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The testing of a synthetic aperture technique, the ETAM algorithm, is extended and its performance for CW pseudorandom signals and broadband ship noise is examined. The results show the limitations of the technique and are of special interest for operational systems development. In the CW experiments, the transmitted signal was generated with high temporal coherence, and loss of the spatial and temporal coherence of the received signal was introduced only by the medium and the stability of the towed array. In the experiments that included the pseudorandom signal and the ship noise, the temporal coherence of the transmitted signals was deliberately chosen to be poor in order to study the effects and the performance of this algorithm with broadband signals. The related experimental results show that for received signals, which have their segments over the synthesizing period highly cross-correlated, a synthetic aperture array gain was achieved that corresponds to the length of an equivalent fully populated array  相似文献   
The entire pile of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian massif is characterized by two stages of Variscan nappe emplacement each exhibiting a different kinematic and metamorphic evolution.The older emplacement (D1) probably occurred around 350-340 Ma ago and was synmetamorphic. The nappes show a typical systematic superposition of higher grade metamorphic units over lower grade ones. Thus, the crystalline complexes showing a HT-MP Barrovian imprint (Svratka allochthonous unit and Moldanubicum) were thrust over an intermediate unit affected by MTMP recrystallization (Bíte orthogneiss and its country rock), and at the base of the D1 nappe pile the Inner Phyllite Nappe (Biý Potok Unit) is characterized by LT/LP metamorphism.The second stage of tectonic evolution (D2) is characterized by a thin-skinned northward-oriented nappe emplacement that occurred under LT-LP conditions dated at 320-310 Ma. The whole nappe sequence formed during the first tectonometamorphic period (D1) was transported northward over the autochthonous »Deblín polymetamorphic and granitic complex« of Upper Proterozoic age and its Devonian sedimentary cover with very low metamorphism. During this second tectonic event the Brno granite massif (580 Ma) was only marginally incorporated in the Variscan nappe tectonics which resulted in kilometer-scale cover and basement duplexes. The tectonic evolution of the nappe pile ended with stage D3, represented by large- to medium-scale east-vergent folds with limited displacement.
Zusammenfassung Der Deckenbau am Ostrand der Böhmischen Masse erfolgte in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Stadien, die sich sowohl in ihrer Kinematik als auch in ihrer Metamorphoseentwicklung deutlich voneinander unterschieden.Die ältere Phase (D1 ca. 350-340 Ma) ist durch synmetamorphe Überschiebungen charakterisiert. Sie führt zu einer metamorphen Inversion der überschobenen Deckeneinheiten, so daß generell hohe metamorphe Einheiten schwach metamorphe tektonisch überlagern. Der Svratka Komplex und das Moldanubikum als hangendste Decken sind durch MP/HT Paragenesen vom Barrow-Typ gekennzeichnet. Beide Einheiten sind auf den MP/MT-metamorphen Bite-Gneis und seine Rahmengesteine überschoben. Die Bílý potok Einheit als liegende Decke zeigt nur noch eine LP/ LT Regionalmetamorphose.Das jüngere Stadium (D2 ca. 320-310 Ma) ist durch eine Thin-skinned Tektonik mit nordvergentem Deckentransport unter LP/LT Bedingungen charakterisiert. Der gesamte, invers metamorphe D1-Deckenstapel wird dabei nach N über den autochtonen Deblín Komplex bzw. seine devonische Sedimenthülle überschoben.Das Brno Granit Massiv (580 Ma) wird nur randlich in diesen variszischen Deckenbau einbezogen. Die tektonische Entwicklung endet mit einem mittel bis großräumigen E-vergenten Faltenbau (D3 phase).

Résumé L'empilement des nappes a la bordure orientale du Massif de Bohème est caractérisé par deux stades de mise en place présentant différentes évolutions cinématiques et métamorphiques.La tectonique majeure de mise en place des nappes crustales intervient lors d'un métamorphisme de type barrowien, calé autour de 350-340 Ma. L'empilement qui en résulte montre une superposition systématique d'unités à fort degré de métamorphisme sur des unités moins métamorphiques. Ainsi les complexes cristallins, montrant des reliques de métamorphisme de haute à moyenne pression-haute température (unités cristallines de Svratka et du Moldanubien), chevauchent une unité intermédiaire affectée par un métamorphisme de moyenne à basse pression-moyenne température (l'orthogneiss de Bíte et son encaissant). A la base de cette pile édifiée durant la tectonique D1, l'unité des phyllites internes (unité de Bílý potok) est caractérisée par un métamorphisme de basse témperature-basse pression.Le second stade D2 de l'évolution tectonique est caractérisé par une tectonique pelliculaire à vergence nord datée à 320-310 Ma. L'empilement résultant de D1 est ainsi transporté vers le nord, au dessus du complexe autochtone d'âge protérozoïque supérieur (groupe de Deblín) et sa couverture sédimentaire dévonienne très faiblement métamorphisée.Le massif granitique de Brno (580 Ma) n'est que marginalement incorporé à cette tectonique de nappe varisque. Ceci se traduit par des duplex socle-couverture d'échelle plurikilométrique. L'évolution tectonique s'achève lors d'une troisième phase, marquée par de grands plis à vergence est. Le déplacement associé est alors d'amplitude limitée.

, . , 350-340 . . , , - ( ), , - ( ). , D 1, (- ) - . D 2 , 320-310 ., D 1, , , ( ) . (580 . ) , »« -, . , .
CO2 inclusions with density up to 1,197 kg m−3 occur in quartz–stibnite veins hosted in the low-grade Palaeozoic basement of the Gemericum tectonic unit in the Western Carpathians. Raman microanalysis corroborated CO2 as dominant gas species accompanied by small amounts of nitrogen (<7.3 mol%) and methane (<2.5 mol%). The superdense CO2 phase exsolved from an aqueous bulk fluid at temperatures of 183–237°C and pressures between 1.6 and 3.5 kbar, possibly up to 4.5 kbar. Low thermal gradients (∼12–13°C km−1) and the CO2–CH4–N2 fluid composition rule out a genetic link with the subjacent Permian granites and indicate an external, either metamorphogenic (oxidation of siderite, dedolomitization) or lower crustal/mantle, source of the ore-forming fluids.According to microprobe U–Pb–Th dating of monazite, the stibnite-bearing veins formed during early Cretaceous thrusting of the Gemeric basement over the adjacent Veporic unit. The 15- to 18-km depth of burial estimated from the fluid inclusion trapping PT parameters indicates a 8- to 11-km-thick Upper Palaeozoic–Jurassic accretionary complex overlying the Gemeric basement and its Permo-Triassic autochthonous cover.  相似文献   
We investigate the influence of clouds on the surface energy budget and surface temperature in the sea-ice covered parts of the ocean north of the Arctic circle in present-day climate in nine global climate models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3, CMIP3. Monthly mean simulated surface skin temperature, radiative fluxes and cloud parameters are evaluated using retrievals from the extended AVHHR Polar Pathfinder (APP-x) product. We analyzed the annual cycle but the main focus is on the winter, in which large parts of the region experience polar night. We find a smaller across-model spread as well as better agreement with observations during summer than during winter in the simulated climatological annual cycles of total cloudiness and surface skin temperature. The across-model spread in liquid and ice water paths is substantial during the whole year. These results qualitatively agree with earlier studies on the present-day Arctic climate in GCMs. The climatological ensemble model mean annual cycle of surface cloud forcing shows good agreement with observations in summer. However, during winter the insulating effect of clouds tends to be underestimated in models. During winter, most of the models as well as the observations show higher monthly mean total cloud fractions, associated with larger positive surface cloud forcing. Most models also show good correlation between the surface cloud forcing and the vertically integrated ice and liquid cloud condensate. The wintertime ensemble model mean total cloud fraction (69%) shows excellent agreement with observations. The across-model spread in the winter mean cloudiness is substantial (36?C94%) however and several models significantly underestimate the cloud liquid water content. If the two models not showing any relationship between cloudiness and surface cloud forcing are disregarded, a tentative across-model relation exists, in such a way that models that simulate large winter mean cloudiness also show larger surface cloud forcing. Even though the across-model spread in wintertime surface cloud forcing is large, no clear relation to the surface temperature is found. This indicates that other processes, not explicitly cloud related, are important for the simulated across-model spread in surface temperature.  相似文献   
The parameterization of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer is a difficult issue, having a significant impact on medium-range weather forecasts and climate integrations. To pursue this further, a moderately stratified Arctic case is simulated by nineteen single-column turbulence schemes. Statistics from a large-eddy simulation intercomparison made for the same case by eleven different models are used as a guiding reference. The single-column parameterizations include research and operational schemes from major forecast and climate research centres. Results from first-order schemes, a large number of turbulence kinetic energy closures, and other models were used. There is a large spread in the results; in general, the operational schemes mix over a deeper layer than the research schemes, and the turbulence kinetic energy and other higher-order closures give results closer to the statistics obtained from the large-eddy simulations. The sensitivities of the schemes to the parameters of their turbulence closures are partially explored.  相似文献   
Current land-use classifications used to assess urbanization effects on stream water quality date back to the 1980s when limited information was available to characterize watershed attributes that mediate non-point source pollution. With high resolution remote sensing and widely used GIS tools, there has been a vast increase in the availability and precision of geospatial data of built environments. In this study, we leverage geospatial data to expand the characterization of developed landscapes and create a typology that allows us to better understand the impact of complex developed landscapes across the rural to urban gradient. We assess the ability of the developed landscape typology to reveal patterns in stream water chemistry previously undetected by traditional land-cover based classification. We examine the distribution of land-cover, infrastructure, topography and geology across 3876 National Hydrography Dataset Plus catchments in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, USA. From this dataset, we generate metrics to evaluate the abundance, density and position of landscape features relative to streams, catchment outlets and topographic wetness metrics. While impervious surfaces are a key distinguishing feature of the urban landscape, sanitary infrastructure, population density and geology are better predictors of baseflow stream water chemistry. Unsupervised clustering was used to generate a distinct developed landscape typology based on the expanded, high-resolution landscape feature information. Using stream chemistry data from 37 developed headwater catchments, we compared the baseflow water chemistry grouped by traditional land-cover based classes of urbanization (rural, low, medium and high density) to our composition and structure-based classification (a nine-class typology). The typology based on 22 metrics of developed landscape composition and structure explained over 50% of the variation in NO3-N, TDN, DOC, Cl, and Br concentration, while the ISC-based classification only significantly explained 23% of the variation in TDN. These results demonstrate the importance of infrastructure, population and geology in defining developed landscapes and improving discrete classes for water management.  相似文献   
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) often fail to meet ecological, social or economic objectives due to lack of effective management by government institutions. Partly in response to this failure, a number of marine reserves managed by the private sector, Hotel Managed Marine Reserves (HMMRs), have recently been established. In this study, we investigate changes to the social and economic conditions faced by local fishermen, following the establishment of two small reserves adjacent to a hotel in Vietnam, as well as their perceptions of the reserves' ability to produce spillover. The findings are used to gauge management performance and effectiveness of the HMMRs. Two surveys with different survey designs, targeting fishermen with different fishing techniques, produced conflicting results. Fishermen mainly dependent on beach seining mostly opposed the HMMRs and the prospect of more protected areas being established. Fishermen using other fishing techniques were generally in favor of the HMMRs, welcoming more protection and confirming spillover of fish, including large food fishes.  相似文献   
This paper presents the study on two continuous glacio-lacustrine sedimentary deposits, Laotanfang (3 597 m) and Shibantang (3 689 m) located on the southern and northern sides of Hulifang peak in Yunan, China. Environmental change indexes are constructed for each deposit, based on grain size, geochemical and pollen analysis, environmental magnetic susceptibility, and 14C dating. The study of climatic environmental change since the Holocene epoch in this region shows that the climate fluctuated at different stages during the early Holocene, that is, the climate was cool and wet during 8.4-7. 7r ka, cold and wet during 7.7-6. 5 ka, cold and dry during 6. 5-4.7 ka, cool and wet during 4.7-2. 1 ka, warm and wet during 2. 1-1.0 ka, and warmer and wet since 1 ka. These findings reflect the overlapping influences of the southwest and southeast monsoons in different times during the Holocene in the north part of southwestern China are in accord with other Holocene climate change models in this part of China.  相似文献   
Climatic changes have altered surface water regimes worldwide, and climate projections suggest that such alterations will continue. To inform management decisions, climate projections must be paired with hydrologic models to develop quantitative estimates of watershed scale water regime changes. Such modeling approaches often involve downscaling climate model outputs, which are generally presented at coarse spatial scales. In this study, Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate model projections were analyzed to determine models representing severe and conservative climate scenarios for the study watershed. Based on temperature and precipitation projections, output from GFDL‐ESM2G (representative concentration pathway 2.6) and MIROC‐ESM (representative concentration pathway 8.5) were selected to represent conservative (ΔC) and severe (ΔS) change scenarios, respectively. Climate data were used as forcing for the soil and water assessment tool to analyze the potential effects of climate change on hydrologic processes in a mixed‐use watershed in central Missouri, USA. Results showed annual streamflow decreases ranging from ?5.9% to ?26.8% and evapotranspiration (ET) increases ranging from +7.2% to +19.4%. During the mid‐21st century, sizeable decreases to summer streamflow were observed under both scenarios, along with large increases of fall, spring, and summer ET under ΔS. During the late 21st century period, large decreases of summer streamflow under both scenarios, and large increases to spring (ΔS), fall (ΔS) and summer (ΔC) ET were observed. This study demonstrated the sensitivity of a Midwestern watershed to future climatic changes utilizing projections from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models and presented an approach that used multiple climate model outputs to characterize potential watershed scale climate impacts.  相似文献   
A numerical wave flume is constructed based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with turbulence closure by a modified k-ε model to study the viscous interactions of waves with vertical breakwaters for different overtopping cases. The governing equations,the turbulence model,boundary conditions,and solution method for the numerical wave flume are introduced briefly. The reliability of the numerical wave flume is examined by comparing the numerical results with the experimental measurement...  相似文献   
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