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Marine colloidal material (1 kDa–0.2 μm) was isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration followed by diafiltration and freeze-drying from surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), as well as from estuarine waters of Galveston Bay. Elemental characterization of isolated colloidal material included organic carbon (OC) and selected trace metal (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Be, Fe, Al, Mn, V, Ba, and Ti) determinations. It was found that levels of these metals in marine colloids ranged from <0.1 to 50 μg/g colloidal matter, except for Fe which generally had a concentration >120 μg/g. Most metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Al, Mn, V, and Ti) had an average concentration >1 μg/g while concentrations of Cd, Co and Be were usually <1 μg/g. Metal concentrations (μg/g) in isolated colloids were, in general, higher in Galveston Bay than in the Gulf of Mexico, suggesting either high abundance of trace metals in estuarine waters or differences in organic matter composition. Higher colloidal metal concentrations in the MAB than in the Gulf of Mexico might be due to higher terrestrial inputs in the MAB. Colloidal metal concentrations (μg/g) were generally lower than those in average soils, continental crust and suspended particles. However, metal/aluminum ratios (Me/Al) in isolated marine colloids were significantly higher than those for average soils and continental crust. Most importantly, colloids had a metal composition and metal/OC ratio (Me/C) similar to humic substances and marine plankton, suggesting that marine colloids largely originate from planktonic sources and are composed of predominately organic components. The Me/C ratios of Galveston Bay colloids followed the sequence of Cu>Ni, Cr, Zn>Mn>Co>Pb, Cd, which is similar to the Irving–Williams order except for Mn, suggesting that the interaction of metals with marine colloids is determined by the affinity of metals for specific organic ligands.  相似文献   
In coral reef restoration, coral gardening involves rearing coral fragments in underwater nurseries prior to transplantation. These nurseries become fish-aggregating devices and attract biofouling. We hypothesised that: (1) the presence of corals at a nursery is critical to recruit fish assemblages and (2) the recruited fish assemblages control biofouling, reducing person-hours invested in nursery cleaning. Three midwater coral nurseries were deployed at 8?m depth for 27 months within the marine protected area of Cousin Island Special Reserve, Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Each nursery consisted of a 6?m×6?m PVC pipe frame, layered with a recycled 5.5-cm-mesh tuna net. Human cleaning effort was calculated based on daily dive logs. Nursery-associated fish assemblages and behaviour were video-recorded prior to harvesting corals after a 20-month growth period and seven months post-coral harvesting. The density (ind. m–2) of blue-yellow damselfish Pomacentrus caeruleus was 12–16 times higher when corals were present than when corals were absent at the nurseries. Fish assemblages recruited into the nurseries included three trophic levels, from herbivores to omnivores, in six families: Ephippidae, Pomacentridae, Labridae (Scarinae), Gobiidae, Siganidae and Monacanthidae. Higher abundance of large fish (total number of individuals) resulted in 2.75 times less person-hours spent in nursery cleaning. These results have important implications for cost-effective coral reef restoration.  相似文献   
The angelfish Brama brama is a mesopelagic species distributed circumglobally in temperate to warm-temperate waters, including continental-shelf-edge and upper-slope waters of the Benguela Current ecosystem. Little is known about the parasite assemblage of Benguela B. brama, with only three parasite taxa having previously been documented from this species in the southern Benguela. This study describes the macroparasites recorded from 35 B. brama collected during research surveys off the west coast of South Africa in 2015 and 2016. A total of six macroparasite taxa were documented, including the nematode Anisakis pegreffii, the copepod Hatschekia conifera, the cestode Hepatoxylon trichiuri, an acanthocephalan from the genus Rhadinorhynchus, a monogenean from the family Diclidophoridae, and an unidentified species. Three of these (He. trichiuri, Rhadinorhynchus sp. and the unidentified species) had not previously been found to infect B. brama. The most prevalent macroparasite taxa were A. pegreffii (94%), the unidentified species (71%) and Ha. conifera (60%). Two of the parasites, Ha. conifera and He. trichiuri, showed seasonal variation in infection, and infection with the latter was positively correlated with host length. These findings increase our knowledge of B. brama biology and contribute to our understanding of the biodiversity of the southern Benguela ecosystem.  相似文献   
In order to investigate factors controlling nutrient cycling in the shallow and turbid coastal ecosystem of Galveston Bay, data from: (1) the Texas Water Commission (TWC) database 1980–1989, and (2) salinity transects in 1989 and 1993 are presented and analyzed. Statistical regression and time-series analysis were carried out on data acquired by TWC between 1980 and 1989, in an attempt to establish seasonally of nutrient and chlorophyll-a (chl.-a.) concentrations in the bay and to determine factors which regulate these concentrations.A strong seasonality was found for phosphorus and chl.-a. in the upper and mid-bay stations. A recurring maximum for phosphate occurred in September and a chl.-a. maximum occurred regularly in March–April. It is hypothesized that benthic regeneration of phosphorus at the end of summer is responsible for the phosphate maximum. The inverse correlation of the partition coefficient (Kd) for phosphate with the concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM), coupled to a strong enrichment of phosphate in suspended particles at low SPM concentrations, indicates additional control by geochemical and physical processes such as particle sorting and/or particle-colloid interactions. Nitrate is inversely correlated with salinity at the upper and mid-bay stations, indicating the Trinity River is a major source.Nutrient concentrations in the lower bay (East and West Bay stations) are considerably lower and less predictable, as they are not correlated with salinity or temperature. Data from the 1989 and 1993 transects confirm the yearly maximum in phosphate concentration in late summer months, with peak concentrations in the upper Trinity Bay. It is concluded that despite possible phosphate buffering by physical and geochemical mechanisms, relatively large concentration maxima recur regularly every year during the summer, possibly caused by a benthic source of phosphate.  相似文献   
The feasibility of using temperature measurements at a depth of about 2 m for locating and delineating salt domes and faults has been investigated both theoretically and in experimental field surveys. It is shown that measurable temperature anomalies in the soil are to be expected over shallow salt domes. In a field survey over a salt-dome area bordering the Groningen gas field, a large number of temperature measurements were made in small holes (2 m deep, 3 cm in diameter) within a relatively short time (some weeks). The results clearly indicate several temperature anomalies with differential temperatures of about 1°C. Comparison of our thermal contour map with interpretations of available seismic or gravity data, or with direct evidence from wells, showed an excellent correlation. Seismic data even support the shape of the thermal contours. Results in similar agreement with gravity or well data were obtained over salt ridges in a tropical area. Experiments showed that the technique worked as well in lakes and marshes as on dry land. In addition, some experimental evidence collected so far over shallow and surface faults is presented. In several cases, strong thermal anomalies coincided with known surface faults. A thermal model for a surface-fault zone is suggested which accounts satisfactorily for the observed thermal data. It suggests some diagnostic value for the fault's geometry. For shallow faults, however, lack of knowledge of subsurface detail prevented any unambiguous correlation with observed thermal anomalies. Accordingly any geological use of thermal analysis over shallow faults remains debatable. The field technique is simple, needs little correction and can, where useful, easily be included in routine gravity work to provide additional local information.  相似文献   
The fundamental assumption of 210Pb sediment dating is the stable flux of 210Pbex, which was derived from atmosphere and then transferred into sediments via lake water. When the sedimentation rate is relatively constant, the 210Pbex activity in sediments will be exponentially reduced with sedimentation age. 210Pbex in lake water is incorporated into sediments mainly via organic particulates. If the sedimentation flux of organic matter in lake water is suddenly increased, 210Pbex will be significantly deposited and then transferred into sediments. On the one hand such sudden purification effect is obviously unfit for the fundamental assumption of 210Pb dating; on the other hand, the sudden enhancement of 210Pbex flux would be indicative of the conspicuous variation of primary productivity of lake water. This problem will be discussed in accordance with the variation trend of 210Pbex in the vertical profile of recent sediments of Lake Chenghai, Yunnan Province. The sediment core was collected from the deep-water area of Lake Chenghai in June 1997. The vertical profile of 137Cs activity is characterized by a tree-peak pattern. This profile gave reliable ages, and also showed the stability of sediment accumulation in the recent ten years. The vertical profile of 210Pbex activity displays a specific distribution of peaks, and is similar to the vertical profile of Corg. This phenomenon seems to be related to the mechanism of constraining the transfer of 210Pbex into lake sediments. The average atomic ratios of Horg/Corg and Corg/Norg in Lake Chenghai sediments are 5.51 and 7.04, respectively, indicating that the organic matter was predominantly derived from the remains of endogenic algae. In terms of the three-stage evolutionary characteristics of organic matter in sediments, i.e., “deposition-de-composition-accumulation”, the sedimentation fluxes (F(Corg)) of organic carbon (Corg) since 1970 were calculated by modeling. The sedimentation fluxes of 210Pbex (F(210Pbex)) in different years display good synchronous relations with the sedimentation flux of organic carbon (F(Corg)), especially in the years of 1972–1974 and 1986–1989. The variation of F(Corg) led to the variation of F(210Pbex); the variation of F(210Pbex) reflects, to some extent, the historical variation of lake productivity.  相似文献   
The partitioning of radioactive trace elements between seawater and particulate matter from surface sediments and sediment traps was investigated in laboratory experiments. For the elements Na, Zn, Se, Sr, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Th and Pa (group I) constant distribution coefficients (Kd) were found after a few days of equilibration, whereas the elements Be, Mn, Co and Fe (group II) showed an increasing Kd over the whole time of observation of 108 days. The time dependence of Kd is described by an adsorption-desorption equilibrium (group I elements), followed by a lattice transport reaction step (group II elements). The reaction rate constants are compared to Mn oxidation rates and to adsorption rate constants derived from in situ measurements of the UTh disequilibrium as available from literature.  相似文献   
The sedimentological characteristics of typical flysch sediments are confirmed for the Roumanian flysch. The emplacement by turbidity currents of the coarse beds alternating with the shales and marls is again abundantly confirmed by the studies in the area under discussion.  相似文献   
Distinctive uptake mechanisms of different radiotracers by red clays in seawater are elucidated from the magnitude and change of distribution coefficients (Kd) for up to 17 γ-emitting radiotracers as functions of equilibration time, suspended particle concentration and compositions of solids and seawaters. The adsorption of ionic metals onto colloids and subsequent coagulation of colloids onto larger particles are the dominant removal processes of metals in the aquatic environments of low suspended particle concentration.  相似文献   
In 1975 Paul Schindler produced the first oceanic trace metal scavenging model to explicitly include the role of surface chemistry as a control on trace metal water column residence times. The eighteen years that have elapsed since the publication of Schindler's seminal paper have seen the development of a variety of oceanic scavenging models; yet, the fundamental insight of his Zero-order Model remains the benchmark. This paper describes the role of Paul Schindler's work on surface chemistry in providing a framework for the current generation of trace element scavenging models.  相似文献   
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