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In order to make progress in the study of processes in deep-sea ecosystems, we have developed a strategy for the use of submersibles in conjunction with free vehicles. The BIOCYAN programme, which was conducted by French oceanographers at a permanent station in the Bay of Biscay, involved the use of submersibles for benthic ecological studies. It lead to the development of a variety of equipment for sampling and experimental studies. The submersible Cyana has a limited equipment workload, so the initial step was to develop a free vehicle which could function as a shuttle to act as an independent transport for equipment to be used from the submersible. Two other devices have been developed for sampling with precision the surficial layers of the sediment, one of which can be used in conjunction with an injection module to measure rates of processes in situ by incubations, following injection with labelled substrates. These devices, the free-lift shuttle, tube corers, a blade box corer and the associated injection module are described.  相似文献   
Five different coastal area morphodynamic models have been set up to run on the same offshore breakwater layout and an intercomparison carried out on the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic output produced by each scheme. In addition, the predicted morphodynamics was checked against available laboratory and field data.It is concluded that the models are capable of producing realistic estimates for the dominant morphodynamic features associated with offshore breakwaters. Coupling of the wave, current and sediment transport components of each scheme is shown to yield bathymetry which attains a state of equilibrium, unlike models which are based on the initial transport field only.  相似文献   
Nickel speciation in a nickel hyperaccumulating plant (Sebertia acuminata) and its associated soil of southern New Caledonia was studied using various analytical methods. The soil is formed of iron oxides (goethite, hematite), which contain almost all the nickel. The available nickel is probably linked to the organic matter in the litter. Sebertia acuminata, acts as a nickel pump, and concentrates the metal in its leaves. It partitions nickel and silica; nickel is concentrated in the cells (probably in the vacuoles) as organometallic complexes, whereas silica forms the framework of the cells, and the phytolithes. A thorough study of these plants seems essential in order to define the soil–plant relations, and to propose appropriate ways for ecological restoration. To cite this article: N. Perrier et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The 1902–1905 activity of Montagne Pelée represents a moderately large eruptive cycle typical of a subduction zone volcano. It followed a three-centuries-long repose interrupted only in 1792 by two small phreatic explosions and minor (phreatomagmatic?) eruptions in 1851–1852. The volcano decidedly awakened in early 1902 with increasing fumaroles at l'Etang Sec summit crater, light earthquakes and phreatic activity from 23 April onwards. On 2–3 May the eruption became phreatomagmatic and much more active. Destructive lahars culminated on 5 May and during the night of 7–8 May, causing 23 casualties at the Guérin factory and about 400 others at Le Prêcheur. On 8 May at 08:02 local time a climactic ‘nuée ardente’ destroyed the city of Saint-Pierre, 8 km south of the crater, and killed all its 27–28,000 inhabitants but one, or possibly two. Testimonies from eyewitnesses of this event, calculations made on its effects, and careful studies of its deposits support the interpretation of a powerful lateral blast (175−140 m/s) accompanied by a fast-moving pyroclastic flow which was directed N-S, i.e. toward the town itself. The temperature of the flow decreased from that of the acid andesite magma (about 900°C) at the crater to 400–200°C as it reached Saint-Pierre. Climactic ‘pelean’ eruptions, initiated by strong explosions, were renewed on 20 May and 30 August. This latter produced 1,000 additional victims at Morne Rouge, making a total of about 29,000 victims for the entire eruptive period. Less violent eruptions, without major explosions, took place on 26 May, 6 June, 9 July and from late 1902 to July 1905, generating slow-moving pyroclastic flows (50 m/s or less), linked to relatively quiet dome growth.The catastrophe of Saint-Pierre resulted from an insufficient knowledge of volcanic hazards at the time and particularly from the total ignorance of pyroclastic flow (nuée ardente) phenomena. Future hazards in Martinique include the renewal of pelean eruptions and widespread plinian activity, such as has occurred in the past 5,000 years, together with a less probable sector collapse triggering tsunami. As major magmatic eruptions of Montagne Pelée may be separated by repose periods of more than 500 years, a long-term instrumental surveillance of the volcano is needed, and adequate concepts in urban planning should be developed and sustained in the next centuries.  相似文献   
Mount Etna is composed for the most part of intermediate alkaline products, most of them porphyritic-the etnaïtes-, that may be defined as sodic trachybasalts or trachyandesites. The strato-volcanio itself overlies tholeiitic basalts (usually aphyric, except for olivine) belonging to three major types: olivine tholeiites (normative Ol+Hy; modal olivine and augite, titanomagnetite and ilmenite), pigeonite tholeiites (normative Hy+minor Ol or Qz; modal pigeonite and augite with minor olivine, ilmenite and titanomagnetite), transitional tholeiites, i.e. transitional between pigeonite tholeiites (aphyric) and alkali basaltic etnaïtes (porphyritic, with normative Ol+Ne or minor Hy; modal augite and olivine, titanomagnetite alone). An analcite basalt, chemically close to alkali basaltic etnaïtes, forms the small Cyclopean Islands, SE of Etna, and an alkali olivine basalt composes a neck at Paterno, SW foot of Etna.Both pigeonite tholeiites and alkali basaltic etnaïtes may be derived from a primitive olivine tholeiite magma by subtraction or addition of phases crystallized at moderate and low pressure (kaersutite±olivine, calcic plagioclase and clinopyroxene). The differentiation process implies crystal fractionation of the primitive olivine tholeiite magma at varying levels of the crust. The speed of ascent of the magma is thought to be the factor controlling the level at which differentiation may take place: in low velocity regimes, fractionation takes place at deeper levels of the crust. Slow ascent speeds would be the consequence of a developing crustal extension episode, induced by mantle diapirism that generated the olivine tholeiite magma below the Mount Etna area.  相似文献   
The 1974 Etna eruption that occurred on the lower, west part of the volcano is rather exceptional as it appeared independent of the central main vent activity. The products of this eruption also differ from those commonly emitted throughout historic times. They are almost aphyric and display an unusual order of crystallization, clinopyroxene being a near liquidus phase instead of plagioclase that is typical in all other recent lavas. The chemical composition is also slightly more basic than that of pyroclastics contemporaneously erupted by the summit Central Crater. These volcanological and petrological features are symptomatic of a separation at depth of the 1974 magma from the central conduit. The eruption itself, however, appears to have been governed by the general structural environment of the volcano. From this stand-point, there is evident interdependence between the various paroxysms of the past five years and it is suggested that the volcanic activity itself has direct relations with the regional tectonics. A model of the superficial structure of Mount Etna is given that best accounts for the observations.  相似文献   
Cross-borehole flowmeter tests have been proposed as an efficient method to investigate preferential flowpaths in heterogeneous aquifers, which is a major task in the characterization of fractured aquifers. Cross-borehole flowmeter tests are based on the idea that changing the pumping conditions in a given aquifer will modify the hydraulic head distribution in large-scale flowpaths, producing measurable changes in the vertical flow profiles in observation boreholes. However, inversion of flow measurements to derive flowpath geometry and connectivity and to characterize their hydraulic properties is still a subject of research. In this study, we propose a framework for cross-borehole flowmeter test interpretation that is based on a two-scale conceptual model: discrete fractures at the borehole scale and zones of interconnected fractures at the aquifer scale. We propose that the two problems may be solved independently. The first inverse problem consists of estimating the hydraulic head variations that drive the transient borehole flow observed in the cross-borehole flowmeter experiments. The second inverse problem is related to estimating the geometry and hydraulic properties of large-scale flowpaths in the region between pumping and observation wells that are compatible with the head variations deduced from the first problem. To solve the borehole-scale problem, we treat the transient flow data as a series of quasi-steady flow conditions and solve for the hydraulic head changes in individual fractures required to produce these data. The consistency of the method is verified using field experiments performed in a fractured-rock aquifer.  相似文献   
A modelling approach is proposed to evaluate the environmental dynamics of coastal lagoons. The water, heat and salt balances are addressed simultaneously, providing a better estimation of evaporation and water exchanges. Compared to traditional approaches, the model presented accounts for the effects of water salinity, heat storage and net energy advected in the water body. The model was applied daily to the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain) from 2003 through 2006. Water exchanges with the Mediterranean Sea were estimated based on the monthly trend of the lagoon salinity and were correlated with monthly averages of wind speed. The mean daily water exchange with the sea was 1.77 hm3 d−1. This exchange accounted for only 1% of the heat losses in the lagoon heat balance, and it is the most important flow in the water balance. The mean annual evaporation flux amounted to 101.3 W m−2 (3.55 mm d−1), while the sensible heat flux amounted to 19.7 W m−2, leading to an annual Bowen ratio on the order of 0.19. To validate the model, daily water temperatures were predicted based on the daily heat balance of the water body and were compared with remote sensing data from water surface standard products.  相似文献   
DNA single-strand breaks were measured by the comet assay in both gill and hemolymph cells of mussels collected in 3 sampling areas of the French coast (Pointe du Castelli, Pen Bron and Saint-Nazaire Harbour). Whole mussel tissue samples were also collected for the chemical determination of PAH, PCB and heavy metal concentrations. In mussel, a higher level of DNA strand breaks was measured in gill than in hemolymph cells (p < 0.01). Despite a factor of contamination from 2 to 3 between sites, no difference in the extent of mussel DNA strand breaks was shown between sampling locations (p > 0.05), questioning the sensitivity of the assays used in biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   
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