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The paper pertains to the analysis of piles embedded in liquefiable soils to predict its’ critical buckling load under partial to full loss of lateral support over a portion of the pile length. The analysis is based on extension of Mindlin solution for a point load acting inside a semi infinite elastic half space. Degenerated solutions obtained by using the developed method compares very well with reported results. Parametric studies showed that the depth of liquefiable soil, degradation of soil strength on liquefaction, slenderness ratio, pile stiffness factor and end conditions have significant influence on the buckling behavior of the piles.  相似文献   
The Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the International Data Center (IDC) has been used in order to investigate the seismicity of the Northwest Himalaya and its neighboring region for the time period June 1999 to March 2015 within the geographical coordinates 25–40° N latitude and 65–85° E longitude. We have used a very precisely located earthquake dataset recorded by the International Monitoring System (IMS) Network containing 7,583 events with body wave magnitudes from 2.5 to 6.3. The study area has been subdivided into six regions based on the Flinn-Engdahl (F-E) seismic and geographical regionalization scheme, which was used as the region classifications of the International Data Center catalog. The examined region includes NW India, Pakistan, Nepal, Xizang, Kashmir, and Hindukush. For each region, Magnitudes of completeness (Mc) and Gutenberg-Richter (GR) recurrence parameters (a and b values) have been estimated. The Gutenberg-Richter analysis is preceded by an overview of the seismotectonics of the study area. The obtained Mc values vary from 3.5 to 3.9. The lower value of Mc was found mainly in Xizang region whereas the higher Mc threshold is evident in Pakistan region. However, the b values vary from 1.19 to 1.48. The lowest b value is recorded in Xizang region, which is mostly related to the Main Karakoram Thrust (MKT) fault, whereas the highest b values are recorded in NW India and Kashmir regions, which are mostly related to the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) fault. The REB for the selected period has been compared to the most renowned bulletin of global seismicity, namely that issued by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). A study of 4,821 events recorded by USGS in the study region indicates that about 36 % of seismic events were missed and the catalog is considered as complete for events with magnitudes ≥4.0. However, both a and b values are obviously higher than those of IMS catalog. The a and b parameters in the Gutenberg-Richter magnitude–frequency relationship have been utilized to forecast the probability of future earthquakes of different magnitudes and returned periods (recurrence intervals).  相似文献   
It has been the belief among Earth scientists that the Peninsular Shield is aseismic, as the region attained stability long ago. However, the earthquake at Koyna (10 December 1967), Bhadrachalam (13 April 1969), Broach (23 March 1970), Hyderabad (30 June 1983), Khillari (30 September 1993), Jabalpur (22 May 1997), Gujarat (26 January 2001), and additional ones of smaller magnitudes, altered this concept. This area has experienced many widely distributed shallow earthquakes, some of them having large magnitudes. It is now widely accepted that seismic activity still continues with moderate events. Therefore, a need has arisen to take into consideration recent seismological data to assess the future seismic status of Peninsular India. Earthquake generation model has been studied to develop the statistical relations with surface wave magnitude (M S ≥ 4.5). Five seismogenic sources showing clustering of earthquakes and including at least three main shocks of magnitude 4.5 ≤ M S ≤ 6.5 giving two repeat times, have been identified. It is mainly based on the so-called “regional time-predictable model”. For the considered region it is observed that the time interval between two consecutive main shocks depends on the preceding main shock magnitude (M p ) not on the following main shocks magnitude M f suggesting the validity of time predictable model in the region.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for detection and monitoring of offshore oil seeps in the eastern offshore areas of the Krishna–Godavari Basin, which has been supplemented and correlated with collateral free-air gravity and seismic data. Images of the study area obtained from ENVISAT ASAR image mode were processed and analysed in detail. A number of natural oil seepages were identified and distinguished from pollution and biogenic slicks. These were subsequently studied using different parameters to assign various degrees of confidence. The repetitiveness of the identified seepages was studied and a total of five areas of seep repetitions had been recognized in the study area. The seeps that are repeated in images of different dates are more likely to be of natural origin than others. Simulation and modelling of a particular oil slick arising has been attempted over the Krishna–Godavari offshore using MIKE 21 software.  相似文献   
Mountain rivers and lowland rivers differ in many ways. Some of the many elements that distinguish both river systems apart are the rivers’ geomorphological appearances, hydraulic geometry, pollution transport, sediment transport, and its own roughness and coarseness. In this particular study, the element of sediment transport is given distinctive attention too. This study employs the deterministic approach for bed load prediction entailing the use of the parameterization concept where particle size and flow variation is taken into full consideration. Apart from that, the classical approach of Shields number is also used to determine the transport rates at the fluvial system. However, due to some limitation and range of applicability, the Shields number approach was re-modified to suit the range of applicability. Changes were made to the alleviating critical stress term and formulating exponential approach. For this research, it was important to deduce the underlying principles which are universal and common to all river systems, due to obvious and distinct differences between the mountain and lowland rivers. A special attribute was given to the Malaysian natural rivers because of the limited recorded data available. All datasets were compiled and tested with the bed load predictors to observe the commonality pattern between the lowland and mountain river systems. Most of the bed load transport equations limit the range of applicability by isolating the flow regime or bed roughness individually. Thus, it was vital for researchers to find the commonality pattern between these two river systems which needed to be statistically sound in its form. It was postulated that the particle densimetric Froude number is graphically and statistically fit for both river systems. Hence, this predictor is used as it has a high potential to be included in the sediment transport parameterization for Malaysian natural rivers.  相似文献   
A long-range correlation between earthquakes is indicated by some phenomena precursory to strong earthquakes. Most of the major earthquakes show prior seismic activity that in hindsight seems anomalous. The features include changes in regional activity rate and changes in the pattern of small earthquakes, including alignments on unmapped linear features near the (future) main shock. It has long been suggested that large earthquakes are preceded by observable variations in regional seismicity. Studies on seismic precursors preceding large to great earthquakes with M ≥ 7.5 were carried out in the northeast India region bounded by the area 20°–32°N and 88°–100°E using the earthquake database from 1853 to 1988. It is observed that all earthquakes of M ≥ 7.5, including the two great earthquakes of 1897 and 1950, were preceded by abnormally low anomalous seismicity phases some 11–27 years prior to their occurrence. On the other hand, precursory time periods ranged from 440 to 1,768 days for main shocks with M 5.6–6.5 for the period from 1963 to 1988. Furthermore, the 6 August, 1988 main shock of M 7.5 in the Arakan Yoma fold belt was preceded by well-defined patterns of anomalous seismicity that occurred during 1963–1964, about 25.2 years prior to its occurrence. The pattern of anomalous seismicity in the form of earthquake swarms preceding major earthquakes in the northeast India region can be regarded as one of the potential seismic precursors. Database constraints have been the main barrier to searching for this precursor preceding smaller earthquakes, which otherwise might have provided additional information on its existence. The entire exercise indicates that anomalous seismicity preceding major shocks is a common seismic pattern for the northeast India region, and can be employed for long-range earthquake prediction when better quality seismological data sets covering a wide range of magnitudes are available. Anomalous seismic activity is distinguished by a much higher annual frequency of earthquake occurrence than in the preceding normal and the following gap episodes.  相似文献   
Estimates of core density deficit (cdd) of the Earth's outer core recently reported by Anderson and Isaak [Another look at the core density deficit of Earth's outer core, Phys. Earth Planet Int. 131 (2002) 19-27] are questionable in view of the serious errors in the pressure-volume and bulk modulus data due to an inadequacy in the calibration process used by Mao et al. [Static compression of iron to 300 GPa and Fe0.8Ni0.2 alloy to 200 GPa: implications for the core, J. Geophys. Res. 94 (1990) 21737-21742]. The data used by Anderson and Isaak deviate significantly from the corresponding values derived from seismology. In the present study we have used the input data on density, isothermal bulk modulus and its pressure derivative from Stacey and Davis [High pressure equations of state with application to lower mantle and core, Phys. Earth Planet Int. 142 (2004) 137-184] which are consistent with the seismological data. Volumes of hexagonal close-packed iron have been calculated at different temperatures under isobaric conditions at P = 330 GPa, the inner core boundary (ICB) pressure using the relationship between thermal pressure and volume expansion based on the lattice potential theory originally due to Born and Huang [Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1954, p. 50]. The formulation for thermal pressure used by Anderson and Isaak has been modified by taking into account the variations of thermal expansivity α and isothermal bulk modulus KT with temperature. Values of cdd are then estimated corresponding to different temperatures ranging from 4000 to 8000 K. The results for cdd at different temperatures obtained in the present study are significantly higher than those estimated by Anderson and Isaak suggesting that the cdd for the Earth's outer core is nearly 10%. The effects of nickel when an Fe-Ni alloy replaces Fe are estimated and found to be insignificant.  相似文献   
TheAssamArakan fold thrust belt has highly deformed folded units of Tertiary sediments bounded by eastward dipping thrust slices with a convexity towards west. In the Tripura-Cachar region, this folded belt is characterized by the occurrence of wide synclines and narrow anticlines that hosts a number of hydrocarbon producing fields. In the Cachar area of Assam, most of these fields occur in the culmination of anticlinal structures. Other wells drilled in analogous structural settings are found to be dry. In this paper a neotectonic based geomorphic analysis is carried out to delineate a fault network and geomorphic highs in Cachar area as expressions of sub-surface structures which had subsequently been validated by available geophysical data. Of these geomorphic highs, those that are in the synclinal areas are believed to represent subtle sub-surface structural highs. Synclinal structures associated with NNE-SSW faults might be considered interesting for hydrocarbon exploration and are subsequently categorized following their degree of confidence for exploration of hydrocarbon. Additionally, a genetic model of the structures in the region is also proposed.  相似文献   
A damaging and widely felt moderate (Mw 5.0) earthquake occurred in the Talala region of Saurashtra, Gujarat (western India) on November 6, 2007. The highly productive sequence comprised about 1300 micro earthquakes (M > 0.5) out of which 325 of M ? 1.5 that occurred during November 6, 2007–January 10, 2008 were precisely located. The spatial aftershock distribution revealed a NE–SW striking fault in accordance with the centroid moment tensor solution, which in turn implies left-lateral motion. The orientation and sense of shear are consistent with similarly orientated geological fault identified in the area from satellite imagery and field investigation.The aftershocks temporal decay, b-value of frequency–magnitude distribution, spatial fractal dimension, D, and slip ratio (ratio of the slip occurred on the primary fault to the total slip) were examined with the purpose to identify the properties of the sequence. The high b-value (1.18 ± 0.01) may be attributed to the paucity of the larger (M ? 4.0) aftershocks and reveals crustal heterogeneity and low stress regime. The high p-value (1.10 ± 0.39), implying fast decay rate of aftershocks, evidences high surface heat flux. A value of the spatial fractal dimension (D) equal to 2.21 ± 0.02 indicates random spatial distribution and source in a two-dimensional plane that is being filled-up by fractures. A slip ratio of 0.42 reveals that more slip occurred on secondary fault systems.The static Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the main shock, enhanced off fault aftershock occurrence. The occurrence of a moderate earthquake (Mw 4.3) on October 5, 2008 inside a region of positive Coulomb stress changes supports the postulation on aftershock triggering. When the stress changes were resolved on a cross section including the stronger (M4.8) foreshock plane that is positioned adjacent to the main fault, it became evident that the activity continued there due to stress transfer from the main rupture.  相似文献   
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