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Two mineralogically different rare metal granites located in two distinct terranes from the Tuareg area are compared: the Tin-Amzi granite in the north of the Laouni Terrane and the Ebelekan granite in the Assodé–Issalane Terrane.The Tin-Amzi granite is enclosed within Eburnean granulitic gneisses, and consists of albite, quartz, protolithionite, K-feldspar and topaz granite (PG). The accessory minerals include columbite tantalite, U- and Hf-rich zircon, Th-uraninite, wolframoixiolite and wolframite. This facies is characterised by a mineralogical evolution from the bottom to the top underlined by a strong resorption of K-feldspar and albite and the crystalliK-feldspar of more abundant topaz and protolithionite II which is further altered in muscovite and Mn-siderite. It is underlain by an albite, K-feldspar, F-rich topaz, quartz and muscovite granite (MG), with W–Nb–Ta oxides, wolframite, Nb-rutile, zircon and scarce uranothorite as accessories.The Ebelekan granite intrudes into a coarse-grained biotite granite enclosed within upper amphibolite-facies metasediments. It comprises a zinnwaldite, albite, topaz porphyritic granite (ZG) with “snow ball” quartz and K-feldspar. The accessories are zircon, monazite, uranothorite, Ta bearing cassiterite, columbite tantalite and wodginite. It is capped by a banded aplite-pegmatite (AP).The geochemistry of Tin-Amzi and Ebelekan granites is nearly comparable. Both are peraluminous (A/CNK=1.10–1.29; ASI=1.17–1.31), sodolithic and fluorine rich with high SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O+K2O, Rb, Ga, Li, Ta, Nb, Sn and low FeO, MgO, TiO2, Ba, Sr, Y, Zr and REE contents. These rare metal Ta bearing granites belong to the P-poor subclass, relating to their P2O5 content ( 0.03–0.15 wt.%). Nevertheless, they are distinguished by their concentration of W, Sn and Ta. The Tin-Amzi granite is W–Ta bearing with high W/Sn ratio whereas the Ebelekan granite is Ta–Sn bearing with insignificant W content.At Tin-Amzi the W–Nb–Ta minerals define a sequence formed by W-columbite tantalite followed by wolframoixiolite and finally wolframite showing the effect of hydrothermal overprinting with an extreme W enrichment of the fluids. At Ebelekan, the Sn–Nb–Ta oxides follow a Mn sequence: manganocolumbite→manganotantalite→wodginite+titanowodginite→cassiterite that represents a trend of primary crystallisation resulting from progressive substitution Fe→Mn and Nb→Ta during the magmatic fractionation.  相似文献   
The magnetohydrodynamic stability of a streaming liquid cylinder subject to surface tension and pervaded by a magnetic vacuum field has been elaborated for all axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric disturbances. The dispersion relation is obtained and studied analytically and numerically. the streaming has always a destabilizing effect. The axial magnetic fields inside and outside the jet have always stabilizing effects for all perturbations. The transverse magnetic field has a destabilizing effect. However, if the axial field intensity is so high and paramount over that the transverse field, the destabilizing character of the model is suppressed. The latter is satisfied if the Alfvén wave velocity is greater than the equilibrium liquid velocity.  相似文献   
The use of sequential measurements of hemolymph cholinesterase activities as a non-invasive biomarker of seasonal organophosphate/carbamate exposure was investigated for the tropical scallop, Euvola (Pecten) ziczac. Overall activities of both acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase were relatively high compared to studies with bivalve tissues. Acute in vivo experiments showed inhibition of hemolymph acetylcholinesterase activity at concentrations of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos of 0.1, 1 and 10 ng l(-1). Monthly sampling of hemolymph from scallops at two sites in Bermuda over a 15 month period showed seasonal acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibition. Direct and indirect evidence suggests that this inhibition did not relate to biochemical or physiological changes associated with gonad maturation and spawning, but rather reflected diffuse contamination of the marine environment by cholinesterase inhibitors or increased bioavailability of such inhibitors at these times. Repetitive sampling of scallop hemolymph for cholinesterase activities represents a rapid, sensitive and non-invasive method for assessing seasonal, sublethal pesticide exposure in these commercially important bivalves and suggests a wider use in marine pollution monitoring.  相似文献   

L’Oued El Bey, qui draine 60% de la charge polluante hydrique de plusieurs agglomérations urbaines du Nord-Est de la Tunisie, est un exemple représentatif du transfert des métaux lourds résultant de l’activité industrielle et urbaine. Il fournit une indication sur le devenir et la répartition des métaux lourds dans le Golfe de Tunis. Dans la fraction dissoute, Cd, Pb, Co et Hg ne sont pas détectés mais Zn varie entre 0,01 et 0,07 μg/L. Les concentrations du Mn, Zn, As, Ni, Pb, Cu et du Cd sont très élevées dans la fraction particulaire par rapport à la fraction dissoute, avec un coefficient de partage Kd de l’ordre de 106, ainsi que dans les sédiments du lit de l’oued pour Pb et Zn. La pollution par les métaux la plus élevé de l’Oued El Bey a été trouvée pour Zn, Pb et Cu: les concentrations variaient respectivement entre 1698,9 et 14575, de 0 à 2153,7 et de 0 à 3431,8 μg/g. La variation spatiale des teneurs en métaux lourds confirme l’effet des eaux usées rejetées dans l’Oued El Bey. Les teneurs de ces métaux lourds dans les trois phases dissoute, particulaire (MES) et sédiments confirment que la MES constitue le vecteur de transport principal via la Sebkha Soliman vers le golfe. L’examen des rapports des différents éléments (Pb, Cu et Cd) par rapport au Zn dans les sédiments de l’oued montre une augmentation au niveau de la confluence de l’Oued El Bey et de son affluent l’Oued El Meleh, ce qui signifie que les apports sédimentaires de cet affluent contrôlent la signatutue chimique des sédiments de l’Oued El Bey.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé B. Touaibia

Citation Khadhar, S., Mlayah, A., Chekirben, A., Charef, A., Methammam, M., Nouha, S., et Khemais, Z., 2013. Bassin versant Oued El Bey: vecteur de transport de la pollution métallique vers le Golfe de Tunis (Tunisie). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1803–1812.  相似文献   
El Bey river, which drains 60% of the pollutant load of several urban cities in the northeast of Tunisia, provides a good example of the transfer of organic and metallic pollutants that result from industrial and urban activity, and can be used to show how these charges are transported and discharged into the Gulf of Tunis. Persistent organic pollutants (PAH and PCB) in dissolved, particulate matter, bed sediments, and three wastewater effluents in El Bey watershed were analyzed. PAH (∑14PAHs) concentration ranged from 0.248 to 9.955 mg L?1 and from 0.836 to 28.539 mg L?1 in dissolved and particulate fraction respectively. The particulate/dissolved partition coefficient value (Kd) was less than one which confirmed the affinity of PAH to be adsorbed. In sediment, the high-molecular weight PAHs were found principally with percentage between 50 and 100% witch present 239.99 to 5362.19 μg kg?1, which is relatively higher in comparison with other estuaries river. Contrary to PAH patterns, PCB were bound to dissolve fraction. Kd (PCB) value (Kd?>?1) reflected this affinity which is related to environment energy. The spatial distribution and profile of analyzed organic pollutants confirmed the direct impact of wastewater effluent on the organic pollution level in three compartment of El Bey watershed and his profiles suggested different transport patterns.  相似文献   
Landslide susceptibility modelling—a crucial step towards the assessment of landslide hazard and risk—has hitherto not included the local, transient effects of previous landslides on susceptibility. In this contribution, we implement such transient effects, which we term “landslide path dependency”, for the first time. Two landslide path dependency variables are used to characterise transient effects: a variable reflecting how likely it is that an earlier landslide will have a follow-up landslide and a variable reflecting the decay of transient effects over time. These two landslide path dependency variables are considered in addition to a large set of conditioning attributes conventionally used in landslide susceptibility. Three logistic regression models were trained and tested fitted to landslide occurrence data from a multi-temporal landslide inventory: (1) a model with only conventional variables, (2) a model with conventional plus landslide path dependency variables, and (3) a model with only landslide path dependency variables. We compare the model performances, differences in the number, coefficient and significance of the selected variables, and the differences in the resulting susceptibility maps. Although the landslide path dependency variables are highly significant and have impacts on the importance of other variables, the performance of the models and the susceptibility maps do not substantially differ between conventional and conventional plus path dependent models. The path dependent landslide susceptibility model, with only two explanatory variables, has lower model performance, and differently patterned susceptibility map than the two other models. A simple landslide susceptibility model using only DEM-derived variables and landslide path dependency variables performs better than the path dependent landslide susceptibility model, and almost as well as the model with conventional plus landslide path dependency variables—while avoiding the need for hard-to-measure variables such as land use or lithology. Although the predictive power of landslide path dependency variables is lower than those of the most important conventional variables, our findings provide a clear incentive to further explore landslide path dependency effects and their potential role in landslide susceptibility modelling.  相似文献   
Landslides are a major category of natural disasters, causing loss of lives, livelihoods and property. The critical roles played by triggering (such as extreme rainfall and earthquakes), and intrinsic factors (such as slope steepness, soil properties and lithology) have previously successfully been recognized and quantified using a variety of qualitative, quantitative and hybrid methods in a wide range of study sites. However, available data typically do not allow to investigate the effect that earlier landslides have on intrinsic factors and hence on follow-up landslides. Therefore, existing methods cannot account for the potentially complex susceptibility changes caused by landslide events. In this study, we used a substantially different alternative approach to shed light on the potential effect of earlier landslides using a multi-temporal dataset of landslide occurrence containing 17 time slices. Spatial overlap and the time interval between landslides play key roles in our work. We quantified the degree to which landslides preferentially occur in locations where landslides occurred previously, how long such an effect is noticeable, and how landslides are spatially associated over time. We also investigated whether overlap with previous landslides causes differences in landslide geometric properties. We found that overlap among landslides demonstrates a clear legacy effect (path dependency) that has influence on the landslide affected area. Landslides appear to cause greater susceptibility for follow-up landslides over a period of about 10  years. Follow-up landslides are on average larger and rounder than landslides that do not follow earlier slides. The effect of earlier landslides on follow-up landslides has implications for understanding of the landslides evolution and the assessment of landslide susceptibility.  相似文献   
Teboursouk region, Northwestern Tunisia, is characterized by the diversity of its natural resources (petroleum, groundwater and minerals). It constitutes a particular site widely studied, especially from a tectonic stand point as it exhibits a complex architecture dominated by multi-scale synclinals and Triassic extrusions. It has typical karst landform that constitutes important water resources devoted for human consumption and agriculture activities, besides to the exploitation of the Mio-Plio-Quaternary aquifer (MPQ). Thus, hydrogeological investigations play a significant role in the assessment of groundwater mineralization and the evaluation of the used water quality for different purposes. Hence, the current study based on a combined geochemical–statistical investigation of 50 groundwater samples from the multilayered aquifer system in the study area give crucial information about the principal factors and processes influencing groundwater chemistry. The chemical analysis of the water samples showed that Teboursouk groundwater is dominantly of Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 water type with little contribution of Ca–Mg–HCO3, Na–K–Cl–SO4 and Na–K–HCO3. The total dissolved solids (TDS) values range from 0.37 to 3.58 g/l. The highest values are located near the Triassic outcrops. Furthermore, the hydrogeochemistry of the studied system was linked with various processes such as carbonates weathering, evaporites dissolution of Triassic outcrops and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination). Additionally, the main processes controlling Teboursouk water system were examined by means of multivariate statistical analysis (PCA and HCA) applied in this study based on 10 physicochemical parameters (TDS, pH, SO4, HCO3, pCO2, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl and NO3). Two principal components were extracted from PCA accounting 61% of total variance and revealing that the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the region were acquired through carbonates and evaporite dissolution besides to nitrate contamination. Similarly, according to Cluster analysis using Ward’s method and squared Euclidean distance, groundwater from the studied basin belongs to five different groups suggesting that the geochemical evolution of Teboursouk groundwater is controlled by dissolution of carbonates minerals, chemical weathering of Triassic evaporite outcrops, cation exchange and anthropogenic activities (nitrate contamination).  相似文献   
Tunis soft clay belongs to the category of problematic soils because of its weak strength characteristics, high compressibility and high content of organic matter (22%). Deep mixing column (DM) presents a well-developed technique to improve the properties of Tunis soft soils by increasing its bearing capacity and reducing settlements. This paper describes a laboratory experimental program performed to assess the effectiveness in improving the shear strength of Tunis soft clay. The two mains objectives of this research are to evaluate the effect of reinforcement by DM on the behaviour of the Tunis soft clay and to investigate parameters of influence on its strength characteristics. Five parameters are studied from the performed tests: (1) curing time: CT = 7, 14, 21 and 28 days; (2) injection pressure: IP = 50, 100 and 150 kPa; (3) water–cement ratio w/C = 0.7, 1 and 1.2; (4) rotation rate V = 15, 30 and 40 rpm and (5) consolidation pressure: б3 = 100, 150 and 200 kPa.  相似文献   
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