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This paper compares stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) records of early–middle Holocene land snail shells from the archaeological deposits of Grotta di Latronico 3 (LTR3; southern Italy) with modern shell isotopic data. No substantial interspecific variability was observed in shell δ18O (δ18Os) of modern specimens (Pomatias elegans, Cornu aspersum, Eobania vermiculata, Helix ligata and Marmorana fuscolabiata). In contrast, interspecific shell δ13C (δ13Cs) variability was significant, probably due to different feeding behaviour among species. The δ18Os values of living land snails suggest that species hibernate for a long period during colder months, so that the signal of 18O‐depleted winter rainfall in their δ18Os is lost. This suggests that δ18Os and δ13Cs values of Pomatias elegans from this archaeological succession provide valuable clues for seasonal (spring–autumn) climatic conditions during the early–middle Holocene. The δ18Os values of fossil specimens are significantly lower than in modern shells and in agreement with other palaeoclimatic records, suggesting a substantial increase of precipitation and/or persistent changes in air mass source trajectories over this region between ca. 8.8 cal ka BP and 6.2–6.7 ka ago. The δ13Cs trend suggests a transition from a slightly 13C‐enriched to a 13C‐depleted diet between early and middle Holocene compared to present conditions. We postulate that this δ13Cs trend might reflect changes in the C3 vegetation community, potentially combined with other environmental factors such as regional moisture increase and the progressive decrease of atmospheric CO2 concentration. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Multiphase solid inclusions in minerals formed at ultra-high-pressure (UHP) provide evidence for the presence of fluids during deep subduction. This study focuses on barian mica, which is a common phase in multiphase solid inclusions enclosed in garnet from mantle-derived UHP garnet peridotites in the Saxothuringian basement of the northern Bohemian Massif. The documented compositional variability and substitution trends provide constraints on crystallization medium of the barian mica and allow making inferences on its source. Barian mica in the multiphase solid inclusions belongs to trioctahedral micas and represents a solid solution of phlogopite KMg3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2, kinoshitalite BaMg3(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2 and ferrokinoshitalite BaFe3(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2. In addition to Ba (0.24–0.67 apfu), mica is significantly enriched in Mg (XMg ~ 0.85 to 0.95), Cr (0.03–0.43 apfu) and Cl (0.04–0.34 apfu). The substitution vector involving Ba in the I-site which describes the observed chemical variability can be expressed as BaFeIVAlClK?1Mg?1Si?1(OH)?1. A minor amount of Cr and VIAl enters octahedral sites following a substitution vector VI(Cr,Al)2VI(Mg,Fe)?3 towards chromphyllite and muscovite. As demonstrated by variable Ba and Cl contents positively correlating with Fe, barian mica composition is partly controlled by its crystal structure. Textural evidence shows that barian mica, together with other minerals in multiphase solid inclusions, crystallized from fluids trapped during garnet growth. The unusual chemical composition of mica reflects the mixing of two distinct sources: (1) an internal source, i.e. the host peridotite and its garnet, providing Mg, Fe, Al, Cr, and (2) an external source, represented by crustal-derived subduction-zone fluids supplying Ba, K and Cl. At UHP–UHT conditions recorded by the associated diamond-bearing metasediments (c. 1100 °C and 4.5 GPa) located above the second critical point in the pelitic system, the produced subduction-zone fluids transporting the elements into the overlying mantle wedge had a solute-rich composition with properties of a hydrous melt. The occurrence of barian mica with a specific chemistry in barium-poor mantle rocks demonstrates the importance of its thorough chemical characterization.  相似文献   
Here we have examined interactions of gold nanoparticles differing in primary particle size and coating with the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as function of the colloidal stability of the particles in the experimental media used for toxicity studies. Interactions of dissolved Au3+ ions with algae were also examined. Included endpoints were photosynthetic yield and algal growth. Morphological and structural effects were examined microscopically and by flow cytometry. The results indicate no significant toxicity of gold nanoparticles to C. reinhardtii. Analysis of published data suggests toxicity of gold nanoparticles on algal growth to relate rather to particular coatings than to the gold core.  相似文献   
We have used a newly developed ab initio constant-pressure molecular dynamics with variable cell shape technique to investigate the zero temperature behaviour of high pressure clinoenstatite (MgSiO3-C2/c) from 0 up to 30 GPa. The optimum structure at 8 GPa, as well as structural trends under pressure, compare very well with experimental data. At this pressure, we find noticeable “fluctuations” in the chain configuration which suggests the structure is on the verge of a mechanical instability. Two distinct compressive behaviours then appear: one below and another above 8 GPa. This phenomenon may be related to the observed transition to a lower symmetry P21/c phase which involves a reconfiguration of the silicate chains, and suggests that the C2/c structure at low pressures found here, may be an artifact of the dynamical algorithm which preserves space group in the absence of symmetry breaking fluctuations. Comparison with calculations in other magnesium silicate phases, indicates that the size and shape of the silicate units (isolated and/or linked tetrahedra and octahedra) are generally well described by the local density approximation; however, the weaker linkages provided by the O-Mg-O bonds, are not as well described. This trend suggests that, as in the recently studied case of H2O-ice, the structural properties of more inhomogeneous systems, like enstatite, may be improved by using gradientcorrected density functionals.  相似文献   
The Dom João Stage comprises an interval with variable thickness between 100 and 1200 m, composed of fluvial, eolian and lacustrine deposits of Late Jurassic age, based mainly on the lacustrine ostracod fauna (although the top deposits may extend into the Early Cretaceous). These deposits comprise the so-called Afro-Brazilian Depression, initially characterized as containing the Brotas Group of the Recôncavo Basin (which includes the Aliança and the Sergi Formations) and subsequently extended into the Tucano, Jatobá, Camamu, Almada, Sergipe, Alagoas and Araripe Basins in northeastern Brazil, encompassing the study area of this paper. The large occurrence area of the Dom João Stage gives rise to discussions about the depositional connectivity between the basins, and the real extension of sedimentation. In the first studies of this stratigraphic interval, the Dom João Stage was strictly associated with the rift phase, as an initial stage (decades of 1960–70), but subsequent analyses considered the Dom João as an intracratonic basin or pre-rift phase – without any relation to the active mechanics of a tectonic syn-rift phase (decades of 1980–2000). The present work developed an evolutionary stratigraphic and tectonic model, based on the characterization of depositional sequences, internal flooding surfaces, depositional systems arrangement and paleoflow directions. Several outcrops on the onshore basins were used to build composite sections of each basin, comprising facies, architectural elements, depositional systems, stratigraphic and lithostratigraphic frameworks, and paleocurrents. In addition to that, over a hundred onshore and offshore exploration wells were used (only 21 of which are showed) to map the depositional sequences and generate correlation sections. These show the characteristics and relations of the Dom João Stage in each studied basin, and they were also extended to the Gabon Basin. The results indicate that there were two main phases during the Dom João Stage, in which distinctive sedimentary environments were developed, reflecting depositional system arrangements, paleoflow directions were diverse, and continuous or compartmented basins were developed.  相似文献   
We extend the correlation analysis of solar signals and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) back in time by using the aa index (since 1868) and the PC index (since 1948) as a proxy of the solar wind energy imparted to the magnetosphere. Prior to the 1940s the records of the NAO and the aa index were not closely connected, while after the 1940s their rhythms matched. We compare two distinctive periods with recent results on the long-scale reconstruction of solar activity. The shift in the NAO–aa interconnection can provide the explanation of a significant increase of solar activity after the 1940s. A strengthening of the interplanetary magnetic field leads to more intensive variations of the high-latitude ionospheric electric field that influences the atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   
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