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New field observations with the submersible ALVIN and photographic evidence from a study of the summits of seamounts near the East Pacific Rise show that hyaloclastite deposits occur commonly. Hyaloclastite outcrops were found on six volcanoes at depths from 1240 to 2500 m. These new observations plus laboratory study of new hyaloclastite specimens extend the results of previous studies. Most of the hyaloclastite samples are of hydrovolcanic eruptive origin, but a few show evidence of a predominantly sedimentary origin. Primarily from morphology, we identify several vent areas from which hyaloclastite presumably erupted. The surface appearance of the hyaloclastite deposits varies with distance to these vents, leading us to propose a facies model for deep-sea hyaloclastites on seamount summits. Hyaloclastites of hydromagmatic origin exhibit weak normal grading and bedding-parallel alignment of platy shards. They consist of blocky, sliver and fluidal basalt glass shards and lithics in a matrix that contains pelagic sediment. The shards themselves are remarkably free of even the tiniest crystals and are usually chemically homogeneous. We propose that the shards form mainly by cooling-contraction granulation, but cannot rule out the possibility of limited steam explosivity. Hyaloclastites are closely associated with submarine pahoehoe and we propose that a very rapid eruption rate, promoting clastic-dominated versus flow-dominated eruptive behavior, is the dominant control on hyaloclastite formation. We propose that shard formation occurs during submarine lava fountaining. Gravitational instability of the resulting slurry of shards, sea water and possibly steam causes gravity flow that carries the shards outward from the vent. Further field and modelling studies are needed to test these ideas and more quantitatively constrain the ascent mechanism, eruption dynamics and deposition of deep-sea hyaloclastites.  相似文献   
A wide compositional continuum of basalts has been erupted from near-ridge seamounts constructed on the Cocos Plate between the Clipperton and Orozco Francture Zones. They range from highly evolved to moderately primitive (3.0–7.8% MgO), LREE-enriched alkali basalts, to moderately evolved to near-primary (5.2–9.5% MgO) tholeiites indistinguishable from N-type MORB. The data set of 159 quench glass analyses exhibits a remarkably consistent variation in both major and trace element composition that is keyed to variations in (La/Sm). Modeling of potential liquid lines of descent at pressures ranging from 1 bar to 8 kbar shows that this covariation is partially due to systematic differences in liquid lines of descent, where the alkaline lavas have undergone substantially more high pressure clinopyroxene fractionation and substantially less low pressure plagioclase fractionation than the tholeiites. In addition, systematic variation in the composition of the more primitive glasses indicates that they were derived from mixing of discrete enriched and depleted melts in the heterogenous seamount mantle source at pressures of 8–10 kbar and greater, and that clinopyroxene may be a residual phase during partial melting. These results show that porous media flow in the seamount mantle source is minor and that melt transport is accomplished primarily through cracking and diking. This study supports suggestions that the general homogeneity of basalt along the EPR is due to mixing in sub-axial magma chambers and mush zones, with additional mixing during partial mantle melting and melt segregation.  相似文献   
In this paper I present data on the abundances, sizes and crustal age for all volcanoes (volcanic islands and seamounts) which appear on published bathymetric charts of the Pacific Ocean. These new data shed light on the origin of non-hotspot volcanoes and are important, in combination with data on the chemical compositions of seamounts and volcanic islands, for estimates of the bulk composition of ocean crust. These data also provide firm constraints on off-ridge oceanic volcanism models. Results of this study show that the size-frequency distribution of Pacific volcanoes is Poisson-like and that the smallest volcanoes are much more abundant than large ones. This study shows clearly that the most abundant volcanoes on the Earth are the submerged oceanic volcanoes which comprise 5–25% of the oceanic volcanic layer. On Pacific crust of Eocene age and younger, the abundance of volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area) increases monotonically with increasing age. Assuming steady state, the production rate of new off-ridge volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area per unit time) is inversely proportional to the square root of the lithosphere age [1]. On crust older than Eocene, the number of volcanoes per unit area of crust decreases monotonically with increasing age, however the total volume of lava represented by these edifices increases with increasing age. Size frequency distributions of volcanoes on swaths of successively older crust indicate that these abundance patterns are partly due to the effect of sediment burial of small edifices on old Pacific crust as well as the effect of increased lithosphere thickness on seamount size. These general patterns are not appreciably changed by omitting from consideration known hotspot volcanoes [2] and volcanoes built at fossil constructional plate margins [3].  相似文献   
Petrologic and chemical data are presented for samples from five volcanically active islands in the northern Marianas group, an intra-oceanic island arc. The data include microprobe analyses of phenocryst and xenolith assemblages, whole rock major and trace element chemistry including REE, and Sr isotope determinations (87Sr/86Sr=0.7034±0.0001). Quartz-normative basalt and basaltic andesite are the most abundant lava types. These are mineralogically and chemically similar to the mafic products of other intra-oceanic islands arcs. It is suggested, however, that they are not typical of the ‘island arc tholeiitic’ series, having Fe enrichment trends and K/Rb, for example, more typical of calc-alkaline suits. Major and trace element characteristics, and the presence of cumulate xenoliths, indicate that extensive near surface (< 3 Kb) fractionation has occurred. Thus, even least fractionated basalts have low abundances of Mg, Ni and Cr, and high abundances of K and other large cation, imcompatible elements, relative to ocean ridge tholeiites. However, abundances of REE and small cation lithophile elements, such as Ti, Zr, Nb, and Hf are lower than typical ocean ridge tholeiites. The REE data and Sr isotope compositions suggest a purely mantle origin for the Marianas island arc basalts, with negligible input from subducted crustal material. Thus, subduction of oceanic lithosphere may not be a sufficient condition for initiation of island arc magmatism. Intersection of the Benioff zone with an asthenosphere under appropriate conditions may be requisite. Element ratios and abundances, combined with isotopic data, suggest that the source for the Marianas island arc basalts is more chondritic in some respects, and less depleted in large cations than the shallow (?) mantle source for ocean ridge tholeiites.  相似文献   
The volumes and ages of small isolated seamounts from both fracture zone and normal crust settings are related to the chemical composition of their lavas. Small volcanoes on or near ridge crests are composed of LIL-depleted ocean ridge tholeiite and are later capped successively by alkalic basalt and alkalic differentiated lavas as they drift away from the ridge. In addition, it appears that contemporaneous seamount volcanism is tholeiitic near the ridge crest and alkalic on the ridge flanks. No significant differences are found between the chemical compositions of lavas from small seamounts located on fracture zones and those on normal oceanic crust.  相似文献   
Velocities of a natural mid-ocean ridge basalt glass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report, for the first time, ultrasonic velocity values for a pure (>95%), natural, submarine basalt glass of mid-ocean ridge basalt composition, from 10 to 1000 MPa at room temperature. These new data show that basalt glass, abundant in the upper oceanic crust, has the lowest velocity of any primary solid component of the oceanic crust. In addition, natural basalt glass has a steeper pressure-dependence of velocity than previously measured in more crystalline samples, indicating that cracks in natural basalt glass are weaker than in more crystalline rocks. To obtain values for the pure glass phase, we correct the natural glass data for the low-pressure closure of cracks, and the presence of minor mineralogic components and vesicles. These new data provide a baseline for evaluating the effect of abundant basalt glass and glassy mesostasis in oceanic upper crust on in situ seismic velocities. In addition, data on the elastic and seismic properties of natural glasses are useful for a better understanding of glass structure, and glass relaxation, with potential applications to submarine volcanology.  相似文献   
Metamorphic rocks of the Yap arc-trench system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Glass fragments from three different hyaloclastites have been used to evaluate the range of cooling rates experienced by undersea volcanic deposits. We found that the glass fragments retain structures with a range of apparent quench rates from 25 to 0.15 K min–1. The most rapid cooling rates are interpreted to be those resulting from cooling of the lava near the water interface. Simple conductive cooling models produce a range of quench rates comparable to those of the more rapidly cooled samples. The very slow apparent quench rates are unlikely to result from simple linear cooling through the glass transition, because of the onset of crystallization; instead, they are indicators of a more complex thermal history that involves the annealing of glasses at temperatures within the glass transition interval for a dwell time sufficient to allow the relaxation of the glass to lower temperature structures. The thermal history recorded in these samples illustrates the complexity of eruptive processes and demonstrates that quench rates for natural glasses retain information relevant to more complex cooling models. Received: 10 February 1999 / Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   
We report the results of noble gas analyses (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) of a transitional basalt from the East Pacific Rise; a mantle xenolith, alkali basalt and trachyte from Guadalupe Island; and a basalt and icelandite from Isla Tortuga. The results for the East Pacific Rise basalt and comparison with the noble gas compositions of glassy mid-ocean ridge tholeiites indicate that the heavy noble gas patterns of these basalts can be accounted for by mixing of a juvenile reservoir with an atmosphere-related reservoir. This mixing may take place during hydration of the glassy basalts. Comparison of the noble gas compositions of these submarine basalts with those of the subaerial oceanic extrusives studied suggests that subaerial extrusives may provide noble gas samples which are less contaminated with air gases than do submarine extrusives. Our results for Guadalupe and Tortuga basalts and their differentiates provide evidence for the exsolution and loss of a gas (fluid) phase accompanying or subsequent to fractional crystallization at shallow depths. The gas loss probably took place prior to extrusion and was apparently rapid, since it did not fractionate the heavy noble gases.  相似文献   
Chemical and isotopic data of the lava samples dredged in the southern Bach Ridge and the northern Italian Ridge of the Musicians Seamounts province, northeast of Hawaii. Although most of the samples analyzed are generally altered, a few are fresh. The latter exhibits similar geochemical and isotopic characteristics to normal MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts). There are systematic geochemical trends from hotspot to mid-ocean ridge in the province. Incompatible element and isotopic variations suggest that the flow field had at least two distinct parental magmas, one with higher and one with lower MgO concentrations. The two parental magmas could be related by a magma mixing model. The major and trace element modeling shows that the two parental magmas could not have been produced by different degrees of melting of a homogeneous mantle source, but they are consistent with melting of a generally depleted mantle containing variable volumes of embedded enriched heterogeneity enriched interbeds.  相似文献   
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