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An array of seven atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes was commissioned at a high altitude site in Hanle in the Ladakh region of the Himalayas. The array called HAGAR has been designed to observe celestial γ-rays of energy >100 GeV. Each telescope is altitude-azimuth mounted and carries seven parabolic mirrors whose optic axes are co-aligned with the telescope axis. The telescopes point and track a celestial source using a PC-based drive control system. Two important issues in positioning of each HAGAR telescope are pointing accuracy of telescope axis and co-alignment of mirrors’ optic axes with the telescope axis. We have adopted a three pronged strategy to address these issues, namely use of pointing models to improve pointing accuracy of the telescopes, RA-DEC scan technique to measure the pointing offsets of the mirrors and mechanical fine-tuning of off-axis mirrors by sighting a distant stationary light source. This paper discusses our efforts in this regard as well as the current status of pointing and monitoring of HAGAR telescopes.  相似文献   
本文对西藏粮油生产发展趋势与特点及影响西藏粮油生产的因素进行了分析。结果表明: 单产是目前西藏粮油总产量提高的首要驱动力。而提高粮油单产则需采取: 切实加强农作物优良品种的选育与推广; 粮油种植技术规范化、系统化和模式化; 大力推广低产田改造技术, 扩大中低产田改造的面积; 兴修水利和确保水利设施的质量等措施。  相似文献   
尼玛扎西 《地理研究》2000,19(4):407-141
运用农牧业经济的指标,结合自然生态因子,运用GIS技术对西藏食物生产系统进行区划。结果分为农区、半农半牧区、牧区和农林牧区四个分区。并详述了4个分区的特点。  相似文献   
As seismic data quality improves, time‐lapse seismic data is increasingly being called upon to interpret and predict changes during reservoir development and production. Since pressure change is a major component of reservoir change during production, a thorough understanding of the influence of pore pressure on seismic velocity is critical. Laboratory measurements show that differential pressure (overburden minus fluid pressure) does not adequately determine the actual reservoir conditions. Changes in fluid pressure are found to have an additional effect on the physical properties of rocks. The effective‐stress coefficient n is used to quantify the effect of pore pressure compared to confining pressure on rock properties. However, the current practice in time‐lapse feasibility studies, reservoir‐pressure inversion and pore‐pressure prediction is to assume that n= 1. Laboratory measurements, reported in both this and previous research show that n can be significantly less than unity for low‐porosity rocks and that it varies with porosity, rock texture and wave type. We report the results of ultrasonic experiments to estimate n for low‐porosity sandstones with and without microcracks. Our results show that, for P‐waves, n is as low as 0.4 at a differential pressure of 20 MPa (about 3000 psi) for a low‐porosity sandstone. Thus, in pore‐pressure inversion, an assumption of n= 1 would lead to a 150% underestimation of the pore pressure. Comparison of the effective‐stress coefficient for fractured and unfractured samples suggests that the presence of microfractures increases the sensitivity of P‐wave velocity to pore pressure, and therefore the effective‐stress coefficient. Our results show that the effective‐stress coefficient decreases with the differential pressure, with a higher differential pressure resulting in a lower effective‐stress coefficient. While the effective‐stress coefficient for P‐wave velocity can be significantly less than unity, it is close to one for S‐waves.  相似文献   
Soil development and landscape evolution were studied in the basin-shaped Phobjikha Valley at 2900–3200 m a.s.l., to the west of the Black Mountain Range, West Central Bhutan. The local environmental setting with strong along-valley winds, frequent freeze–thaw cycles, extensive dry periods and sparse vegetation cover seems to encourage the generation and short-distance transport of silt-sized particles. The effects of this process are evidenced in the smooth valley morphology and in the nature of the examined pedons. Their involvement in continuing redistribution of local sediments is reflected by a homogeneous silty-clayey and stone-free texture, varying profile depths, buried topsoils and weakly developed recent A horizons. In protected locations, in situ weathering of metamorphic parent materials results in alu-andic features with bulk densities <0.9 g cm?3, (Alo + ½Feo) > 2%, and phosphate retention >95%. Dominance by Al-hydroxy interlayered clay minerals and large amounts of well-crystallised iron oxides indicate an advanced stage of weathering. In areas of preferred eolian deposition, argic and ferralic features emerge, with clay contents of up to 60% and surface areas of >50 m2 g?1. Under forest, umbric horizons can develop. CECeff is below 10 cmolc kg?1 at all sites. Cluster and factor analyses of soil chemical and physical parameters confirm the redistribution of local sediments as a dominant factor behind the measured variables. No clear indication of glacial activities in the area was found, whereas the massive silty sediments in the lower parts of most profiles, the presence of debris slopes, and the asymmetric cross sections of the side valleys suggest periglacial conditions. Buried topsoils dated at about 2000 conventional 14C years BP indicate a weakening or absence of sediment influx under wetter conditions towards the end of the Holocene climate optimum. Charcoal on top of paleosols suggests that human activities of deforestation, grazing and arable agriculture may have contributed to the reactivation of local sediment redistribution until today.  相似文献   
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