could be improved. This depends on the available data quality delivered by the measuring devices and the data quality enhancement procedures. To get an overview of the existing algorithms a literature review and literature pool have been produced. The diverse algorithms have been evaluated to meet VOLTAIRE objectives and sorted in different groups. To test the chosen algorithms an algorithm pool has been established, where the software is collected. A large part of this work presented here is implemented in the scope of the EU-project VOLTAIRE (Validation of multisensors precipitation fields and numerical modeling in Mediterranean test sites).  相似文献   
This report of the Swiss Seismological Service summarizes the seismic activity in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2006. During this period, 572 earthquakes and 91 quarry blasts were detected and located in the region under consideration. Of these earthquakes, two occurred in conjunction with the construction of the new Gotthard railway tunnel and 165 were induced artificially by the stimulation of a proposed geothermal reservoir beneath the city of Basel. With 20 events with M L ≥ 2.5, five of which were artificially induced, the seismic activity in the year 2006 was far below the average over the previous 31 years. Nevertheless, six events were felt by the public, most prominently the strongest of the induced Basel events (M L 3.4), which caused some non-structural building damage. Noteworthy are also the two earthquakes near Cortaillod (M L 3.2), on the shore of Lake Neuchatel, and in Val Mora (M L 3.5), between the Engadin and Val Müstair, as well as the 42 aftershocks of the M L 4.9 Vallorcine earthquake, between Martigny and Chamonix, of September 2005. Editorial handling: Stefan Bucher  相似文献   
Famines are often linked to drought in semi-arid areas of Sub-Saharan Africa where not only pastoralists, but also increasingly agro-pastoralists are affected. This study addresses the interplay between drought and famine in the rural semi-arid areas of Makueni district, Kenya, by examining whether, and how crop production conditions and agro-pastoral strategies predispose smallholder households to drought-triggered food insecurity. If this hypothesis holds, then approaches to deal with drought and famine have to target factors causing household food insecurity during non-drought periods. Data from a longitudinal survey of 127 households, interviews, workshops, and daily rainfall records (1961–2003) were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. This integrated approach confirms the above hypothesis and reveals that factors other than rainfall, like asset and labour constraints, inadequate policy enforcement, as well as the poverty-driven inability to adopt risk-averse production systems play a key role. When linking these factors to the high rainfall variability, farmer-relevant definitions and forecasts of drought have to be applied.  相似文献   
The Caledonian Jotun nappe in the Tyin area of southern Norway has been investigated using U-Pb analysis of zircon and sphene and Rb-Sr measurements of minerals and whole rocks, with special reference to the reaction of the isotope systems to various kinds of metamorphic event. The nappe consists of Precambrian basement rocks and their cover, inversely thrust over the Baltic shield and its parautochthonous, presumably lower Paleozoic sediments during the Caledonian orogeny. While the nappe basement retained its pre-Caledonian structures, the nappe cover was penetratively deformed and metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies conditions.U-Pb analyses of zircon and sphene ofnappe basement rocks point to the crystallization of a syenitic to monzonitic magma at 1694± 20m.y., the intrusion of gabbros into the syenites and monzonites at 1252?25+28 m.y., and the metamorphism (upper greenschist-lower amphibolite facies) and deformation (gneissification and mylonitization) of the whole complex at 909± 16m.y. Although this latest event caused strong lead loss in all zircon populations, it had no influence on the Rb-Sr system on a whole rock scale. The Caledonian movements did not disturb the U-Pb system of zircon and sphene but strongly influenced the Rb-Sr system in certain minerals and zircon and/or its inclusions (K-feldspar and brown biotite partially, green biotite completely reset).In contrast to the nappe basement, zircons from thecover rocks show pronounced lead loss during the Caledonian metamorphism/deformation — U-Pb analysis give discordia lower intercept ages of 415± 21 m.y. and 395± 6m.y. Again, however, the Rb-Sr whole-rock system has not been reset in Caledonian time. Minerals from the same rocks which provided the zircons give Rb-Sr isochron ages of 390± 11m.y. and 386 ± 20 m.y.Comparison of U-Pb and Rb-Sr results from the nappe basement demonstrates that only the analysis of U-Pb systematics in zircon and especially sphene resolved the 900-m.y. event. Rb-Sr mineral data alone yield ambiguous results.The results from the nappe cover confirm that U-Pb analyses from penetratively deformed sediments are very useful in dating a metamorphic/tectonic event in lower greenschist facies conditions.From the measured cell dimensions of the zircon populations it is concluded that lead can be completely retained in zircon during recrystallization.  相似文献   
The monitoring of turbidity currents enables accurate internal structure and timing of these flows to be understood. Without monitoring, triggers of turbidity currents often remain hypothetical and are inferred from sedimentary structures of deposits and their age. In this study, the bottom currents within 20 m of the seabed in one of the Pointe-des-Monts (Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada) submarine canyons were monitored for two consecutive years using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. In addition, multibeam bathymetric surveys were carried out during deployment of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and recovery operations. These new surveys, along with previous multibeam surveys carried out over the last decade, revealed that crescentic bedforms have migrated upslope by about 20 to 40 m since 2007, despite the limited supply of sediment on the shelf or river inflow in the region. During the winter of 2017, two turbidity currents with velocities reaching 0·5 m sec−1 and 2·0 m sec−1, respectively, were recorded and were responsible for the rapid (<1 min) upstream migration of crescentic bedforms measured between the autumn surveys of 2016 and 2017. The 200 kg (in water) mooring was also displaced 10 m down-canyon, up the stoss side of a bedform, suggesting that a dense basal layer could be driving the flow during the first minute of the event. Two other weaker turbidity currents with speeds <0·5 m sec−1 occurred, but did not lead to any significant change on the seabed. These four turbidity currents coincided with strong and sustained wind speed >60 km h−1 and higher than normal wave heights. Repeat seabed mapping suggests that the turbidity currents cannot be attributed to a canyon-wall slope failure. Rather, sustained windstorms triggered turbidity currents either by remobilizing limited volumes of sediment on the shelf or by resuspending sediment in the canyon head. Turbidity currents can thus be triggered when the sediment volume available is limited, likely by eroding and incorporating canyon thalweg sediment in the flow, thereby igniting the flow. This process appears to be particularly important for the generation of turbidity currents capable of eroding the lee side of upslope migrating bedforms in sediment-starved environments and might have wider implications for the activity of submarine canyons worldwide. In addition, this study suggests that a large external trigger (in this case storms) is required to initiate turbidity currents in sediment-starved environments, which contrasts with supply-dominated environments where turbidity currents are sometimes recorded without a clear triggering mechanism.  相似文献   
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