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A model calculation to predict infrared Shuttle flow due to the radiative relaxation of vibration of the NO molecule is presented. Space Shuttles hit atmospheric NO molecules at a very high speed (≈ 8 km s?1) and excite vibrational and rotational motions up to the temperature of 54,000 K. With the electric dipole radiation of Δν = 1, 2, 3, and particularly 4 (ν is the vibrational quantum number), the excited NO molecules emit infrared radiation before they collide with other molecules. The total radiation power is estimated to be 170AμW, where A is the cross-section area of the Shuttle in m2 if no adsorption of the NO molecule takes place on the Shuttle surface. The intensity of each infrared line is calculated as a function of time, including all vibrational states up to ν = 35. For example, the 5039 cm?1 line (ν = 24 → 20) has a maximum intensity of about 2.3 × 10?21 W molecule at around 0.2 ms, which corresponds to 80 cm from the Shuttle surface if the recoil speed of the molecules is 4 km s?1.  相似文献   
We studied the temporal behavior of the background shallow seismicity rate in 700 circular areas across inland Japan. To search for and test the significance of the possible rate changes in background seismicity, we developed an efficient computational method that applies the space–time ETAS model proposed by Ogata in 1998 to the areas. Also, we conducted Monte Carlo tests using a simulated catalog to validate the model we applied. Our first finding was that the activation anomalies were found so frequently that the constant background seismicity hypothesis may not be appropriate and/or the triggered event model with constraints on the parameters may not adequately describe the observed seismicity. However, quiescence occasionally occurs merely by chance. Another outcome of our study was that we could automatically find several anomalous background seismicity rate changes associated with the occurrence of large earthquakes. Very significant seismic activation was found before the M6.1 Mt. Iwate earthquake of 1998. Also, possible seismic quiescence was found in an area 150 km southwest of the focal region of the M7.3 Western Tottori earthquake of 2000. The seismicity rate in the area recovered after the mainshock.  相似文献   
The reef islands formed on coral atolls are generally small, low, and flat, with elevations of only a few meters. These islands are thus highly vulnerable to elevated sea levels caused by extreme events and global warming. Such vulnerability was recently evidenced at Fongafale Islet, the capital of Tuvalu, when it flooded during accelerated spring high tides possibly related to sea level rise caused by global warming. Many factors, not only environmental but also economic and social, determine the vulnerability of an island to sea level rise. In this study, we used data spanning 108 yrs to reconstruct changes in topography, land use/cover, population, and the distribution of buildings at Fongafale Islet. The results indicate that the vulnerability of Fongafale Islet relates to its original landform characteristics: the central part of the island was formerly dominated by swampland that flooded at high tides. Fongafale Islet experienced greater population in-migration and centralization beginning in the 1970s following the independence of Tuvalu and Kiribati. Migrants were also responding to declines in overseas mining operations and limited options for paid employment. As the population increased, construction took place in vulnerable swampland areas. Our results clearly demonstrate that examinations of global environmental issues should focus on characteristics specific to the region of interest. These characteristics should be specified using historical reconstruction to understand and address the vulnerability of an area to global environmental changes.  相似文献   
Temporal variations of the Martian ozone density profile at high latitudes have been calculated for an entire Martian year, taking into account the seasonal and diurnal variations in temperature, water vapor and solar radiation. A new technique facilitates the long-term model calculations, including diurnal variations. The result is in better agreement with MARINER 9 observations of the time and magnitude of the seasonal maximum than is the result of the previous seasonal model calculated for the diurnally averaged temperature, water vapor and solar radiation. The large scatter of the MARINER 9 data may be partly experimental, but the effect of surface condition, including the water vapor variability and the surface chemistry, may explain some of the dispersion of the observed data. The predicted diurnal variation is substantial except near solstices, and the nighttime total column density is generally larger than the daytime value. The magnitude of the day-and-night difference and the shape of the diurnal variation change markedly with season. The opposite temporal variation is predicted for ozone density between the upper and lower regions. The model predicts the production of a ozone layer at 35–50 km, which is consistent with observations at low latitudes by MARS-5. The observed ozone density may be explained, if the atmospheric temperature is as low as ~ 140 K or if the atmosphere is subsaturated. Effects of the simultaneous existence of an aerosol layer, also observed by MARS-5, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Novel technologies have been necessary for improving fruit quality and productivity of citrus,labor-saving and orchard conservation on steep slope lands since aging of growers and decrease in the number of successors is remarkable in mountain areas of southwestern Japan. The purpose of this paper is to introduce new technologies for improving citrus production that have been developed in recent years. A new fruit quality control system using drip irrigation and liquid fertilization technique combined with year-round plastic mulching was developed, and it enables high quality and stable citrus fruit production. Water and/or nutrient solution is automatically supplied through drip tubes that are laid under the mulching sheets to give adequate water stress, so as to improve sugar and acid content of fruit. A new transportation system for steep sloping citrus orchards, which is a combination of the monorail system and contour narrow paths, was suggested. A small walking cultivator was developed to explain the procedure of narrow path excavation. After introducing the narrow path, working hours for fertilizer and chemicalherbicide application were reduced. Disasterpr evention mapping of citrus orchards on slope landswas developed based on computer-aided seepage estimation and topographic data. The mapping can show zones of both ascending flow and descendingflow of underground water during heavy rains incitrus orchards. The mapping is considered to be effective for the management of orchards andprevention of erosion on slope lands.  相似文献   
Abstract: From the southernmost part of Jiangsu province to the northeastern part of Jiangxi province, China, the Northeast Jiangxi Deep Fault runs for about 400 km length with a width of 30 to 40 km. This fault marks the suture zone of two ter-ranes of Proterozoic age. At the both sides of the fault, Yanshanian granitic activity is recognized. That is, the Dexing-Wuyuan porphyry belt on the NW side of the fault, and the Damaoshan-Lingshan granite belt on the SE side. The former activity is characterized by the occurrence of small stocks of granodioritic composition, rich in siderophile elements but poor in LIL elements. No distinct Eu anomaly is recognized in the REE pattern, and a low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio is reported. Magnetite, sphene and apatite are observed as accessory minerals. On the contrary, granitic activity on the SE side of the fault is characterized by the occurrence of composite batholiths, in general of granitic to monzogranitic composition, rich in LIL and alkali elements but poor in siderophile and alkali earth elements. A strong Eu anamaly is recognized in the REE pattern, and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are as high as 0. 716. Fluorite, zircon and REE minerals are observed as accessory minerals. These two contrasting granitic activities are refered to as syntexis– and transformation–types, respectively, following the classification commonly used in China, and have similar petrochemical characteristics to those defined for the magnetite– and ilmenite–series, and I– and S-type granitoids. Considering that the above igneous activity occurred far from the supposed subduction zone along the East Coast of China, intracontinental A-type (continent to continent) subduction is proposed to have occurred northwestwards along the NE Jiangxi Deep Fault during Yanshanian time due to a strong compressional stress from SE to NW. A-type subduction introduced the continental slab to some depth, and resulted in the production of the paired granitic activity observed on both sides of the fault. Many mineral deposits are associated with both granitic belts. In the Dexing-Wuyuan porphyry belt, the Dexing porphyry Cu and Yinshan polymetallic deposits are representative, whereas in the Damaoshan-Lingshan granite belt, several tens of rare metal deposits are known such as the Geyuan Nb–Ta–W–Sn deposits. Metal assemblages of those deposits reflect the source materials of magmas in both granitic belts.  相似文献   
Aegirine, “perrierite‐(Ce)”, and ferrocolumbite, occurring in the Bayan Obo Nb‐REE‐Fe deposit in Inner Mongolia, China, contain appreciable amounts of scandium. The Sc2O3 content in aegirine (sample TS‐15) was 0.34–1.81 wt% (with one exceptionally high value of 3.45%) with an average value of 1.19%. The Sc2O3 content of “perrierite‐(Ce)” (TS‐20) was 2.82–3.64% with an average value of 3.26%. In the ferrocolumbite samples (TS‐16, TS‐23), the Sc2O3 content was 0.20–0.25% with an average value of 0.22% in sample TS‐16, and 0.56–1.04% with an average value of 0.67% in sample TS‐23. These data provide the basic information for future possible recovery of scandium as a by‐product from the deposit.  相似文献   
Abstract. Granitic rocks related to the formation of Haobugao Zn-Pb-Cu-Sn skarn deposit, Inner Mongolia, China, show unusual low whole-rock δ18O values down to -8.8 % (V-SMOW), whereas separated quartz crystals from those rocks give positive δ18O values of+4.1 to +9.9 %. Chemical analyses and microscopic observation of those granitic rocks confirm that they suffered hydrothermal alteration. Some skarn specimens and quartz from the Haobugao deposit also show negative δ18O values. The isotopic evidence indicates that intensive meteoric water circulation occurred at the time of granitic intrusion, and caused the pervasive hydrothermal alteration of granitic rocks and the precipitation of skarn deposit in this area.  相似文献   
On the basis of experimental works in the FeS-FeO-SiO2(-Fe3O4 or -Na2O) system with synthetic ZnS or PbS, the partition of zinc and lead between silicate and sulfide liquids is shown to be affected by the oxygen content of the sulfide liquids. The partition coefficients K, metal wt. % in sulfide liquid / metal wt. % in silicate liquid, for zinc and lead go through a minimum at relatively low oxygen contents of the sulfide liquids. KZn and KPb for natural sulfide liquids in equilibrium with basic magmas near the earth's surface are estimated at 0.1–0.5 and greater than 10, respectively. Although KZn and KPb change appreciably with oxygen content of the sulfide liquids, they never become sufficiently high to concentrate zinc and lead in economic amounts in magmatic sulfide ores.  相似文献   
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