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Slushflows are rare phenomena in southeastern Canada. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of slushflows in a subalpine environment in eastern Canada (Mt. Albert, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec). Because nothing is known of their frequency- magnitude in the area, we reconstructed the chronology of slushflow events over the past century using dendrogeomorphic techniques based on impact scars, reaction wood and traumatic resin ducts. Slushflows contributed to the formation of a tongue-shaped accumulation of 17900 m2 at the outlet of a firstorder drainage basin. The slushflow boulder tongue was composed of heterogeneous-sized, angular and unoriented clasts, which are markedly different from the sediments of an adjacent alluvial fan. Although movements were initiated above the subalpine forest limit, slushflows induced forest fragmentation along the treed slope. Three slushflow events were identified over the past century, in 1925, 1964 and 1988, respectively, which indicate exceptional initiation conditions and considerable geomorphic activity of individual events.  相似文献   
The study focuses on residential mobility propensities of Vietnamese immigrants in the city of Brisbane, Australia, as a principal force contributing to the persistence or change of ethnic residential segregation over time. Using 1990 survey data, discrete-time logit models are estimated to assess the effects of locational, contextual, and personal characteristics on the likelihood of changing residence within the city. The results indicate that locational variables operate in such a way that the most dominant Vietnamese neighborhood in Brisbane increases its prominence even further, while secondary Vietnamese clusters are likely to weaken. The results also indicate that initial settlement conditions are important for the first move only, whereas personal attributes contribute to variations in mobility propensities primarily in the second move. This implies that the composition of the immigrant population potentially influences the speed at which changes in ethnic residential patterns will occur in urban areas.  相似文献   
The practice of gathering and harvesting wild foods has seen renewed interest in recent decades. In addition to contributing to food security and food sovereignty, foraging plays a role in promoting socioecological resilience and creating communities of belonging. However, foraging is generally prohibited by regulations governing public lands in the United States and elsewhere. The growth in food forests suggests public policymakers and land managers’ may be interested in reconsidering this broad prohibition of foraging but require an information base to do so. While a body of research on foraging exists, news media coverage of foraging represents an additional, readily available source of input. As a consequence, framings of foraging in media coverage likely influence managers’ deliberations on this practice. The current paper uses automated content analysis to understand how the practice of gathering and consuming wild foods is framed in print and digital news media, and how these depictions have varied in a 15-year period that includes the Great Recession. Our results show that prevalent framings of foraging represent it variously as a self-provisioning practice or a source of luxury commodities and experiences, with economic uncertainty appearing to affect the frequency of each framing by news media sources. Given managers’ ease of access to them, these distinct framings may influence future regulatory landscapes of foraging.  相似文献   

We advance scholarship about how macroeconomic forces differentially manifest themselves across local spaces by developing a holistic conceptual framework and empirical analyses involving multilevel change modeling. Unlike prior work, we examine differential rates of change in neighborhood indicators. We illustrate our approach with Chicago data measuring the crime, housing, and economic domains of neighborhood quality of life over the 2000–2009 period. We find that the local dynamic manifestations of macroeconomic cycles were far more nuanced than have been previously observed. Neighborhood indicators moved along distinct trajectories, sometimes but not necessarily tracking each other or the overall business cycle, and they changed with varied intensities. The Great Recession of 2006–2009 had disparate negative impacts on lower-income and minority-occupied neighborhoods' local job opportunities, home prices, and home foreclosures, though this was not true for credit or crime indicators. Credit indicators performed geographically much differently than in the prior Chicago recession.  相似文献   
For the past two decades, archaeologists have been constructing predictive archaeological models to determine the occurrence probability of archaeological sites. Here, the technique has been used to explore the environmental factors that may have had an influence on the distribution of ringforts in Ireland. In the Inny River catchment of the Irish midlands, locational information, together with corresponding environmental variables, were assembled in a geographic information system. The analysis showed that ringfort sites have a distinctive locational pattern and cluster on moderately fertile, well‐drained soils on gently sloping land surfaces (slopes of 4–9%) between 80 and 150 m above mean sea level. To test the practical applicability of the model, the results were extended to two separate areas adjoining the Inny River catchment (Blackwater valley and Lough Ramor catchment) in the form of a probability surface. The model predicts relatively low densities of ringforts in the Blackwater valley and much higher probabilities of occurrence in the Lough Ramor catchment. These predictions are broadly consistent with recorded site distributions. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
An experiment is reported in which heat was released as a passive tracer from an elevated lateral line source within a model plant canopy, with h s = 0.85 h c (h s and h c being the source and canopy heights, respectively). A sensor assembly consisting of three coplanar hot wires and one cold wire was used to measure profiles of mean temperature % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaiikamaana% aabaGaeqiUdehaaiaacMcaaaa!390C!\[(\overline \theta )\], temperature variance (Σθ 2), vertical and streamwise turbulent heat fluxes, and third moments of wind and temperature fluctuations. Conclusions were:
  1. Despite the very heterogeneous flow within the canopy, the observed dispersive heat flux (due to spatial correlation between time-averaged temperature and vertical velocity) was small. However, there is evidence from the plume centroid (which was lower than h s at the source) of systematic recirculating motions within the canopy.
  2. The ratio % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaeq4Wdm3aaS% baaSqaaiabeI7aXjaab2gacaqGHbGaaeiEaaqabaGccaGGVaWaa0aa% aeaacqaH4oqCaaWaaSbaaSqaaiaab2gacaqGHbGaaeiEaaqabaaaaa!41DF!\[\sigma _{\theta {\text{max}}} /\overline \theta _{{\text{max}}} \] (of maximum values on vertical profiles) decreased from 1 near the source to an asymptotic value of 0.4 far downstream, in good agreement with previous experimental and theoretical work for concentration fluctuations in the surface layer well above the canopy.
  3. The eddy diffusivity for heat from the line source (K HL ) increased, downstream of the source, to a nearly constant ‘far-field’ vertical profile. Within the canopy, the far-field K HL was an order of magnitude larger than K HP , the equivalent diffusivity for a plane source; well above the canopy, the two were equal. The time scale defined by (far-field K HL )/(vertical velocity variance) was independent of height within the canopy.
  4. Budgets for temperature variance, vertical heat flux and streamwise heat flux are remarkably similar to the equivalent budgets for an elevated line source in the surface layer well above the canopy, except in the lower part of the canopy in the far field, where vertical transport is much more important than in the surface layer.
  5. A random flight simulation of the mean height and depth of the temperature plume was generally in good agreement with experiment. However, details of the temperature and streamwise turbulent heat flux profiles were not correct, suggesting that the model formulation needs to be improved.
The distribution of gold in high-temperature fumarole gases of the Kudryavy volcano (Kurile Islands) was measured for gas, gas condensate, natural fumarolic sublimates, and precipitates in silica tubes from vents with outlet temperatures ranging from 380 to 870°C. Gold abundance in condensates ranges from 0.3 to 2.4 ppb, which is significantly lower than the abundances of transition metals. Gold contents in zoned precipitates from silica tubes increase gradually with a decrease in temperature to a maximum of 8 ppm in the oxychloride zone at a temperature of approximately 300°C. Total Au content in moderate-temperature sulfide and oxychloride zones is mainly a result of Au inclusions in the abundant Fe–Cu and Zn sulfide minerals as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Most Au occurs as a Cu–Au–Ag triple alloy. Single grains of native gold and binary Au–Ag alloys were also identified among sublimates, but aggregates and crystals of Cu–Au–Ag alloy were found in all fumarolic fields, both in silica tube precipitates and in natural fumarolic crusts. Although the Au triple alloy is homogeneous on the scale of microns and has a composition close to (Cu,Ni,Zn)3(Au,Ag)2, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that these alloy solid solutions consist of monocrystal domains of Au–Ag, Au–Cu, and possibly Cu2O. Gold occurs in oxide assemblages due to the decomposition of its halogenide complexes under high-temperature conditions (650–870°C). In lower temperature zones (<650°C), Au behavior is related to sulfur compounds whose evolution is strongly controlled by redox state. Other minerals that formed from gas transport and precipitation at Kudryavy volcano include garnet, aegirine, diopside, magnetite, anhydrite, molybdenite, multivalent molybdenum oxides (molybdite, tugarinovite, and ilsemannite), powellite, scheelite, wolframite, Na–K chlorides, pyrrhotite, wurtzite, greenockite, pyrite, galena, cubanite, rare native metals (including Fe, Cr, Mo, Sn, Ag, and Al), Cu–Zn–Fe–In sulfides, In-bearing Pb–Bi sulfosalts, cannizzarite, rheniite, cadmoindite, and kudriavite. Although most of these minerals are fine-grained, they are strongly idiomorphic with textures such as gas channels and lamellar, banded, skeletal, and dendrite-like crystals, characteristic of precipitation from a gas phase. The identified textures and mineral assemblages at Kudryavy volcano can be used to interpret geochemical origins of both ancient and modern ore deposits, particularly gold-rich porphyry and related epithermal systems.  相似文献   
This paper describes a wind-tunnel experiment on the dispersion of trace heat from an effectively planar source within a model plant canopy, the source height being h s = 0.80 h c , where h c is the canopy height. A sensor assembly consisting of three coplanar hot wires and one cold wire was used to make simultaneous measurements of the temperature and the streamwise and vertical velocity components. It was found that:
  1. The thermal layer consisted of two parts with different length scales, an inner sublayer (scaling with h s and h c ) which quickly reached streamwise equilibrium downstream of the leading edge of the source, and an outer sublayer which was self-preserving with a length scale proportional to the depth of the thermal layer.
  2. Below 2h c , the vertical eddy diffusivity for heat from the plane source (K HP ) was substantially less than the far-field limit of the corresponding diffusivity for heat from a lateral line source at the same height as the plane source. This shows that dispersion from plane or other distributed sources in canopies is influenced, near the canopy, by turbulence ‘memory’ and must be considered as a superposition of both near-field and far-field processes. Hence, one-dimensional models for scalar transport from distributed sources in canopies are wrong in principle, irrespective of the order of closure.
  3. In the budgets for temperature variance, and for the vertical and streamwise components of the turbulent heat flux, turbulent transport was a major loss between h s and h c and a principal gain mechanism below h s , as also observed in the budgets for turbulent energy and shear stress.
  4. Quadrant analysis of the vertical heat flux showed that sweeps and ejections contributed about equal amounts to the heat flux between h s and h c , though among the more intense events, sweeps were dominant. Below h s , almost all the heat was transported by sweeps.
The Labrador continental margin provides a rich source of data with which to study the relationships between stratigraphy, tectonics and paleoenvironment. We have completed a regional seismic interpretation and integrated this with new biostratigraphic data, based on analyses of palynomorphs from wells in the Hopedale and Saglek Basins which occur on this margin. Our results are summarized in a tectonostratigraphic chart, which displays new and consistent age control for the major lithostratigraphic units and provides more precise evaluation of their depositional and paleoenvironmental history. We have identified and dated six regional unconformities in the wells and we can recognize several others on the seismic data. The older unconformities (Cretaceous) are related to the tectonics of rifting and seafloor spreading, and may delineate the onset of different stages of the rift process. In the Paleocene-Early Eocene, unconformity development was influenced by episodic volcanism due to the passage of the proto-Iceland hotspot to the north and to a major change in spreading direction in the Labrador Sea. Many of these unconformities are also identified in offshore southwest Greenland and the Grand Banks, suggesting widespread controlling mechanisms. During the post-seafloor spreading stage the effects of mass wasting and slumping, and of paleoenvironmental controls on the stratigraphy, were more pronounced. We discuss the petroleum potential of the Hopedale Basin in terms of the structures we see on the seismic data, and highlight the Bjarni Formation, which likely contains the most prospective source and reservoir rocks in this Basin.  相似文献   
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