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Located in southeastern Brazil, the Santos Estuary has the most important industrial and urban population area of South America. Since the 1950's, increased urbanization and industrialization near the estuary margins has caused the degradation of mangroves and has increased the discharge of sewage and industrial effluents. The main objectives of this work were to determine the concentrations and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment cores in order to investigate the input of these substances in the last 50 years. The PAHs analyses indicated multiple sources of these compounds (oil and pyrolitic origin), basically anthropogenic contributions from biomass, coal and fossil fuels combustion. The distribution of PAHs in the cores was associated with the formation and development of Cubat?o industrial complex and the Santos harbour, waste disposal, world oil crisis and the pollution control program, which results in the decrease of organic pollutants input in this area.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to assess for Minas Gerais the cokriging methodology, in order to characterize the spatial variability of Thornthwaite annual moisture index, annual rainfall, and average annual air temperature, based on geographical coordinates, altitude, latitude, and longitude. The climatic element data referred to 39 INMET climatic stations located in the state of Minas Gerais and in nearby areas and the covariables altitude, latitude, and longitude to the SRTM digital elevation model. Spatial dependence of data was observed through spherical cross semivariograms and cross covariance models. Box–Cox and log transformation were applied to the positive variables. In these situations, kriged predictions were back-transformed and returned to the same scale as the original data. Trend was removed using global polynomial interpolation. Universal simple cokriging best characterized the climate variables without tendentiousness and with high accuracy and precision when compared to simple cokriging. Considering the satisfactory implementation of universal simple cokriging for the monitoring of climatic elements, this methodology presents enormous potential for the characterization of climate change impact in Minas Gerais state.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the South America VLF NETwork (SAVNET), a new observing facility at very low frequencies. It has been recently installed at different locations spread over Latin America, in Brazil, Peru and Argentina. It consists of a network of seven Very Low Frequency (VLF) receivers with the main scientific objective of monitoring the solar activity on short (minutes to hours) and long (years) time scales. Other objectives include a better understanding of the spatial structure of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly, the study of atmospheric phenomena and the search for genuine seismic-electromagnetic effects. After discussing the scientific goals, the details of the installation are presented as well as the first results recently obtained.  相似文献   
The inner shelf waters off Southeastern Brazil are periodically enriched by bottom intrusions of the cold and nutrient‐rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), which is transported offshore by the Brazil Current. This study examined the temporal contrasts in abundance and structure of pelagic copepod assemblages in a neritic station off Ubatuba, in relation to hydrography and phytoplankton biomass, to investigate the effects of SACW bottom intrusions on copepod population dynamics during three consecutive years. The water‐column characteristics shifted from a well‐mixed, more turbid and phytoplankton‐poor scenario during subsidence conditions to a stratified, less turbid and high Chl‐a concentration scenario during SACW bottom intrusions, leading to increased copepod diversity, abundance, and biomass. The rise in copepod diversity during SACW intrusions was related to the contribution of oceanic species in addition to coastal water species. The copepod community was numerically dominated by small‐sized species, such as Oncaea waldemari, Oithona plumifera, and clausocalanid and paracalanid copepodids, regardless of seasonality and SACW intrusions. Some large calanoid species contributed considerably to the total copepod biomass during intrusions. In addition to confirming that SACW seasonal intrusions play a key role in pelagic processes off Southeast Brazil, this study showed that the multiannual variability of SACW seasonal intrusions is important in regulating the structure and dynamics of copepod communities in this subtropical area.  相似文献   
In this study, natural (222Rn) and fluorescent (uranin) tracers were used to investigate the interactions between surface and subsurface waters in a small hydrographical basin located in the southeast region of Brazil. Levels of 222Rn were measured in 117 water samples with the use of an alpha solid-state detector. After the identification of the probable discharge sections along the stream, a measurement of the natural flows, upstream and downstream of these sections, was done with the use of a fluorimeter and fluorescent tracers. Also, scanning was done to verify a correlation between the natural gamma radiation and the 222Rn in the areas where its activity was higher. The results showed some sections where the 222Rn activity is more significant and contributed to the growth of the flows along the stream. It was possible to confirm a correlation between the discharge sections and the natural gamma radiation, what can be used as a preliminary approach to finding these sections in scenarios similar to the one studied here.  相似文献   
A high-resolution, multi-proxy record has been used to determine the environmental changes during the Holocene on the southern Brazilian shelf. Present oceanographic conditions reveal wind and freshwater input as the determinants of short-term productivity changes in the study area. Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size variations, together with proxies of productivity (organic carbon, carbon accumulation rate, Ba, Sr, and Ca content, Ba/Al, Ba/Ti, and Al/Ti ratios) were analyzed and compared with proxies of redox condition (V/Ti ratio), terrigenous input (Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios), as well as other Element/Ti ratios, to evaluate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes over the period.The core covers a time interval of about 7650 years, with sedimentation rates varying from 0.025 to 0.250 cm a−1, which represent time intervals of between 8 and 80 a per sample. There is a clear change in the sedimentation rate at about 2800 B.P.All grain-size and elemental results indicate the occurrence of conspicuous changes between 5200 and 5000 cal. B.P., as well as between 3000 and 2800 cal. B.P. A comparison of the results with the palynological information available from the adjacent continental areas suggests that the sedimentary changes in this last interval may be correlated with the onset of modern climatic conditions in South America, and especially, with the onset of the Plata Plume Water, a water mass that carries cold, less saline waters towards the north. However, minor changes are observed at ca. 1500 B.P. and are correlated with an increase in the atmospheric humidity. Furthermore, a time-series analysis undertaken using several proxies indicated the occurrence of Sub-Milankovitch cycles, which may be compared with those reported worldwide.  相似文献   
The equation of state of the very early Universe and the formula for the radius, are here evaluated. It is shown that the very early classical Universe might not be radiation-dominated, although we do not exclude the existence of the radiation dominated phase for the early, but not the very early Universe. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Admiralty Bay (Antarctica) hosts three scientific stations (Ferraz, Arctowski and Macchu Picchu), which require the use of fossil fuel as an energy source. Fossil fuels are also considered the main source of pollution in the area, representing important inputs of major pollutants (organic compounds) and trace metals and metalloids of environmental interest. Accordingly, this work presents the results of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment profiles from Admiralty Bay. The sediment results from Ferraz station were slightly higher than the other sampling sites. The highest contents were observed for Cu and Zn (from 44 to 89 mg kg−1). Otherwise, by using enrichment factors and geochronology analysis, the most relevant enrichment was observed for As in the samples collected close to the Ferraz station, indicating that increasing As content may be associated with the activities associated with this site.  相似文献   
The Caldas Uranium Mine (CUM), located on the Poços de Caldas Plateau in the southeastern region of Brazil, is presently undergoing a decommissioning process. The aim of the present investigation is to identify and characterize the effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) originating from the CUM on surface water quality. To achieve these aims, sampling stations were located at two AMD sources: the retention pond at the foot of waste rock pile#4 (WRP#4) and the settling pond that receives effluents from the tailings dam (TD). Ten additional sampling stations were located along watercourses in the vicinity, both downstream and upstream of the mine. Sampling was performed during the rainy and dry seasons in 2010 and 2011. The water analysis detected significant changes in pH, electrical conductivity, F?, Cd, U, Zn, Al, Mn, As, Ca, SO4 2?, Pb, 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 228Ra, and Mo in waters downstream of both pond discharge sites. It was demonstrated that the disequilibrium between 226Ra and 238U can be used to trace the extent of AMD impacts in nearby streams. Variations in 18O and 2H enabled the flow of mining-impacted water to be traced from the ponds to nearby streams. Multivariate analysis yielded a three-factor model: Factor 1 was interpreted as being associated with AMD (from WRP#4) and Factor 2 with a Ca–Mo relationship associated with the chemical constitution of the ore and with the treatment of tailings wastes in the area (from TD); Factor 3 was interpreted as being associated with the natural influence of geogenic processes on water quality in the area. The results of this study provide a scientific basis for recommending appropriate remedial actions during mine decommissioning.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to use the simple cokriging methodology to characterize the spatial variability of Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration and Thornthwaite potential evapotranspiration methods based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spetroradiometer (MODIS) global evapotranspiration products and high-resolution surfaces of WordClim temperature and precipitation data. The climatic element data referred to 39 National Institute of Meteorology climatic stations located in Minas Gerais state, Brazil and surrounding states. The use of geostatistics and simple cokriging technique enabled the characterization of the spatial variability of the evapotranspiration providing uncertainty information on the spatial prediction pattern. Evapotranspiration and precipitation surfaces were implemented for the climatic classification in Minas Gerais. Multivariate geostatistical determined improvements of evapotranspiration spatial information. The regions in the south of Minas Gerais derived from the moisture index estimated with the MODIS evapotranspiration (2000–2010), presented divergence of humid conditions when compared to the moisture index derived from the simple kriged and cokriged evapotranspiration (1961–1990), indicating climate change in this region. There was stronger pattern of crossed covariance between evapotranspiration and precipitation rather than temperature, indicating that trends in precipitation could be one of the main external drivers of the evapotranspiration in Minas Gerais state, Brazil.  相似文献   
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