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In the present study, the existence of cavities, voids, and fractures was verified at the site of the El-Elb Dam, which is located to the northwest of Riyadh City across Wadi Hanifa, using 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) techniques. For this purpose, four ERT profiles were measured on the downstream side of the El-Elb Dam using the Syscal Pro Switch-72 resistivity meter. In addition, a GPR survey using a 400-MHz antenna and a SIR-3000 instrument was conducted along five profiles above the stilling basins on the downstream side of the dam and one radar profile was measured outside the stilling basins area across the course of the wadi. The resultant geophysical data were interpreted with the aid of information from a field-based structural and stratigraphic evaluation of the outcropped bedrock on the banks of the wadi course. The analysis of the inverted ERT and filtered radar sections revealed several resistivity and electromagnetic reflection anomalies that are identified laterally and vertically across the measured sections. These anomalies indicate the presence of fractures and karst features affected the limestone bedrock in the dam site. These near-surface karstified and fractured strata represent a critical hazard to the structural safety of the dam.  相似文献   
Spectral ratios of teleseismic P waves for 15 deep (>200 km) earthquakes recorded at 146 High-Sensitivity Seismographic Network stations in the Kanto district and its surrounding area, eastern Japan, were inverted for attenuation parameter $ t_P^{ * } $ . The dataset consisted of good-quality vertical-component seismograms, whose P phases were handpicked. The P wave spectral ratios with high signal-to-noise ratios were calculated up to 1 Hz for all the station pairs, linear regressed, and then inverted for $ t_P^{ * } $ using the technique of least squares . The result showed that the active volcanic areas were clearly characterized by high $ t_P^{ * } $ . In contrast, $ t_P^{ * } $ varied in the nonvolcanic areas. The present result on the $ t_P^{ * } $ distribution was roughly consistent with the shallow part (<30 km) of an attenuation structure, which has been previously obtained based on 3-D tomography by using records of high-frequency (around 5 Hz) P waves from local earthquakes. This suggested that the present method of $ t_P^{ * } $ estimation is valid. The advantage and possible application to other areas were also discussed.  相似文献   
Soil organic matter is a key soil component that plays a critical role in ecosystem functioning including soil productivity and resilience to erosion and drought. Most Arab countries are located in semi-arid and arid areas with dominance of drylands soils with poor organic matter content and soil quality. In line with the efforts of the FAO Global Soil Partnership (GSP) and French initiative for carbon sequestration (4 par mille); the soil organic carbon (OC) stock in the Arab countries was assessed and mapped using the FAO-UNESCO Digital Soil Map of the World (DSMW). The outputs must serve awareness raising both at the level of land users and decision makers. Results were compared with the only available national OC map, recently produced in Lebanon. Other national OC maps are under processing by the GSP and Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) within the Global Soil OC Map. Produced maps showed low OC stock in the topsoil of more than 69% of the cultivated soils with dominance of xerosols, arenosols, and lithosols. The average soil OC stock in the Arab countries is 37 ± 36 ton/ha in the topsoil and 78 ± 69 ton/ha in the standard soil depth. The total OC stock in the arable lands of the Arab countries was estimated at 50.5 gigatons (GT) with Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Algeria placed on top. The average total OC stock per one Arab country is 0.8 ± 1.7 million tons. Large standard deviation points to different pedoclimatic conditions but also to variable management and land use history. Water erosion and chaotic urban expansion caused the irreversible loss of 25 and 53.6 GT tons of OC, respectively. With increased pressure on limited soil resources, policies must address soil conservation and C sequestration to support soil productivity and improve food production.  相似文献   
We investigate the time dynamics of monthly rainfall series intermittently recorded on seven climatic stations in northern Lebanon from 1939 to 2010 using the detrending fluctuation analysis (DFA) and the Fisher-Shannon (FS) method. The DFA is employed to study the scaling properties of the series, while the FS method to analyze their order/organization structure. The obtained results indicate that most all the stations show a significant persistent behavior, suggesting that the dynamics of the rainfall series is governed by positive feedback mechanisms. Furthermore, we found that the Fisher Information Measure (the Shannon entropy power) seems to decrease (increase) with the height of the rain gauge; this indicates that the rainfall series appear less organized and less regular for higher-located stations. Such findings could be useful for a better comprehension of the climatic regimes governing northern Lebanon.  相似文献   
2D finite element models were developed to analyze the effect of improved soft-soil foundation on the efficiency of a base-isolated concrete frame. Static and dynamic analyses were performed for a frame on raft foundation. Non-improved and improved soft-soil foundation using rigid inclusions were considered, as well as the use of high damping rubber bearing as base isolation. Results show that the use of rigid inclusions increases the efficiency of base isolation; base shear is reduced by 38% and maximum acceleration at the top of the frame by 30%.  相似文献   
Litani River is the largest river in Lebanon and has been affected by several physical and anthropogenic factors that influenced its flow dynamics. By means of the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), the time dynamics of the stream flow of seven sites along the course of Litani River was investigated, extracting for each site the long-term trend. A clear decreasing trend characterizes all the long-term trends of the stream flow. Furthermore, several peaks were identified, consistent with the rainfall rate and snow cover variability.  相似文献   
Hydrochemistry and well hydrographs are coupled to assess groundwater recharge in the regional catchment of Samail, Oman. The complex geology comprises three aquifers: limestones of the Hajar Supergroup (HSG) at the highlands of North Oman Mountains (NOM); fractured/weathered ophiolites; and Quaternary alluvium. Groundwater flows south–north from the NOM to the coast. Samples from groundwater wells and springs (38) were analyzed for isotopes and major ions. Corrected 14C dating reveals modern groundwater across the entire catchment, while 87Sr/86Sr (0.70810–0.70895) shows greater homogeneity. Groundwater in the upper catchment is depleted in 2H and 18O, indicating a high-altitude recharge source (NOM), and becomes enriched downstream, with a slope indicating an evaporation effect. The hydrographs of nested piezometers located in the upper, middle and lower catchment show different recharge responses between deep and shallower depths. Head difference in response to recharge is observed upstream, suggesting a lateral recharge mechanism, contrary to vertical recharge downstream reflected in identical recharge responses. The homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr ratio, head changes, downstream enrichment of 2H and 18O, and the presence of modern groundwater throughout the catchment suggest that groundwater recharge takes place across the entire catchment and that the three aquifers are hydraulically connected. The recharge estimated using the chloride mass balance method is in the range of 0–43% of the mean annual rainfall.  相似文献   
This paper presents findings from a comprehensive geochemical and geophysical re-examination of known radiogenic anomalies in Tertiary limestones and (sub-)recent calcretes of southwestern Dhofar in the Sultanate of Oman. U-Th-enrichments seem to be associated with deep-rooted fault systems that cross-cut Corg-rich shales at depths of some 800–1000?m, which generally show elevated gamma-ray levels in southern Oman and act as the initial geochemical trap. Metals and radiogenic elements, such as K (max?1945?ppm), U (max?44?ppm), and Th (max?26?ppm) mobilised from these rocks and emplaced higher up in the faults must have constituted radiogenic lineaments at and near the surface (observed in a different but difficult to access location). However, successive weathering partially obscured such anomalies through further re-mobilisation/-mineralisation processes within the calcretes that also enriched Sr and V. In these carbonates, uranium correlates positively with Sr but not very well with V, while thorium shows moderate positive correlations with Sr and V. Both U and Th are also not present (i.e., below the detection limits of a few ppm) in a second sample group that represents background conditions. Being much more immobile than U, Th remained closer to the original western fault positions of the examined site (outlined by magnetics and VLF-EM during the surveys), while uranium moved down-dip over the plateau and through underlying sub-horizontal strata towards the eastern fault system. Here, supergene Sr-enriched calcite preferentially incorporated U, thus reflecting the observed U-Th fractionation.  相似文献   
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