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Summary The relationship between clouds and the surface radiative fluxes over the Arctic Ocean are explored by conducting a series of modelling experiments using a one-dimensional thermodynamic sea ice model. The sensitivity of radiative flux to perturbations in cloud fraction and cloud optical depth are determined. These experiments illustrate the substantial effect that clouds have on the state of the sea ice and on the surface radiative fluxes. The effect of clouds on the net flux of radiation at the surface is very complex over the Arctic Ocean particularly due to the presence of the underlying sea ice. Owing to changes in surface albedo and temperature associated with changing cloud properties, there is a strong non-linearity between cloud properties and surface radiative fluxes. The model results are evaluated in three different contexts: 1) the sensitivity of the arctic surface radiation balance to uncertainties in cloud properties; 2) the impact of interannual variability in cloud characteristics on surface radiation fluxes and sea ice surface characteristics; and 3) the impact of climate change and the resulting changes in cloud properties on the surface radiation fluxes and sea ice characteristics.With 11 Figures  相似文献   
Survey on PCDDs and PCDFs in sediments and soils in Ya-Er Lake area, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONOverthepastseveralycars,considerableinteffethasbocenteIdontheenvir0nmentalbehaviouroftoxicandpersistritcomP0undssuchashalogenatalaromat-ies,inparticularthepolychiorinataldibopdioxins(PCDDe)andpolydil0rinateddi~fUtansrpCDFs).ManyofthesecomPounds,espedllythosewithahighdegere0fchiorinesubstitution,arehighlylipophiliccontawhnantSwithlowWhtersolubility,highre-sistancet0chdricaltransformationsandlowwhcrobiologhaldegradatfonpeatnnann,l988,Bromanetal.,l989,Hites,l990)whichexplain…  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ingenieurtechnische, geologische und mineralogische Probleme beim Bau einiger Tunnel der Tauernautobahn im Bereich von Werfen (Salzburg, Österreich). In den Jahren 1974 bis 1976 wurden im Baulos 6 Werfen der Tauernautobahn (südlich von Salzburg) zwischen den Bau-Kilometern 34,2 und 42,3 insgesamt 3460 lfm Tunnel (Doppelröhren) ausgebrochen. Es sind dies, von N nach S gezählt, der Brentenbergtunnel, der Zetzenbergtunnel und der Helbersbergtunnel. Die Tunnelarbeiten wurden nach der Neuen Österreichischen Tunnelbauweise, überwiegend in konventionellem Sprengbetrieb (streckenweise auch mit Teilschnittfräse) durchgeführt.Im Brentenbergtunnel wurde nach Durchörterung einer im Norden vorgelagerten 60 m langen Hangschuttstrecke Ramsaudolomit durchfahren. Der Zetzenbergtunnel liegt in gut geschichteten Kalken und Dolomiten des Gutensteiner Niveaus. Im Helbersbergtunnel schließlich wurden beim Vortrieb von N nach den ersten 80 m, in denen noch Gutensteiner Kalke und Dolomite anstanden, Gips führende Quarzite, Quarzitschiefer und Sandsteine der Werfener Schichten durchörtert. Die Baugrubensicherung des Voreinschnittes am Nordportal des Brentenbergtunnels sowie Details zur bergmännischen Durchörterung der Hangschuttstrecke im Schutze eines Injektionsschirmes werden ausführlich beschrieben und weiters Sondermaßnahmen in den Gips führenden Strecken des Helbersbergtunnels sowie einige spezielle Beobachtungen zur Nachbrüchigkeit in diesem schwierigen Tunnelabschnitt behandelt.
Summary Engineering, Geological and Mineralogical Problems With the Construction of Several Tunnels in the Course of the Tauern Highway (Salzburg, Austria). From 1974 to 1976 the Tauern Highway was further extended near Werfen in the federal state of Salzburg (Austria). Therefore a total tunnel length (twin tube tunnels) of 3460 meters was performed in the section from km 34,2 to 42,3. The three twin tube tunnels have been cut mainly through Lower and Middle Triassic members of the Northern Limestone Alps.Thus, the Brentenberg tunnel, 600 meters (eastern tube) and 540 meters (western tube) respectively, is situated in the so called Ramsau dolomite. The Zetzenberg tunnel, 503 m (eastern tube) and 500 m (western tube) respectively long, penetrates Gutenstein limestone and dolomite, whereas the main part of the longest tunnel, the Helbersberg tunnel, 750 m and 740 m respectively, traverses Werfen beds except its northernmost ninety meters in Gutenstein limestones and limey shales.Furthermore, tunneling through sixty meters of loose rock debris in the northern part of Brentenberg caused a lot of trouble. The holing of non-cohesive rock debris by means of the New Austrian Tunneling Method will be dealt with in detail as well as the supporting works for the surface entrances. Excavation site for Brentenberg tunnel portals was supported by a retaining wall of bored piles sunk at 30 to 90 centimeters centre. The bored piles were stabilized by means of anchors of up to 38 meters length. Tunneling through the section of loose rock debris was performed with the aid of injections of cement and bentonite grout at the crown and the side walls. By that means, the over-all property of the initially freely running loose debris could be improved up to rock quality class IV (classification according to Pacher and Rabcewicz).In the Helbersberg tunnel at least, as prognosticated by preliminary geological studies, two sections of gypsiferous rock, about 150 and 200 m respectively long, were encountered. Before taking precautionary measures, rock samples were collected at intervalls of several meters and investigated mainly by X-ray diffractometer therefore. The results showed, that gypsification of most of anhydrite has taken place in the rocks of Helbersberg already. Due to that fact, Thiodur — a sulphate-proof special cement — was used to construct the external supporting elements. Then, the supporting elements of the reinforced inner ring were performed in concrete quality B 400. Moreover, the inner ring had to be isolated completely by means of soft PVC-framework.Owing to a smoothly running teamwork of civil engineers and geologists optimal solution could be achieved for every problem on site.

Résumé Problèmes techniques, géologiques et minéralogiques résultant de la construction de l'autoroute du Tauern dans la région de Werfen (Salzbourg, Autriche). Dans la section 6 Werfen de l'autoroute du Tauern, au sud de Salzbourg, on a construit pendant les années 1974–1976, entre les kms 34,2 et 42,3, des tunnels à deux tubes dont la longueur s'élève à 3460 mètres en total. Ce sont, énumérés selon la direction nord-sud: le tunnel Brentenberg, le tunnel Zetzenberg et le tunnel Helbersberg. Les travaux ont été effectués selon la Nouvelle Méthode Autrichienne de Construction de Tunnels, en grande partie par attaque conventionnelle à l'explosif, partiellement à l'aide de fraiseuse.Après le percement d'une section à éboulis instable d'une longueur de 60 mètres, on a traversé dans le tunnel Brentenberg de la dolomie Ramsau. Le tunnel Zetzenberg est situé dans des strates stables de calcaire et de dolomie du niveau de Gutenstein. Dans le tunnel Helbersberg, il a fallu percer d'abord, sur une distance de 80 mètres, du calcaire de Gutenstein et des dolomies, ensuite du quartzite gypseux ou schisteux et du grès des couches de Werfen.Le travail présenté décrit les consolidations de la fouille pour l'excavation à ciel ouvert débouché nord du tunnel Brentenberg et des détails concernant le percement minier de l'éboulis après installation, en tant que dispositif de sécurité, d'un écran d'injection. Il y est question aussi de mesures additionnelles prises le long des sections gypsifères du tunnel Helbersberg ainsi que d'observations particulières concernant l'écroulement dans ce passage difficile.

Mit 16 Abbildungen  相似文献   
The Kristallbrocken are a characteristic centimetre- to decimetre-sized, laminated halite fabric type occurring in the Stassfurt Formation in the Zechstein Basin. Up to now, the nature of the Kristallbrocken, i.e. if they are relics of fine-grained, polycrystalline halite beds or clasts of ‘single crystal-layers’, as well as the deformation mechanisms of this halite type, were not clear from the literature. Drill core material from the salt deposit Teutschenthal at the southern rim of the Zechstein Basin now allowed investigating less intensely deformed samples for the first time. The deformational behaviour of these Kristallbrocken ranges from brittle to ductile, which is evidenced by fractured Kristallbrocken on the one hand and weakly bent or even folded Kristallbrocken on the other hand. Local X-ray texture measurements demonstrated that the Kristallbrocken are definitely single crystals and that they can be regarded as relics of formerly larger ‘single crystal-layers’ of up to several dm2 in size. The folded Kristallbrocken clearly display by their single grain texture characteristics that their crystal lattice is bent, which was most likely enabled by a kind of flexural-shear folding, and did not develop after deformation from a fine-grained aggregate by recrystallisation. Due to their monocrystallinity, their originally large size, and the solid inclusions forming the internal lamination, the Kristallbrocken have clearly stronger rheological properties than the surrounding fine- to coarse-grained polycrystalline rock salt, and thus also deform by fracturing.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are important environmental pollutants due to their persistence and bioaccumulation potential both in organisms and in sediments. In this study, bioaccumulation and depuration experiments were performed employing local Mediterranean mussel species, Mytilus galloprovincialis, with two biomarkers: filtration rate and lysosomal stability (neutral red retention) assay. Benzo(a)anthracene (BaA) was chosen as the model PAH compound due to its common presence in several matrices in the marine environment. Bioconcentration Factors (BCFs) for the mussels exposed to different BaA concentrations were calculated from both kinetic rate constants and from the experimental data and found between 27-3184 and 16-2745, respectively. Experimental QSAR values were found comparable to the previous QSAR models created for BaA. The effect of BaA exposure on the mussels showed a more clear dose-response relationship according to the results of lysosomal stability compared to the filtration rate.  相似文献   
A long-term study within the pilot environmental specimen bank programme of the Federal Republic of Germany on arsenic levels in coastal and open seawater and their reflection in the brown seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) has been performed. Dissolved arsenic was on average 0.76 (range 0.45–1.11) μgl−1 for 17 sampling stations in the Baltic Sea, whereas contents of dissolved arsenic are somewhat higher in shallow waters of the coastal zone of the North Sea. Total arsenic levels in algae ranged up to 40 mg kg−1 (dry weight) and showed for the four locations studied obvious seasonal variations for comparatively nonpolluted or nondisturbed locations only. However, probably due to biological influences, the results obtained so far indicate that composite samples integrating a one year period are supposed to be the best strategy for future environmental specimen banking. Using a new efficient speciation technique the percentage of chemically stable organoarsenic compounds in the investigated algae has been found to be 95% of the total arsenic content and thus somewhat lower than in teleost fish. For comparison, typical data for a few other algae species from the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea are also shown.  相似文献   
The interior of neutron stars consists of the densest, although relatively cold, matter known in the universe. Here, baryon number densities might reach values close to ten times the nuclear saturation density. These suggest that the constituents of neutron star cores not only consist of nucleons, but also of more exotic baryons like hyperons or a phase of deconfined quarks. We discuss the consequences of such exotic particles on the gross properties and phenomenology of neutron stars. In addition, we determine the general phase structure of dense and also hot matter in the chiral parity-doublet model and confront model results with the recent constraints derived from the neutron star merger observation.  相似文献   
The occurrence of preferential flow in the subsurface has often been shown in field experiments. However, preferential flow is rarely included in models simulating the hydrological response at the catchment scale. If it is considered, preferential flow parameters are typically determined at the plot scale and then transferred to larger-scale simulations. Here, we successfully used the optimization algorithm DiffeRential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM) to calibrate a 3D physics-based dual-permeability model directly at the catchment scale. In order to keep computational costs of the optimization routine at a reasonable level, we limited the number of parameters to be calibrated to the ones that had been shown before to be most influential for the simulation of discharge. We also calibrated parameters of the matrix domain and the macropore domain with a fixed parameter ratio between soil layers instead of calibrating every layer separately. These ratios reflected observed depth profiles of soil hydraulic properties at our study site. The dual-permeability parameter sets identified during calibration were able to simulate observed discharge time series satisfactorily but did not outperform a calibrated single-domain reference model scenario. Saturated hydraulic conductivities of the macropore domain were calibrated such that they became very similar to matrix saturated hydraulic conductivities, thereby effectively removing the effect of macropores. This suggests that the incorporation of vertical preferential flow as represented by the dual-permeability approach was not relevant for reproducing the hydrometric response reasonably well in the studied catchment. We also tested the scale-invariance of the calibrated dual-permeability parameter sets by using the parameter sets performing best at catchment scale to simulate plot-scale bromide depth profiles obtained from tracer irrigation experiments. This parameter transfer proved to be not successful, indicating that soil hydraulic parameters are scale-variant, independent of the direction of parameter transfer.  相似文献   
Recently synthesized (t109 yr)r-process material has actinide elemental and isotopic abundance characteristics which can be used to distinguish it from ancientr-process material. The time-dependence of relative actinide abundances provides detailed chronometric information. Also it is shown that, ifN=184 is a neutron magic number as predicted by nuclear thery, the resultingr-process production peak atA281 will in turn yield, due to symmetric fission, a broad abundance peak aroundA135–140. The present results can be used to help verify or refute some current hypotheses concerning the origin of UH cosmic rays and some of the abundance anomalies in peculiar stars.  相似文献   
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