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This paper reviews the approach taken by several UK coastal partnerships in developing research strategies and programmes. It reports on the status of these research initiatives and describes how the co-ordination and communication of scientific research have been approached through active partnerships with universities and the wider research community. Results of semi-structured interviews are followed by in-depth case studies of research networks on the Sefton Coast (focusing on coastal morphology) and the Severn Estuary (focusing on coastal change and climate change impacts). The results reveal the constraints and opportunities that exist in bringing together a variety of knowledge holders in the coastal zone. The paper identifies key elements of these initiatives and highlights lessons that can be applied to the development of other research initiatives in order to achieve science supported, ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   
天气雷达的发展大致经历了4个阶段,其主要用于监测强对流天气、定量估计降水,是气象部门的重要探测和监测手段之一。新一代天气雷达观测的实时回波强度(Z)、径向风速(V)、速度谱宽(W)的回波图像中,提供了丰富的有关强对流天气的信息,综合使用Z、V、W的图像分析,有利于较准确和及时地监测灾害性天气。云南滑坡泥石流灾害高发区与云南暴雨中心有很好的对应关系,云南滑坡泥石流灾害空间分布与暴雨空间分布的空间相关系数为0.19,通过了0.05的显著性水平检验,也进一步说明云南暴雨在滑坡泥石流灾害发生中起着重要作用。以2004年7月5日德宏州特大山洪泥石流灾害为例子,探讨了新一代天气雷达在泥石流灾害的临阵预警中的应用。  相似文献   
李娜  周训  郭娟  拓明明  徐艳秋 《现代地质》2020,34(1):177-188
研究天然盐泉的形成有助于揭示陆地水文循环过程中的物质迁移。采用水文地球化学的方法,分析四川省盐源县的9个泉水和卤水水样的水化学特征和同位素特征,探讨盐泉的溶质来源,总结盐泉的成因模式。水样可以分为TDS为311.69 g/L的Cl-Na型卤水、TDS为55.77~89.43 g/L的Cl-Na型盐泉、TDS为1.17 g/L的Cl-Na型微咸泉和TDS为0.26~0.56 g/L的以HCO3-Ca、HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型为主的淡水泉。泉水和卤水的氢氧同位素显示其来源于大气降水;水样的特征系数显示盐泉和卤水都属于溶滤型,且指示研究区基本不具有找钾前景。泉水的盐分主要来源于石盐、方解石、石膏和白云石等矿物的溶滤。盐泉的形成模式可以概括为:在山区获得大气降水入渗补给后,地下水经历较浅和较深的地下径流并且溶滤含盐地层或者盐矿,使其矿化度升高,在地形较低处汇集出露地表成泉。  相似文献   
采用1991~1999年首都圈重力测网的重力测量资料,根据地质调查结果确定断层初始运动模型,利用稳健—贝叶斯最小二乘方法反演北京地区4条活断层的活动参数(走滑、倾滑、引张)。反演结果表明:在1991~1999年间,北京地区活断层的运动性质均以走滑和垂直升降为主,兼有伸展特征,但运动速率都不大,约为2 mm/a。北京地区北西走向断层反演的运动特征为左旋走滑正断层,北东走向断层反演的运动特征为右旋走滑正断层。  相似文献   
This paper explores how coastal data and information can be mobilised in information systems and applied in coastal management. The concept of an Information System is defined and described, and the potential role of Local Information System (LIS) in integrated coastal management (ICM) is considered. Three examples, from the Severn Estuary, UK the coast of the North West of England and North Wales, and the Fal and Helford estuaries, are used to demonstrate the requirements of a LIS for coastal areas. The role of GIS as part of the solution is considered in detail. The paper demonstrates how ideas from the disciplines of information systems and information science can be practically applied in coastal areas. The findings promote a holistic approach for those involved in the development of technologies and dealing with data and information about coasts and oceans.  相似文献   
The physico-chemical properties of water samples from the two athalassic endorheic lakes Bogoria and Nakuru in Kenya were analysed. Surface water samples were taken between July 2008 and October 2009 in weekly intervals from each lake. The following parameters were determined: pH, salinity, electric conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the major cations (FAAS and ICP-OES) and the major anions (IC), as well as certain trace elements (ICP-OES). Samples of superficial sediments were taken in October 2009 and examined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) for their major and trace element content including rare earth elements (REE). Both lakes are highly alkaline with a dominance of Na > K > Si > Ca in cations and HCO3 > CO3 > Cl > F > SO4 in anions. Both lakes also exhibited high concentrations of Mo, As and fluoride. Due to an extreme draught from March to October 2009, the water level of Lake Nakuru dropped significantly. This created drastic evapoconcentration, with the total salinity rising from about 20‰ up to 63‰. Most parameters (DOC, Na, K, Ca, F, Mo and As) increased with falling water levels. A clear change in the quality of DOC was observed, followed by an almost complete depletion of dissolved Fe from the water phase. In Lake Bogoria the evapoconcentration effects were less pronounced (total salinity changed from about 40‰ to 48‰). The distributions of REE in the superficial sediments of Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria are presented here for the first time. The results show a high abundance of the REE and a very distinct Eu depletion of Eu/Eu* = 0.33–0.45.  相似文献   
地磁数据处理与地震关系之探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了上海崇明、佘山和杭州这3个地磁台的观测资料在2004年4月21日南黄海ML4.0级、5月26日浙江省舟山群岛ML4.3级和11月15日南黄海%4.6级地震前的异常变化特征,结果表明:杭州台和崇明台数字化地磁观测资料分钟值空间差值于4月14日~17日、4月30日、5月8日出现的异常信息很可能是震磁异常信息;杭州台和余山台数字化地磁观测资料分钟值、模拟观测21时值Z分量地磁场相关系数R值分别在震前2天、24天和震前5天、15天出现了超出2σ值的震磁异常变化:崇明和余山地磁台数字化地磁Z分量分钟值的空间差值异常信息在4月21日南黄海尬4.0级地震前后有所显示。但在5月26日舟山群岛ML4.3级地震前不太明显,可能与谈两个地磁台站相距较近日震中距较近有美.  相似文献   
中国时空间行为研究进展   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
柴彦威  塔娜 《地理科学进展》2013,32(9):1362-1373
自时间地理学和活动分析法引入中国以来的近20年间,时空间行为研究已经成为中国城市地理学的重要领域。中国时空间行为研究关注城市空间重构的描述与解释,试图从行为角度解释中国城市社会转型,强调转型期中国城市空间与居民个体行为之间的互动关系,重视日常生活、生活质量、社会公正、低碳社会、智慧城市等热点问题,探索在城市交通、旅游和城市规划等领域中的实践应用。中国时空间行为研究已经形成了以解读城市转型为目标、以规划应用为导向的鲜明特点,为理解中国城市制度与空间转型背景下人类行为模式的复杂性和多样性提供了一个全新的视角。但是,中国时空间行为研究依然面临着理论发展滞后、实践应用需要突破等挑战。本文是对时空行为研究近年来发展的综述性文章,从数据采集与分析方法演进、实证研究与规划应用进展等方面回顾了近20年来中国城市时空间行为研究的最新进展,致力于推动不同学科领域之间的交流和时空间行为研究自身的发展。  相似文献   
A new methodology has been designed to identify and rank the significant environmental aspects in sea ports. The main objective of the Strategic Overview of Significant Environmental Aspects (SOSEA) is to help port managers to identify significant environmental aspects and to reinforce the awareness about them in order to prioritise work in environmental management. Developed in close collaboration with port environmental managers and tested in a set of ports, it is a user-friendly tool that can be applied in approximately half a working day. It is based on ISO 14001 vocabulary and requirements and it can be considered as the base for the implementation of any Environmental Management System for port communities.  相似文献   
Seasonal, sub-seasonal and spatial fluctuations in bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) were examined in St Helena Bay, South Africa’s largest and most productive embayment, between November 2013 and November 2014. Alongshore bay characteristics were assessed through comparison of variables along the 50-m depth contour. A mean coefficient of variation of 0.35 provided a measure of the relative variability of near-bottom DO concentrations along this contour. Consistently lower DO concentrations in the southern region of the bay in summer and autumn are attributed to enhanced retention. Across-shelf transects captured the seasonal development of hypoxia in relation to the distribution of phytoplankton biomass. Exceptional dinoflagellate blooms form extensive subsurface thin layers preceding the autumn DO minima in the south of the bay, prior to winter ventilation of the bottom waters. The seasonal decline in DO concentrations in the bottom waters was marked by sub-seasonal events of hypoxia, and ultimately anoxia linked to episodic deposition of organic matter, as indicated by increases in bottom chlorophyll-a concentrations. Seasonal changes in bottom water macronutrient concentrations followed trends in apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU), both of which mirrored DO concentrations. In the south of the bay, nitrogen loss through denitrification/anammox in suboxic waters was indicated by a dissolved inorganic N deficit in the bottom waters, which was most pronounced in autumn.  相似文献   
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