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ABSTRACT. This article investigates the history of drawing lines across ocean space. Although drawing lines generally is perceived as an act of division—as exemplified by the line drawn through the Atlantic Ocean by Pope Alexander VI in 1493—lines, like the ocean itself, often signify connection or other, more complex social relationships. In an attempt to break through commonly held perspectives on line drawing in marine governance, I suggest that key events (and lines) of modern marine history are characterized by a common norm of stewardship. I conclude by considering the flexibility of stewardship and by alerting the reader to alternate norms that could be used to generate ocean-governance systems.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Landscape interpretation, or “reading” the landscape, is one of cultural geography's standard practices. Relatively little attention, however, has been paid to reading landscapes transformed by insurgency movements or civil wars. Those landscapes can tell us a great deal about past and present political and social relationships as well as continuing power struggles. Guatemala presents a complicated postwar landscape “text” in which the struggle for power continues by many means and media, including how the war is portrayed on memorials, and in which the Catholic Church and the military/state are the two main competing powers. This essay explores some of the images and the text presented in Guatemala's postconflict landscape through contrasting landmarks and memorials associated with the country's thirty‐six‐year‐long civil war that formally ended in 1996.  相似文献   
Hawai‘ian honeycreepers have undergone widespread extinction and population declines due to human disturbances, including habitat fragmentation, introduced predatory mammals, alien competitors, and introduced avian diseases. The Hawai‘i ‘amakihi (Hemignathus virens) is one of seven extant Hawai‘ian honeycreepers that, like all other native honey‐creepers, vanished from the low‐elevation native forests on the island of Hawai‘i due to these disturbances. But recent observations indicate that ‘amakihi have begun to recolonize low‐elevation forests in eastern Hawai‘i. In this article we discuss the current abundance of Hawai‘ian ‘amakihi in a suburban habitat on the island of Hawai‘i. We also examine the ‘amakihi's relative preference for native or exotic vegetation. Recolonization in low‐elevation habitats underscores the importance of the remaining native forests. However, concurrent with this recolonization, eastern Hawai‘i is undergoing a residential building boom that has resulted in increased deforestation and forest fragmentation. Thus the future of honeycreepers is uncertain, given the widespread environmental changes taking place in eastern Hawai‘i.  相似文献   
The mineralogical and chemical composition of Jurassic radiolarian cherts has been studied in Morocco (Rif), Italy (Lombardy basin and Apennines), Greece (Pindus zone and Vourinos Massif), some in close association with ophiolites. We have compared these samples with Cretaceous cherts from the NW Pacific (Leg 32) and with Cenozoic diatomaceous oozes from the Sea of Japan (Leg 31). The silica in the radiolarian cherts is quartz or chalcedony. Most of these rocks also contain feldspars and hematite while the clay fraction is composed of illite and/or chlorite generally associated with swelling clays and, locally, with kaolinite. In oceanic sediments all mineralogical species of silica have been detected (from opal to quartz), the clays generally being the same as those of the radiolarian cherts, the feldspars also being present. Based on the chemical composition of the radiolarian cherts, three facies can be distinguished: massive cherts, pelitic radiolarites and ferruginous radiolarites, the latter occurring only near the contact with volcanic basement. The chemical composition of cherts and diatom oozes from the Pacific is very close to the composition of radiolarian cherts. Although the mineralogy of radiolarian cherts can be related to several models (detrital, diagenesis of pelagic clays etc.) the detrital origin of part of the clay fraction seems certain. The origin of silica and its relation to the palaeolatitudes and the relatively confined nature of the Tethys oceans as well as the influence of volcanic inputs are evaluated, Chemical and mineralogical composition of radiolarian cherts shows that the diagenesis of the clay fraction is not a significant source of silica. Accumulation of diatom oozes in the Sea of Japan and in other areas, shows that the distance from continents and very deep seas are not essential to the development of siliceous sedimentation.  相似文献   
Abstract Tyatya Volcano, situated in Kunashir Island at the southwestern end of Kuril Islands, is a large composite stratovolcano and one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril arc. The volcanic edifice can be divided into the old and the young ones, which are composed of rocks of distinct magma types, low‐ and medium‐K series, respectively. The young volcano has a summit caldera with a central cone. Recent eruptions have occurred at the central cone and at the flank vents of the young volcano. We found several distal ash layers at the volcano and identified their ages and sources, that is, tephras of ad 1856, ad 1739, ad 1694 and ca 1 Ka derived from three volcanoes of Hokkaido, Japan, and caad 969 from Baitoushan Volcano of China/North Korea. These could provide good time markers to reveal the eruptive history of the central cone, which had continued intermittently with Strombolian eruptions and lava flow effusions since before 1 Ka. Relatively explosive eruptions have occurred three times at the cone during the past 1000 years. We revealed that, topographically, the youngest lava flows from the cone are covered not by the tephra of ad 1739 but by that of ad 1856. This evidence, together with a report of dense smoke rising from the summit in ad 1812, suggests that the latest major eruption with lava effusion from the central cone occurred in this year. In 1973, after a long period of dormancy, short‐lived phreatomagmatic eruptions began to occur from fissure vents at the northern flank of the young volcano. This was followed by large eruptions of Strombolian to sub‐Plinian types occurring from several craters at the southern flank. The 1973 activity is evaluated as Volcanic Explosivity Index = 4 (approximately 0.2 km3), the largest eruption during the 20th century in the southwestern Kuril arc. The rocks of the central cone are strongly porphyritic basalt and basaltic andesite, whereas the 1973 scoria is aphyric basalt, suggesting that magma feeding systems are definitely different between the summit and flank eruptions.  相似文献   
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