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The interaction between particle weathering and surface armouring and its effect on erosion has been investigated. The effect of soil armouring is to decrease sediment transport with time by preferentially stripping away fine particles. On the other hand the effect of weathering, which breaks down the particles in the armour, is generally believed to increase erosion. By extending an existing armouring model, ARMOUR, and using a variety of published weathering mechanisms this interaction has been explored. The model predicts that while this is generally true, in some cases erosion can be decreased by weathering. When the particles generated by weathering were approximately of equal diameter, erosion increased while armouring decreased. When weathering produced very fine particles by spalling, erosion increased and armouring also increased. When weathering produced a range of particles from fine to coarse, the armour layer broke down and erosion decreased relative to the no‐weathering case. This latter decrease in erosion was due to the high entrainment of coarser transportable materials from the bed decreasing the sediment transport capacity of the flow. In these studies clear regimes could be identified where erosion was limited by either the energy of the flow alone (i.e. ‘transport‐limited’), or the rate of weathering (‘weathering‐limited’); however, for some mechanisms there was an interaction between the two, which we called ‘weathering/transport limited’. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the dynamics of soil armouring as a result of fluvial erosion for a non‐cohesive sandy gravel spoil from the Ranger Mine, Australia, and a cohesive silt loam spoil from the Northparkes Mine, Australia, using a model for hillslope soil armouring. These long term predictions concentrate on the temporal and spatial changes of the spoil grading and erosion over 100–200 years for the flat cap regions (1–2%) and steep batter edges (10–30%) typically encountered on waste rock dumps. The existence of a significant rock fragment fraction in the Ranger spoil means that it armours readily, while Northparkes does not. For Ranger the waste rock showed reductions in (1) cumulative erosion of up to 81% from that obtained by extrapolating the initial erosion rate out 100 years and (2) the erosion/year by more than 10‐fold. For Northparkes reductions were less marked, with the maximum reduction in erosion/year being 37% after 200 years. For Ranger the reductions were greatest and fastest for intermediate gradient hillslopes. For the steepest hillslopes the armouring decreased because the flow shear stresses were large enough to mobilize all material in the armour layer. Model uncertainty was assessed with probabilistic confidence limits demonstrating that these erodibility reductions were statistically significant. A commonly used hillslope erosion model (sediment flux = β1 discharge m1 slope n1) was fitted to these predictions. The erodibility, β1, and m1 decreased with time, which was consistent with our physical intuition about armouring. At Ranger the parameter m1 asymptoted to 1·5–1·6 while at Northparkes it asymptoted to 1·2–1·3. At Ranger transient spatial trends in armouring led to a short term (50–200 years in the future) reduction in n1, to below zero under certain circumstances, recovering to an asymptote of about 0·5–1. At Northparkes n1 asymptoted to about 0·6, with no negative transients predicted. The m1 and n1 parameters predicted for Ranger were shown to be consistent with field data from a 10‐year‐old armoured hillslope and consistent with published relationships between erodibility and rock content for natural hillslopes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Nonlinear static analysis procedures are key tools in evaluating the performance of existing buildings and verifying the design of seismic retrofits in seismically active regions.In this procedure,nonlinear force-displacement or moment-curvature (M-(4)) behavior needs to be defined.In the ATC-40 document,values of M-~ have been proposed to model elements in a nonlinear procedure.However,these values need to be investigated to determine if they are representative of actual values.In this paper,an attempt has been made to numerically derive M-(4) curves to simulate actual performance.Then,these curves are compared with the ATC-40 recommended curves with respect to various parameters.The study indicated that ATC-40 suggested values are conservative in nature in most situations.  相似文献   
This paper presents an erosion model, ARMOUR, which simulates time‐varying runoff, erosion, deposition and surface armour evolution down a hillslope either as a result of a single erosion event or as the cumulative impact of many events over periods up to decades. ARMOUR simulates sediment transport for both cohesive and non‐cohesive soil and dynamically differentiates between ‘transport‐limited’ and ‘source‐limited’ processes. A variety of feasible processes for entrainment of different size classes can be modelled and evaluated against data. The generalized likelihood of uncertainty estimation (GLUE) technique was used to calibrate and validate ARMOUR using data collected during rainfall simulator experiments at two contrasting sites: (1) non‐cohesive stony sediments at Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia; and (2) cohesive silty sediments at Northparkes Gold Mine, NSW, Australia. The spatial and temporal variations of model predictions within the individual runoff events showed that some entrainment processes could not model the spikes in concentration and subsequent depletion, while the hiding model of Andrews and Parker best simulated the concentration trends for both calibrated and independent runoff events. ARMOUR also successfully captured the coarsening of the surface material, though small, over the duration of the rainfall simulator trials. This was driven by the depletion of the finest size class of the soil. For a constant discharge, ARMOUR simulated higher sediment flux at the start of the storm with the sediment flux and concentration diminishing with time. For natural rainfall a power law relationship between sediment flux and discharge was observed. The calibration exercise showed that sediment concentration and discharge alone are insufficient to calibrate all aspects of the physics, in particular the armour depth. This appears to be because the armouring during the short duration events is driven by depletion of the finest classes of the sediments (diameters less then 62·5 mm), which are not normally measured. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Nonlinear static analysis procedures are key tools in evaluating the performance of existing buildings and verifying the design of seismic retrofits in seismically active regions. In this procedure, nonlinear force-displacement or moment-curvature (M-φ) behavior needs to be defined. In the ATC-40 document, values of M-φ have been proposed to model elements in a nonlinear procedure. However, these values need to be investigated to determine if they are representative of actual values. In this paper, an attempt has been made to numerically derive M-φ curves to simulate actual performance. Then, these curves are compared with the ATC-40 recommended curves with respect to various parameters. The study indicated that ATC-40 suggested values are conservative in nature in most situations.  相似文献   
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