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Suppose that the atmosphere consists of homogeneous sublayers whose scattering and transmission matrices are known, then it is shown in this paper how to determine the intensity and polarization parameters of internal radiation field by the matrix method.  相似文献   
Upper Devonian carbonates of the Toc Tat Formation in the Si Phai Pass area of Dong Van District, northern Vietnam were deposited in carbonate platform, slope, and basin environments. These carbonates yield abundant conodonts indicative of the Palmatolepis nasuta, Pa. linguiformis and Pa. triangularis zones, the Frasnian–Famennian stage boundary being identified by the first occurrence of Pa. triangularis. Two positive carbon isotope excursions are recognized, the lower excursion peaking in the interval of the lower to middle Pa. nasuta Zone, whilst the upper excursion peaks just above the local Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Based on the biostratigraphy, these excursions equate to the Lower and Upper Kellwasser events. Locally, tentaculitoid taxa (Nowakia, Styliolina, Homoctenus, and Metastyliolina?) are abundant in the interval of the Pa. nasuta Zone, but show a drastic decline in abundance before the Lower Kellwasser Event, and only two taxa survived into the Famennian.  相似文献   
A small collection of recrystallised, encrusting colonies of a single species from the Mikasa Formation (lower Middle Cenomanian), represents the first record of cheilostome (malacostegan or anascan) bryozoans from Hokkaido, Japan.  相似文献   
The Sindong Group was deposited in the north–south trending half‐graben Nakdong Trough, southern Korean peninsula. The occurrence of detrital chromian spinels from the Jinju Formation of the Sindong Group in the Gyeongsang Basin means that the mafic to ultramafic rocks were exposed in its provenance. The chromian spinels from the Jinju Formation are characterized by extremely low TiO2 and Fe3+. Moreover, their range of Cr# is from 0.45 to 0.80 and makes a single trend with Mg#. The chemistry of chromian spinels implies that the source rocks for chromian spinels were peridotites or serpentinites, which originated in the mantle wedge. To more narrowly constrain their source rocks, the Ulsan and Andong serpentinites exposed in the Gyeongsang Basin were examined petrographically. Chromian spinels in the Andong serpentinite differ from those of the Jinju Formation and those in the Ulsan serpentinite partly resemble them. Furthermore, the Jinju chromian spinel suite is similar to the detrital chromian spinels from the Mesozoic sediments in the Circum‐Hida Tectonic zone, which includes the Nagato Tectonic zone in Southwest Japan and the Joetsu Belt in Northeast Japan. This suggests that the basement rocks, which were located along the main fault bounding the eastern edge of the Nakdong Trough, had exposures of peridotite or serpentinite. It is possible that the Nakdong Trough was directly adjacent to the Circum‐Hida Tectonic zone before the opening of the Sea of Japan (East Sea).  相似文献   
记述了新生代深海冷水碳酸盐泥丘近期的9个重要研究事件;总结了冷水泥丘具有全球海洋(大陆斜坡为主)分布、形态各异、冷水枝状珊瑚构筑泥丘的特点;介绍了冷水泥丘形成的(地质流体渗流和微生物作用)内因及(海底牵引底流作用)外因两种主要观点.对2005年IODP 307航次实施的北大西洋Porcupine Seabight冷水泥丘大洋钻探工作初步成果进行了编译,公布了中国科学家在碳氧同位素方面的初步实验结果.实验结果显示上新世中期以来的2 Ma里冷水碳酸盐泥丘启动和发育过程中存在2次碳氧同位素偏移事件(Ⅰ和Ⅱ),碳氧同位素偏移事件Ⅰ与泥丘的启动相呼应,暗示北大西洋古海洋气候发生巨大变化,可能与北极冰盖极盛有关.  相似文献   
Inter‐decadal and geographic variations in the diets of Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, were examined based on the contents of 408 stomachs collected from coastal areas around Hokkaido Island during the periods 1994–1998 and 2005–2012. The most important prey species in the 1990s were gadid fishes (walleye pollock [Gadus chalcogrammus], Pacific cod [Gadus microcephalus] and saffron cod [Eleginus gracilis]). The frequency of occurrence and gravimetric contribution of gadids decreased in the 2000s latter period at three study sites (Rausu, Shakotan and Rebun) and were replaced by Okhotsk Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus) and smooth lumpsucker (Aptocyclus ventricosus). However, analysis based on gravimetric composition indicated that the dietary diversity of prey showed only a slight inter‐decadal difference, reflecting the wide diversity of prey ingested during both study periods. These results indicate that Steller sea lions along the Hokkaido coast are opportunistic feeders that utilize a wide variety of prey, and appear to feed mainly upon prey that is easily obtained.  相似文献   
Biomarker analyses for evaluating maturity of organic matter and depositional environments such as redox conditions, were performed in sediments across the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (CTB) in the Saku Formation of the Yezo Group distributed along the Shumarinai‐gawa River and the Omagari‐zawa River, both in the Tomamae area, Hokkaido, Japan. Maturity indicators using steranes and hopanes, show that organic matter in sediments from the Shumarinai‐gawa and Omagari‐zawa sections are of lower maturity than those from the Hakkin‐gawa section (Oyubari area). Moreover, the ββ hopane ratios clearly show that the maturity of the Shumarinai‐gawa samples is lower than that of the Omagari‐zawa samples. These variations in the maturity of organic matter presumably reflect the difference in their burial histories. The results for the pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios suggest that the Shumarinai‐gawa samples were deposited under dysoxic to anoxic environments across the CTB, while the depositional environments of the Omagari‐zawa samples were relatively oxic. By another paleoredox indicator using C35 homohopanoids including a homohopene index (HHenI), higher values are observed in the Shumarinai‐gawa section, particularly in the horizons of the preceding period and an early stage of the first negative shift phase and the latest oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2) interval. These results suggest that the Shumarinai‐gawa samples record dysoxic to anoxic environments across the CTB. In contrast, the signals for the C35 homohopanoid index values show a relatively oxic condition in the Omagari‐zawa section. The trends of stratigraphic variations in redox conditions are different from those in the OAE2 interval in the proto‐Atlantic and Tethys regions as reported previously. Hence, the redox variations in the Tomamae area were basically related to a local environmental setting rather than global anoxia. However, the prominent anoxic emphasis observed in the HHenI profile of the Shumarinai‐gawa section can be a distinctive, and possibly global, event in the North‐West Pacific just before the OAE2.  相似文献   
The Hangenberg Crisis at the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary is known as a polyphase extinction event that affected more than 45 % of marine and terrestrial genera. As the cause of this event is still debated, analyses were carried out on sedimentary samples from the Devonian–Carboniferous Pho Han Formation in northeastern Vietnam to reconstruct the paleoenvironment around the time of this event using stable carbon isotopes; total sulfur; manganese; vanadium; molybdenum; and sedimentary organic matter, such as dibenzothiophenes, cadalene, and regular steranes. These geochemical signatures provide a high‐resolution redox history for this section and show that transgression‐driven high primary productivity, possibly enhanced by terrestrial input, caused severe oxygen depletion along the continental margin of the South China block during the Hangenberg Crisis.  相似文献   
Etching conditions and thermal annealing effects have been studied for fission tracks in four kinds of zircons. The observation of fission tracks under an optical microscope was made with respect to the mean pit length as well as the mean pit density. Apparent rate constants were obtained by substituting the isochronal (60 minutes) annealing data into the ordinary equation of the rate constant. The order of reaction (almost 3rd or 4th) and the activation energy (1.7–2.9 eV) of annealing were determined from the Arrhenius plot of the apparent rate constants.  相似文献   
If the atmosphere is simulated by a number of homogeneous sublayers, it was shown (Takashima, 1973a) that the intensity and polarization parameters emerging from any boundary of internal sublayer's field can be determined, provided that the diffuse reflection and transmission matrices of radiation of sublayers are known. Furthermore, if the surface (ground) is assumed to reflect light in accordance with the Lambert law, it is shown in this paper that the internal radiation field at boundary of any sublayer can be also computed in terms of the diffuse radiation matrices of sublayers rather than in terms of that of the entire atmosphere (Sekera, unpublished). The effect of polarization is included.  相似文献   
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