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For the purposes of the calibration of the superconducting gravimeter (SG) in Bandung and the establishment of the absolute gravity (AG) points, we carried out AG measurements for the first time in Indonesia in November 2002. The measurements in Bandung were conducted between November 15th and 20th by means of a FG5 (#210), and 14,520 effective drops were obtained. The gravity value newly determined at the AG point in Bandung is 977976701.2 μgal (1 μgal = 10−8 ms−2) and the scale factor for the SG is −52.22 μgal/V. We also established another AG point in Yogyakarta near Merapi volcano and carried out AG measurements in Yogyakarta between November 22nd and 26th. The gravity value determined for this station is 978203093.5 μgal.  相似文献   
Résumé L'état actuel des études préliminaires d'une mesure absolue de g au B.I.P.M. basée sur le principe de la “méthode des deux stations” [1] est résumé dans cette note. Une précision de g plus élevée que celle qui a été obtenue jusqu'à présent, est espérée à cause des avantages des mesures symétriques dans cette méthode et des observations interférentielles des passages d'un corps lancé (un trièdre formé de trois miroirs orthogonaux) à des stations fixes. Nous envisageons qu'une précision de g de l'ordre de 0,1 mgal sera réalisable avec cette méthode.
Summary In this note, the present stage is outlined in the preparations for an absolute determination of gravity at B.I.P.M., based on the principle of “La méthode des deux stations” [1] (or so called “The up and down motion method”). It is expected that a value of g of greater accuracy than previous measurements will be obtained, due to the use of the symmetrical measurements by this principle and the use of the interferometric observations of the passage of the projected body (a corner cube reflector) in free fall across fixed horizontal stations. It seems probable that an accuracy of the order of 0.1 mgal will be obtained by this method.
利用高精度潮汐重力场观测研究地球物理学和地球动力学问题已成为当今地学工作者的共识.由于某些信号十分微弱且具有区域和全球分布特征,相当一部分信号被混合在常规仪器的观测噪声水平上,因此获得全球分布的第一手高精度观测资料显得尤为重要.超导重力仪具有精度高,连续性和稳定性好等特征,期望能在测定区域和全球重力场的精细结构方面发挥重要作用.有18个台站参加的全球地球动力学合作项目于1997年7月份开始实施,其主要目的是解决诸如固体潮、地核近周日晃动、核模、地球自转和极移,地球和大气海洋的耦合机理以及由构造运动引起的重力场变化等热点问题.我们曾研究过中比法三国的超导重力仪潮汐观测资料,获得了欧洲和亚洲不同地区潮汐常数及分布特征.本文将利用武汉和日本京都三台超导重力仪观测资料研究亚洲地区大陆和海岛上的潮汐波振幅因子和相位滞后的时间变化特征以及各参数的误差估计等,同时将检测由大气和海潮变化产生的重力信号.文章分数据处理方法、潮汐参数测定、大气重力信号、海潮重力信号、潮汐参数的时间变化、非潮汐重力场变化特征等几方面叙述.  相似文献   
Summary A new technique, the Double Fracture Method ofin situ stress measurement, is described with regard to its theoretical principles and field instrumentation. The method differs from the hydraulic fracture method in that the loading fluid is prevented from penetrating into the induced fractures. In the new method, the loading pressure is raised to create a set of two mutually perpendicular microfractures on the borehole boundary. The principal stresses and their orientation in the plane normal to the borehole can be deduced from the diametral deformation of the borehole. Laboratory and field measurements validating the method are discussed.  相似文献   
We carried out precise crustal strain observation using a laser strainmeter system at the Rokko-Takao station in Kobe, Japan from 1989 to 1997. The long-term strain record is characterized by remarkable annual changes of the order of 2–3×10−6 and linear strain accumulation of −4.4×10−7/year (in contraction). The annual strain changes are inversely proportional to temperature changes that precede the strain changes by about 1 month. The apparent annual strain changes were mainly caused by refractive-index changes in the light path due to the ambient temperature changes. After eliminating the annual temperature effect, linear strain accumulation is corrected to be −6.3−6.7×10−7/year. Residual strains show the oscillating behavior, in which the oscillating cycle seems to become shorter and shorter as time goes by. During the period, a destructive earthquake of M=7.2 occurred near the Kobe City on 17 January 1995. We investigated the oscillating behavior in secular variations of ground-strains by introducing the deterministic approach of earthquake prediction to search for the “critical point” of the occurrence of an earthquake in the extended power law equation. However, we could not obtain a unique solution to determine eight unknown parameters including the “critical point”. This may be mainly due to lack of data for 4 months from August to November in 1994 by the failure of the laser source before the occurrence of earthquake on 17 January 1995. After removing environmental effects and tidal components, we carefully re-examined strain changes in 7 days and 1 day before the occurrence of the earthquake, but we could not detect anomalous strain changes exceeding 1×10−8 before the earthquake.  相似文献   
By inversion analysis of the baseline changes and horizontal displacements observed with GPS (Global Positioning System) during 1990–1994, a high-angle reverse fault was detected in the Shikoku-Kinki region, southwest Japan. The active blind fault is characterized by reverse dip-slip (0.7±0.2  m yr−1 within a layer 17–26  km deep) with a length of 208±5  km, a (down-dip) width of 9±2  km, a dip-angle of 51°±2° and a strike direction of 40°±2° (NE). Evidence from the geological investigation of subfaults close to the southwestern portion of the fault, two historical earthquakes ( M L=7.0, 1789 and 6.4, 1955) near the centre of the fault, and an additional inversion analysis of the baseline changes recorded by the nationwide permanent GPS array from 18 January to 31 December 1995 partially demonstrates the existence of the fault, and suggests that it might be a reactivation of a pre-existing fault in this region. The fact that hardly any earthquakes ( M L>2.0) occurred at depth on the inferred fault plane suggests that the fault activity was largely aseismic. Based on the parameters of the blind fault estimated in this study, we evaluated stress changes in this region. It is found that shear stress concentrated and increased by up to 2.1 bar yr−1 at a depth of about 20  km around the epicentral area of the 1995 January 17  Kobe earthquake ( M L=7.2, Japan), and that the earthquake hypocentre received a Coulomb failure stress of about 5.6 bar yr−1 during 1990–1994. The results suggest that the 1995  Kobe earthquake could have been induced or triggered by aseismic fault movement.  相似文献   
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